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Show Happy Notes DANCE WITH THE CROWD Admission as Usual Louis Hansen, Mgr. To Ladies Orchestra Registered Ho reasonable off Also No. j aval -- Separatojjntah Duchesne Courier Jfflce, Duchesi cash PRizssespaper Word pU2z 0 cash prize solvers. Bea -word puzzle nd 1 puzzle 5s, sent to th it thed Vol. 10, No. 32 SUCCESSOR TO THE DUCHESNE COURIER ' Covers ALL The Uintah Basin. DIE 3. Sfandma ar Sewl'j dltion, Che, in accident occured nous Tuesday in which the 0id son of Joe Moysh elt r serious burns and injur-agechlld vvag playing around Texico Service Harmston corner and fire cracked into a lighted thestorage tanks, causing -- 1 boys to Oak B explosion. The he was and was ignited M, and g Ig id two Mi a distance of about ten ibles, 1 D, ramst a tree, seriously Dennis iiine, one hand. Mrs. at SchonLed to be passing and threw Sta-Offle- e, ndoned E; he in-M- iu ner the child ' probably jmes, extinguishing saving his "He was rushed to Dr. Sauniho reported Tuesday night child would recover, that - Escalante, Utah lSth Special to the Record to the illness of his father Htcken left for his home Hot er- - :atest ible en-- pro-- Hour Deliberation. Prisoner Shows Little Emotion COLLINS WANTS A NEW TRIAL least. Salt Lake Masons Visit Basin Lodge It is expected John's father will be taken Basin A special meeting of "jt Lake in the near future No. 20 F. & A. M. will be Lodge will be held in a serious operation Myton Saturday evening, Tiled. June 23, for the purpose of enterat has spent nearly fourteen taining the Grand Lodge, F. & A M. of Utah, at its annual visitain the Civilian Conserva1339 tion, and tors with Company Argenta Lodge No. 3 F & A. M. of Salt Lake City. is now located at Box CanjTear Escalante, Utah. Grant There wall be a banquet in the X Hone good work in the CCC Presbyterian Church at Myton I js and should have no trouble at 6.00 the p. m. after which : .:r.g care of the farm in the Masons will convene in the lodge We hope rooms for the Grand trocesseUce 0f his' father. Lodge Visitak ese and jjr. Hicken completely followed be to by the betion, from his illness and wish stowing of the Master Mason Dethe best of luck. -- I. gree. mrs Utah. a. and J j re-nil- rS CLERK UNTY TAKES the next lonths of NEW JOB jity Clerk, Wm. H. Case has granted a leave of absence e county commissioners, pri-- y for the purpose of making I mthly newly created to on of Executive secretary Central Relief Committee hgible of you) Enjoy Uu he for the has now accepted. Duties position have been increas-tha- t hav, such an extent that it now for 3 a full time salary, and Mr. ; compan 5 CCC ROLLS NOW OPEN County Committeeman, Wm. H. Case announces that the vacancies in the CCC rolls, caused by the discharge of those who have filled their full time quota will be filled on July 1st. Registration for these vacancies will be received by Mrs. Helen Poulson of the ERA in the County Court House, in Duchesne, any time until July 1st. As these vacancies will be filled urquickly, everyone interested is registhe to necessary make ged tration at the earliest possible TIC. America! ho is already familiar with lost cheriork was asked by the com- oners to continue with it Hlltiur has been Johnstun r tH a A ' ited as Deputy County Clerk date. Ty on the work in that y, necessitates Mr. HAY BUYING ; resignation from the CenUNDER WAY the ; Committee proper, and itment of a new member to The FERA Hay purchasing prohis place. Three names have for the purpose of conserving 1 sent into the State adminis- - ject Basin hay crop, is now Uintah the they are tc definitely under way it is underWord their appointment. stood, with Dan Mitchell of Roosebeen received to date, as velt officially appointed to make hich they have selected. the purchases. A survey of the situation conBIES SURVEYED ducted last week by Harden Berv Thomlsen of Salt BY COUNTY NURSE nion and Mr. Lake City revealed the fact that of last years hay was return mty Nurse, Mrs. W. A. Jen- - very little for available purchase at that time Fort having just completed an also men reported that the the The arrt Welfare Survey of n were then authorized nenccs land and Strawberry districts price they of $8.00 per ton would prof'ts that since January 1st, to pay ion be high enough in many not there have been 32 babies bably in consequence, of this and cases Seventeen that section. return-esMitchell is authorized Mr. were report boyg and fifteen $6.00 to $10 00 a ton from to riTe . pay Eleven of the mothers were new hay depending on the Bs 'red by Doctors, eighteen by for the ves and three by practical quality. Hay so purchased is to be kept con3 There were no deaths. available Infant Welfare Conference in the Basin and made sufheld in the school house at farmers who have not raised who and own dand, on June 27th, from 9.30 ficient feed of their ' to 11.30 