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Show r V v i J - - V i-- - - J- - r , ir ir w 4 b h y V V r k. w, V- u - . V J c Relief' Society Itonfcrence Will Start Wednesday ' w THE DESERET' NEWS SALT LAKE CITY 18 i V b - V ( n q,egi'fcr ' SEPTEMBER SATURDAY 23 1933 Farewell Planned For Departing Missionaries Program Announced! For 1 . Sessions Beginning In Tabernacle i -- - (Conliiuel From fi( Mina) DEPARTMENT Aud.torium Fourth Floor, Bishop's Building Lotts Paul Baxter, Chairman Ye Come .Come Prelude: .Blame Keddmgtou . I ,4 J Saints..,, 7 Welcome.. .....Lotta Paul Baxter . A Wells Then and No"..Aame r ; Cannon and Counselor Bate U. Barker. Vocal duet. "An Angel from oa 1 High ..Cyril (Martin and Ida Hepworth ' What is a Testimony .Anna 8. Barlow president Grant Stake Belief Society PAUL S. CHILD Th Value of Testimony.,. . . ALVLE S. LARSEN Elllsda lx Jeneen WM. H. UMPLKBY Elder Paul F. Child, son of A farewell testimonial will be X Former preeldent East Jordan HAROLD E. CARLSON ' A farewell testimonial in honor Preaident and Mrs. Paul C. Child. given Thursday at 2:15 pm. In the - stake Belief Society 1266 Indiana avenue, win he hon4 CL VICTOR DOVER Harold Bugena Carlson pf Elder of William Elder of Howard for Hillcreat ward Umpleby chapel MILTON THACKERAY' Binging: "The Spirit of God Like the Eighth ward will be given Fri- ored at a farewell Intestimonial Alvte 8. Larsen who will leave Wandamere ward who will leave .. a Fire to Burning,Congregation C. Victor Dover f the Elder Poptbe farep.m. at A Thursday ! misslon-Eldesoon BOUNTIFUL, Sept. for the Swehsh mission will r day at 4. It p.m. in tbe ward chap- -' lar Grove ward chapel. Elder soon for the Benediction. Dale ward, who leaves soon eL Eider L'mpleby will leave well testimonial will be given fn the Forest honored at a farewell . LITERARY DEPARTMENT Larsen is the son of Mr. and Czechoslovakian the Safor mission, soon the Child will for leave Bountiful Second ward chapel Oct. win be honored at a farewell testChristian C. Larsen, 26 ai Thursday at 2:15 p.m. in the street, will be honored tober 17 for the Northwestern moan - mission. Tha following BarraU Hall 4 at 8 p m., honoring Milton Thackis The following pro- east Twenty seventh South street. ward chapeL' Elder Carlson Marcia K. Howells, chairman imonial Thursday at 8 ,p m. in the at a farewell testimonial In the States mission.followed has announced; been program Oct. IS for leave will who be will eray, weed chapel, gram y he son of Alvin E. and Jennie by dancing;. ward chapel, followed by dancing in General Objectives of tbs Gleaner Girls; prayer. The following program will Selection, mission fef 4 at I p.m. The folthe Australian Oct. Violin trom796 aolo. the, of Friday, Carlson Fetxer; Jepperaon Smith Henry Conns the amusement ball. The following ' J. Simpson; violin selec- followed by dancing. . , lowing program will be followed bone eoio, William King, accom- William Maud Betley Jacob Church.' been announced: Song, True to the Faith." con- avenue. The following program tions (a and b) Lindsay sisters, Ths following program, which program baa In- by dancing by the music of the panied by Laura King; 'tenor aolo. Vocal trio: Little Boy Blue' aong, congregation; invocation, selection, will be followed by dancing: Opening B. Solomon; zith- gregation; Emma in reading, be concluded will Kalawala Beach of dancing by Wllford orchestra Boys Pidd, string ensemble, er solo, Oscar Roth; addren, Hillcreat ward Girls chorus; seleccongregation; Opening song, Dorothy Rose-- the Bountiful First ward amuse- vocation. Theo. E. Curtk, Jr.; piano KSL Eugene Field Rom Boat: Jacoband Clifton Night Ramsey solo. Robert Manookinr flute solo. Elisa ment hall, baa been Bixon, braugh, Cried Preaident Harold B. Lee; baritone tion, Harmony Violin trio. Alton prayer. Patriarch Win. C, Winder; Vocal duet. Frances ' Luckey sen, accompanied by Mr. Rhea solo arranged.' Mildred Shnrthff; Barbara lone nolo. hurst Spenand reading, Franco Berry; xylophone Bring (a and b). Albert E eel's, a Margetts, Maacha Bong, congregation; Invocation. cer; vocal selection, the Girle Mayo