OCR Text |
Show t, , DESERM' NEWS, SALT LAKE CITY MONDAY ThE MAY , 1939 29 , , 5 ,s ; , , - re . , ,,, t ---- ' v., ,; ; .., ., ,,, ,,, ., 4' I Contract Dentistry, Voted Optional With Local Units . ,,, - I ... on PAY5riN. May 21VoUr,wing tribute to the late John J. M. Clei.an, former Tanerracie torgan. ist . and former Pason (otozen. - !, ,.,1 :c(P:.) icn!FT,r,:e 141I la .., :I 4.41 noade rr.1;o. ..:i. 1;-,: 4; . ' ,,,,44; ' ,LirrT-,a:- rcoe .no21.t r. .,n'eo,-.o.- Mir'.;-,7- . ',.):'. rrt trt !re ttni ar.,1 et ish:rrn r 9,Pr, 1Veitare No,1 reporir,1 th enr1 W;ir.f.1 ,1; naving arrr,e,1 :1 ;.eres !;e. 1441 J. 1:',,en !be Beek, prr,le!Pr, gern,17:,elef 4. '.1 r, ,rcri, ,,: : 7:P Pri .!'r;rs Prar,'. t rzr nounti. !,,ri ,t ,, in rn.trowy ihp Vit and Carev,a1 - t ,,,;, ''rvvec ;.t.er V..z 7,PCic,n t,ere r4rl;i1r.!. k, iuqe C2 !".,3 Pr tdr, Pr'q ,nd ,,f , r!riAy. Car Crashes On US,C Campus , : yr, nazi ,,,Tra;na ati veter- (.11 prr to ':ne Prkerris, 4.11prefsive prOgram hae ans gravea An P., arranged and the public invit.ed to lit!entl. toPPTI , for Mr, Iffnfirtem !IA i'! !,. t, 7 . , s , ,...., 4 1 t dieeewe, . after trearnent. The couples were returr:na front ITAtan Car:;'en acd run off the road, turning their car over, said Stefferthagen. . i .0 ,,, ,, -- ' , . , - i r t ' i ! - - , .4 '',,e ' 10fr - e ,,' .,4. , - 0 ' e ,. - , DaYd A " I.'', , . 4 ; ' ' 0 1 ' e ,...,..,e-- t, ' . .. T riN,, . ,.., ' .. ,,,,,,...oe ,,,, - .,. 7- ; : : ' -- ; voNi crwilts.A011 i''''rri., ..., ,..,'-,- - - - ,., '''k',' ,. i ' 0-9- 6- i g ., ...,......: "Happy ,,,,d;,.".' : 4..oie (11:&.,4Ir14 , ...alif...tinm...........emmar,000,1 i. . a.L - 1 i , r I it , ' - ' , , pause that refreshes with . Ice-co- ld ' - - , ' . auzazmazaf , . . . ... . . , , ... ' 4 4 - 1 . ;.1'- 'tat F1. wh011 ;Tge rnIr Jr. ' 40,1 74 r! 41( t:Prn Ard S.7 - Irrrro (IWO( .,:. ,, ..' , '',,-.,'- RUI, I t a- - , ,.. 0, i ,.. 1 t , .. . .. i-- : L.. treat offered print-n-1- ,zZe , Ytr,L, rz 1 I- aaaa.sy. f'l - i4,' i , - 1 woRics 1 . ..,-- ' 11 i , 44,22.a :. - --- '' -" .,c1;.,L, ,--,,, ) ''';"- i.,,C14.0'''' ,li ,,,,. F1: CENTRAL1111,M1Wat 'I. , k . ,mb , Moose Consult Your 1 - . 1 441 .... Me' Otaterlavoi torte .11'sa Coo Stool, , ....... - , , , , , , ... , - r , . VISIT TWO FAIRS ' Skew le.rit AtIA.tfa ye). frVtaan- l- 40011 Yerit-StTO tellkt rr.m.. Mt - 1 a IMMO 2... t "."