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Show UINTAH BASIN RECORD, DUCHESNE, UTAH COLLINS GETS FIRST DEGREE UINTAH BASIN RECORD (Continued from page 1) PUBLISHED EVERY FRID VY AT DUCHESNE, UTAH Rov A. Schonian, Publisher and Editor ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising Flat Rate, For Plates, Per Agate Line, 2y2c. Per Column Inch, 30c. Classified and Reading Notices For Sale, For Rent, Wanted, Lost and Found, Miscellaneous, 10c per line, first Insertion; 5c qer line for each succeeding issue, minimum charge, 30c. irntarast as second-clas- matter s at the Poatofflce at Duchesne, Utah, under the act of March 3, 1879. May 26, 1922 SUBSCRIPTION KATES $2.00 One Year Six. Months Three Months 75 COLLINS IS CONVICTED Duchesne Countys is now in first murder trial, the Hon. Martin M. Larsen on Bench. The first witness to take the stand for the State Friday morning was Mrs. Julia Del Prado, widow of the murdered man, who was called here to testify from Calif. her home in Sacramento, Mrs. Del Prado testified that the Defendant, who is her sisters husband had told her that his father and was ill in Topeka, Kansas, that he was going to pay Mr. Del Prado $100.00 to take him to Topeka, Kansas in her car. She .testified that the two men left Sacramento late on the evening ol March 27th, 193-1- . that it was the same as when he had turned it over to the Sheriff with the exception of a new tire. Cross examination revealed that he had not noticed the stains until two days after the trade, but that he had only driven the car to mile Los Vegas and back, a 20 not was he insisted He that trip. drunk when he traded and that he had never been in Utah previous to coming as a witness. FINDS AUTO JACK ot Mr. Ren Johnson Marshall Roosevelt was called to the stand recess. His after the morning testimony covered his own actions at the scene where the body was found; his response to the telephone call from Van Fullmer, his return to Roosevelt to get Mr Gagon, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Wiscomt and Mr. Killian, examination and identification of location and tracks and the finding of various articles on the scene, mentioning for the first time the automobile jack which he said was found in the water near the grave sometime after the body had been removed. His testimony also covered arrival of Deputy Sheriff, Glen Rasof the mussen, the uncovering body and its removal, the discovery of what appeared to be a blood soaked spot in the sand beside a car greasewood and beside the tracks. His testimony identified the blood stained curtain, (which Mrs. Del Prado had previously identified) as having been wrapped around the head of the body and gained its admission as evidence The jack, the newspaper and a greasewood with a stain on it were also admitted as evidence on his testimony. Wm. H. Gagon, Justice of the Peace of Roosevelt, corroborated much of the Johnson testimony when he w'as called to the stand. A diagram of the tread of both rear tires, which he had drawn on the scene, was admitted as evidence. His testimony stated that no tools or implements were used in uncovering the body. MRS DEL PRADO all probably past history. There is, of course, still new a is sentence when Del Prado then identified passed, Mrs. that the possibility the certificate and a bill ot whether owners an but be asked will for, trial, or an appeal sale covering her 1928 Model Ford case will actually be tried again is doubtful. Sedan, in which she said the DeIn general, Duchesne County should feel proud of fendant and her husband left Sac-a next identified its officials for the way in which the whole case ramento. She of her husband, which photograph hardwas handled. When the body was first found, said was taken four years ago it. she and a post card, bearing his hand ly anyone had any hopes of even identifying she received in her When the identity was learned, there was even less writing which from her husband after box mail hope by many of the guilty person ever being found, they had left. and when he was found, there was again doubt as She was then handed a slip of to the possibility of finding enough evidence to gain paper on which was written a bill a 1928 Ford Sedan and a conviction. Through it all Sheriff Mitchell and of sale for Doc Delprado, which she signed those helping him kept at the thing constantly, and testified was not signed in her as a result, Clark Collins was convicted, early Sun- husbands handwriting. When asked if her husband had any valuday