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Show A Daily Book rr Thought The Deseret News should to one of these four . conduce, wtom, piety, delight. or use. John Denham. Is DeVrcnd Daily to Tour Bo For Only 15c a Week. ' FOUNDED 1850. J SALT Public Land States Officials Will Gather In Salt Lake on Tuesday $32,114,490 - SATURDAY UTAH SEPTEMBER Madison Students Win Ribbons at Third Annual Flower Show In J With the Convening f General Conference less than oneweek away. General Authorities of the Church and Church officers today were looking forward to and planning for bne of the biggest and most interesting conference? m recent years. Attention was called to the fact business j that no outstanding awaits ths action of th confer-- ! : Cburchl ence. all quorums and units of .the General Authorities betncompleteiy organized, and - " the Unto-- o f the sessions can be deyt ' voted to instructions es on timely topics three-year- y Relief Society Conference Will tV ar Isneous topics. exchange ofTands, administration of timber, minlna, oil and ass land. Officers will also be elected and meeting plan for next year's conference will be chosen. .v A and.Interestlng their Intention of attendina. the-session, are: Arizona Charles P. b: Wednesday f V j vy. iL ClubWomen , Ac-(t- PioneerSong Contest is On Sugar: Company Urge Peace Pacts GOV. HEART H. BLOOD S2SiStart to theCburch r . membership, which twice " each year gathers fo apfrrlual idvlct jl rOgTilll AnnOUtlCCu X OF and admonition Horn the leader Sessions Beginning ' mof tho Church In Tabernacle Opens On FVtday. Ths opening session of Conference will be' Friday, Oct, 4, at 10 a.m.x' There wltt be txt KKoni each day, at 10 m. and 2 p.m., Friday, Oct 4: Saturday. Oct. 5.j t and Sunday, Oct 0. President ceding ths General conference of ' Heber J. Grant will preside. Church, will convene Wednes. cording to precedent he will make day and Thursday of next week. i on of the the report progress : Church since the General Confer- Oct 3 .and 3. varieties of beautiful flowers arete on display at the Madison School all day yesterSeventy-Dv- e ence in April changes in stake . The opening session will ba hslj and ward organization the or- In th Salt Lake tabernacle Wed. day as the student held their third annual flow er show. Ribbons were awarded prise winnerFait of tbe attractive exhibit Is seen above with M 4s Marcello Woonacott. ganizations of new stakes and any nesday at 13 am. information pertaining to general followed by department meetings Church activities. 2 the same day, listed urn- - The finanriii report will also be at der theological, literary, social given, according to precedent and service : and teachers' topic. President Grant will. It Is expect' ' On ofwlU an there bo Thursday deliver ed, usual opening adiis ficers meeting, for general and 4o dress, and if time permit wilt stake officers only. In th Assembly also speak on th closing day. ball at 10 e.m. A general session Utah Federation . Asks Boy Scouts and others wh of the trails group, will ba the Counselors To Speak. In the Salt Lake at I would like to are Invited to write Winripai speaker. U. S. Take Initiative Stock Gets Tbe other members of the First p.m., Thursday, attabernacle Preferred which Preat-be This program will be broadthree verses for a gonr-t- o President Reuben J. dent Presidency, David .0, McKay will he the entitled "This is the- Place," or cast by remote control from Clark. Jr- - firrt counselor, And principal speaker, will close th Profit For First Ending War for KSL as a regular feature of the "This Marks th Place. President David o. McKay, second y At th general gathering. News-SaLandTrails lt Deseret and Lake Council Time Since 1929 the use by the Utah A petition Insisting that counselor, will also .ad lress th eaaion Mrs. Louise T. Robison Boy Scout broadcast at 4:15 p m. a will ! member general president of th Relief Sol conference, United State take the Initiative In marks association, the Daughters act. If the weather and other on the of UtoK Pioneers For the fiiat time since the of the Council of the Twelve.! will preside. She will securing disarmamentwaand treaties patriotic bodies of the state as permits day tt is the plan of the of- spring of 1323 a dividend wa de-- j members of the First Council of , ciety. n address of greeting at