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Show ,,' WVW tjr , : V , i'V VV A J t amv. V si ' -- Ww - tf V W"WV a I Success Crowns ClandetleGolbert Tells J Fine Music Fete Valuable Siiccess Secret SATUHDAY L.ii .'i ALT NKUh .ULT U Till-- . 10 x V FilmStars Listed In ISKmLMliLR JS 1935 i Young Artists Now On Capitol Stage lice r-- ' dfS1 Errol Flynn Would Be Himself ! HAltitlSON CAKKOLL UNs Bcpu 28 sight (m Of the ear's stranger la Hollywood may be Errol FlyInown ore of his acting tn theThe latest "Who's Who" among; The new Warner Brothers disco' Presentation Viennese .4 turn, edits 1 the women of ery, who is also the husband of Liu by Purward Howes. baa just apDatnlta, want to put the story . By German Choir To peared on the market. Listed V h.S adventure lto a scenario-athe most prominent women ' among Be Repeated f the studio accepts it, to play tl e of the United States are: Norma Jeanette MacPonald, Ida leading role himself. Shearer, t the Complete success attend .Plynn would start the story Koverman (Executive at 1928 when he boxed for Ireland in Jean Barlow, Prances German I D. 8. rhoir presentation . Ameterdai in Marion (author and writer), Joan th Olympic games Old Vienna4 at the of Fantasy He d include bi experiences ae . Bennett. HelConstance ' The Crawford, . Assembly halt last night. y en Hayes Myrna Loy. Virginia member of the British conciabuiar i n New Guinea, his dipso very end performance will be given toBruce, Nathalie Bucknatl (research director). Oreta Garbo. gold In the savage infesled count r;. night at F.1S o'clock. Maureen him Poos Anita (writer). operations as skipper of a trad Scenic effects, conceived and exO Sullivan, May Robson and Gloria mg ship tn the South Pacific and ecuted by Mr. and Mrs) .William A. Swanson. his near death In a typhoon. backMtieller, transformed the Among the many items of inThe young Irish actor, who'll the is work in the terest new; make his big bid for fame In "Cap-tai- n ground of the Assembly Hall, -fact, noted in the birthplace and Blood." would collaborate on pillars concealed the orpreeent home" classification, that the scenario with an experience'! 151 of the prominent women listed chestra. Back of a colonnade, one Hollywood writer. 4 In the book were bora in Califorand glimpsed the Binge St rasa story is carried on - to If th arrival 6 nia, and 50f of them now make lit Hollywood, con parliament buildings. Flynns New York here. homes waits thetr The program, composed of Li Da': Uic talented Salt Lake misses who win appear In the colorful autumn dance revue eeivablyr his romance with of tome as state had that other smooththe moved only old of Vienna, airs Ineluded. (Copyconjunction with the Jackie Cooper-- 1 altace Beery pie- mlta might be Interesting a grouping, With till being staged this week at the Capitol theater InInclude ly under the direction of Otto the tune "OShauglinewiys Bog Tbr young artists (bark row. left to Tight) Faith Crandall, Evelyn right, 1935.) bom, and 1998 residing in An effective bit was the state. In nearly all pj, the other Hutown, Mary I a wiry, Marjorie Ft her Marilyn Conn, Marjorie Bale.. Lorene Stevens, Marie fclngliom. Stransa Waller potpourri, the lilt states there were morg native Nancy Hesse. Doana Ridges, Lois R ilke. Barbara Boyer. Rita Jesui Willis. Front row, .left to right: and movement of the waltsea holdthan resident celebrifiea Beverly Peterson, Jean Karra. Maryon Page, Louise Setter, Joy Heath, Darlene Tucker, Rets Ashby, ing tba Interest of the audience.. According to Editor Howea Anna Joyce Wentworth, Marilyn Judd, 'Marion Stewart and Peggy Sllvtast. KurtHuber. acting as pianist and on choice wes made. absolutely as conductor of tho orchestra, conmerit alone. tributed as important part to the