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Show AMONG THE COIHERS. Gi'acn Ma His Appwrance on (lis Witness StinJ, m;r has vim uriii: to say. Mil Kildencf, lloiintr, f.Va lo .Sinn Hint Tulllirr'l. Inn if fill. The Oilier Mile. The Xir' riirt of the counterfeiting counterfeit-ing cae before Coiiimlaloner Oreeu. mnnon Haturlty concluueil with the evidence of Jlobert Hargrnvr, a bartender bar-tender at the Templeton, where the defendant Cronti, about n wtek beforo Chrlitmaa, vainly tiled lo I-o-a n IiurlonailO gold piece. Tho eiamln-allon eiamln-allon ol the defendant Tolllvcrwaa then taken up and continued until today. to-day. Attoroey Whttteinore mA.ln n motion for the discharge ol Tutc, Iwcauho them waa not aunicleiit evldenco to held them. Mr. Varlan I think there la nn ob-Jert ob-Jert In It. Commlittonor areennian I think, from all the evidence In the care, there lareAaon to lielleve that tho defendant waa connected with thla mailer, that he knew all about It mid took part In It. I will hold him to await the action oftliograud Jury and fix l.labond nt t-VKM). C'ronk and King eie alio hold, their bonda being final at the tame amount. Laler In tho afternoon Hrraguc, Tolllvrr, Tale, King end C'ronk Hem taken back to the penitentiary, (lacnon and Tolllver weru broiight down from tho penitentiary toon nllrr nine o'clock thla morning, and until theconimencetiiont of the btarlttg of the charge agal net the latter defend-nut, defend-nut, thn two wero kept III thu "cage" liitlietiiaraual'aDnlce. They appealed to be In the beat of Aplrlli, and occu pleil Ibelrllme In uioklugclitr and cliAttlug with the deputy manh'il who hat them In hla keeping. TheexAmlnatloubegnn atllilvi, tho prcreciitlon Iwlag njalu renreaente.1 by U. H. Dlalilct Attorney Varlan. Tol-liver Tol-liver waa repreieutod by Attorney II. nranlHmllli. Itwaa expected that (lagnon'a teitl-mony teitl-mony would renlaln aoiim tlarlllng Ulapioauna, but lhoe who anticipated thla were dlaappolnted. Ilia evlJence waa entirely devoid ot anything of Iho kind, and hla examination by the prowciitlug attorney did not occupy more than three or four inlu-ulee. inlu-ulee. Ho almply teatlfled that In Decemlier latt he occupied a roam In the Hluger building, nnd wa there engaged In the manufacture of counterfeit count-erfeit coin. Tho defendant Tolllver came only twice to .Arc. him, but waa iille Ignorant of what waa going on. WltueiA owed Tolllver a: me money, and gavo him In payment a arurloua JIUgold piece, which he(rolllver) ill.l not then know waa bad, and which Im I brought tmck to him next day, having I In tho meantime made the ucoverv I that It wai counterfeit. Wlt-neaa Wlt-neaa then gave hint good money In return. Ha loll Tulllcrtliathe liadaornr. "badatull" by him, ami Tolllvrr aatd It waa very wrong 6r him to keep It. Thla waa all IhAt Tolllver knew about the whole matter. Mr.. Utile i:. Hmlth, who kcei n Imardlng houre In thla city, IJ Tolllver Tol-llver laiArde.1 with her In December hut. The defendAntowedlisr aboard bill ami tendered her lu fettlement n JW gold piece, which her hurband at once pror.oiinced to ho counterfeit. When wltntia callol ilefendanl'a nt-tentlin nt-tentlin to thla (act ho aald ho waa very eorry, and that ho received It at Aaloon. He then fetched another IM gold-piece, good money, and paid her After thla thederendantAtlll continued to IwArd there. Wllueaa tinderitood Tolllver lo aay that he cxahed the check which he had rocelved In pay. menl of hla waca from oneol Iho railroad cominnlea at Hie aaloon, and that tho bad coin waa given tohlmaa part of the money. The huibaod of the laat wltneia tald he believed thu tolii In queeilon bore .latolMI. Hehlmelf h.l uoconvcr. Aatlon with Tolllver about the malter.' Home additional ovldenro waa taken. after which Tolllver waa placed titii tho aland by hla allorney. In hla direct di-rect examination he got through all right, but wheu It cauiii to the nlnt ot orcaa-examluation by lliilrlct Attorney Varlan the defendant waa forced to nnkeaouieudmhjk'm certainly dam. aging to hlaowucANe, uud In the end the rommli-loiicr hell him to await the actlou of the grand Jury In a bond of$5,(W. He evidently didn't expect tlili. |