Show john D rockefeller as one ot of the riel richest lest men in america Amerl cj has never dever been inclined to mix mis in the millionaire society of new york that Is why he is now mixing up with the tax assessor of tarrytown uis ills summer residence in that suburb of new york has been assessed at and in cold type mr rockefeller has asserted that this assess assessment ment is just five times as much as the property Is worth it is needless to say that sir rockefeller is not of the gotham acknowledging that he be Is living in a summer 7 residence worth only a paltry would naturally shut him out of a swell set whose principal form of entertainment Is a in 1 bringing about billion dollar weddings at newport Socie tys cottages cotta even cost millions apiece while mr rockefeller openly asserts that his summer residence is not worth As to just how bow much sir mr rockefeller need deed feel aggrieved however is a question the use of keeping money from the hands of a grasping tax collector v when lion dr harper of the university of chicago promises to get it anyhow at last altogether the easiest and best way out of it seems to be for mr rockefeller to build a summer er residence that Is worth and to pay taxes on it like a man |