a. m. Dr. Leon II. are unable to purchase the neceswill be .ike of Duchesne will be in charge sary feed. These farmers in the otir ' Mrs. for to hay pay Jennings assisting. All allowed labor. FERA born since 1932 January 1, i A similar project to cover the examined." excess cattle in the Basin is exLStatci BBIXS pected to be under way shortly. St. ' change also . s in from"-whic- h 3 8 t egraph Co. QQj.g ' counsel 1 FI tq V J stipulation of Dallas II for the State and ' I'alton, counsel for the Do-J- 1 the case of State vs Geo blins was transferred to Comity for trial and was '"''y set for trial at Vernal fbursday, June 21, at 10 0C "n an trial From far-of- f Africa cam thla World's Fair that opened In Chi- of the world In a single day. Recfamily to live in the Tunisian vil- cago May 26. Fifteen of these re- ord crowds found the Fair comlage on the Street of Villages which productions of life and scenes In plete and a new at promised them lands offer visitors a tour on opening day. is a major feature of the new Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, parents of the geologist, Mr. Taj lor, who is Mis C'has. stnjing at the hdme of over the Barton, were visitors end. week Clark Collins, convicted of 1st degree murder Sunday morning for the slaying of Manuel Santos Delprado, said, after he left the court room, "I can't stand this I've got to have a new trial. Throughout the trial, Collins sat beside his attorney, Karl V King of Salt Lake, listening intent ly to all of the proceedings, but giving little evidence of any peroccassional An sonal feelings. smile as something amusing came to up, and a constant tendency the from moisture palms the wipe of his hands, were the only variations f.um a quiet, stoical, almost detached attitude toward the entire proceedings. far-awa- y SOCIETY LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Selch enter- tained at a delightful supper party in honor of Mrs. Selchs sister Miss Julia Shellabarger last Saturday evening. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Murdock, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Orr, Mrs. Ernest Sch-onia- n, I doritneed to i Mrs. Lulu Morrison and daught- booKs- Know everjtJumJ read er Rose of Ogden are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Morrison ot is the Utahn, Mrs. Morrison daughter of M. D. Morrison Duchesne. "Double ignorance is where a man is ignorant Mr. and Mrs. Homer Lid-de- l, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schonian, and Miss Julia Shellabarger. After li supper, the party motored to to the dance. of his ignorance " 18 Napoleon takes a real licking at Waterloo, 1615. A group of Mrs. John Waters friends gathered at her home Friher day afternoon to celebrate 72nd birthday anniversary at a luncheon. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Edwards of Myton, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Harritt and daughter, Helen, and Mrs. Inez Nielson of Provo, Mrs. Alma Poulson, Mrs. Albert Stephenson, Mrs. L. C. Winslow, Mrs. Bessie Barton, Mrs. Emma Wimmer, Mrs Lucile Wimmer, Mrs. Elvira Sheppard, Mrs. G. V. Billings, Mrs.Wil-J Madsen, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Wilder kins, and Mr. and Mrs. Fairbanks. Mrs. C. H. Selch entertained the Saturday Bridge Club at her home last week. Those present were: Mrs. Arthur Brown, Mrs A. M. Murdock, Mrs. George Kohl. Mrs. Lloyd Pope, Mrs E. W. Schand onian, Miss Julia Shellabarger Mrs. Pope Murdock. Mrs Grant won high score. Miss Faun Smith was guest of honor at abridge party given by MonMrs, Roy A. Schonian last were: The guests day afternoon. Miss Emily Madsen. Miss Veda Miss Poulson, Miss Elaine Sadler, Elsie Johnson, Mrs. Lloyd Pope Mrs. Lotus Fisher, Miss Mildred of honStephenson and the guest was score or. Prize for high to Elsie Johnson and the guest of honor received a duplicate prize. o enterMr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pope last Friday dinner tained at a fish Mr evening the following guests: MilMiss and Mrs. Lotus Fisher, Maddred Stephenson, Miss Emily AlMr. and sen, Mr. Ed Carmen Owens. fred hit 19 Caterpillar plague Burke, N. Y 1891. 20 Remarkable meteor seen over New England, 1860. 21 Wm. Penn, founder of Pennsylvania, reaches U. births are reported by Mrs. Oaks Halstead; a son at the home Two S., 1683. 