Show miles barber shop and pool room biow located in the new e building adjoining the commercial and savings ce e tk k on the east three bara and the tho best dest pool tables the city cigars and toms baths in connection 1111 CE UTAH hows how this t 6 one e hundred bundred dollar dollars reward for I 1 of calar irb h th that t cannot be cured by catarrh cure to r 3 ft co prop to 0 or und I 1 bave known F J che the gnp te I 1 last earet and nd believe him im t uh 0 abit fn n all 11 II business tr erno no I 1 able to carry out ut any ob made eit de b by their tm tan tj kefu 11 lat toledo finran n tia lura ryla wholesale Whole hilure Hi Cure a taken internal r act ilk yupa 1101 t the a blood ic od nd ur 4 ten price per ver bothe bottle bold sold f tree billil am the badt 33 0 ON ii As tile sense of the banle log to locate tile right kind of bird so our estt to select the tile kind of beut alry that will ill bring pica hire to ever hunter after V 11 I 1 dia nion 14 rings scarf plas j S tc we WC buy Is the tile sanio sanle artistic design and made ninde ut vt guaran fru aran tw metal MUSIC CO imus JT ill wanted five year old milk row must be fresh inquire of 0 R IV WI crockett co N S AEILS Oh W V F OL OLSON SON president vice president C II 11 cashier STOCK 1 I halved w 17 8 4 the above is a cut of the safe which the price commercial and savings dank bank Is giving to thrifty boys and girls and to older ones vrho ho arat to acquire the saving hab haa it the safe Is made of cold steel covered first with a heavy P plate late of copper then triple nickle plate the core Is I 1 gray iron dipped in anil antl rust white hits nickle plate the lock and guard pin pins are braad u when the tint first dollar Is deposited te safe alto Is gen you take the safe and get credit for or the dollar the bank keeps the key whenever there Is to exceed one dollar in the small safe it may be taken to the bank where the safe wili be opened and the contents placed to the custo customers credit parents solicitous of their chil dreas welfare would do well to seura u i iff IX them a bufo fla fe and train them early la the art of saving price commercial savings bank economy fruit jam price meat fuld and grocery company about every thit g in office and chool school supplies and legal blank blanks advocate Ld publishing co isow 1 JIM 70 s w 3 CT C T 0 I 1 0 0 2 1 54 s r S ku do C 23 r 0 r C Q S Z oo oom farmers 9 exchange e kami farin money saved Is 1 money made Fa fanner pay in the end a long price for long titue tinie credits liml after your own interests it aill pay a larger interest than you inako snake on long tame credit credits deering hinder and mowers do the work easy run light and delight dell glit the ouner magun ns uni and tl moline plo if you cant read aal your blacksmith R M THOMPSON ANIn nager the garden store 1101 E N IF it G 0 0 NEAV PLACE la Is n now nov 01 open 06 end and nd ready fop for business with a ap new a and complete completo line Groc groceries Cel eiles green an anil and lies fresh vegetables fruits huts nuts leSile he elc domestic estle and imported cheese reese an V soda fountain atla atin connection A ice cream and soft sofr drink drinks of all finds LOCATED JUST E BUT MAT OF OP T TICS 31 METHODIST CHURCH 00 T THE I 1 S isis THEATER i very best in motion pictures 4 new program mon day wednesday j and friday even ings Ai A mission beginning p m BIDS ARE WANTED bithe nr or both lath of tile mulct sik III celse rt bids up ii to and include 1 jul 1 ai 14 11 1911 for t ei caiti ting for bascue lut it ot the tile IM ulstein blogic aze ot etc u tiit the by feit ani ight feet deci deep 1 M it II 11 LACK BLACK or 4 price altah tul jul 10 19 lull meet t me at fit hunters Hun tens ice cream soda water soft drinks of all kinds for these hot days A in nev v location Locati cn allies miles building ig A H hunten toilet articles Confection confectionery cry cigars and tobacco |