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Show I INLQW ACCUSED OF TRYING TO BREAK JAIL; BUS TAKEN FROM ABOUT CELL I WINDOW, LOCKS PICKED JAR IS FILED BBJ Salt Lake City, May 17. Only tno BBJ falling of a brick Into tho driveway BBJ at tho Bldo ot tho county Jail Thurs- BBJ day r'eht invented tho cscapo ot C. BBJ A. Inlow, now on trial tor murder, BBJ or his ccllmato Chris M. Chrlstonscn BBJ charged with murder, according to BBJ Sherlft Andrew Smith Jr., who la cer- BBJ , tain that tho bars ovor tho window 'ot BBJj tho cell would havo been removed BBJ with thrco or four hours moro work BBJ Friday night. Tho way to froJom BBf would then havo been easy, n ropo, BBf two strands of which, cacti twenty BBf feet long, aro said to lmvo been found BBf In tho cell provided a way, thought BBf It Is declared a "hand over hand" do- BBf scent from tho vertical bars a lew BBf feet east ot tho window Is easily pos- BBJ v Gcorgo Spcrry, assistant Jailer wlio BBJ reported nt about 7 o'clock yesterday BBJ morning, notlcod tho pieces ot brick BBJ that had fttllon on tho coment paved BBJ roadway undornoath tho cell occupied BBJ by Inlow and Chrlstonscn on the BBJ fourth flor at tho southwest corner BBJ of tho Jail. Sheriff Smith was called BBJ and Inlow and Chrlstcuscn wcro tak- BBJ en out ot tho coll and Inlow was ta- BBJ ken to tho Sheriff's ofllco ror soarch BBJ and left In chargo ot n doput' BBJ an Investigation was conducted In BBJ tho cell. ?r; BBJ In tho bath room ot tho Inlow-Chrls BBJ tensen quarters tho heavy grating ov- BBJ or thi window .wns found locked but BBJ one padlock had been cut through to BBJ the mechanism so that It could bo BBJ opened by Inserting n wlro. llohlnd BBJ this grating tho window sash had been BBJ broken nwny nnd outside tho window BBJ ten bricks had been dug oui and re- BBJ moved from tho wall; all excepting BBJ tho ono that foil to tho pavemont be- BBJ tag piled on tho window sill. This BBJ, window Is about 50 feet abovo tho BBJ ground nnd Is so located mat it may BBJ I"1' Tor weeks without bolng noticed BBJ from without nnd only careful Inspcc- BBJ t!n would rovcal tho work from tho BBJ Insldo unless tho grating and window BBJ were opened. Key Found In Basin BBJ When Inlow was taken downstairs HHJ to tho sheriff's olllco, tho deputy was BBJ Instructed not to let him out of his HH sight an Instant. Inlow stepped over BBJ ,0 tuo toilet, closing tho door, hut HHJ ho waH followed by tho deputy who BBJ discovered a key In tho toilet bnsln. BBJ This wns lator found to lit Into tho BBJ padlocks on tho grating. BBJ Mlnuto search of tho cell resulted BJ In tho finding ot n pair of pliers with BBJ wlro cutting attachment, such ns BJ nre found In tho ordinary home tool BJ box. These, wcro found In nu old BJ pillow In tho cell, but both tho Jaws BJ nll(' tho ends of tho hnndlo showed BJ evidence of conflict with red tir'r'' I HHJ nnd tho handles wero scratched nnd ' BJ "orn as from prying tho bricks ' BJ ordinary nickeled Bcrcw driver iibout BJ six Inches long wns next discovered. BJ This was lying on tho table undo- BJ somo papers. The screwdriver also BJ showed brick dust at tho point. Tern- BJ pored steel wire, n pleco ot steel thrjs BJ Inches long nnd n nnll wero found BJ concealed between tho wnll and the ' BJ bncl f the stationary wash stnnd lu BBJ ,no bath room, BJ In nddltlon, It Is said, two pieces BJ of rIc each twenty foot long, found BBJ '" l eu" provided ample oppoctun- BJ Ity for tho escnpo of tho prisoner If BJ Q0 succeeded In getting egress thru BBj. ,'' w'lndow. HHJ Ccrefnl examination of tho upper BJ padlock on tho grating In front ot - z the damaged window showed that the holes In tho brass had apparently been laboriously scratched through with a knlfo blado and had then been filled over with yellow soap, match-lug match-lug tho color of tho lock. Ono of tho steel bars, about ono Inch In diameter, diamet-er, had been sawed partly through and tho attempt hnd been given up nnd attention turned to digging nway tho bricks lu which tho bars woro anchored. an-chored. This stool