peothe motion of Many picture program. Johnna Beyer, soprano, ple are shown to be college grad singing Nur Fuer Natur" was imThe age distribution (or ualea solo violin The encored. mediately those listed in tbs book ranged of Alma Pittmer, accompanied on of the date ON Yttg K.KCK from. to IB! tllHef the organ by it erner Roe berg, was r S tho birth, and 49 per cent refused Were Annie Oakley, once the ORPHECM Gens HOLLYWOOD, Sept. (INS) pleasing number. VirTom with Brown, ea" Frvil to give their age. The program, to be repeated toMind your own business!" Jtheni and there will be no cause Walter Brooka, Philadelphia sogreatest rifle shot la the world, gin s Weidler, Enrol mono, aim with r Andea," Storm lha Vver vy. night. was no That's the advice Mis Claudette alive today, she would have cialite. and grandson of E.T.i Holt, Mona Hama, Antonio ou la generally 'bred of Kuenstlerjeben Will Grant kltbtra cause to be ashamed of her "unStotesbury, eastern financier, came Johann Strauss (sohn) Colbert, screen star, baa for every fear; fear that someone else Is r young person in the world Dantt s IntarsP more attractive than one's self. Orchestra to Hollywood to work In th mo- -j derstudy." Barbara Stanwyck,jio-Uo- n PARAMOL-Nwith Spssear Trscy, Clslre Trevor, vies. "Just for fun." Miss ColbeiV lntcrviewed dur Don't spend lime ana energy in Geschlchten aus dent Wtener-star. plcturs ' be could spent Strauss ing production et Columbia's aewibeing jealous, that wald Also Diaehart. Hsery B. Walthall .3 Today be bad found romance Ths titianehalred actress learned Choir and Orchestra comedy. 'She Married Her Roam1 in making yourself more attractive asd a east Ot flv thousand: Pops-Rr- o and announced bis engagement to . i to shoot because she had to. aot and interesting. The Old Refrain enlarged on her statement, tho Sailor Osrtoes: Gmtlssd Jacqueline Wells, film actress, and There is so mnch to leant, so because she sought a pleasing pas1 don't mean that in the snipMr. Pittmer Pov Mevlstoa Rle daughter of Will Brown, Dallas SportUsht; . time. Cast In the title role of "AnRow Mr. Foes berg at ths Organ ping way it sounds." she conttnu-i- much to atndy. so much to acquire, Tex. oil magnate. nie Oakley." RKO Radio's new "J do mean that the buaim trams-Watthst'you cannot afford to dissiBrooks maintains A workshop; O tho acroea: Wsllee CAPITOL historical drama, Mias Stanwyck ts her where he te experimenting Franctacus Nagler of cultivating charm and person- pate any of its energies finding Jachc JB.vry end shortone or to emulate about the was fault that is with difficult called a many such upon worrying Bey" ality with animated cartoons. Choir O'ShsugNsoonrs the average youth, hasnt any time comings of others of the firearm feats of her famr Gold Spenxy MrParlaod. Henry Steund Stiver Waller phenson. os (he Mnse. Longs Llt-- ti She Msrried Her Boss, which ous prototype. Frans' Lehar or energy to spare ia finding fault MS Matt Talented Artiste V.TFKi TKE with other. has been called the surprise eora- Barbara Stanwyck had never beReran. Xdks kiddies IS Bones Orcheytra One successor Of to lt Bound and are, Happened' mount the jealousy, Par fore spite edy shotgun trigger Certoony pulled Strauss the Enty. Wiener Blut result o( thinking too much Night,"' finds Melvyn Douglas, or rifle before "Annie Oakley" was VICTORY Eielysirn riafald picChoir and Orchestra about others and not enough about Michael Bartlett. Raymond ftxht. Joan Blootures announced. Yet within a few weeks Nur fuer Natur from "Per Lus-tila "Wrrt la X.lnnda Farrell .NOW1 Dixon. Jean Edith When you envy a person ded, Fellows. yourself. she attained amaxlng proficieney Strauss It Is nsuallr because Krteg" The Money" with Hush Herbert. i--irr-i Alexander and bthers you Imagine