and Norma Knight; prayer, Cummings, reading, Helen Van trio, Carl Mrs. Albert Ecelee; Alton Schettler. Florence Allen, reading, Wendell Bowthorpe; ten, Alta B. Caaslty, accompanist trio. C. by aelecGarrett; George string Fielding; Roy xylophone Riches and Ths girls trio, Lassos demonstration. C- "ldrw- - Jret'3et P Child; accompanist; soprano' solo, Ida or solo, Howard Best; Mary and Helen Grant: vo- gvlvia Riches, Virginia 4r. , Glory of the Commonplace" ac- tion, Lowell Hicks; reading. Helsn Bruerton; ejections. Eighth ward Virginia Riches, Ruth Simonson, La Vera Nielsond cal duet, Margaret Nelson and Ruth Dorothe Enos, Grace Riches, Hi? Hunter; quartet. White Chapel girls chorus; guest speaker. Ha- Instrumental selection, orchestra- Norman reading, solo, Mary C. Kimball Gordon; reading, Marco White; companist; violin solo. Ben Wtlva piano Col;Instrumental Winslow F. ber C. Iverson, former president tion; reading, Mary Schindler; cello flute solo, Mildred Berry: vocal and - SOCIAL SERVICE id remarks, Mark Garff; tenor quartet; address;-PreDio, piano solo, Ruth Clayton; ac- solo. John D. Bowers; Instrumental Smith; jMtsa eolq, Alfred Schmidt; of Northwestern States mission: aolo (a and b) Winnie Ruefenacht; duet, James Gilbert and Barbara Clarion 2 DEPARTMENT remark. P. re-L. accordion quintet; Evans selection, Sessions; cordion William Apgood; solo, remarks. Leary H. Hale; bass soIol O. D. Romney; accord-ioDorothy Bishop Howard address, Bishop A : Alice selection. Clarion Deseret Fox, quintet, Ledira Gymnaaluin, Evelyn Neff; duet, Lioyd Hees end David Clara Burton, Ruth South. Da selection, Kalawaia Beach Boys of and saxophone selections, An- response, our missionary; congre- Edwin E. Luck: remarks member Lawrence: nolo, Louis 4a De Young; Gymnasium vibraphone aolo, John L. Veaux Jackson and Rhea Night Boat; remarks gelo and Ett Cuatto; selections, L. gational aong. God be with yon of Bishopric; remarks, onr mis-- marks, Bishop ; the KSL benedicEmma A-- Eaipey, Chairman. Hughes, I our Z. miraionarv; response, Hatch; Staoey; reading. Parley S. chorus quartet; remarks. till we meet again; benediction, D. miaalopary; Kalawala selection, Zelcourse Lesson selection, xylophone Preview of tion. Pres A. T. Bhurtleff. Bishop James E. Burns; ls Brewster. Inez Brewster, accom- Beach Boya; dosing prayer, Eddie Bishop John Fetzer; response, Norman O. Jensen. Matthew F. Noall remarks, missionary; song congremissionary. " Vocal solo , Ines Robinson Presce remarks, benediction, remarks, Paul B. Cannon; Cooper. panist; Call. SecOtis gation; her i at 8:26 p.m.. In the Post Office Clerks In Social Service remarks, Bishopric; response, misj oeathtllUea evening. Oct. I. at 7 eclock abarp. ond ward cha pet T. LeesOns of Relief Society . sionary; benediction, Frank All Thg Woman's auxiliary to the school officers Sooth The .and Sunday AFRICAN SOUTH Howard. Donna D. Sorensen , , Post Office Clerks local. No. 2. will teachers are expected to he pres- African missionary reunion will be Home iJi 'importance of Mental Acti. meet Friday at 16 a.m 1 the homo ent and a cordial invitation is ex- held Saturday, Qctober 2 at 2 p.m., At ... priate for the occasion, has been vity for Adult Women William Peterson will of Mra D. 8. Chamber. 223 east Mr. to tended amusement the rO in public. ward Sixteenth the Coumelar Amy Brown Lyman arranged. A special meeting of stake pres- hall. Former President Dalton will entertain at an "at borne Son-da-y Sixth South. Mra. Ray T. Cahooa ' TEACHERS' TOPIC L D. 8-- NORWEGIAN ORGAN be assisting hostess. Funeral services for Ephraim idents. high conncilmen in charge be among those presenL Musical between the hours of 4 and will dr IZATION Elder Earl Richards, re- John DEPARTMENT Nyberg will be conducted of Sunday school work, stake program and refreshments. oa 2 Peterson Recreation Hall, bon House Social at the home p.m. cently returned from the Norwegian Sunday at 1 p.m secretaries and NORWEGIAN - DANISH MISJ Firemens Relief will he the apeaksr at the in the Center LIBERTY HIGH' members of stake Sunday school SION SOCIETY The Norwegian-Danls- h Princeton avenue