morning, of Murder ini the 1st degree. ables when he left, she told of a The fact that he neither made a confession, nor watch and chain with a Masonic took the witness stand to explain any of his part in Emblem, a gold fountain pen and if she had the affair will always leave some amount of uncert-anit- y a ring. When asked of her sale the authorized sold or in the minds of many, as to just what the com- car, she her answer was No The is. car the of by solution the Jurors, husband mystery bought said her plete convinced paying Sacramento, been in for her must have verdict their undoubtedly and that she was present at of Collins guilt, beyond a reasonably doubt Even cash the time. though their conclusions might be wrong in the A pillow and curtain were then minds of some, there is no possible doubt that Coll- given to her and identified as havbeins was seriously implicated in the affair. ing been in the car at the not were Of the trip but The only fact which saved Collins life, so far as ginning admitted for evidence until they the jury was concerned, was the apparent lack of could be connected with the case described tools in car inUNCOVERS BODY any good motive for the murder, in the evidence the She alsotwo guns, two autoGlen cluding gTease Rasmussen, Deputy Sheriff state produced. mobile jacks and complete set of of Duchesne County testified next. The Jury has rendered its verdict, that the court small tools, and various wearing He gave further details of marks in a and tracks at the scene and then will follow the jurys recommendation and pass a apparel which was packed She also described told of uncovering the body with leather grip. sentence of life imprisonment can be almost a fore- the clothes her husband wore and his hands and noticing that the gone conclusion; that our officials have done a good when handed , a blood stained arm nearest the bank was still sweater, shirt and pair of trousers, warm. He then testified to bringjob, and that justice has been fairly and properly identified them as being part ot ing the body and the various artmeted out seems to be the unquestioned belief of these garments. icles which had been found by that those who have watched the proceedings. time to Duchesne in his car and IDENTIFIES BODY CONGRESS HAS ADJOURNED Ferhaps the most welcome news of the week was the report that congress has adjourned. Always, while congress is in session, changing laws, enacting new measures and making or cutting appropriations, there is an element of doubt which slows up business to some extent. So many changes were in the air during the last session, many of them admittedly experiments, that a greater element of doubt than perhaps ever before was created in the minds of men. Now Congress is adjourned. Whether their actions have been all to the good or not, none of us know, but this much we do know; what they have done they have done. We can at least scrutinize the chart they have made, and try to steer our course by it, with the assurance that for a time at least that the rocks in our path will not shift further. STERLING TRANSPORTATION W M MOW COMPANY Nil Uintah Busin Points to Salt Lake Eastern Utah Transportation Company Uintah Basin Foints to Price -- o- Every Day Service Each Way -- o- In answer to the next question she testified that she saw the dead body of her husband in the funeral parlor of Morris F. Dag gett in Sacramento and identified it by the features of the face, pock mole, a gunshot scar and marks. On being questioned con cerning a car in the county garage age in Duchesne, she testified having examined it and that it was left the same car her husband Sacramento in and that it appear ed to have the same tires, which were on it at that time. She said there were stains resembling blood stains on the back of the drivers seat and the lining of the top which were not present when left Sacramento. On cross examination, it was brought out that her husband w'as an insurance salesman, a Doctor of Chiropractice and a Court In terpreter in which latter capacity he had served frequently; also that the Defendant, after his re turn from San Quentin Prison two months and 10 days previous to their starting on the trip, had been living with her father and mother and was accepted as one of the family, but that Mrs. Collins was not living with them, as she had a job which took her out of town She also admitted that she believed her father filled two 5 gal Ion cans in the car with gas and that her husband did not have any money when he left as