Katherine wltb both. Cbod coaching by othRom AIexander. Phil Recon; also Mias Beyer. Soloist star. have the you owo they on Gregory In something effort her Homi earnest Weeoma ers, me .Is and haven't.jsuppomng Dana .. Sueden aus Rosea Straui dera PORTERS It? Take stock of youraelLh'sva directed from the story by with Arlioa Judge, Charles Ray; part turned the trick- Orchestra Soond hewa. Metroton then, and count your own assels.jThyra Ram ter Winslow and the A. H. Hardy, today's greatCapt. An der Schoenen blsuen Ponau. . W C FleMa. Endeavor to Improve them, add to, screenplay by Sidney Bachman. STAR B ug Croeby. est trick shot, snd his daughter, Strauss Joan Bennett la "Mtaeiaaippl with Kathryn, one of the finest women Choir and Orchestra Queanie Smith. clay pigeon shots of recent years, ROXY stare. Merry Fleteher were signed by th studio to InMillion Pgrple Par Rider Reby," with Arllne Jndre. Rey struct "Annie. Day after day Mts So Welker, Fey, slaa Stanwyck, using a ride of The . Raneom." Jimmy ALBERT RIEDEL with Leila Myoma vintage of 1885 In keeping with The satyric comedy. "Per Fescbe the, pictures requirements, biased Leutnant." (The Daring Lieutenant away at flying bluerocks." Bit by to of another six months by Albert Riedel, noted German bit her percentage of hit IncreasWhatever the advantages she? to a screen sc- - ' she had risen from obscurity to playwright, wltr be presented In ed, until recently when ah smashad- -j prominence, tress, is Merle it Oberons frank Salt Lake October IS, tn the South ed 23 out of 25. Thrills representing a departure mission that sbo has had Miss Oberon has just completed high school auditorium, under the none.) And on that particular day at from the regular movie formula and in Samuel Gold win's The sponsorship of the A- C. Germania, work no the that shaha la interest are depicted in the traps she actually rewrote a Freckles." the theater otber-thais as in a spectator.! Dark which announcshe ts Angel," It 'ocal German society. of the real Annie Oakley's sound film from Gene Stratton she points with pride to the! starred with Frederic March and ed today by Dr.L- - H. O. Stobbe, chapter life by defeating a man Preston Porter's outstanding novel, now seasoned stage players with whom Herbert Marshall. It Is a role president. who the at plays the male lead tn Foster, Orpheum. playing and who have like anything she lias don before has Prominent In the cast wlH be the picture, and who In real life Set fa the brave beauty of forest been herappeared tutors: Roland Young j a role less dependent upon as New York actress, Erna first-claUnde, is a backgrounds, the story narrates the shotgun and rifle Laughton. Leslie Howard jal eyes and endless yards of star; Alfred Schmidt, a bari- hot. difficult course pursued by an orChevalier, Charles Boyer. terlng lace than upon her ability guestlead in this years rlviq opera Stevens Is directing "AnGeorge phan boy ia his search for happi- Herbert Marshall, and Fredrtcas an 'emotional actress. She has tone "Princess Pat; Hans Scbugk ol nie Oakley" udder the supervision ness. He comes to the Indians March. great enthusiasm for The Dark Germany; Peter Loscher. re- of Cliff Reid. forest territory where be is beEverything I know about act- AngeL a story which Is set in Berlin, returned from South Amerfriended by Laurie Lou. a lovable, ing. says Miss Oberon, 1 learne and for her cently England, ica and Europe, and others. sprightly youngster, and Mary Ar- ed from them. It would be fool- part in It. WflT A BVITLE THIS IS author play Is by the same den, tho town schoolmistress. With ish for me to attempt to under"One of th things I like about Thewrote n Geld." Jimmie Cagney' Keln most terrific their help, ho secures work ag tim- rate the value of