..a.p.a.,"'"es.5:::17,:i.,:"Rirso,..iPg'7,77.7,...r.sciat 40,,e , en.ler, SIM :r.," For Comp lift .. .,, a . . Rio .. - ., - l ' ,. , '&1;k" , - I. stiesost PUSACU 0.6.,afir 1: ,, , .' Terrntrai in tee iietrr You arrive at of New York! The renter of the great hot-6- . shopA snort scroll to ring, and amusement dismal. CIF1- '- Direct 1ubI'17- rqpnectiott for the. Fait... fist, frequent subway muns at s, 4,c lye!' t....,......4....1 - ,: - -- - tratni of Neve Yori- - Raiff . 'wts-- by - , r,,e--- !...,.,,,' 1,41 1 Yoll- '4,--- -- 7;5 . - ; , ' - rogN141.'1 NosrealYENENCEI aot.t ..,. . 4 a '- lordly teh .' s - ,. e ' freito'over) ,.;trie'nesz- ) t,,---,- tan - r ntrxcEsitold t, . sear coaches. ,,. FOR ACID - fix, LiotTrIRE; !,..;,;:,..i.;..,,3,,,,,,:..r.:: 5teet Firer'l are rionecland (except the All4uilm4tn Cen- wry' enuirred with 1i:in:nous reclintnig FALtS ; Pko4 ,. . .DGVIRC- RE t d41.490.5. ' Bat &kb" '..,4, b Allis000.0.00............,, rentrirs--Grea- 701) NIAGAIA - fs411,10...f:10, - ,!,0 11".0 - - .. ""r you tiestrel All "-"'--, , rugs, c fs ,. !TW,t 7earn !r,ev :tiieT Rbilie! ,.;-.- 1141111 f'i,o, att tratelsriTr::::.: rerirg And WP . -- a sterit )1 t ' 04 ,. .nr40 nn !'",b youn7 p.eple 4nd are rernr;Foto.e :,vec of flur ',Ve !4tr',. ' L:-- .1:1,- Amaxing Flak, tot , .....i.v.... 0.. to sr.,...,. s....w. It yen rook wooly" Hem ALIvivie - ' ttful,Mohawit Vailer and ... k RcteAro. Witted Solt Loki City, Wok - 1, sit sessupitis &math. 940 ri.i,d. Vwthi.t. in,trotibtins !Ws.with., ',slot LF.Z, , Ott bastsettos Know Instal. tau, Mimi Whew amnesia& et WI ems ,,,mt Rislk Leg . et 1,,,,, .... ' es hal &WOW& Muni INS boa So Ins. We snit, refuse Ise patellas , , a. COCACOLA BOTTLING COMPANY - of Provo 41 Ste:Net-i- 'Ll'31LIOL-JS1. g , See Niaptra Fails 1. id 1I yj :71 a7s Jac-ct,- , , ... and enjoy the Coca-Col- Of comP Ikafrisgaysvotilifis. 7".4111 Irri ; ed at Juno 7. Mr. Pardue wilt receive a degree of bacheldr of art! and Mr. Stevena the tlegree -pf bathe-k- ; t ; 1. rit-a)01- ,,r1- I;e grorLAtCOITTTIPTICCMPTIt, P:kfTrI.Vg ,i , ,51t.' A't ' . Bolh 511141i; i :COO Intl 4- itfiroo,.. , rttrve-rFr- E, l'ortlot 0 7 : e . - - ,:, !.i.vii x, coreilngto D. lietall R, dean of the fo!I.-:g(4 rorernerce. 1'ncl, m. g'!...,wittt. look for the familiar red cooler 1- p.ar -- :1. irraltilIfiA year at fx. 1.1.,. - te .!,r, 1 immmerce RtuiiPoy.q at P,,f 12- ham- - YutIPZ I r 20, e P( et ed Fcnolarqups 1r) ' pc,,,t,.. at New Itcrit .. - ,....it Willam 7t7 1A'tr.14 th r1 NE117 yfrilltiii CENT It,i canrer 1 ' . the pause that refreshes Whatever your job, there comes i break in mu tine ... a chance to 'pause. That's the time to , sot...,, rt..,t, fIrt., i Th4 ' , ',vas Ueorge H re'soatTh next .of Wtaconsm, -- nrr.U714-- a H. a f No.is.rm revent-- i ..Pn 7,-- !ne. Court. Vellare E1,1r Srrft.