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Show ALL-ABOARO FOR PROVIDENCE! ! RAILROAD CELEBRATION TONIGHT jK Thrifty City on the South Extends Invitation to Loganitcs. B Royal Reception in Store. Many Hundreds Will B Take Advantage of The "Get B Acquainted" Excursion. H x B Tho city ot Providence through its K mayor and town board extends an in- B vltatlon to all Logan citizens to join B them this evening In a grand cele- B bratlon of tho entry ot tho tnterur- B ban railroad to their city. The sister B clty issues tho word that It has pre- B pared elaborately for tho occasion and B guarantees in advance that no one B -who attends will bo disappointed. B Attractions ot many natures have B been Provided. A program ot merit B has Deen arranged for 7 p. m. In the B meeting house, dainties will be pro- B vlded and later in the evening a dance B , In tho pavilion will be enjoyed. It BEt will bo a great day In a great city Bf arul tnnt a crowd aggregating thous- BLt ands will participate in the featlvlt- LH les and enjoy the fair city's hospital- B 'ty can on'y l)0 expected. H For years past the city ot Provl- Bh dence has been forging to tho front IBf' and now that sho Is given an addl- IBi tlonal opportunity to exploit her jK wealth and make known to valley residents her real standing it can bo predicted that In so doing her leading lead-ing lights will spare no effort. Yes, Provldenco plans to celebrate and has courteously extended an Invitation In-vitation to Logan to Join her, bo be loyal to yourselves, your friends In tho city on tho south and to your valley and Join the crowd this evening even-ing on a get acquainted trip. In order to accommodato all and as a special Inducement to tho public to attend tho notewcrthy function the officials of mo Logan Rapid Transit company have arranged to run cars leaving tho Intersection ot Main and Center streets, Logan, at (o'clock p. m. and every half hour thereafter as long as the crowds wish to Join the merry makers, and havo mado tho special rate fcr tho day 10 cents each way. Ample transportation facilities will be provided for the return Journey. Jour-ney. You may como homo "any old time." |