Show I J How About That Farm Loan Dont Don't you OU want some long time funds and and I buy young stock to take advantage spare feed that you are arb letting go to waste wase or letting your neighbor feed up for tor you ou I can ge get your loan through In short time Call or or write for tor application blank B. B L L. L DART Tho Farm Loan Man My Myton ton Utah r Ii P 11 I 1 1 L j t 0 I Talk About Hot Ht H t Drinks 1 YOU OUGHT TO TRY PRY THEM NONE BETTER DElTER ER QUICK CLEAN CLEAN SERVICE Hot ot Cocoa Hot Bot Malted Milk Tomato Flip Beef Bullion We Ve will be able to servo serve you with a nice cup CUI cap cup of or coffee In la a n few rew days When you get In call at our fountain and try some of our hot ones We will serve Ic Ice cream croom Saturdays and Sundays MYTON DRUG CO THE REXALL REULL STORE STORM I H I 1 Jr 1 J f 10 i H 1 t 1 Si fi I- I ti i I r j t Y You ou can fit up your entire kitchen with 20 year guar guat guaran guaranteed an an- teed QUALITY BRAND ALUMINUM WARE MARE FREE Come in iri and let Jet us show you our plan Order your Royal Suit NOW for Christmas 4 Philipps Mercantile CoTe Co 1 The Te e Sharing Store ml 1 rw 1 t 1 |