Show IS BIGHT HIGHT TB TO MT FRONT sun SIM 1 CITY CITI IS I 1 STI I 1 k ON L I 1 NT ili C lottle OUN TItI ll amton annl and otier of 1 I hat St tin I 1 itic alit ad 1 X uh ith ILICI ilig of our olle of tin the B nt at sm ions 1011 of flip in et t to ti binl I 1 nm illif tit I 1 ilon ion 4 the new section ot of agricultural utah will be one of the richest parta part of the state within halt half a decade said ite peter A Simp kini on arriving home at salt lake city the otha othe da firm ti rin a week NA eek of travel in the ducheane Duc heene and uintah country where he stoke at a number ot of places salt lake merchants and bual bust ne ai men need I 1 ti pay par mit hoed heed to this new country business Is going to colorado that belongs here the commercial club should take the trouble to look into the undeveloped viluer of 0 this new field opened up for commerce bums 4 iru ri Alg orous the new towns theodore roosevelt and myton are surprising ly vigorous agricultural develops ment goes on apace and the whole hole country the with ith iton aa as the center holds tremendous possibilities such land as ia Is already under cultivation has splendid crops chii 3 ar tar and alfalfa wheat and oats will III be a tine fine crop one of the finest stretches of land lying anywhere in the west la is the south myton bench A vast bench with some eighty thousand acres of good strong land ia is at this time in procesa process of reclamation the government ditch known aa as the gray mountain ditch carries enough water for the reclamation of this splendid tr ct artud the settlers are joined in a coope operative effort to construct the necessary ditch to secure the gray mountain water good farms are already changing hands at prices and the whole reservation is ib hopeful and enthusiastic myton I 1 building spen did concrete busin business esL buildings s and its school bouses houses bank opera house and public structures are creditable to the pioneers ot of any new city of opting nu the tine fine spirit 0 of optimism is if catching and visitors are strong strongly Iv impressed with the fact that the citizens ot of the new section are building a success the vast distances ought to be lessened for the purposes pur posea ot of government I 1 one cannot but feel that this new section ought to be set oft off from wasatch and uintah into a new bounty five days of constant and had travel arc nece idary to do eien the briefest business at the county seat and that that Is too costly a burden on those who are reclaiming the wilderness ashley valley looks most prosperous and vernal Is busy and contented new vent ventures tires such as dredging the green river for placer gold the reclaiming ot of the outer fringe of land in the valley and the building of a number of handsome homes mark the present summer as among the lest beat everywhere la in section visited indian leases are eagerly sought and their use as an income crutch to the settlers is valuable on the day ot of hey rev simpkins stay la in myton bishop F ilov roy josiah I cClain aln president Preal dent W 11 II smart of duchesne stake parley 1 P christensen Chrls of salt lake city and ani ex judge F II 11 Cell of bingham were visitors in lit that city the aholo salt lake party felt that the capital city and ita its business men should be more interested in this developing country the commercial club should send halt a dozen of its live one ones down to seo tle railroad and the inland empt empl r behind it nov now no v bring developed raid hev rev simpkin simpkins I 1 and see how salt lake city can beat best work to help the pioneers of this great district |