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Show MILL l CO North Temple 8t , Cast OPFICElSI Houtli Templet 8t ,WasL UIlANDUi niQlx FatoDt, Baker's No 1, Buporllno Whole Whoat Flour. EHGHEST CASH PRICE PUD FOR WHEAT. iti I JW r( 371 Cfe U jiA.n 3ST hUXS UOIlltIS, Iroirlctor, onANGC lDL03SOI I.udlM tullerlitf (rum wuy furm tl I ui die iRhnt- , will Hal ft miti rurn lu Uraunj llloMum " lir lull jnUlrulin roll un (Id (.tntnl AkviiI, IJi vt. rtJlrd Houtli Btritt, ult Lake City IE0AI NOTICt. la thrr6lI Cnm aid -tor t t Lakt touulj ItrrHoryofUiah latbttaaiter of ! m.I of Uo fteUttUi Whin I tctan. Order in thow nut wtr rJr of fltlt ct I til Ett tbonl'l net t ia 1. 7VrAHOAKETaA WHITE Tlir AHMIN.1 M I ( Orrf ..r J hit nr 0 4 dor pI I on tu f TfrlAel prT ng lor ii order of a rr Rpotl on ot l rti t of d dt ed6l tttrtlt pur Cot hirr nat ff-rib It li ihertforv order? 1 rib Jiflf fakdeoart tbil 1 1 erio in Itrnttd in the t ( of . 1efef rpr lefor bt tmd 1 loliaiaUoortoii HdA(tiar t o ,.t Jy of Jnurf 1V at 10 o dork In ll forenonn ot UT aitbaOoon Hu-im of tahl liliip Coori. at ibt Court r Coiift I loo to. in (ha e ir Ka-d coanir of fill Lair I ut Terr ot to h r-aiuftwhy an or1r h aid no Im granted to tb tl I dm n tra ir x lo tall ao inunti of II real rul iba aa I rtTaie1 at prtTKfl ! nail all nva aary an I that a rwpT of ifaia order tu l tried 1 1 . fo r ! fHii trreka In lb 1 ait hkT Kraxix iNRWl a varpareririBietlftnlpab lihallnaa 4 e If anl conn J lala.1 DecamUrU ll u vr nAmcn dlw Ijro ataJbJit. LEQALN0TICC. lathi rrobHUrourlln aadfor kattUia Cvoutjr Terr lory ol UUb la tho tnatlar of lb t Hat of Joabna tarlcr deeeaaoL OrJeT toiriowriote whyOtlerof fitltst Ural Lttata tboa 1 not to ma J. TY fitMrtlUATS THK iUIINa tratoro tho ratal uf Jet but lirtrr tlvcraaed bans i!d b petit on here o dnlf Ttr Bed rrijiBf for an order of iat of a per I on or Ibfl real calale of asld dtrMaai f r U urtxM iherv u ait fortb it la Utrafar or de nt bytho Jndftoof aidOouH taat n I per on In ereitrdla tb M awof aa tl detiMal at rr btor tl eald trobat Court, en Wt4 ueo'H the n h day f Janunry tiJ at r) ftrl Kklo tho foreeooauf a d rlt j attb(irt KtKititof aa J I robot fViort at tba C only th urt llftuto in tno City an4 t canty f 9ai lake I wh Territory to tnow ranao hr an orrfer ibnnlil not I fran el to tho aald adtn nla raior 14 aell o tnu h f iho real eiaiorib ald de raal met bar ib I n r nvala aa e aa afcall bo no anrr an I that a cony cf the orrfer la pnf -lo t at lean Im r atirroaalT r hlinth liKianar vbki inkw nefpairrrrlnil and put llahed in aa d city and ro mtj I MtdlacembiMMh I "J I dtJ U IIAtlTCIi Jn1 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE, Nonet m iiruiciir owts tiiatin tcr and by virtue of an order ot tba 1 to lata I ml ot fUll Iabo County (Jul TrrM lory n ada on tl flat day of Icl rnarr lV l aun