he had borrowed 50c from her to get groceries. She did not know whether Collins had any money or not, he did not have a job. MEXICAN Leodoro American of ico was the BOY TESTIFIES Martinez, Spanish Wattrous, New Mex next wittness called to the stand. His testimony show ed that the Defendant, whom he pointed out and called that guy there" had called on him at his home and offered to trade a Model You still have time to secure a good position for A Ford Sedan for his Chevrolet the coming school year. Good positions are still Coupe. After driving around in in every state. Complete information will be the two cars, he said they went to mailed on receipt of a three cent stamp. Send for it a Notary Public who made out a bill of sale which the Defendant today. signed in the presence of the witness, his father, and the Notary-PubliRural Schools and City Schools and he then identified the bill of sale, earlier show n to Mrs. Del Prado as being the bill of sale the Defendant had signed, representing himself as Doc Delprado They then drove to the witnesses home where Collins removed two 18,50 Downing St. Denver, Colo. suitcases and tools from the Ford Covers the ENTIRE United States and put them in the Chevrolet Thanks for sending me so many good positions to apply for drove away. Collins did not ask bill of sale and Martinez said over 30 during the first five days I was enrolled. An Illinois Teacher for a he forgot to give him one. He then told of later turning SCHOOL LS: We can put in toueh with the the car over to Sheriff Mitchell of very finest teachers. Our ser ice is free to jou jou. Duchesne and of examining It since arriving in Duchesne, saying ITS c CONTINENTAL TEACHERS AGENCY, INC. Ol-FK- turning the body over to the Sch- His identificaonian Mortuary. tion and testimony identified the and blood stained pants, shirt sweater as being on the body and He admitted them as evidence. also identified the photograph oi Mr. Del Prado as the face of the dead man. Following the noon recess, Mr Rasmussen told of fitting the jack into several of the cuts and gashes on the dead mans head where it He alsc corresponded perfectly. told of examining the gloves which were brought to him the next morning and noticing marks on marks one of them similar to which might be made by grasping the ratchet shaft of the jack. centered Further testimony about the Defendant and statements he had made in Scottsbor-ougduring the train ride to Utah and in Salt Lake City. In a conversation with Sheriff Mitchell on the train after the Defendant had been warned that anything he said might be used against him, Mr. Rasmussen claimed Collins had said that he had left Del Prado in Salt Lake City on West Temple between 2nd and 3rd South with a man by the name of Vincent Cruze, and that he gave Del Prado $75.00 for the car, but did not get a bill of sale. h, had Berkery and asked if Collins not said the mystery could be solved by locating them. Mr. Rasmussen replied Yes but that NOTICE TO WATER USERS find any they had been unable to The trace of any such names. subject of dope was also brought State Engineer's Office, out in connection with these names Salt Lake City, Utah, May 28, 1934. by the Defense Attorney. Notice is hereby given that AbWOUNDS DESCRIBED ram Gines, Tabiona, Utah, has been When asked if there had made application in accordance any fancy third degree methods with the Laws of Utah to change in used to picture the statement the point of diversion and nature the Salt Lake Jail, Mr. Rasmus- of use of water from of 0.75 sec. statement sen said No that the Duchesne in River Duchesne was dictated by the defendent with said Utah. Heretofore County, out pressure. water has been diverted at a point called Roy A. Schonian was then which bears S. 8 deg. 29 min. E to the stand for the state, and 910 ft. from the NW cor. Sec 30, a regqualified himself as being T. 1 S., R. 7 W., U. S. B. & M, istered embalmer. He described and used from January 1st tc the body which had been brought December 31st iucl. of each year to him on the afternoon of March to irrigate 53 a, res of land em30th, giving size, weight, approx- braced in the SW4 Sec. 33, T. 1 S. imate age, complexion, and sex R. 7 W U. S. B. & M. It is now and gave a detailed description of proposed to divert 'said water at the 12 lacerations and wounds on a point which bears N. 89 deg. 58 the head from, a memorandum min. W. 1986 ft. from the NTi body made during the time the cor. Sec. 14, T. 1 S., R. 8 W., U, was under his care. S. B. & M. and convey