22 H. Rider Haggard, noted novel author, born 1856. - tiP 23 Hazing is abolished Annapolis academy 24 , t 1 873, John Cabot discovers N. Amencancontinenti 1 497 iwsu WEATHER REPORT Week Ending June 19th Co-o- p. of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sweatman, former resident of Duchesne, with their son and daughter have arrived for a short visit with Mrs. A. J. Feller. They came in their Pampa, car from their home. exTexas, by way of Denver and pect to return by way of Salt Lake City. JUNE Ro-vo- The B P. W. Club met at the for home of Mrs. B. W. OToole Mon its regular social evening last in day After an evening spent refreshplaying bridge, delicious hostess the served by ments were The following members were present: Babs Murdock, Bessie Kohl JohnHelen Hollenbeck, Hiklur Ruth stun, Mildred Stephenson, Pack Nora Madsen. Pope, Emily Alice McGuire and the hostess Mr. Bennion and Mr. Thomlsen and Guests were: Elsie Johnson in their report, complimented the Mrs. Murdock won Smith, Faun farmers of the Basin for their to sell their high score. loyalty for wanting rather hay in the Basin if possible outside. it sending thin NUMBER 47 In Advanee Jurors Recommend Life Imprisonment After Seven at to build Vear Collins Convicted of So far as we have been able to learn there will be no celebration on the Fourth of July in Duchesne this year. At the request of the City Council a meeting was called-las- t week to decide this question, at which each of the various organizations in town were invited to have a representative. The only ones showing up at the meeting were two ladies from the B. P. W, Club, and a representative of the American Legion. At a similar meeting held a year ago, it was decided that it would probably be best if Duchesne celebrated the Fourth one the year, and the Twenty-fourt- h next. Last year the Fourth was selected for the big day, so the had not been im-- ,, and that he probably would various organizations apparently bably scarred. decided to wait until the Twenty fourth this year, and let Independence Day go by default. This HICIvEN was the decision reached by the TAKES LEAVE few who attended the meeting, at i Ier $2.00 DUCHESNE NOT INJURED TO CELEBRATE IN EXPLOSION da the pap, nd, and wa 1 uuiegne. DUCHESNE, UTAH, FRIDAY JUNE 22, 1934 Observer JUST TO REMIND YOU Leodoro Martinez, the young Mex-icafrom Wattrous, New Mexico who traded cars with Collins, and who was here as witness for the state, finds to his sorrow, that he off by the Is not much better trade. His Chevrolet coupe is his Ala again but it is in Scottsboro, where Collins left it. We understand that Martinez rather than go to the expense ofin-a trip to Alabama for it, has structed the sheriff there to offer it for sale and send him the proceeds. He left Duchesne early this week for his home in New Mexico. Sheriff Mitchell Says Satisfied On being asked if he was satisof Miral Jennings, Antelope and a fied with the verdict returned on daughter to Mrs. Arch Harwood, the Collins murder case, Sheriff ansUtahn. Arzy H. Mitchell of Duchesne Yes, I am. The Sherill wered, Friends of Mrs.- Feller are re- said that he had made every efColjoicing over her gradual recovery fort to locate the people who but were from her serious illness. responsible lins claimed could find no trace of them. Even Mr. Lotus Fisher of Duchesne if such people do exist", continaccordhas just received word of the mar- ued the Sheriff, Collins, is sufMiss own statements, ing to his riage of his sister, formerly Hattie Fisher, of Buhl, Idaho, to ficiently implicated to be convictsubMr. Dewayne Bankhead of that ed of being an accessory and I have will sentence, same The 18th. the to couple June on ject city, enmake their home in Buhl where made every effoit to find the a tire truth of the matter in Collins with is employed the groom who own interest as well as the interCreamery Co. Mrs. Bankhead, Utah spent est of the State, and 1 fed that in was born Myton, last winter in Duchesne with her he has had a fair trial." the The Sheriff complimented brother and family. and Attorneys In their assembling and Wm. H. Rupple of Roosevelt presentation of the evidence, Mr complimented and Robt. Burns of Ft. Duchesne particularly to the Wedneson Jury. liis visitors Dillman pita were Duchesne of Roy day evening, at the home joined Mail Celebration A. Schonian, where they Schwith Arthur Brown and Mr. Is Iieing Planned matMasonic over onian in going ters. the The Womans Study Club will of Mr. and Mrs. Harden Young meet Saturday, June 23rd, with Mr with Los Angels are visiting Mrs. Lloyd Pope. for several Dont forget the State Geneol-ogic- and Mrs. Leo Young brother of a is Convention, to be held in days. Mr. Young Mgr. of assistant an is the and Leos Duchesne, June 24th, 1934, at in stores Woolworth Ward Hall. The public is invited. one of the The Relief Society will hold its Los Angeles. last meeting for the summer, Tues at the Mr. Snyder of the reemployin day afternoon, June 26th, adment office of Roosevelt was will Ward Hall, after which it business on October. Duchesne Wednesday journ to meet again in Theodore Camp of the Daughof Mr. Wm. E. Garbett, brother reters of The Pioneers will meet Mrs Mrs. Lawrence Goff has just Wednesday, June 27th, with asUniverturned from Cumberland Stott Lester Mrs. Jane Davis, where Tennessee, at Lebanon, sity sisting. L. C. B. Degree his he received 4th Out of 365 graduates he stood