era coed tbedn y eppolntr t aa 1 qna I fled BBtrd an of tro jenooa and ealatea nf John Hoojrult and Jul a WJrutl rn nora wi 1 aril nt i Ufa a aa e to tt a b l.tl b dder for rati. anH aut-jetl ti roattrmatl n ty aa d Irolataf rt alltl o rrbt,t tlo In treat and mate of tbe aaltl ni nnra lu or that certa a i eco or iarr of lanl a nut In fa t Uko L ir. Htttt IaLo Louatj Uuti Teirilorr aatl panic arlytlcierlbeJ aa folluwa to wli An i ndliidedon third intrretl la lot ten u) and eerra it) in mwl. It neca (()) flriacrei put A Ha HeldHurTey II J in wr inr it II t re elted for a J rop eitr aiidrrtittl to th nnJer aed raif laaao addo t. at ornry, 14 $u 1 II Ta I rat Hoot. B rtet i t Lako 1 nr, Uiah ti ti a I Inc ud ui tt th Jay of Jai nary il; arttrab I la d j roj crty will I e ao J lerme "i I rnnd i on of eatr. caah aal tubjtct lo coo flriuat n by ia II rnbat Conrt LMlULIt l.HII ItUKJ OoiriJ aa of tl e i eraona and eitaua of aald HBtedthaWI rjayof Januarf W dt1 ASKSS31KM NCiriCI rpur simoutA iiilkr mixinu com Ukatty Ltah ti ta hereby a van that 5t.!li.:e,.Ki0,.tl,i ':.,,' tbojotH flf een ret t per tt a m kr cd on th rap t'uk.oM,,,e.,,, ,n ' abafortliaiik to J u .i jr atwretarr aihaoft el. 9 (on e uuun I at d nv Halt. Mretl be t U.aL y, tUI Aty !(. ttpon wb eb th total iwernmnnnnpadonibeerldarofrtb uary Wl lotrtel n)nentan'ia(tvf,nietl tor la at ubl a aur ton and naltea ttmrntian.nd M" ' I b eo d on th tt. dir of teh wary n at lo o elork a. m t pay it . delmiBiBi aiteMntent I ere t her with coat of aoar la tear tprae,realr JrK W 10 jiu Berretary cXiT&luZL? VS tJo-paoy rn t ilk 0TICE TO CntDITORS. ' Taut of f lo pion IV lluflab.tr t ecaaaed. XTOTiCKntueitinTniTMnrTiiR un iJ derelBi etecutor of it etui o e naoDl I nllaker croaie I lo lh rr d I Ui of and all per one I nt rla ma na tbaaait drremvcl to eih 1 I tln win th nereaiary toncl er wltl In ten moBthe after tb firMpiibliralon of lb t ti t lb aa d ex trutora rrtf hi I H I nton at I riot tonoo.l Inlleroaolrof fa.tUk tub lor r wrr 1 feted oien Ur llih A :aV,o,,'.T.,i,iM,."v"A,t'"- Mil i ii i kin sVl:. rttrulors an I tn ut pf lha eiutenf t nn tun 11 lluSakcr deccatud. olswtm NOTICE TO CflEDITORS. riuteot JuJ vbTami allitto liecetit4 rinict la iicitmit nt k nr Tin uv -Vl ""' etnin r ,1 il. auia nlJao thtan p ft Harm derfateil lo Iharial litis ff anil a 1 iraoai n v as els nl sirs nil Ue ia!4 Jarrs ! lean t thrra w it Ihs ;aac. tty 1 ucl.ri Ih n tan muetl trtar Ihs flnt u I el un er th a am ea lo lha as 1 into atrator at the law It a of T It l,wia Itnnmt iltii fh ml tut en II I I w Sail Lata t i in lie nl; ee esll ULa. llalaU Inlll l , II UAH 8 lit tlTOS, Afltn nUtraterof lis rltats ot Jol t 1am lla Jlaltn dorosird dlaw la NOTICE to cnEDiTonsi ritttsot Anilraw lUrva)' I aeesis.1. -vTOTicr it nenTnT rtvrs iit Tim 1.X enlrra sua! t In Inlitrator etlhaeUi ol