- satA. halt is ad- Vniersitv. and Willtani , Dav:"3. Mr. Miners reFearch gubiect "A Sttrdy- of Mawriesium ;d. ISome Biological Nfateriats.- - lie (st. t Is ttis0 ' ,.tt,.. wi, 1. , 1 ,, ' - 1 - 'A'a anct FCIPTIeT. '. ,,s,,,,,,,,,c, i . - '''''i . 4 ut - : commandPr of the nounced by Dr. liar, seri. dean of the college of art! ,...-- vsif.,, -.4 --- - g f Tweve. wag So'Pr72' NewYorkW01111,11S a mg the current ,ear at Brigham Young E Irezpo-P- r I the program. Delbert Miner of Fairview awarded. the .strond annual Sigma XI gold medal for ine l,e5t pteee of reeearch work done cll.r. 'i ,,,,,, 'notd ronfrrrncp stake Pre!, TAterractP. the Best Route to the Ilonored For Research ' 29,--r- s 7.r; Lake 21.Memria1 Es- I' - ' ,I -- 4,1,,,,,i; May he prnvided for comman,jer. L. G. chaniam, and Lester jutant. '' r!! ,,r 'err honor-M- Itfmnr vice commander; Harrdd J. Mower. junlor 4 ' ,,,,, , , ,..'-- I and 'ffd lingsead, i ' i ' trict !commander Of the Itc"ri can egton ommandpa,..t er of !he Eureka poal r. elected R ure.: 0,.hera t. - 4 i . ,, ' CO ....7'1. a", , .. ,................................ww ....0,,,.0000.,. 44 c 'a ,- , . ,'"".701 ,.. iI '. of it.. - -4P-- -.....' '''''' , .:0) S i a, ',I III I seten tCharer No. 1, Disabled American- Veterans of the Worid War. He R1.1(7C(PftS L. G. Ch:,--)cNtr. Moriev is past d:, !(,TDri.. ' - k ,e' - 4.,,,A-'- 11 . rev 2fel :: wAt reet,,,n rf Prc:,-...- ,.., - irwl 4c.- , ''- Tk. ,,,.,. ,,, - , ....,:, , . '''e.,, , ' NT CITY. ? Named Commander .li,hn MoriPy 4, of 11,4, i , - ,,,,, 1 ,.,,,,,--- - run Amer:. Seating Nee., ...,,,re ,:,o,1 Prflrid crerrnriPc ;rake the ' ,,.,,,. ..,, --- . .i, , - lit, V . - ,, , . ' . ..,--.4-- , f -- A - , 0-- natang fanp47.!,! Arrancret t!! - the ,iead. , . -- ! ,,, ..,..,... .,...,..- -.: . ' A ,Awie nr. , "''' : .. -- ...,.......- 7. . .., r-.r, .t . n , , ' .. .. , ' - :..... ,,. , , ... 4 - . ,,,,,....,, ., ,...., , ,,,,,,, t ts .. ',...... ,, ,. ... ,,,.,...... ,, enmmt,tee In rharre ,,f tre of inrirded Ire rnr hi, rsh. T. '',1 rArg DAvil IT, I,orrlq (wl.r. ,,,r prd ,nelal r thoee atteneitng , . .411e ' snt'h Mr!.. Zhn:th John. Glory son, aerompant,t ItarnA Rann!elt will ghind tans, and 'he National Guarri tie- latpr released 1,1rat 1 (It . lr he !aid, srRING Ain. nr:er lr if re raehe .1.meri,an lilzir. !'n!