the give presented that will end war, to parInvite the public dared on th preferred stock oft Seventy and members of the Fre - ji ing eMion.'ofncrl InuTtlon'Tm at a meeting of the Utah Federa- official song tor pioneer marker ficials to in the program. Spe- ths o ticipate directed ceremonies. Sugar company atisidmg Bishopric. tion of Womens Club officers meeting and an ad- cial music Is planned lor tbs In past sessions of conference',jth hosubThe best three-vers- e this afternoon at tbe dress at th closing oration. Coun. song Newhquse meeting of the board of d.rec- event, President ha on tor called, this A. Guit to ths, will set music company mitted be Kats M. Barker is iq morning by tel both present and' chairman ef the conferencegeneral The song contest Is open to offiees in the Vermont building, jsion president The petition was prepared by Lincoln Thoms of Ephraim, com- -. recent Dost aluvra. den and-Bvi A d. d of ( cents, per Altogether tho six Scouts are oy the Western International league andwiU.be sung by the. - Salt everyone, A ar addressed Claes sions new on tho subChurch declared and by contribuFreedom Peac and for Lake Boy Scout chorus tor ths asks to send their lyric Consnltorions Stated mitted at this organizations request first time at ceremonies under tions through their troop. The preferred stock, wbicb is being leaders ip general all of whom for tho old 7 (liver messages of encouragement liefDuring th two days of th ReJ, 1 Gibson, stats federa tha direction of tbe trail as- word should be so composed per cent in exchangestock. by genand admonition to tho many thouSociety conference th Tha Cla preferred tion president. sociation on October If, at the 'that the song will fit a march A eral board rooms on the second stock was Issued on September 1 sands who attend.-Imust Since America has an avowed mouth of Emigration Contributions canyon. rhythm. tho of floor, deBishop vast addition of to ths building will congrstha year, and ths dividend, policy to end war, as evidenced by The program will be directed by reach ths Scout Contest editor, gations who hear th addreesea b Pn for consultation service as the Kellogg peace pact, this coun- John D. Giles and the Hon. KSL Salt Lake City, Utah, not clared for September 30. the reg- in follows: th tabernacle, numerous other j ular quarterly dividend date, reptry should take a determined stand George Albert Smith, president later than' October 10. For choristers and organists resents the sccrual up to date. thousands will "listen In by radio. to preserve world peace, the petithe Ths dl board vi also declared a proceedings of oach session Charlotte O. Sackett and Alta B. contend tion on dend of & Casnity 'will be In attendance cents share on the will b broadcast. The peilion demands that Uncle old 7 per cent preferred stork still Wednesday. October 2, from lliJP Sam attempt to secure a world 6 poets I Music 1:30 to m. 4.34 and This to is ths of p 1:19, redaction outstanding. p.m. regular treaty for Immediate for ths sessions of genFor work and business supervis dividend for on month on this eralMusic arm looking to completa disarmconference will b by th tab- ors Glenn to stock. Johnson will b Beeley ament in the future. Jt suggests st the sessions on In attendance Oc- Stockholders holding th old T, ernacleT choir also that thl country securo an ucc tT Thursday, From Salt Lake City to Bex-- t conference of Rexburg atak at. per cent stock and wishing to ex- -' to L 30 p.m. Ki international agreement to end the ,fc ODeIlInV daT Summit and 4:34 to 6:34 pm. change It for th new Clara A!00 economic anarchy which breeds bifrg, Idaho, In one hour and Rexburg. Th monument to be dedicated The official program for th may do so up to t p.m.ikchoI,l?J,ndr th dirctp war. by air. Instead o by Elder Smith this afternoon at1 preferred, Beard. on SO. various sessions to announced as All Monday. over September At todays meeting; presided team ten 5 .T!1 the full o'clock lias been erected In hon- ,tocic exchanged before this time 1 day required by brorm: follows: by Mr Gibson, the federation's of- and wagon In 1884 when the town or of th pioneers of Rexburg by, a WEDXESDVT ficers and directors outlined In of members ths stake Rexburg Open hen ton program for next years activities. sits of Rexburg was purveyed. Is and the Trails with No basic ho win was which contrast attention changes to the "Education Salt Lake Tabernacle 10 a.m. It waa announced that o George You Think "Did and Welfare" would be the theme Singing. to Prav Congregation Invocation Roil Call Gen. Secretary Julia A. F. Lund. h ree Bctween'SO and 't 0 committee river valfey settlement to be Pre- -' coULm'.0 Wfks V. triP Washington. era! Conference for the first time Greetings mioam v bronL nlT jC- w Ne Vork d nnd City. tottcri? heads chairmen President Louise T. Robison Aeo0?