Show drunkenness we should 1 lie e neglecting our duty to our patrons did di 1 we ive not raise raise our voice voice in warning ing against affail t that terrible vice vice drunkenness 0 0 tho the lecessi necessity LY for this avas brought very forcibly ibl y to our mil mind I 1 T last hist ard fr day I 1 Y evening when some of the young men ilion who attended a d dance ance in this town disgraced disgraced I their manhood and denied defiled a place of public worship by bl indulging dul iu to excess in ill its vicinity ty 3 0 just what tit the young ladies who attended the lance dance think of such sich young men we ire can only guess s but wi we believe al we e should be underrating their finer natures if we did not believe the they 17 were thoroughly bly humilia humiliated humiliates tea ind and disgusted g by such conduct and firmly decided nver never to dance or attend any any place of recreation or anius amusement with such young men till aill reformation is manifest that an otherwise eminently respectable young 0 man mail will calmly tale take tile first drink of such vile 1113 decoctions decoct ions when lie he knows the effects it will have upon hint him i is a subject for marvel that same saino young man mail will sympathise with anyone unfortunate enough to lie be con lined in a lunatic asylum yet ho he will voluntarily drink some obnoxious liquor which will render him bini quite as insane tell temporarily pora rily as iny any man confined in a madhouse yes it is truly a subject tor wonder that young 0 men bred akred born and raised it up P in utah where they have tile the training and every inducement to leave such vile stuff alone can yet descend to such a low level for it is the ruin socially physically morally menti ally 1 and ana financially of some of the acie 1 brightest among C god s ZD greatest t work mau man A young man inan is judged by thu tho company le keeps and we say to them if any of your acci acquaintances faint inces have formed the di inking habit and shows no signs of reformation shun shull him as 1 you voll would a leper otherwise you yon ate aiu in ill danger of fallino falling also no man can dabble in ill filth and remain clean many are injured morally and spiritually through an ail e excessive cef sive fondness fon duess for compana 1 and pleasure A certain a mount of diversion is both right 7 and propel but it should t be well chosen wisely timed til lied and moderately indulged 11 ged in recreation must have ft a beneficial purpose havin having regard to the invigoration of odthe the body tile the relief ot the mind ind and the broo I 1 or of the soul when then L we find our enjoyments enjoy ments auter buring 1 arim c with our physical mental or moral improvement timely noti notice ce IS is given arwell to us that we vc must either moderate ate them or it r them thein altogether ZD he is wise who observes this rule bot both as respects the izil kind md degree of his amusements to fro the youn young 0 ladies we say jt if a C man mail thinks so jett little sai and lightly of you that lie he will come into your pre presence with the taint of intoxicants upon ills his breath E huu liall him as it a thing of evil for he bo is dangerous 0 to you 1 apart from 1 the disgrace and dixe disrepute which you incur in associating with hini him did lie respect you as y you ou deserve lie would not degrade himself jf in your presence such proceedings as last 11 friday ri nights ire anre an unusual oc carence liere here we believe and we appeal to tile the 3 oung boung men referred to to assert their manhood and shake themselves fry of this vice |