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Show ilocNewsH Wanted Two or threo furnished rooms for light housekeeping. iJor bodb having samo, notify this oiUce. 9 I Mrs. Joseph Jones of Salt Lake spent Sunday In Logan having come up to attend tho funeral of Mrs. A. . i H. Chambers. , t We aro displaying a full line f Men's and Dot's Spring Suits at r big reduction. Nowbold the Clothier Advertisement. m2' Gone To New York. Mariner C. Eccles loft yesterday morning for Now York where he will spend two or threo weeks. m For the best Lawn Mowers, Rubber Rub-ber Hose, etc., call on Sidney Stevens Stev-ens Implement Co., Center street. Advertisement. tf For Sale Practically new Uzor sur-gain, sur-gain, only $135.00. Will give tlmo pay-ments pay-ments If deBlred. See E. H. Marble, Res. 145 E. Second South, Logan. Advertisement. 9 New Constable. At Saturday's meeting of the board of county commissioners com-missioners George E. Telforn was ap-pointed ap-pointed constable of Lewlston precinct pre-cinct to succeed W. H. StockB. Worklno In Utah. D. V. Working of the United States office of farm management, Is visiting the state, preparatory to the organization of farm management work in Utah. He will Bpend two or threo day In Carbon Car-bon and Emery counties and some time In San Pete and Sevier counties. Prof. Working Is district director of farm management studies in tho In-termountaln In-termountaln region, his territory being be-ing Utah, Colorado and Wyoming. He will be In Utah two weeks before returning re-turning to his division office I Infant Child Dies. Following an 111- ness of only a day and a half tho eight-day-old baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Allen passed away yesterday yester-day afternoon nt 4:30 o'clock. Tho child whs stronga nd apparently In good health until Sunday when ne $ becamo distressed. All possible vas ?im done tf or tho little ono but to no avail 'wjr deatrT'comlng ns abovo stated. The' parents have tho sympathy of tho en-tiro en-tiro community In this their hour of bereavement. 1913 Imporlal bicycles nro now on sale at tho Sidney Stevens Implement Imple-ment Co. Advertisement. tf Yale motor cycles, with 3 Inch auto au-to tires, all tho latest features, foot rests etc. A machine for service R. M. Rolfsen agent for Cacho county; also agent tor Tho Harley-Davldson Advertisement. tf For the 'best rubber hose, lawn mowers, etc., call on Sidney Stevens Implement Lo., Center street. Advertisement, Ad-vertisement, tf For wire doors and window screens seo LaFount Hardwaro Co. Advertisement, Adver-tisement, tt A Baby Boy. Dr. and Mrs. E. I. Stewart are 'the proud parents of a baby boy born to them last Friday evening. All concerned aro 'doing nicely. Flowers Stolen. An outrage was committed at tho American Steam Laundry either Saturday night or Sunday by someone taking tho flowers flow-ers from the boxes which were recently re-cently plhced In front of-,tho establishment. estab-lishment. The flowers were plucked where thero wero any in bloom and many of the plants woro taken out by the roots. This seems to bo the time of year when Buch outrages nre committed and the "limit"' would bo none too severe for persons taking flowers from beds and as a lino Is out for offenders. In all probability the unsuspecting may be brought to Justice. Advance Proof Out. Tho advance proof of the Utah Agricultural CoT-lego CoT-lego year book has arrived from tho printer nnd tho flrsl shipment of books Is expected tomorrow. This year's book, which is numner flvo of tho series published by tho successive success-ive Junior classes at tho College. Is an excellent production. It Is full to the brim with half tones ttiot will mnko strong appeals, both to tho student body of tho U. A. C. and those town people who nro so fortu'n-ato fortu'n-ato as to securo copies. Tho boon presents throughout an excellent survey sur-vey of tho past year's events at the big chooi; on1" thtr hlllrMmai flvo hundred nnd twenty-flvo copies havo I been ordered, and every copy has already al-ready been sold. Land Merchant. Mr. Ralph J. Stnyner of Uox Elder county will bo In Logan May 22. If Interested In buying a nlco fruit or dairy farm, can Inqulro for him nt Edwards Fur-nlturo Fur-nlturo on that date Advertisement. Chl-Nnrael demonstration Wednesday, Wednes-day, Thursday and Fr'day. Uuy n ten cent brush nnd get froo n 20c can of Chl-Namel varnish LaFount Hardware Hard-ware Co. Advertisement. m20 Card of Thanks. We wish to express ex-press our heartfelt thnnkB to all who so kindly and in so many ways assisted as-sisted us In tho sickness and death of our beloved wife, daughter hn3 sister. sis-ter. Especially do we thank those who furnished flowers during her sickness nnd for tho funeral; also those who rendered beautiful music and those who spoko nt tho services as well ns thoso who assisted us In any way. ALMA II . CHAMBERS, T. E. DANIELS, wife and family. Expert Shooting. Captain A. II. Hnrdy, demonstrator of fancy shooting shoot-ing for tho Peters Cartridge, company arrived In Logan at noon yesterday, and was greeted by many sports and gunmen from over the country. At i three o'clock ho was escorted to the Gun club grounds in tho west fields, where he succeeded in satisfying the great crowd that practice makes perfect, per-fect, hnd that a good eye, linked with goqd judgment and a steady nerve are the prerequisites to fine shooting. His work was excelent, he is in the "never-miss" class, and his visit to Logan wll long be remembered. |