-n- d eclebrateion ed department Mr. Cannon, with other sugar nine his appointment to the post NO. 14 held by th late Prof. "Spiritual Growth Through ths presented reports at tbe session. aand to dedicate a monument-Af s processors from ail parts of the formerly C. Feature reports were given by; Relief -- Society . Ooure - of Lund September 13,1315 country, attended a meeting with Anthony a member of "the Council ! Mrs. If. c. Jacob first vlc presiOn Sunday morning! th usual if. Lynn Rennlon In Honor of th Study" AAA officials will th also TuesElder Smith and Monday Trelve, and Member of General Board. Deseret choir dent, on "Finance Commltte Rexburg Stak Pioneers day of this week, ip Washington, en, Theradio broadcast will be givFoundation Fund." and Mr Wll attend tomorrow, th quarterly The Founders of Rexburg, Sunday School Union publl will b admitted at when allotments were discussed. son Lunt, Cedar City, second Tice March 11, 1485 tho doors will be closed "Establishing Cdndnct Controls -- The AAA plans to conttnn the at oclock, 3:30 to Thomas E. Rieka and Teaching"! broadcast the president, on "Plans for Increasing last will farmers benefit contracts In 1I3S. ' until 14:14, when th doors will Bell Smith Spafford Membership" Henry Flamm i Mr. Cannon report During hta Francis C Gunnell Growth Through Mu opened and th eeasloa of con- "Spiritual stay In th oast th sugar company hference IF- ' sic William WiU Fred Smith win Rigby Janet M .Thompeon , begin. Shoulder. Injured By executiv conferred with business Thomas E. Ricks, Jr. "The Blhle" leaders in who fields, many report WAR CASES RISK NET . Daniel Walters Cen. Secretary Julia A. F. Rued Improvement la busl- Visitors at the Utah Education Lorenzo Thorpe anessdefinite BrlghamBfcki All war risk Insurance cases Singing: "Redeemer of Israel conditions throughout, the na- soclation In Salt Leonard Jones annual convention Heber Ricks tion. north In State Lake next month will Congregation Pat Sheehan. 14. 2S the federal court were Benediction. pending the 94- - James M. Cook Willard Ricks, fo trial Ort. 21 today bv street, suffered a possible fracture plece Park City high hear Audrew 8. Anderson, school band Mortlnca Statea-JudDepartment of the right shoulder when struck It was announced United D. Tillman THE PIONEER today byJ. R, At Place Designated 9 pm. Johnson. In all 14 eases wlil be by part of an elevator weight at Smith, Itlf A 4 U w president of the U. E. A., 34S east Broadway today. i (Continued Op Pag 14 Column II tried, beginolng on that date. D. who from word Bvron received Sheehan, a Boy Scout, and a Jone leader of the band, that the Indians; stand upon an equal tool-- , companion were taking some old organisation would accept In making lm- the In- ing, and clothes, down tbs elevator and one vitation to play at the convention. Pfbvements. Gain inflhehce among By designation of th Genealogof the' weights struck ths top of Th band, which has won the an men. and School strengthen the cords ical Society of Utah, under the ths shaft, breaking a portion of ft class C division in the state high of th Stakes of Zion. - diection of the General AuthoriJohn layoff. The piece fell four storie school band contests for th Q- - Cannon, past Joseph F. ties. Sunday, Sept. 24, will be obstriking the Sheehan boy on the wa rated this yearivjn,,b- New Day and ' Evening Classes Now Starting served throughout the Church ic right shoulder. He was treated at three year ef a! B Stake class Rexburg the and ail the ward except in tbe stakes to superior winner, the Emergency hospital. Utah Pioneers Trails and though taken from a total enrollin Salt Lake vajicy as Genealogical landmarks Association ment of only 254 student' Sunday. RT-EXHIBITTh occasion Is to commemoration of the 112th anniversary of WILL BE READY the visitation of th Angel