in honor of Lindquist Basel H- - Greenwood. Chairman PRIESTS Due STAKE Th Ladles auxiliary to th meeting of the I D. S. sons - Carlqulst to the boards meet will will ba held afterwho Professor Peterson Mission brill recently Firemens relief association society Sunday The Teachers' Topic Class association meeting funeral parlors at conference the liberty Stake Norwegian hn-- ( noon 8 45 6 6n 6. Oct. at hall Barrett October p.m., ' from Saturday, a B. Alder High Priests quorum returned Elsie years study in hold th monthly meeting st fir at 6:20 p.m. in the Tbir-b- e Mr. Nyberg died Leader" the meeting will Thursday tof the in the Liberty ward chapel. Proafter close mediately October No. I Wednesday, The General and spool lc Ot-.station Paris. ward rhapeL held Sunday, SepL 2. nt 2:20 yesterday of a Sunday afternoon aeseton of gen- gram, dance and refreshments, the Teachers WARD 2, at 1 oclock. Hostesses tor tho a jeetives of1935-16p.m. In the Second ward chapel,! SOMISSIONARY eral conference. It ie desired that GERMAN heart attack at ji Topic for daf are IMra. Otto Smith. Mr. corner Seventh South and Fifth Ths Ettallma society (Eastern tha home of his Mi Charlotte will bo a there be reunions , of CIETY attendence Johnson, good Separate Evans W. ' Reed. Mrs TLep Rogers Amy Claude will gurStates East streets. mtsstonarles) will lady Ths the of these branches two Mrs. following Mrs 3. Mrs. David M. Snyder,- - and Mra mother, groups present from every held for ths daughter of Mr. and solo. My Task ' in presenting lesson ntah the program Sunday evening Emily memparticipate of fn as stake matters German the Nyberg missionary society Church, i 0 Lnld orlob No 10, Fred Johnson, and Mi Patricia J. D. (Hansen. ward chapel. Johnson, 463 feidedsaieeste o Phjsical Welfaro, - as in the Twenty-sevenbers, Saturday, October 8 at 2 p. m. MoCornlck, Importance will be discussed. A" How to introduce ths Topic w outlined in the Bulletin: Frank The speaker will be Mias Ins tyarris daughter of Mr. and missionaries' avenue. Born GEORGE D PYPER, Tbs J in ths Following Types of M .f.Ihson, P. C. Geertsen. Wra. and muvicai numbers wilt bejglveo i n f MILTON BENNION, will meet in ths Twentieth ward Mrs. L. B. McCornick, are vis. Street Car Mens Union Hedamora. HomeF' 1.....1.. i M. Haliaday, C. N. Land, George by ths Estallma rchorua n GEORGE R. TOLL ttlng In New York City until tha Sweden, May 37 chapel And the The Ladies auxiliary to th (SJ The indifferent Homes... MANTT CENTER. NORTH 1964, Mr. NyGeneral Superintendency. missionaries will meet In the Mc- boUdaye Cox Phillips and Robert N. Haney. Street Car Men union. Division Elisabeth ,Tli a T. Jesse will call are attention to Badger same ward chapeL 382. will hold its annual birthday Kinley berg Topic Leader, SL George to current events; bocal dusts will WARDS Special programs da.Tcbr Mrs. John W. Walsh has reRELIEF SOCIETY CANADIAN The Canadian misofficers on. In tea Center ward Utah with his and election Btaks prepared being t.v 4 party be rendered Glennla veand Milton and North ward for 8unday turned from a two months' visit Thursday, Septemberqf 7. at th by The general conference of the Re- sionary reunion will be held SaturDmother in 1614 Mr. Nyberg fbl The eGood livedattendancher Salt In 1 with California in Quigley, East. in Moos-Ha- IL for and has since lief Society 161 Second be held Wednesday, day. October 5 at Jane p. Bowen pm, the nlng aa a welcome homecoming Mr. Mrs. Bralth-walt- e and and in the 1.30.' Seventeenth ward served t daughter, be will he chapeL Allred 3 where and engaged Relief 3. An wraj Lake and Thursday, Oct. Glads Luncheon Stake Royden and Society ,r. Cottonwood week painting trade. BALT LAKE STAKE-Gen- eGeorge F. Wasson. Jr. x Where 'there is whe returned this opening session will be held in the CALIFORNIAN The California fcj the Home a J aloglcal-templ- e committees will from n 2 year mission In Texan. Surviving besides his mother are Salt Lake tabernacle, at 16 am-o- missionary reunion wtll be held Sickness or Other Misfor-g- ,. (, Mr. and Mrs.. Henry P. Ken- Delta Gamma Alumnae tuna ioa a. Carlson hold