via the His testimony gave proof that Farm Creek Irrigation Co. canal the boy was dead, established the and use to irrigate the land above bedescribed. It is also intended approximate time of death, as cause the and 18 12 to hours, that as much of said water as ing of death. In connection with the may be necessary will be used durwere each entire year for domestic latter, he testified that there head ing on the wounds at least two purposes. intha could have caused almost This application is designated in amount the stant death, and that State Engineers Office as File the of blood lost from these wounds No. the was strong indication that All protests against the grantheart was pumping at the time of said application, stating testiing also He they were inflicted. the reasons therefor, must be by fied as to having seen the sheriff in duplicate, accompanifit the auto jack into several of affidavit ed with a fee of $1.00 and filed in identand on the head, wounds the office within thirty (30) days ified the clothing in which Del this after the completion of the pubthe as Sacramento, left Prado of this notice. lication clothing he removed from the body of Date first publication, June 1. it. before embalming Legal Advertising ft PICTURES TAKEN Pictures which he had taken of the body, both before and after reconstruction of the face and head were identified, and admitted as evidence, and he testified as to the mole, pock marks, and bullet scar identifying marks on the body the The bill of lading covering transit of the body to Sacramento, where Mrs. Del Prado had pre' viously testified as to having ident ified it was also admitted as evi dence. Cross examination attempted to break down the establishing ol the cause of death, but though most witness admitted that in cases an autopsy is the only sure method of determination, he in wounds sisted that the severe coupled with the loss of blood eliminated all other possible caus es beyond a reasonable doubt. Leon H. Cline, M. D. of Du chesne was next called to the stand, and testified as to the extent of bruises from a chart he had made after the body was When asked the cause skull of death, he answered; will sell at private sale the of said estate, consistinj of SWy4 NWi4 Sec. 16, and s NE14 and NEJ SEV4 Sec 17 r 1 S, s- - M-- . with L. A. HOLLENBEC1 Administrator Date of first Publication Jur 1934. Date of last Publicatio (Signed) 8, June 29, 1934. I , sb .on c riJ The Duchesne County Board c Education will receive at its fice 0. at Duchesne, Utah, until oclock A. M. July 3rd, 1934, sea ed bids for the furnishing of scho'' busses and the transporting pupils to and from school on ea of the various routes listed belo1 1 ffhi Motor vehicles for this purpoi mir must meet the requirements said Board. Bids may be submi o! lun( ted respectively for a period on one, two or three years and shou the amount scho specify per revio month in each instance. ; the Duchesne - Utahn route 0 wa Duchesne - Strawberry route m Myton - Hartford route w Myton - Midview route Roosevelt - Myton - Antelo route. Roosevelt route. - Myton -- Roosevelt - Upalco route - Hyland - Dry Gul Roosevelt route. 29, T. H. HUMPHERYS, State Engineer 98.4 e 1934. - Roosevelt Cove route Roosevelt route. Montwel - Monar ' ; .jswei h' Roosevelt West Neola rout rouse Roosevelt - East Neola route trou: Crescent route 1 and Roosevelt Altonah route 4 Emmons Mt. Mt. Emmons - Altonah rout aCe Mt Mt.' Emmons - Boneta exam Home route. :t coi The Board of Education reserv ,,,j(,le the right to reject any or all bi jen(J( Duchesne County School Distri3e hai NOTICE OF SALE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF UTAH SITTING IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF DUCHESNE. IN THE In the matter of the Estate of Joseph D. Bunce, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that w. U 3 1934. Date of last publication, June R. 4 shares of water of the capita.' stock of the Farnsworth Cana and Reservoir Company, aPPurten ant thereto, and also any personal property that may belong to saw estate, at my office in Duchesne" Duchesne County, Utah on after the second day of .iit July, 2 oclock p. m., 1934. For cash n on terms, and to the highest ans 2 best bidder. Dated June 5th, 1934. r By C. C. Mickelson, Clerk 2 T 47 I and - 1 3hoto J : g the I a picti Better Light Better Sight fracture. On cross examination by the de fense, he admitted that most ot the wounds on the face had already been filled in and covered over, and that he had no way of