Show the room via cold the editor spare and hunger peeped from his look ol of cate caie is as through holes in liia his pants did liis his underwear while lie pondered oer liis his ledger there A man maa rushed in ili his eye did glare as he said eaid in tones tho the devil would scara send another vile sheet to me if you dire and ill ill send send I 1 you horns homm in r al of repair the editor jumped from lis irs broken chair and the visitor quailed before his alre his its hat raised too with nith his bia bribing hair when zip his noeo c spread pread everywhere while his bis heele the canvass coding ceiling tear and his hia head with the snipes zile the spittoon share ant ut he gathered hi bushed out for air a living example ample es and a warning warning 0 fair that throats threats wont go in a print shop nampa leader |