their regular monthly union October 2. At I Saturday, October t at 8 p.m., in his stepfather. August Johnson; one Wednesday, been guests at The Alumnae member of the ,,, Teacher Topic leader Logan Stake meeting Sunday at I p.m. In the stater, Mrs. Marta Booth, and One p.m., the educational department the University ward. Program, re- nedy who have tbe home of Mr. Kennedy's par- Delta Gamma sorority will meet Seventeenth ward chapel under Tooele Stake Relief brother. Leonard Nyberg. Hying In meetings will be held. Department freshments and danciuk. it ,(d) The Busy Home Where the A. Mr. Kenneand & Mr The ents, OccuCONFERENCE LEEDS , Hostess Is unusually the direction of Marcus O. Funk, California. Wednesday evening t t p.m. at meetings will ba open to Relief so, reVlds Thomaa take representative. All the chapter, house. 1288 Federal ward Society Convention Set Friends may sail nt tha mortuary ciety stake and mission officers and Leeds conference reunion will be dy, 1306toeast pled sttteiMi Chitn their home Ttachcr Topic Lccder SAtt Lk committee members are urgently tomorrow night and prior to serv- class leaders. Tha general and held Saturday, October t at 8:26 turned Way. All members Are asked to En route Too22. Monday. ward. cago, they attend. Sinks . Program, stake officers' meeting will be held p.m., in ths First requested to be ie attendance as GRANT8VILLK, Sept. ices Sunday. . the Teachers' Topis from tbe stopped at 6L Joseph Mo., to Instructions and program of great ele stake Relief society convention dancing; on Thursday, Jctobir 3. at 16 am refreshments and The Visit Mrs. Kennedy's sister and SOUTHERN- - STATES will be held Sunday In the Granta-vill- a Viewpoint of the Hostess" in tha Salt Lake Assembly hall. importance will be given. Lisle F. Graham Mr, and Mrs Ladies Auxiliary States missionary reunion brother-in-laSecond ward tha pet as folSALT LAKE STAKE All eveTemple square. This will be limit- Southern P. Gentles. Ladies auxiliary to Veteran Figst Counselor Liberty Stake ning meetings In the wards of the low: 2 until 10:22 mornmg ed to general board members, stake will he held Saturday, October 6 Thomas Set Conference Sunday association Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Kennedy Volunteer Fireman ward. at 6 p m., in the Twenty-firReiiet 6oclety and mission stake board will be under the sion for blehops. advisory high Lake Salt stake officers, , LADY antertained in honor of Informal Group Discuuion. their will hold the monthly busine SOUTHERN STATES Relief society stake councilman. . direction of the ward genealogical-temmembers and stake representative Quarterly SCIPIO, Sept. 238 Canyon aoat at the tha hall, Southern All MISSIONARIES guest Saturday night meeting ple THVBNDAY committees with bish- officers, ward presidents and Tha conference tst Millard ataka will The general session Will fe held Inroad. Wednesday at 8 Country club. rtal service aids will be held. In the tabernacle on Thursday, Oc- States lady missdonaries are tho wards the ops of prinward. being Sept. Holden In at held the o eneet be tr a Lion Officers' Meeting auxiliary will also mm. for atna to 12:26 p.m. session! 2 A m. All officers. Re- vited to attend a dinner in the The evening. of tober 2, at J. p cipal t speakers 26. to XI Bishop and according C Mr. at 6 Mfb. hall and F. Paul at October Thursday Aasmnhly Hail 10 AJL Tyler Each bishop will go te a ward is set for the Relief society stake Wells Robins. lief society workers and the genera! House Saturday, to Abe made with have returned to their home in reservations quilting. Mrs. A- - - Pannier Singing. ' The Lord is Hy officers and board members, ward other than their own. public are invited to de In attend- p.m, A4' hostess. San Sullithe will Francisco pe after Viola Mrs. Znndel Mamie or magavisiting Congregatios teachers, Hgtil officers, visiting ance. SCANDINAVIAN L. D. S. ASSO' Invocation: ELDER SPEAKS SUNDAY with friends and relatives van. in agents, bishops and advisory LOUISE T ROBISON, CIATION JS" Roll Call Elders Jacob Diet zine 22. Elcouncilmen. SPANISH FORK. TAHITIAN Tho Tahitiaa mis- Salt Lake