Moroni to th Prophet Joseph Smith. The EARLY NEXT WEEK service In each ward will he conducted by th local Genealogical With th rooms at 1 Rlch- committee, under the direction of i the bishopric and the paintings due to arrive In The Salt Lake tabernacle at , tonight or any tomorrow. The Deseret News 2 oclock Sundav afternoon tha flavor wti mght the exhibit' of .painting of histor and dellciooa. jc "holeiom speaker will be Elder Mark E. Pe watter how you aarra it yoii leaf latter-da-y Saint scene In ' HBetUr. tNauvoo, HE, will hs ready for ril Genealogical Society of Utah. next publie Inspection early WEEK-ENMnslo will be by th Tabernacle SPECIAL week. choir, under tho direction of Prof. Th pictures, being brought PINEAPPLE FILBERT J. 8pencer Cornwall, director. her by tho distinguished arICE CREAM tist. Lane K. Newberry, ar some of the finest to be displayed In Utah and th entire Collection, with Its great historical as well as artistic Interest for Utahn will be an outstanding feature and fair and Change In the time ef tho 8un-da- y conference week. evening Church radio broadThe exhibit will be free to the " cast fif th series under the direction of the Generat Authorities. publie and all Salt and visitors ar cordially invited W. C. Maxwell ritosltss laterwatleaal Trophy 4 lewe dehwsea. Open Forum for Gospel Mesto attend. sages, Waa announced today at the IFEntU-- 4 MONTHS SIGHT SCHOOL S15AO - Among the outstanding Nan-vChurch office ba i school sia.ee moath " EST CAS I.Y TOWS scenes which will be shown Complete Courses In all commercial subject A position guaranBeginning tomorrow evening the ar ths home, of th Prophet to teed every graduate 2i calls for office help received so far air program begins at 9:45, in-thla year. Cell, write or phone for new catalog. Vis. tors Uptown service 5 ter ends from th Joseph Smith, his store, stead of 9:34. and will run till anytime See Our School In Session. At fine as the ert tan produce ' Mato Street homo or Brigham Tonng, Car14:15 instead of 14 oclock. The thago jail, where the prophet tomorrow under speaker evening, PHONE HY. 3165 and his brother Hyrum were' Swath Tern I 434 West 4th the changed schedule, will be Prof! STORES I South (North murdered; th Mansion bouse, , Amos N. Merrill, of the Brigham at pie the Nauvoo house, and ' th 10X3 ran 3laf 43 E48T MOttWtT Toung university. The subject will 1 fasti side Vest of street) lit WASATCH 3783 tor tealk 4ib East hqmes of most of th early "The Sehoel with Sis Werld Beeevds" be; Education as a Major ConChurch leaders. , cern of tbs Chtireh. -- Deles tea listed Delegates, who have signified Prepares For Record Sessions At Autumn Conference I Opening Meeting Scheduled For 10 Oclock Next Friday Morning; PresidentGrant ,To Give Report Federal, stat and county governments in Utah have expended a total of J32.114.430.3t during the 1 period of August, 1332 to August, 1335, according to r port completed today by the division of research and statistics, PER A. for Administrator Darrell J, Greenwell at tha CapfoL Of this huge total $34,744.-754.3- 3 was contributed by the federal government, Jl. 485. Oil II by by tb state and $2,485,013.32 county and local political subdivisions of tha state. Mr. Greenwell stressed tha fad that this sura did not include all of the nmey openrin Utah during tbe three-yeperiod sine It did not take into account reclamation nor public works administration expenditures; Eincenot all of tha money was spent for relief, a large part of It went to Increase tha value of the setup building, states capital parks, roads, reservoirs, power aviawaterworks, plants, school tion landing fields, sewer system anil Innumerable other Improve ments. Expenditure of thl money will largely help to decrease the burden Of taxation since the tax payers money will not have to be spent to complete Improvements, that otherwise would have to bq done by regular government agencies. ls YEAR H 75 Floral Varieties Displayed at School Church Federal Government Fur nishes Balk Of Huge- Sum . Mullen, state land commissioner. California Carl B. Sturzenack-ar- , chief of dlvlsion. department of finance. Colorado Will R. Murphy, engineer member, board of land commissioners. Idaho W. E. Talboy, state land commissioner. Montana L M. Brandjord. commissioner of state lands and Investments. Nevada Ray