bar boro ovldonco of hnvlng been subjected to heat from h lamp or torch. Razor Dlade In Sllncer Tho razor blado was discovered In Chrlstcnsen's slipper Inst night after ho had boon searched previously. The prisoner wns taken to tho shcr Iff's ofllco and ho watched Sheriff Smith go over tho slippers, showing no Interest until tho thin blado dropped drop-ped between tho Inner and outer solo. Chrlstenson said ho had round tho blado In nnothcr coll hnd had sowed It up In a pleco of chceso clew, had beon In his possession tor lume time and he asked to bo allowed to keep It. "You seo It comes In mighty handy to cut my fingernails and then It's handy to cut tobacco. My teeth aro not vory gocd," said Chrlstenson. "I think you might lot mo keep It for If I wonted to do any hhrm with It I would hnvo beforo this." "When you wnnt to cut up a plug of tobacco, you call ono of mo boys, for I will havo to keep this," said th" sheriff, nnd Chrlstonscn was taken back to his cell. Samuel Kltzpatrlck, highwayman, who was arrested In 1911, started nn attempt to got through tho wall or tho coll In which Inlow nnd C'rla-tensen C'rla-tensen wero confined moro than a year ago. This wns discovered beforo i any dnmngo had been donr, nccordlsg to thoso In chnrgo, and at that tlmo tho heavy grating ovor tho Insldo of tho window wns locked and had no been opened by tho Jailors until this morning. Favored By Physicians Inlow has boon In this cell most of tho tlmo slnco his arrest, lie was first locked In tho rear of tno Jail, which Is moro strongly protected was allowed to havo tho sunniest coll In tho Jail hnd, nlthough two or threo times tho sherlft has put him bnck for a time, ho has boon returned to tho front coll nftor a tow nays. Tho sheriff believes that ho hns been working on tho window ns occasion offered for weeks nnd that Chrlstonscn Chrlston-scn hns also nsslsted In tho work. Other prisoners In tho Jail sold yesterday that they had been kept awake until S o'clock yestoriny morning morn-ing by tho scratching, and tho prls-oners prls-oners In tho cell undernenth that or Inlow nnd Chrlstonsen snld that wa-tor wa-tor was left running In tho bathroom above every fow minutes from 10 o'clock until G o'clock yesterday morning. morn-ing. A pllo of wet rags found In the ij bathroom of tho coll yestorday morning morn-ing was thtcen by tho sheriff to Indicate Indi-cate that they had been used to wlp up tho dust and muss mado by remo"- Ing tho bricks from the wU. I Ono discovery ns yet unexplained I was tho penciled outline of a keg i! pattern drawn on tho door or tho coll as though marked around a koy hold j In tho crack of tho door Inlow To Be Searched ! Sheriff Smith said yesterday that i ho had no Information as to how the screwdriver, pliers or key wcro obtained, ob-tained, but ho gavo strict orders that Genovlovo Clnyton, Inlow'a little niece, was not to bo permitted to bo nlono with him oven In tho court room nnd Inlow will bo searched beforo be-foro leaving for tho courtroom during dur-ing tho trtnl and on his return to tbo Jail each day. "I did not learn of tho socallcd Intended In-tended Jail break until tho afternoon recess In tho courtroom," said WT. lard HnnBcn of counsel for Inlow res terdny. "Immediately I talked wlt'i Mr. Inlow. Ho denied any knowledge of tho affair to me nnd I bcllovo ho Is being wrongfully accused. Wheth- , cr tho loosened brick wcro removed i last night or a long tlmo hgo is soim thing to bo Investigated. Tho same coll was occupied by Elmer Dorrcy and nnothcr beforo Inlow was locked lock-ed In It. I havo heard tho stato w'll attempt to introduce, tho alleged attempted at-tempted Jail break to which I will object." E. O. I.eatherwood, district attorney, attor-ney, said yesterday that he could mnko no statement as to whether the matter would bo brought before friary. fr-iary. It Is known, however, that he Issued orders that no ono should be permitted to talk to certain prisoners prison-ers In tho Jail who henrd noises In tho cell the night before, ns they are expected to be called as witnesses today. |