City eand Ogdea. Sept AMY BROWN LYMAN, Junior Business Club H A. F. John Holmqutst, and Earl General 6 A meeting for the public will be der Marvin Walton, who haa recentJulia Secretary OcL sionary reunion will be held KATE BARKER. The Junior Busine club will 1 Richards, recently returned mis- held at 2 p m.. Min Murdoch Jean Lund. returned 4n amusement mission Holland, ball, In a ward the Fifth Of ly completed General at a breakfast Sunday entertain sionaries from Norway will be the Presidency Official Instruction an from eastextended Saturday 746 south Second West. The prowill apeak at the sacrament meetfour Relief Society. ern trip. While In Washington morning at the Grill, honoring President Louts Y- Robison speakers at tbe regular meeting ward Fork of commence Fifth the Immediately Spanish will, gram tho elub who wars remembers ing of Cassoof D. the L. 8. Scandinavian D. wae "Mental Hygiene of the Adult" she Social of her Welcome Home the guest 7 tp m. Mr Walton is a meetat ASSOCIATION after the general priesthood PRIMARY Sunday in ths Assembly hall, Suncently married. ... Mark Allen ciation sister, Mra George J. Roes. grandson of Mm Haldor Johnson Misa Margaret Sandalt la abair-ma- n An unusually interesting program ing. An luteresbng program has day at 2:26 p.m. Music will bo in Set For Girl Missionary e e Psychologist at L'tah State misall this been former of and city. of arrangements and la being arranged Eassociation workers, for Jacobsen. charge of Thomaa Robert W. Mr. iPrimary V Glendinmng Training School of the Society islands and assisted by Mrs Nola Birch and SALT LAKE STAKE MISSIONf "The Relief Society Magazine sevparents, and all others Interested sionaries ie Los of . mu It Angeles spending pres-ensept. be errr, to are friends heber their urged Conference Kotices j m children, will be held In the Asin Balt Lake City Mrs. Ila Law. eral Etnora bhupe ARIES- Due to - the .forward-shifting Merle Lindsay, daughter of Mm Following the program,- - re- after days e e of Faat day for October, J. L. President Maricopa Stake Reiiet a yeari visit In the east, sembly hall, Saturday. Ofrtober 5. freshments who haa labored as a served. will Lindsay, ba the hold of J the Salt a mimionary for the past two year GENEALOGICAL NOCTE7TY OF at 7,20 p.m. It is planned to with her daughters. Mra Ru- Sigma Nu Mothers regn'ar meeting Society misAustralian AUSTRALIAN Mabel g. Mokes Lake stake missionaries will be in tha Northern atatea mission, has t , The Library this session while the general sion reunion, Saturday, October 6th dolph Johnson of Washington. UTAH The Sigma No Mothers club will 6s in D. C.. Miss Preaident Boise Stake Relief bold Sunday at 2:26 am. in the received her release and arrived In session Priesthood Bonnie and in meeting , Th4 Genealogical Society of at 6:30 p.m, la th Third ward year first meeting of the . West Rids seminary building, 123 Salt Lake of New York City. Mrs. bold theOctober Society tn the tabernacle Sept. 27 Utah will hold a public and amusement hall located Glendinning 4, at J p.m- - at tho went First North street. e- -. du cattonal Gtortunitlea' will leave Wednes- Frtdgy,Of The (program will feature "In- chapel the Sunday eve- the Tabernacle, Friday. meeting at She (will 4. at A speak South. 462 iOcL Seventh 116 east at O. A. Sheldon. Mrs, borne g S Lula Y. Smith1 TALE WARD Elder MstTE. ning services of the Heber First 7:36 p.m. Theme: for her home. e aw t.i Preaident Spirituality in Christmassplendid,- well prepared program day "Temple Mar- creased Douglas avenue. Mrs. Sheldon anil Petersen will be ths speaker In ward. A welcome borne aortal Cache Stake Relist In music, worked out r .. be will a It be assisted by Mrs. Agnes Dugas ward chapel Sunday eve- will be held In her honor next Sat- riage and the Resulting mBless- story and dramatization under the has been arranged. President and Mi 6v Society Miryam ffrayner and !D. Boreneon-Sister Clarence H. Tlngey and gome touching end pres! Singing; 'How Firm a Foun- ning. Services will be under the urday night in the Heber Social etings. Min Dorothy HiUbousc, return- -. and. !rs-- IE