-post 41, with. ,1arnr5 50.ocidard Al arranzetrent, it was (narre Imnryinred hy Adj, D. M. Pet,' of the post. TI-,f!elivered ,.ratie,n wiA hv ',V;Iford P. Pomo, of the A rn!..;,teal prograrn ha, been arrangrd. 'br rnmpriA!er,' fr!Irwing .r.o ,.piwi.-eA, ;Ivr..;;r, 'crinh ,, ,1.-( Pc's!. wil! endext Ar 5prvices at Parad1;e. at :1.13 a.m. lz1,e. , rertnr rc ri zq?, Pri F.( Mra Bnrry:y (;0.1 Pdaaa ,Ait0n S gunit,,1-- m I., Dr. P. SR; !e) tn:e nrrmerned Elder Smoot Talks At Meet Memorial Ilvnim . A rrrgram and 72111e v.'rre en- .covf41.arld lurehern served In n5 !),,,iab!pd r. ,,n, CYYmm:,,y0L-- 1) Na,Cr Ci!r13 Poultor. The car wan damaged to nd both. girls great extern scratched and bruised. Steffen- hater: and Blamer were xinIntured except for a few minor Pcratches. guard wid rdace arel 'e crv 0, up, raid C.niel Carl n ra-- Ar. , !1.1,. ;n ..,, ;len- i;ana ontitOrl, t,, rran .',!,(t,r-F- en N.,r1 ;.rn. irv r I. ,;7"' t flon,or-ec- .A.VPM. ArArn51 w;11 rorn t. Ballard !eetwa,re H. 1) CJ at c':rect!r.n 'n ,herpseivei. qgoert fre.,,nrod M. Ar- rilv ,rrviees .n H. r.,:rn wi:: wilre Eldr his Kr11217,. Aurrra: Mbertser. Emory. zftin has 44 grsndrhi!dren NI..iv ,, f:er. hp la r. wprit , ,ri - end eNtrretied the hone ir,at triernhera nt the SUMO ap wntort rreciate reir choir, r-- n ;RA :; rre retraining KP 'h,rg irt tte ("l'Irth. "You May Nels C. Andersen at Aalborg, Den At the are of P2 Program t Ifirrrciff. OgardRt. Samuel F. Whrakrr rri- menithers- col tntt Lavern and 4 , Baliarrt hP my M,F. Agnes S'he 9 -- r, flerrnarir. W. ov; MrF. .. ,n z,-,ri- Mr-t- W1kmart, Cavip Arderven. Sait Ihnr ware cid rrPn r,.ntia , fiftttEntr. nnw livir2 are: Mrs. !,.mrronsfn. Emory: Mrs, Anr-nras!le nafrt: Mrs, L:ara ;'ri vL ArriPr Jv hni-cr flhrimar. at., r,f ..Tr. P rd Mr,. (;,.is SandTrnr,.. 27 ,x,r. t..e., Y,rnna ,,f- )1,,, 7,t :I, ;, Tr, tr, L'.,r,yr N11:,1enra;, gen,r2Ii n?' r.Ar. rhn ,;:-,,,) ,h, 1,1,n hr,r,,,,e Orend ' May ,t,,, ,,.- 1c72 27, hirtrray, wag born Anders-e- L 117,71,11,T.T.171- on OAt. 21, 3932. They (erre. to Salt Lk. 7I. and later TIoneered :nr Countes. SanTtqe and Emery teert a :7 for werlzr,r. year', ;:s :,(4e1r.ty Trodden'. :n !,, 0-.