G. Staley, surveyor general and stats land register. Mexico Frank New Vesely, commissioner of public lands. Oregon G, G. Brown, representative, state land board. North Dakota Ludv.g Pederson. state land commissioner. South Dakota Ben 8trool. commissioner department of school and publie lands. Utah E. H. Burdick, consulting geologist, state land board. Washington A. C. Martin, commissioner, department of lands Wyoming C. H. MeWhlnnt. commissi oner of publie lands and farm loans. EIGHTY-SIXT- 1935 28 Utah Since 1932 Representatives from the publie land states will gather in Salt Lake Tuesday and Wednesday to discuss the problems coincident witH land administration. Meetings will be held In the bouse of represenlaliveir-jsfa- te eajntolGeorge A.Fifherejgcuiiv e secretary of the Utah stale land board, will preside and Governor Henry H. Blood will make tbe address of welcome. Chief discussion will center around the proposed amendment to the Taylor Grazing act, recently passed by Congress. To Bold Round Table ' " . The whole of Tuesday afternoon 1 wilt bp devoted to this subject (With land administrators from IS states, speaking In ths round-ta-bdiscussion. Tuesday evening, s dinner will be siren for official Newhouse at ths representative ' Hotel. Wednesday's sessions wiU be de- - - CITY- Relief Costs Delegates From Thirteen Western Capitals Will Discuss Problems Of Grazing; Administration Of Domain . LAKE In Pay Dividend Compete To Boy Scouts, Others Incited - two-da- -- Utah-Idah- ' I mls-sel- or j ka n Allegorical ! Play To Feature Primary Program 10 Days Journey Cut to Hour - An allegorical play, A Tale of Two Trees. presented by Prof. Joseph F. Smith of the University of Utah, and Including In Its cast. Professor Smith, Robert Wilson. Parley Baer, Ernest I. danger, Barrie S. Wanlesa. Enelyn Blood. Mary Eearieand Julia Brlxen, will be the feature of the program pre-- aented by the Primary association la the 'Assembly haU next Saturday at 7:30 p m. Two seta of baritone solos by Harold- - H. Bennett, accompanied by Mrs Bennett, will also be featured on the program. Mr. nett win sing the following numbers: Group l. A Song for Chrlst-manLegend." (from the Russian); "As Joseph waa Birds of Bethlehem; The Ths Christina Tree; group Christmas Bella; The Ships of Tule; "Stars Dotted All Over the Sky;" "Christ Child Lullaby." Superintendent NayAnderson will explain the purpose of the Priand Professor Smith mary program will give an address: "Come Home With Me and Refresh Thyself. The roll call of tha stakes will complete the program. Bt-n- ;" GEORGE A. Church Official Calk Attention FISHER Salt Lake, Utah S Progress " three-quarte- rs Escape Early Frost Balt Lake and mct of the agrS cultural aeciiona of Utah escaped cate today. Furthermore, the frost danger for the immediate future appears negligible In face of an official forecast of fair tonight and tomorrow ilight'y warmer. In The minimum temperatures Salt Lake this morning waa 49 demerat ths airport tha grees, but cury dropped to 17 degrees, still considerably above frost point Yesterday's maximum Reading In Salt Lake was (4, making the mean 57, or three degrees below normal. East .ofth Rockies the cold wave, (which followed In tbe wake nt a snow storm, wss general as far east a Kansas City, Denver hsd a temperature of 34 degrees this morning and Cheyenne, 23. four points below freezing. lfonMraCr.ouV 1 ' j home-comi- Park City Band Pby In S. L. FallOflJevatorWeight . a. st c ge ,..,. Sunday Announced It Pays To Attend a or,or4 FAIR AND CONFERENCE WEEKSPECIALS ON PROFESSIONALLY INDEPENDENT STYLED Permanen t Wa ves -- YOU SAVE Vi Heres your opportunity t hive a beautiful, worth-whilpermanent wave at a arc offered at half price; MARVEL A lovely, soft, 7! .T. PERI ECTO 2.00 2.50 With ringlet saving, e LOIS stylish , These waves ' FAIR A A , rxpt Of Church Changed Bufetovs wonderful r..T3.50 Exeefds operators are skillful and artistic Phene for Appointment EX-CELCI- S of a Perfect Day Broadcast Hour smart 3 .00 PARISIAN The End flSlfi THE REGULAR PRICE Lake-citizen- s BEAUTY SALON DiTtmirne ' oo res C&UtfMW' Mam and Broadway Washington at 23rd OGDEN Phone 653 SALT LAKE Vas. 1194 FOLLOW THE ARROWS TO BEAUTY9 Wel--cu- IIENAGER BUSINESS COLLEGE ; 2 i I .fl That I Producing Winners 1 3 A A A 4AAA , .a AUi i f,l fmAl t ' e. . v tti v, 4 to vr |