direction of Joseph F. Smith, of family, who recently returned from ve will demonstrations be given. S a direction of the ward genealogic- hall. daiton" -on to Lake Utah. Salt after ed .of Congregation the today University Austrahar will give a review of There win be an address on this -- Benadiouon. al committee, to extended California, la trip In . Informal minion the theme by Eider Joseph Fielding AARONIC PRIESTHOOD READ- present conditions Party WARD-rJust- ice LE GRAND General beneion . f field. A good orchestra has been San Francisco, they were guests B. of L F. and E. and the LadSmith, of the Council of the David W. Moffat of the state su Elder Mr. LamC. Mra SaU Lake Tabernacle, 2 PM. of and CONVENTION Georgs ERSHIP Hinckley ies society will hold an informal engaged and following the proTwelve, preeident of the GenealogSunday Musio Furnished by the Relief preme court will speak bert, A leadership convention to which gram dancing and refreshments ical Society. party for members and their evening In the Le Grande ward To Address Conference vc stake Society Singing Mothers presidenmission will be presidents, Onjoyed. friends ax 6be home of Mr. and C Charlotte C-- Sackstt, Director chapel at conjoint M. L A. servA- - JOINT OFFICERS' clerks, ARLAND stake M. G ELECTS T. councilors, D. P. cies. NORTHERN STATES L The Mrs. H. R Riigg, 435 Van Ness high A ices. musical program baa Alta B Cassitj. Accompantst CDE$, SepL 21 Elder Alonzo MEETING bishops and counselors, ward clerka Northern Slates missionary laen arranged. GARLAND. SepL 2S Mrs. Lud- Place, Friday, October 4, at 8 p m. A. Hinckley of thb Council of Singing: As the Dew from the of Ocward WomMen will a and union held be stake and supervisors Y'oung Young ... Hpaven Distilling" UNIVERSITY WARD Dr. Her Twelve, will apeak at Ml Ogden ens Mutual Improvement associa- Aaronic Priesthood quorums and tober 5, from 8.26 Saturday, until 12. vig Larsen Was elected captain of c stake quarterly conference, Sunday tion stake and ward officers meet- classes and all others Interested In at 256 east Third South streeL the Garland camp. Daughters of Sigma Chi Wives .....Congregation bert Maw, president of the. Utah state senate, will speak in the Unl-ll- n the tabernacle. Meetings will be ing will be held in the Asartnbly Aaronic Priesthood leadership, are (same hail as reunions have been the Utah Pioneers, Singing. The Lords Prajvr' Thursday at a The regular monthly meeting of Jit. Josephine Forsythe vcralty ward chapel Sunday halt held tn previously). A epectal efstjheld at !0 a.m. and 2 p.m. with Sunday morning, Oct 4, at invited, willde held at Barratt home of Mra Frank the Wive of Sigma Chi. will ba at th meeting Relief Society binging Mothers coniolnt M. I. A. services at 2 36 Jprea. Robert I, Burton in charge. Hall 2 oclock, sharp Presidents of stakes on Saturday, October 5. at 2 a.m. fort is being made to have held October 2. at th EMERSON Mra. Invocation: WARD Tha Lund'Muaical programs will be given "by Horace Hansen. Woffinden homeWednesday, In time in attendance who were of Mrs. Pow.iYoong, 1768 bishops of wanks are espeelal-l- v The meeting will adjourn chorus will give a full the Tabernacle choir unjr direc-a- . andinvited, .BUet'Chaininade Singing: launbs of God was Mra chosen in first for tabernacle the misrion Main at 12:45 pm. streeL assistant; reach south the the to all time stake and ward for all and during . ."""i-.- '. k ' tion of Lester Ci. Hlnchcllff.- Relist President German E. Ellsworth Jam eTrtn na in an, second assistantr M, L th general (Conference session. Laura W. banner vices Sunday at 6.36 in Emerson Address Mra H. J. Klrkham. chorister: presided, between the years 1104 be tn attendance. n ward. Tbe chorus is under the diFormer Preaident PRIESTHOOD CON-- . and 1616. President Ellsworth wHl Mra. Ted Aoattn, organist; Mrs. D. U. P. Camp Elects AARONIC ALBERT E. BOWEN. Mission Relief boclety ,, rection of Ivie J. En.ru n with . Mrs. be in VEXTION A1F Linford, attendance. M George Y regietrar: M. A returned Gen. L Superintendent r--, M Hovey as accompanist. Geneve J, Dalton Address Mission