-,, ::rrt,,,v,,s!... - a I was ;:j, en SAT. -- a- .4 41 frlendi end rela7:iiee mark. Ire F cm- ;t of Stie trarried May ever!rz lirdpv Memolat Day !orrorrow program At !r,,,, ilial a P?rk tnz if,, ers: :1,,!1.7. ,Tri;- n , Jr, .7,1,tha:r Jr. , and , Day, May rApm::,;(;Toy, R. arn Mr;. a nr',,aLar7.er. nr)unre zte born May 26 at !he L D. S. Mre. EPTIO:t WWI formerly Miss Norma Seenst wytn mpiv r MCM,:.4';7:1:ai BORN otHan 1 '4 D rnovo, t r,'An L of ,..:P14ort r floosevelt Lions Chili Elects New Officers nr,cd - Thi - 11. ogrInn. ,,e - i,c A, 0.,;f - (.r ( Yatf-P-. ter.ri I , 3 re Ni4ivw neon r;sTrer At SindAT, 119r Aaron!.- - f 1.ah May Yrritro Mrs. Marla trr , are inviter!. 14tPna Rivertnn. fnr A rr!sslon - k rrNr. Al! fler Harry Sandstrrm rt wrn wi!I :,avP .L.x,e g Provo Will Pay Tril)tite CPa!!:.. Al;Prnatoc at 1.0aprn r. :,-- Volir xprl v.01 v cflep, accionipancd .Pan Poulter, 1,!?er, Taylor aryl tabc 1,crn Moore. Mr. And Mr, milmomillo ,1r. 1 ,haw; svmv. !- of rpr nIrPtv,,rr!rrt Ntrl. Mart Ira vaid. Missionaries ilre Honored By Their 'Old Gang 1712. Ozr!,,n, 1,;,kr ;,7 fc,r trAiT,o, AT,71.t. Provo rrrInrit ,,,.,,,f,"1 . ncr,F, ,Fralf-- r,e tP,1- htt rryar';zallr,r,.5 CUrr f.71,, 7 stAt.g! R. Ril,a w!,.r. 7,nt,- ; Vri,.tr,, ..,:..4,t Utah Woman Is 93 Ttlisdav f4 r terly conference vesterday trat world unreat i lboUrut Pitinngelisinier:: that the rievit world. - À TaP r i c a it; the p:,are .s.afwebt.,1 frTr in h world and the; a dal, Wtrn ynti will thank for America," Elder Earard . ;tarri. lie f.:redicteci that :tine i; coming when ca:,--- 1 'vitt he c,vertnrown and Chrvit will rule the world. Elder Ballard plctured Amer. ica ea a land of brotheilmyt,, where iyeoples have heen eren front all natirinc living I rOaCe erl Patetv al foretold 'he prophets, He Faid that ire Churrn is a dernonatration nf I hrritnerrood the like rtt which hak rip er t.ert keen. Mrs. Martina Anderrtn he stated: ineh..ded lao cornmencemeilt prctgrara an organ prelude bv. Kov I r Vv, ,al solos by Prof. Walt,tr Wee!. v Mrs. Welt.. vnaccompanied (at F n1) i'v Mrs. Rosa c:arg - Mror,- - ,,, T',J:-- Eartir,e war-tor- n (;-- - , , Melvin J. Ballard of the Cot,n- t1.! ell of the TwelYe told rnemoere-,of Mount Ogden PAK., at guar. ' N, ENIETZY, of penattb:ranodf saArnfee,rvicsini tr?:ft ar indri s V,t , LiSeri at r:9 ' i, 1,,,r Ai '"" r ;, Chrivt-T.th- ,ame year. ,hP (Imer Fneaken, were Thomai V SAMUPI A. fiendrtpks, liargen and TImrras P. Ionn, made the ftnanctal report of t he Salt if W. ,,- people rta ,he membp,-acn,.evPrPr, tip()- - 11- -r 7. 'r):1 r z C.P7 hapiain: r,,,t7r1 fr,r, 1,1 ,n .t..13renan of 5(ate ,.per(-,(lry- ; Jr of !1,1r,,,r, doh 71,1:; 71." -r 7 ,zil! 4.7 ,.z Plans ,(1,;J,:. r nv, ;1! 