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Show U MM Tiiui triiit n sUMsdiimir. ?! IlltrniNCU lias occasionally been 'mIB(3 iiiadelutlittecolumni to Initial pro. SU ivedlngt, which havubten In rogre HWq for tome tlim, looking to the ittabllih- 'Si Wn mint, of au fduuitloual iuitlliitlon to AuKiM lie known ct Vouug University. The BjHHj Intiiitloii It to make It, In louree of BJIflJH time, ahlgliclaia unlvittlt), tttond HiBp'I to none III the west. At n mattir of wilBflJ (uurse tlilt will rifpilre con r. n tldrrable time and a great deal of hard llItj'Ti wurk. When the building shall be If! f ; if rcited It It Inteudtd to made It I Ijj iructurothal will lea credit to this ' wttleriioommonHealth. Oroit luktl i .fliflBBBBBk lutlont, like all other mill's of irtri,) and enlerprlu, luve, at a rule, a gradualgronth. And at the neceetary bulldlngt for Young University wll not be erected for tome time, the gentlemen who have the matter In hand liavejudlcloutly deemed It nd vlsable to begin actual work, at a necetslly forprepantlon and development. develop-ment. The valutble Diwrel Muteum collection htt been liandod over to tho Institution and will robably I ere moved from U present cjuartert end classified and arrangeJ. It htt been determined to oen tclentlflo classer, and take audi Hi pt at will enable tho Unltertlly to obtain full and fair tint, by the time tho prooted build-Inut build-Inut shall be ready. At a mttter of course tho resident of tbelnstltullon Capt.Wlllard Yiing iulrea i Dlclent help to aid him In the work of developnent. Hence the following ofllelal announcement by tho Hoard of Truslctt of the Litter-day rJalnti' Collegei "Urriiii r I.trrtn nir HiiTt' (ui. ii uk Association 1 -lit r I.ik Citv, UUh, Jiu. t, IMQ. "To'W bom It Mty Concern " t a doly eallml mettlng of the tluvo ntmel astocUllon held this day, a com iniinlettioti from the rienertl Hdtrtt of IMucallon of the Church nf Jetat Christ of I tor dtyHtlntt wai real. In whkh the release of I)r Jtniet L Talinase, 1 IL M. S , aa l'tlndpjl of the IMtcr ilayNtlnla College, wat asked, for the puros.tfof rnnbllng him to devote time an I attention to tho establishment tnd dsielopment of sclentltla courses In con nectlon with nung I n.rerslty fler mature const lertllun an 1 free illtcusslon, the fotlonrlng rosotutlous were uutul-mouslyadoptM. uutul-mouslyadoptM. ltelinl,Thtllnroiiformlly with the request of thotlen, ral ltutrd of J- luca tlon, Ir. Jtmet IX Talintge t hotiortbly reteasett from the (million of (irtncl tt of the Latter-day Nalnis' CVIIege, an I also frc ill aty normal, theolugkal and execu-ttve execu-ttve dullut In sal 1 college) 1'rovl led, ho continue his tclentlrlo Ice ttlret before the ttuJentt until the tlose of the present act lemin yean tlilt release to take eflect Jtniitry II, lVi. Itasohedi That the llianki an I teat wish, a of tlilt iKuird bo extended to Vr J. Vm latumge for his crQcleut ant fwlthful tcrvlrtt svhlle prlnripil of tho college; that we release hlin Willi regrets, aud with assurances of our tin terest esteem an 1 fullest confidence, and thttour I letting accompany hlitlln bis more extended ncld of labor Hesolred, Tint I'rof, Ullltrl Hon. H II, tie appointed to succeed llr 'UI-mtge 'UI-mtge ts prlnclpil of the iAltemlty Saints Cnllrge, this t( (toliitnieul to go Into eflect Jontmry llili, tstij. AutN M. CAov, Wm II. Dol,riLL, I'mldeuU Secretary, U I), 8. College ttsoclatlon. ltatrivaraat llrat glance that, In the mosntlme,the o tratlont of the College would be greatly crippled by the release re-lease from the posltlou of rluclpul of an educator so efficient at Dr. Tab maje. Itthould be remembered, how-1 over, that hen mains till the close of the resent aeademlo year, n member of itt faculty, by continuing hit tclentlflo tclen-tlflo claaset. At a. matter of course the chauge will largely Increase the work of the Doctoi t tuccettor and hit atilttault, who are, tiowevtr,wllllng to and cajsiblo of assuming It. Trof. Done it a tried, faithful, capable and thorough educator, aud jiotsestet Usllrs, the requisites nblllly to r form the ext cutlve dullei of the oolli gf. Thtt etuslillshineut Is dolngan excel Kntwortt and we have no doubt that lltraiaclty and tlllcleucy will con tluue to enlarge. It hat an Jm)ortant mission to 1111, and will accomplish It to the satisfaction of all w ho are Inter-olid Inter-olid In an Institution with atliere of utcfulncti to jaitentlal. The changet indicated In the foregoing were consummated at tho college today to-day with appror rloto roccedlngs, b which 1'iof. llone was duly Inatallid as principal. We wish the Ij.tler-.lay Htlntt Col. lege full tuccert, which Ha tterllng character to aiu ly deservct. |