presidents, stake presi- Northern States missionaries are Rose Manning historian; and Mra Round Valley Officers RUTH MAY FOX. ELEVENTH WARD Elder Former President Sooth Atman stake J. Mra Pritchard, councilors, Mary chaplain: cordially Invited. Gen. Preaident Y. W. CVL. I, K dencies, high Hlaaion Relief Society L. Morris will apeak In 5 the SCIPIO, SepL 26 The .Round J Orwin and Mr A. bishops and counselors, CENTRAL STATES - TEXAS clerks, B. Hazel Address Eleventh a ward , Tlngey ,; chapel Sunday and custodian of relica Valley camp D. U. , has SEVENTIES COM LICENCE ward clerks, stake and ward super- Th Central States and Texas Lady verreL-irwith Mr. Beth Robins, 1, - Former President Australia regular evening services under the BRIGHAM CITY. Missionaries will hold their The Seventies conference of all visors of Aaronic Priesthood t respectively. ePL'2 Mission Relief Society genealoglcalorganizaUon. Special president and Mra blonds Detrvhev Iff), n f anrt all otheraiw-terests- d tn the Cbure: Saturday, EafT'Tx eon Tfe cf KeHy. music. Marta At .Bhubert Mra. roue Miller, s; Binging: HolIn the welfare of the p.m.. at Beats Brummel Cafe, 131 returned missionaries from Barratt Hall pt 4 15 p.m Relief Society Singing Mothers LINCOLN WARD Elder Nephi Kelly of Brigham City, has accept- held in OcL in- south Main streeL Please other officers were held are ba will 4. held Jensen land at Priesthood the President cordially which at Friday, ed Aaroniq phone a as call to labor a missionary Grant will be one of Jensen will he the ape iker at tha over. Soprano Solo. or h to Twenty-seventsend jrour reservations to Ml Home, Hyhmd Drive and the speaker. vited to attend a meeting that is Samoan Island miss, ore Euima Lucy Gates Bowen services Sunday evening at 6 26 ln Th retiring officers are Mra South. FYiday evening, Welker, or Mi Mary Kaiser, . Elder Kelly ls A cordial invitation ls extended to be held- - In the Assembly hall on Ella o clock in the Lincoln ward cha-pe-l. Violin Obligato Lillian Ilanycn, Mrs, Fay Thompbefore 4:15 OcL 4 BatuiMav. 6. at all October stake and of, pin., presidents bishops Saturday. of a ards. ..Prof. William M. II anil man graduate son Mrs. and Christine Peterson. for general consideration of plans AltCENTRAL STATES REUNION: EASTERN STATES REUNION. Address. . . Free!. Dsvid O. McKay the Box Elder BELV EDERE WARD The Central State Saints and mis- Th Eastern States missionary refor tho promotion of th Aaronic Address . Preet. Louise Y- Robison service Sunday evening in the Y. W. M. L A. ORG ANIZED high school and DEPARTMENT, OF CATION sionaries will Oct union are be to held Invited FI1 a attend Saturday, Priesthood. y. Peccia Belvedere ward chapel wtll be un-- , iked D. S. Binging: Gloria A meeting of the Church , dereunion to be held conjointly with S. 1925, at 8.26 p.m. on the roof CHARLESTON, SepL 28. Tbe Relief SoCietf'Smging hlothers der thy direction of the ward He has partment n, , of education will be held the Texas mission on Saturday garden of the Smith Memorial Charleston ward Y'. W. M. I. A. was een Benediction; in active genealogical society with Patriarch on. Sunday. Oct 6. at In j Missionary Reunions Oct. D. a.m.. S. in 6, the L evening. Burton building. college campus organized during the past week Joseph A. Cornwall, as the speakpriesthood Or- Barratt ball. A special program Main ward 25 east Twenty-fourt- h 86 north street. Salt Lake chapel, th with officers: Mir. fallowing er. The ganisations, of dealing with the institutes IV com- City. A special effort annual South street is Bemt and MEXICAN Dancing Mrs. being Lucy Interton, P. Welcome Horae Sunday 6 20 p m. program ' commences aa president: hlch he has aemor and 11 mences will 8:36. A mission to in made have at missionaries Junior seminary probLorain Wright and Relva Ritchie, program will, of the Mexican Seen SINTH'i FEVfiXTH WARD member lem has been be Twenfollowed reTake attendance In who 4 tho served It tbe in October bus is by prepared. The held rosinseiors. Heber dancing. For be officers ara President Winslow F. Smith, of the In the Fourth City Elder Eastern States between 1901 