71-- (,)rrmarr Tr. ..rr.1 zc r- - , IT ne he Portage t ,.; 't.,. ,,,,,,.. :, tionone "ts.ki4 a- , , turo.KIrritc:EruNr.elNbelavforI.e'Jt , t ',mitt: ,,r ,t2 4:,,, ' they 19 - -- - ;, 1 . '1Tho, then. are the hure 'art and ...tn.'s- - ran We h1.111,1 tr,,r !nem?" He explained mat the pure in heart ere the rt; dtsciples r.f e Jesus kind, loving, and they mho work !or Sri Va rlrf, 4919414 then- - hr. the keynote of his Pdr17e,99 when were crs rf 1k r ;,cif)rred. 77- ho!tt ;,nd nine Doan', r; C,P of Snit OPeth.i, And Pflrn ;11- DM Sait ,!,, il'qn heart,-h- p :1 v,tPrp-, a P. K0f9rjr.oS' nut, threugrl ;4,0,,I, fl,ra9 tr) rm Z1011 enrir!)t-- ot 7P f, .:, ( ;h:r'c ri e rittlidtrtg v,euld the gamer-ef1,ef4 add es, Ftra't annthnr ,,rr, Frfl 1:3,arrr M.. f,1 it r(thv Tdrzer .krtrory 071,!or. R t ,, ;, ,,,'. Mrp,liznee:ng chlevernent. their Acttiress ufno47,t. Ttm servitee w,,rp i,re,-)dew,er v Btahor, ft.( v thp-- ,hwr ri ,nngrega,ton sinem. We Than K TYre! clh GrA '.!1.1,1,-rfr,r pror,hPt. (,irPnt. trshPr pot.Pred the builflma Columniiit lho C'clahnanan ,M1-1-11- St ;.: ,T)nr,:rq-Pf- - 4 ., el,. 2. , het,' 1Corti on . N ? '!.,' ,4is... , . ,.. ..4 ,: . - t. issued no maLter wivere , ', atter greeting I.Pati sr, wrtn TtP c plICP 'Pry F,Par T,1 that ni 14". C,, tr, of etiUcation. to them PrIded.v-p-a-- a fanettrialog d.cnrA vrps nde ' t Pl. dedicatory Ertl k rtDW(i f- ' ' , loNIL ,T , stating in supplemen-- , tan. remark 'That prayer and continued interest in Churrn activit.ies will be invaluable awls wh:4 h irte fled 29Replortion Ntay f r1 VYW; Wr;01 VFW puxt!!. T,ret011;r ; 1Ientoria1 Rites ::7A(- - mstoner plitned that th Tr...e .. After the graduates were presented by D,rector Romney, Dr. Prankiin L. West, Church com- ice.; 34. oroxi-olreotr off;rrrn rf tnp nnunrill and ,nip, Rrd - iPzr!..n El c(!ts 11 e - A 717i, 1,4,,i(11 r- - , 1Verd Pn ! ;Urca:- - of Wtien !tP ITIon prd - t),;1)EN, of (...a!i t morrtrz.. emrr-narl- rt.,,,'''0410004e4O- Ui Officers MCrril nprp,g, r?r2,-,,r- K( inn of 1,4.. vetrt t:rlrior TtP A NIrg, ,r-,- 4 ,Api - chapel at im.,prissive persors attended the exercises. FTv. rr,,N n.. anti V.1'41, tp ceri,mcniNg ti 'rrtgleron - , 1":o,-e- I r,P ,i1,1,,C. "isi 1,4 vf ,Trem kl1 '.00rAl ,spr'! . --- . ' r f:az, ' PORTAGE, l't,ah, NI.Ay tnpr( np,,N S25,000 Pnr rige VViird Ct"Cit I $P1 ',', ef p Nvi:h. PreFidPnt 1.10)Pr J. (;!;.nt ,.flormg p m, pr; r,vir Larw!. ,oronor Zion. CcrrmanflPr W. IfrPnau Sl! - Ar 4,r.rs!tcry, 0ea 4 RT r7P.1,0,' Mrrr,f; ,rri Dr, ArnerT.