Antraw llatvrr wl la He creditors of an I a 1 1 eraona tiarloa cla ni art ail tb. as I deeea.aitotslit,! ir.n I 11. ncai.arr vonrhara Ihln four roan La after II o 0rt I nbl ca Ion r Ihli ool fa lo tho Ml I John O. Mm,) aim n trtlnr at ail octt nnl touth ntrart. ta t Lata lit Llah Tew torr la lbs loonlr ot ealUie ' JOIIVO IIAIIKV AdmlnUlrstor otlhs ciuis ot Aniliow lUivtr Uercaaai ' ItttadatSsttLataClr Jinasrstli im "NOTICE TO CK1.UITOH3. EitstsotE itbelhl tusker uocea ea VTOTirK IS llEltt-nr llltKN IIT Tlllt Xr . aa lara (nod adm n itralor of the ratata of kllnball 1 ranker dra.cd it nSiSS tors ol ml all 1 iikii ha on rial , , tut es a dafetied lo rib 1 l the o with ihs neoraiarr innchi-rt n four montha after lift arftp UlrtUonof Ihs not Mi lo Ih.aa I adn lo a rater tn ear. of 11 1 1 to I A Ads na at tornaj. at -l A ji l att. I lr,l l ou h Utr- U t , L J m II e tounlv nf es 1 1 a.i U .a. Usled f see norr 1 Ih Ir I . .. , II 1IIIUM ril nrnakr t "" "l "" " "" C " "b"' Will III A Alum Al onlcjs for ralala . dlswrlu eaI'or?on;v,NpD.?,c.o n?Alli ' FOUiMllfRifSTAUUitT Jt-atat Z.1TrfOC OOUTT1LI11, IU MAIN STfUET. A Da le ooi Amtr eta UookeJ Inrtr f" earalaiv.ry dar hrlwsin V-tp UJlandtlWDeloea foionly aivjtwa triClULTllCSt llr,.Vt a, s,trH., S"!laV"r "''''' '""rt "" OauKi; f't tl ofiaairl fo. gurt Htt olw.il ya,t rn aliravi a cm, I M nn alraae, wall kaowa la Llali-uetQrlti Uroa. aLRlJdl XMAS -.PRESENTS1 SPECIAL PRICES Imported O rn sa Csnir cs lip) I p otis I te.l .h Vans es s i rutoiraallo I i. ha a,oi Kur le.ntk,!. ks tiu r ujuiipan lur nice 4 o Enroll IMI aoi ouag larro a fr t n Jaianvio runul UuldBl vt'et.'s;'.'..'.:.'.'.'.' ' "- " " UA0 (iLlbLl It ;s West, ill Houlli A Warning To Hoise-Ovvnors. , Tha Mpllt Nail In II la Shoe aerloualy Iltnod tl a Loraefrnm ivhleh II was recant Iv taken In or nter Maea One tlnt (fllieiialteatie out 1 1 tlopromr l lace for rlen I 11 it, anj ao deeelvial tl e I lack III lilt wl n alio.1 tl I otte Tlie other t li t r cut In tl e llrrctlnu al own In the llluatrall n larclng tho inn tar par i f tie fool eilleil tie qui k, rroin wlileh ilia bora 1 was utile unnt for use nesrlr two Hooka. Th ! nal asuau,al aa. The tame rhfae Il katralas JaAat a , dar la a mapa a D ANC Er6 U 8 eeru oioiplrt 11 er or liraal btt-.lt ai anlajtmlkf a rbe.fc Tkare aMtittol I UtUauMa-fartaJsMU tva feoia tMaUr Tho Putnam Nail oANNOTflpr it hix j it on nnrxK ItUtlio nty Hot 1-.rKe land llanuior. re-lnteU llorca. oa aIJ In tit Worl I iur thy n cl.lt.tjry in preclanlylboanina niatii r a tlio ot 1 faatilgnril Land ni-vJa Dill Tlio UntUd Stat Oorernmont protrcta (bo procM of tl elr inanufacttiro tli rough palci U And otlcr firm who make or a Ivartleea nnn-eilioo Nail aa 1 rrn do rrlUI art n Illy of lnfrlnerant and UtenviHff tA itfcif AD YOU' VALUE VOUR HOHSC Inilat on joir nUckimlth unlng tb PUTNAM