the theater as s motion pictures." she explains, "it who success in 1932 fight in any moxie j the one he n. produced with great ber guard. sound training school for the! that they ar exciting and local German colony. ha with burly Fred Kohlier in It is ijust that they are changing. You ar assigned to a by the Pursuing his pew duties, "FrecklFirst National "Frisco 'Kid. now es''- encounters tho rarely seen two different mediums. - Since myi part, you rehearse, then alx or sv- being made. Besides outweighing thrills. A loggers fells a forest career ts In pictures. I feel the.en weeks sr spent shooting the CoCriCr SponiCl LillCS Kohler's Cagnev by SO pounds monarch which (alls lntbw path of experumxjajAaquAre lit front of p.cture. But then you are through, j tn d camera is as valuable tor myi You can go on to something differ- - Up 0 filS AflUlfi liOntCO right hand ha a Laurie Lot), whom Freckles at- of at Its end, steel instead hook a purpose s any I could gam in lent and new. In tbs theater. If a tempts to save tn a With each g dash. In the has a long run. an actress u George Cukor has found his Ro- hand! But who do yn think wins? climax. stock company. Freckle grapple with a small but more. 1 am constantly trying tojartlng the same part going through meo! murderous band of forest bandits. Improve and grow. Growth ts as lha same motions and evoking the No he has launched a His task la again to save the life of poseibl in one field as In another." same emotions for months, pel form Juliet . Miss Oberon has furnished am- - ha os." Is a the little girl, as well ss his own.' s Romeo Rated the most popular novel of pie proof that she ha grown.) She adores constant change puppy, presented to him by When came sh 11 more to to this than country! Nothing pleases her time, "Freckles" Is tho second two Constance Collier, Stratton-Porte- r years ago. she had appearedbe able to change her personality classic to come to Romf is the Italian for pilgrim COMING! the screen under the aegis of RKO in several pictures in England to eonform with each role. Altei and the pup has not only lited Radio. "Laddie was the first notably 'The Private DUe of Henry ing the arrangement of her hair or up to hia name hv making a pilhook, which, lnddently, featured Villa and "The Scarlet Pimpern- the manner in which she applies grimage of the Cuker household, el to Ameri- - cosmetics gives her the same uw- She 'Y was unknown hftJ displayed a distinct flair Virginia Wetlder as Uttle Sister, can audiences i: - tight that it does to have until, as Anne Bowho Is now seen as Laurt Lou In Cuming. WJlh a per- tr"Kel gant and widely varying changes AfW I?""Freckles." Tom Broun as the compelling fondneas tor hr masters br, Hrulvr CW-to L:!'1' people ak. V..V eharamer aifd Carol mobs tils latest Uppers and panama romantic lead with Lumaden Y t I rit escapage was to chrw up a lsrgs SIGNS NEW CONTRACT- J? Hv and James Bush In other iSOiated "Rome of the script portion Enc Lin.l.n who has the Juve-n- j jiiVt" " Ft-rtiThe second feature on the big ,n ,h ptctnrixation of Cukor believes tht s Jul et will Prtirtxr 4 4r v' aYLCCiajug-en- l'alO'Neill's double bill is Jack Bolt in Ftorm "Ah. Wllderness:Utra.gbten the joun nun out. snd Over the Angel" and the pro era m un'J'"r war at Grafton. Maas, take his attention from ihair legs the!now contests fror Jumping also Includes a new Mickey Mouse latest gned a new extended termj,nd tapestries. pastimes of Warner Baxter! ha tn color entitled Me,r Goldeyn-Maye- r contract.) The situation Cukor bnds him-Itsnd other Day. ,be Picture in which he 4.if tn ts the snt.thcs.s o' that at n Isolated hi th remote whrr Irv tains of the High 8ierra filmingihtta appeared during the past two SI. r "t' Other Woman.''