in cent Fined For Fishing 97 per high, and averaged Without A License all his examinations. The he new rewhich Plymouth Sedan in from 4000 miles Elmer Heath and Edmond Case turned registered Duchesne. to Hillers on Lebanon were caught fishing Lake on the Petty Mountain withWann Pierson and Bob Snyder out a license by Game Warden with a load of John P. Madsen last week. They left last Friday Colorado gold were taken before Justice of the machinery for the home Tuesreturned Wann Peace, Wells Snyder of Altonah fields. Mr. Snjder the truck, with for fine day and given the minimum remaining In Colorado, that offence. al CAR TRADING NOT SO GOOD rians are materializing for mail celebration to he held July truck 1st, when the first mail makes its run on the new Salt Lake to Vernal route. A caravan, which is to accomwall pany the truck on its run, Heber at City have its nudeous on adgathering force as it takes of the each at ditional members towns on the hne, ending in Vernal where the celebration will proof the bably result In a meeting Eastern of Clubs Associated Civic Utah. Duchesne will greet the caravan with the firing of salutes, shriekother ing of fire sirens, and any their fedings of form exproMing that might occur to the citiz nry after whuli those who are interested will join the caravan to continue on eastward. At about 12.50 a. m. Sunday morning, after seven and a half hours of deliberation, a jury of eleven men and one woman declared Clark A, Collins guilty of Murder in the 1st degree, and recommended a sentence of life imThe trial was the reprisonment. sult of the slaying of Manuel Santos Del Prado on Highway 40, West of Roosevelt, last March 30. It was turned over to the Jury for their deliberations at 5.20 p. m. Saturday afternoon after two and one half days of testimony and had argument. Two full days previously been taken in selecting the Jury. The Defense, represented by Karl V, King of Salt Lake City, to the called only one witness stand, Mrs. Del Prado, widow of the murdered man, who Identified a post card, mailed by Collins in her Salt Lake and received by mother, giving no other testimony for the Defense. Argument of the Defense consisted almost entirely of an attempt to break down some and a of the States testimony of veridict lesser the plea for manslaughter in case the jury could not fnd him Not Guilty. The Defendant did not take the stand. ( IRCI MSTANTI VL EVIDENCE The State introduced purely circumstantial evidence, calling on 17 witnesses for testimony. Their testimony and evidence established the time when Del Prado and the in Defendant left Sacramento Mrs. Del Prado's car and identified the car, various objects it contained, and the clothing worn by the men. The men in the car were Identified in Ileber, 100 miles West of the scone where the body was found. Witnesses also identified the car in Danials Canyon, East of Ileber and it was partially Identified by two truck dirvers at the spot, at about 2 00 a. m. on the morning of March 30th. Identified Further testimony various articles found on the spot and the clothing found on the body as the same articles and clothing with which they had left Sacramento. The young Mexican hoy. in whose possession, Mrs. Del Prado's car was found in New Mexico, identified the Defendant and testified to having traded cars with him on April 1st. Dr. Oran A. Ogilvie, pathologist of Sait Lake City took the stand and testified that samples, taken from stains in the automobile, and covblood-soake- d samples from a both the with body, found ering, contained human blood and both were of type 1. Mrs. Del Prado testified that the blood stained covering had been in the car when it left Sacramento. Further testimony described the condition of the body when it was approxifound, established mate time of death, and identified the body as that of Manuel Santos Del Frado. te STATEMENTS CONFLICT Testimony from Sheriff Arzy H. Mitchell brounght out statements made to him on the train enroute where from Scottsborough, Ala. the Defendant was apprehended and which were in conflict with a the Salt signed statement made at In the him. by Lake County jail latter statement, he named two with people, a man and woman, whom he claimed he left Del Prado and who he claimed were responsible for the murder. Investigahe tion in Sacramento, where be could claimed these people their to as clue no found, brought identity the Sheriff testified. Rev T1 Dillman, Attorney for States the State presented the KLII i.licxn IUIMMIY argument and Dallas II. Young the A Republican pwinct primary District Attorney, presented The trial was held in the has been called, to be rebuttal, 8 00 P. M in Fourth Judicial District Court. In day, June 30th, at the for purpose Hill of;anJ for pULhesno County with the the Town count electing 15 di Dgates to the (Continued en Page 4) out. (adv.) primary. Everybody f ! |