It ! ate 1utfly atf For aa bf I deilere In Iforaeabe Nalla amal fro h mall Sftntf f4t Fptr Falsuu Kail Co ,Ktponstt, Boston. Mis: CHURCH BLAHKS Printed and for Sata nt THE DESERET HEWS OFFICE, SALT LAKE CtTV. Stake rtepnrts sOe. ear dM. War4 rupom SSo. llal af oeletr n porta tse. " fTtmarr Aaelatloa rpora sta. " IL1LU lliorta ate. " T U U 1 A llepirt. . " Udert Ort DeaUe 3SO. M U top, llemaimanlt,booktof tj SV oflno,rta, rrlmarr Aclat on lloll and neoorj H.v.k. ILtO, T U M I A. IWI and Itaeord Honks II tl. V.ardruorda,lq' Heo IqeHoa io,r.lU-t lllshlTu aaenrdfUalatoOrdae ta.al.t.a. Uaeorda Hade u Order WHY THE DESEFtET NEWS SHOULD DE SUBSCRIDED TOR IN MEFIHENCE TO ANT U. HER PAPER. I It Is the Organ of tlio Chureh of Jesus Christ ot Latter-tlay Halnla an I the autl orlrcd meilluni tl rough which the views wlehcs and Inilnicllonl of the Cll l ah Au horlllos aro eaprotaoJ, at J given to the Sail ts. 2. It may always be relied upon as a 1 Tonallng or Hof.n linn tl e rlitht si le of every lueatlon i roper for puhllo Journals to treat up. tu S It la devoted to the Interests of the .niter-day Saints andltta frouilulnrep-tlon frouilulnrep-tlon valiantly dpfei Jwl II olr rlxl N and a lviK-atfd tl o rlnel les In wl leh II ey Ullevei anl eiory letter day Bali t ah ul I therefore feel under 1 ligations to do I Is ; art In 1 clpltiri lo tutUlu It. 4 It la not publl hed for speculation and neier has boen, hut for tho good hlell II Is ni(aklo or accomplishing; II o produ, If any tl ere la lerlved fro n It Ml J levote.1 tofitnillnj Its sphere of user Itttss, and Ui eiltUnn the com luunlli B. It la dolt a Its utmoet to estahllih I omo induetrles antonir which are sht making and typo-fotn lit ir tterootyplt ir and lectrotyln brand ra nwaary tu the levelopmcl t an I It dolend nee of II ocomintii Ity, but which during tl olr lufan y (villoh in this Territory tl ey have nt yet asso 1) eim only bo carried on at a i ee inltry loss . Tborolsnodsuiterofanyaubsorlber lo tho Nnwa fallloit to got what be tub torlboe f r II ro tgh failure of the bush eta and a sua; enslou of tho publlcutl n a rovultln the case of hundreds of in. a pape r ventures every s ear 7 Itlanowirlntedthrouchoutlnnew and res lal le type, ao Ibal even the aired can peruse It without dlulrully or daugtr 10 their oio-tlaht P. It It free from objectlonat le adrer. Ilsenn tU to II at I o juronti eed fear that hlsellldrenwIU hsto tholr minds cor rupted from I avltig acous lo It In fact It ufdeoa thoussi Is uf dollars worth of tho best paylug tultettlseinenls am tally, beca ipo It Is leioted to the moral an 1 tl Irlt lal InterehU of lla readers lltslta 1 of to jelling gain at tl clrcipoi so. 0 Its tout la not reuulatel by publlo 1 1 Inlon nor lie lope of galalig sul tcilWrsoralvcrtlscment. It adiocales that uhleh la right and condemns tlat which Is wrong