. inf q. Thalberg is 'tear, hmg for a "Robin Hood of F.1 Dorado." th "a"on btar Will Appear '.'The Silver and Romes to play opposite Norma story of Joaquin Murrieta. J"flweepings" Another contract sn- - ;,.ar.(.'s Juiet. Each of the forty or more prtn-- i ord." In Person At Roxv Is non : need . by yesterday Cukor is to d rect the bhake- tn now cast the owns ctpal playera h Baby jane Quigley. W ho Was .f'srrsn romance. at leaat one jumping frog, the th Claudette Colhert'a daugh-l ,hr JoUh! m3r 5"1 Prowesa of whlrh he is willing and "tmimilen bavc:!a.. BY Whos Who In Assembly Hall HOLLYWOOD. -- the--s- VJ - A -- f -- 11 Mirh-aeti- a. Annie Oakley Gains Wmft Going dti Skill With Rifles Mo-re- joiiEom GID3AFJOX Ke Wal-bur- n. Loutn-Be- t I ..... Orphan Lad Defies Forest Giants As Hero Of Freckles Merle Oberons Tutelage By Stage and Screen Greats Holler ce I Dtttt.SLSf - co-Y- et n on-s- -- Orieni-Charl- ss cs war-tim- Celd-kei- r ever-scree- ... spine-chillin- needle-pointe- pic-jpl- -- cocker-spanl- et M etraaL FiayerS H "JW es moun-'Amo- 11 -- ,r. Jr Bax-;-c- hV. finally been made f,h intoayannlnp,ip1flve, champion of which ts ' Leap- hilar- - ing Lovvie" Brm-Cabot has ious major Mm reirase. which three. J. Carrol Naiah hat four, starts at the Roxy theater Monday, and othera one have two. or Oct. ?. The film has been contrart-eThe frogs of the Stanislaus river to be run in cenJunction with near Which the troupe u encamn-e- d one of the most I important are said to be the finest jumpproductions to be (seen In Balt Lake ers In the world. It was a StanisCHy in severai seasons. laus rtvrr frog wlitch Mark Twain th , a HatM Topping PPV In person ion jtoka'R HUI. oua of the several with tn film for an entire veek V)siorjc wtei filimd for C!ara Kim- - Hobln Hood of K! Iorado:' commencing Oct. bII Young. Ben Turpin, Mildred j Native of the region guard their Fra n H "Slumping wmp care hite. Bernke they wte)i over their Children, and TyuFarnum, Lynn. Amstfd by a clover are picture people joining porting cast this gaiavy of nameMwhole-heartedl- y in the leaping ron-wipresent specially wrltten!teu which enliven th otherwise c playlet entitled prosaks lives of the people of the "Any Day at the Studio; mother lode" country. Tons of movie paraphernalia will Tha troupe, of whlh be Imported with the road show, William Wellman Is the director, affording every one who visits the has been four week In the wilderRoxy, an opportunity for an a frog They are vtdual eloseup of ths Interior of s-- rodeo before they planning return to ctvllt- Ization. .Jlollywood sound stage. lng 1m Io Rup-jf- b hoi m nvil v Inow ROLNU iMH FDtR, Olh NT10V Derby Show of 1935 -- RIVi CROSBY- BENNET- TC. FIELDS W. Rattfe of the CTiampions How Lonst Can They Go? in KDYLJ KlSSISSIPPr m AD KVV MOS BREN'T-- 'llF ll VI 1HI For reservations caD Wasatch 88 (Mr Woodhead) SALT LAKE HORSE SHOW . STATE FAIR COLISEUM' Wednesday, Thursday. Friday evenings dak ? Iu1m A 3 fl(Y a MHTIV sad Hi Hand .v OjeV.81 MOXpAY FV P.K1 HODY Till P. 1r M. TONIGHT : aa M. Hli: 0 3:l V(HV-5- p. iP. n, y (lae atay like. tyM McCulloughs Arena t at 8 oclock p. Atl5 p. M P, H. VIOV 4il5 p. Ha MYTH Mil TH AND f ill Aa ' p. m. iin 25c Any Tima i - Commerce Me-- OOV GKNfRAI. indl-jnes- a. at the Chamber of 13 13 is nT.ftrt3 LIVING IN VELVET .comedy-dramati- Ghov Ticlieti Now on Oale p, KHri-- 12 ll E-2o-rcc K k 1HE ATNIeKTir BROI rdi ( MC 15 VVI Hr Till hi30 P. W. COCONTT GROVE Fffl JljL Xtlt K 1 Lovely Act ensn DANCE LIGHTS Bring your friends for an evening of pleasure theyll never Forget! TONIGHT out-of-to- OLD MILL Ths Chrisfisa Ssienes Lfosifor latmatieMl i aatr(lv Daity YewapapH kewa Oaaly J fgMONEY r gs I "ill T d. ...... ts 1 it. Strattos-Porle- Satire Be Seen Here Works For Fun And Finds Romance i I - |