proving that the skull fracture was the cause of death. An attempt by Mr. Dillman for the state to draw a picture of a hypothetical case, including the facts to which Mr. Schonian had testified, but which Dr. Cline had not seen, was objected to by the defense, and the objection was SHERIFF TESTIFIES Mrs. Del Prado was recalled, to testify to the presence of a Sacramento newspsper, a gun and a flashlight in the car. She could not positively identify these objects, however when the paper and flashlight were given her, though she said they looked the same SHOW COLLINS SCENE Sheriff Mitchell, of Duchesne He then testified that in the took the stand next, and tesified Salt Lake County Jail, Collins dic- ho having first seen Collins at the tated a statement before Criminal County Jail in Scottsboro, Ala. on Investigatory Carlysle, Sheriff Mit- April 23. When he asked Collins chell and himself to a stenograph- if he had the Del Prado car he said er, who was a Notary Public and he had traded it in Las Vegas for acknowledged the statement after a Chev. Coupe. The sheriff sent a wir to Las Vegas, Nevada, and it was typewritten and signed. He further testified to having got no response, but learned on the accompanied the Defendant and train that the defendant meant Sheriff to the scene where the Las Vegas, New Mexico. was Sherthe where body He then testified to having gone found, iff showed Collins pictures of the to New Mexico, and on May 6th dead man, taken In Duchesne and getting the car from the sherifi heard Collins say, they were pic- of Wattrous, 15 to 20 miles North tures of the man with whom he of Las Vegas, and to having made On being ask- two changes In the car, left Sacramento. changing ed Collins claimed he did not re- the tire on the front wheel, right cognize the spot. During their re- and cutting a swatch of the materturn to Duchesne, Collins, who ial out of the front of the back claimed to have traveled through of the front seat, which contained Duchesne County alone said, in stains. He said the car was in his answer to the Sheriff's question possession In the county garage as to whether he had had any and had not been changed since trouble in the cut North of My-to- he got it. No, I do remember 2 cuts The State at this point offered as we went through them. The the car as evidence, but Mr. King Sheriff said, We? you mean ou? and Collins said Yes, I was objected, saying that he would argue the matter when the jury atone. On their return to Duwas excused. This was done after chesne, Mr. Rasmussen quoted Col- the jury left the room for the lins as having said words to the recess and the Court sustvined effect- that When I. get out ot Mr. Kings objection on the ground here my life won't be worth a that the car was not in the same nickel after what I have to tell condition as when Collins traded I have a bamboo runner out now. it to Martinez and that Martinez During the cross examination, had testified that he had not the Defense Attorney injected the names of Vincent Cruze and Maria (Continued on Page 5) Ultra Euciaicin is a POWER 0R4P LIGHT mi exa s well I 1 :ony. nisi uticieni Mr. Ki - been 'day, ning main hty Professional Cards MERRIL H. LARSEN Attorney t-Law Utah Duchesne ALIMONY & DIVORCE OF ANY STATE in the Union Mexico, with plain English planatory comment and annot Ions. A different publication each state. Covers marriage, vorce, alimony, legal separatt annulment, separate malntenaD childcustody and support of etc. Specify state wanted. PI $1.00. c ' , - I ! CRIMINAL LAWS OF A) L. A. HOLLENBECK Attorney-at-La- w Duchesne Utah THE STATE in plain English with explanation. Price $1.00. f THE BANKRUPTCY LAiVD 9 explained; who may bee lnvof bankrupt, voluntarily, f ily. Price $1.00. MEXICAN DIVORCE LAU Information gratis. WM. H. FITZ WATER Notary Public Postofflce Bldg., Duchesne Utah j - DELAWARE CHARTERS sound, sure; obtained In 24 ANY LAW QUESTION fiCjf swered by competent, J lawyers for $1.00. LEGAL RESEARCH sod 1604 Maltman Ave. Los JL (Clip this adv., It may com sometime.) . - ( k j.. I t f . ' ; " ' , V ROY A. SCHONIAN Registered WOME Mortician Duchesne Utah RADIO TUBES BATTERIES ACCESSORIES SCHONIAN FURNITURE COMPANY I NEED NO LONGER SUE? AT PERIODIC INTERV OR WORHf ABOUT DEL L A X V I B U R N I stuk- Relieves the most tivvl effe and cases quickly Different from anything y have ever used. Priced $5 09 full size. Sent In plain wrar postpaid Sold only by J U. S. LABORATORIES Si-., Box 2006 Hollywood Los Angeles (Clip and put away!) 2h1 n moct if, |