icjardless of rusults, fiiauelalurotbsrwlss 10 It lietir isusrstrs lu rcalere by .ln.lng ou" coluiuna of self praise for uewa Items, II The NtWrt irsctlces no deception at I rtsorU to n i sul terfugca to Induce eople to tubeirlbeg but on tho contrary, icf ra to tUud on lla own lucrita as tl e icoil l oniaKT, MilUa pron laoonly to do IU ulluoat to alve Ita palront Iho fill taluo of tholr moneya i rolmtn which It Its endeavored to faithfully keep In tho pait 15. lucoi lulon If a Latter-day 8 ilut can afford to a tbtcrlbefur nnly cno nana (aper Ihatjaperah ild lo thonijumer Nkvisi aul If mort than ot e, the Nuwa should Intailably bo II o first. simirnn-riON utrkai llr 0 Mo 1 Mo I Mo IWly, f 10 00 0J w oj krmi II nili I UI I 7j 1 Ml lil twirl II a7y, 2,u0 1 U) Idress ull Con niuulratlona to T11L IILI KIT NEWiJ CO, bait LlU U0i UUlk 1860. IM. J t-aamTHDae-- DE8EHETNEW8. Pioneer Papor of tho Rochy Mountain Country, EISEffl IY1I1 MS ElUUT PAGCS. SCVCN COLUMNS CACH. utvco kVKRT car, zxcxrr auirpAT Han on Extonslvo and Inoionslns Olrculatlon, . And as a NtwrtArxn tnt advihtisiio) MuriiDM IT-HAS - NO " SUPERIOR. -ITS C0L0MNB OOBTAUe rtLL TiLvonar-mo nrronTt BXUAnn l.ueAl. iti nn Uiiul eounijti oturxrc, retutleil eomti:tl ntnrtrr, I.DLLAT1I1AIH AUUICCLTCHAf. BttllVAT Al Duaunu actra ISffl SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS. EIQUT raVGKS, EIGHT C01.U3IXS KAOII. Publlshud Every Tuosday nnd Friday. HAS TUB W-RGgSf CiRCULAflON if. UTAH And Adjoining S ttct and Terrllorltt of any Paper Publlshsd, And haa advantages wl Ich oommen 1 tt to tell who cannot afford or aro not convent, eutly altutted for Ulug a Ually paper It couutns a summery of the Keni of Hie llccl, Domcillo and Tlecrsplilr, lerelgn cm, Local, Ldltorlal Articles lUicslltneouj, , Uputt Truilrlo Elle tn3 Is In ersry particular A 9TANDARD HOUSEHOLD JOURNAU DESERET WEEKLY ImIiiIiIImHoiI .Tuttu 1CS, 1H.5). Za pobllabtHl rerj- Kiturilajr, ai a 32 lo 40 jut,) irasatlm ao 1 ai a CUUnnVT HIS- 101l Ol Till LHUHtH auloftholnlartetlnff tnci IbroujjU tlch tl pet la of tl le rtjjK aro nu analog. la wiiboutanral lloolurae( wheu Luuu I uro INVALUABLE AS A WOUK Or llErERENCli TERMS TOR THE DAILYt Oa. reny, One tear deeo " Nlalleulls a oa llireeMoiillie. , TERMS'FOR THE SEMI-WEEKLY. Oae Cepy, fine rear . ej 00 0 Ma Vloulla ,3 Itare. Sleulbs .. tmmt . , u TERMS FOR THE WEEKLY! One Copy, llaeYtarleinlrariDi fie tolnmee) ,, 130 LU Heultia , u, THE IV13AVS Bom asb Job hiww Office The fIost Complete in the OlcstT Using well cq ilpKHl with Iho Imtrit ami liter SrTt.Es of Ttr a 1 ui.L, uud ctl er llrstlaes luaterlal we are prvliureit to do ALL KINDS of JOB PEIHTI1TG in tho BEST STYLES, tUUi UIOMI'TMJjS anil msP.TCII, and at RfAhOVADLM .1 riji 1 0ST1JU 01 ALL bl.l.s from the Si ullc.t Han lltlll lit Ut Uljtil UaaawaU ,e are irui'tted to print, e |