and Mrs. Eva Alien, retiring that ail stake Ond ward tieth ward chapel at 2.26 pm. At, No. 12 on Stale streeL Miss Ensign stake, w.ll be the speaker sard of Brig- quested , 1612. REUNION-as boards of education TEXAS well as effi 2 p m a special Mexican dhrar Tbe Texas Alice Edwards and Bala Price, 21 HEBER CITY, Elder Sunday at the M f. a. conjoint ham City. bereunion held cars of will In HAWAIIAN members Hawsiiah Th and all teachers the Be Institute for counselors. will conjointly Wendell QblwUrr, son of Mr. and services m the given lie wiU euier and ward seminaries, and alt others as the mission under the direction of with the Central States mission In missionary reunion will be held Mm John F. Ghlwiler, who hsefchapel. Fifth South, bet he , mission soriated 246 M the Burton ward chapel, 65 east Saturday, October 5 at 8 p m. in CLASS ELECTS With or in Interested the Miss BfSSie I Haycock, labored as a missionary for- - the Meet and West Tentlg ! ret Ls. w.hool in Sait work of Twenty-fourt- h South street. Sat- ths Belvedera Lounge. 26 couth the department of edu- street. Vi Church toe the past (our years WATERLOO B ARD The mewPANGCTTCH. SepL 32. Friday Lake City Oct cation be In attendance, of send SWEDISH The Swedish mission- urday evening. OcL 5. 1935. Danc- State streeL bs , la the Tahitiaa mission, returned ing Sunday the seminary graduating da of 7. and win aail evening in the WaterNEW ZEALAND M ieaionary - hwme today. His parents and loo ward will ary reunion will be held in th ing commences at 8 26. elected the following officers: tinder the direcfor the Samoan a representative. . ' atraet at DUTCH REUNION: A reunion reunion will be held in the Lion 1936 hall. CHURCH State stake BOARD Grant ' breeher, Farren, motored to San tion of tbe wardbe genealogical OF Mildren compresident; Mat - EDUCATION Thirty-thir- d South street, Satur- - for all Saint and returned mis- House Social Tenter, 62 east South Houston; Marshall, . Fraactsc to meet him; they vlait-"- 4 mittee. Eider A. William vice prestdenfV Fsy -dav. Octnber I at 8:15 pm All sionaries from the Netherlands Temple. Saturday evening, October Worthen. relatives in California, before fnimer president of the BritishLund, A faresell testimonial honoring mis- -' treasurer; secretary PEN be SUNDAY FRET SCHOOL held in the pioneer stake Stb, 1635, former missionaries and friends in - jwHl m end S member of the board of E!de kelly will be held following Morie Procttor, chairman of social , returning home. ' UNION Sunday at Vited recreation hall, 536 south Eighth the Generalimmediatety Priesthood welcome home eovial will bejdimt.; meeting nf the gmealorkal . The.ria J o m- in the Fourth ward has chosen a The annua! confrieuce of the EAT CENTRAL FTATES The 'west 4 p m FsfnMnv, Dm 6. Ail returned missionaries, relattw committee, J.11 ." their lObieetlve tbt year adding Pno.r Sunday night, infe ety of Utah, will he the speaker iI. Bisho A- - 1. Hanaen effictat-Rf"- r Deseret Sunder echool union will East Central States re- NETHERLANDS MISSIONARY missionary w fnenda and of Third ard fhaprL missionaries, and more books to the seminary ' be held in the Tabernacle A.JIJf.cialinuelcal program appro-hu-g. Sunday anion win be held Saturday Octo-- 1 ASSOCIATION; A party for aUgaiata ara invited. THEOLOGICAL - f,., V .'T rZ 2 J L ............. r A LA il -- i J i. Swiss-Germ- -- Twelfth-Thirteen- Llt-srar- ............ th Eva-lett- a. 1 WTni-fre- Bul-loug- h; s. Re: 1 Batter-tbwaite- .... .......... f Church i Personals Rites Set Sunday For Ephraim Nyberg Notices - esc nlln ...... A st ..... 2' TWENTY-SEVENT- H ...... M I Re-g- Swiss-Germ- ........ b ............ ,u th Mth Gsrman-Austria- - wl .......... Sooth-Temple- too' .v' st -- -' 16-2- r. - ' - L 4- ... -- Glen-dinni- - - - the-Yal- 1 v ........ s-- t , ....... ........... .... p-- es -- ' ' Swiss-Germa- ....... ......... To-aal- la Ne-p- hi Elder To Have Farewell Sunday P-- quor-clazs- El-d- er i ' ban-que- Qlam-berg-a- fj nd coun-seior- 1 - sem-nar- J, -- pre-lde- h sen-Fir- -- Ko-i- 7 w. 3, ' I w - A 9, w a m e..v . ja A a 4. f S, 4 mA 4. Jk. JLJUAj 24 Ad i J |