Show W WANTS WANTS WANT'S HUBBY iii N THE E ARM A ARMY MY Y Asks Reer Recruiting it n Office to Put Him Right Up Giese C to th the tho t. rh Front San Francisco It It Is to my Interest Interest Inter Inter- est and welfare as as well as that of ot the th nation that I ask you to allow my husband to enlist He Re Is seven forty years old and I 1 Insist that you tako take him as a cook and put him right up near the front tron So wrote Mrs Mary Halney of Watsonville Wat- Wat sonvillE Cal CIlI to army recruiting headquarters headquarters head head- quarters here adding If It there Is nn any possible chance him to be examined and go as cook or Dr anything else let me know by return return re to- turn mall and he will be there for tor examination ex ex |