--a- !he ,4. -, Dedicated At Riks Sunday - ;.;,rt of zn. r rf .24 and by Harold H. lio;tme, who used The Value of the Institute to College Students" as hts topic. More than I,500 people crowded into the institute chapel to witness the granuation. i , " 4.41 -.- .. i; Pr- it, I ;t 825,000 Portage Chapel 6.44. efemon;pg n r', raI ,f a Th.v , - 17Logo-i- O.er fr.1,74re-- r.an e9 !,.. ef. In ,,v1! arn ,cre PRiCE. .:7rrt,,rw !re r,, ;10A-pr- !) . V ;,,,,? prs,: ., 'Jay ki;AN, rrPrnoer o 1 Rites knnounced 3 rf !Ake wi!i , f,;7rr1 r fr tt ;lint Memorial Dav T ii., :,, It'i;!.4:4 i 11 47,,i,fui LstI... ,1,18 , ,t Carbon II til ; t' 4 1:,1 , Attec- -, By Elder Ballard . - I si college. Student addresses were made by Mts. Roy Vest. discussing ,the value of Institute instruction of married, women, : . ::: - - t it s Example , ,4. , , ! 4 , , , May rollees of Utah ,Stato Airricultur- - - 2 Honor Dead1 I1( -- tte terferenre, , ,',-- - , - 70 rPg!tiPr ;"., , - '' Lt)tran Will r.! '1r fl:rrriroo : -, ' ,' 1- ' ..61 ., , diplomas. r'i S. , : ; i serrier3 yesterday. Nearly ' S. : i Pre& lif ber J. Grant dedirot(d this $27,.000 Portage - f'11,- ''''' a rr.,!,.... ,r1 f ., , , ' rPt'V. 020.9 vv ',!, ri rre7!re e - i, ,411 ., 4,...4 - -- - : - kr:ti !r. - rrr - 4orro It I;: I: 9, ... '4ftgarll 't , i I o,,,e t , .,, ' ne pirr-- - ) - ,, 'a..'448"6." i roo- - Tr,. '1 Watd nrg ' r ,crrrf 1 V1 , - '? ' 1;',. ii,or,.. Her ' ,,. ;t f r,2-- : i'',4 .nozrt. rr000rr i;air rr,Pr ,(! ore- ''''''' 4.'1 ''"---r; r:AV- ' : prof.... pre-ple- nt 0.d 1 1 f it'l tiii Kir 0,a f I'll ;,'; 4 '''''" '' ' ifii i,Zr,.r.Z soareno.,-n-t f000,rosorst reo,s, moceo.orr, :ro ' , ;r., ,. lona - 1 concept' "nd purposibil of Church education were outlined yesterday by Elder Stephen L Richards, of the Council of the Twelve In his address to graduates of the Logan Institute. Commencement exercises, under the direction of Dr. T. t'. Rom-hehonored the graduation of en54 students. most of them !hat ocr con t c:-- : t .' ': - - !DOAN, - ..i...q1 , ' li, - .: 1.;!. - . ,i:-- oho. I.,o ,a iwfc";- - ty,04. - . proloosocro oarrnt crzanozao i :ze ,,,,,01j2 ,,, ,. '41 ft i.,' .. . hvo-e-. ''.,ei as sccre- , ,,o''i,tit : cosew' . ,,,oncrfrm.1 - ,. ;., Ic.4, ,r.,4i-,-c,ii. c,! 0. , i:Ap!of, i,r ,to.m,,ro. ,,r,t '''' t'ianol'e !ro ,t. ,oloo.r. fr., r 71 men... sne CraIr,r cf Ll.p.,. r f .t. r. 111 lt. !',.' A.1'1 t;onal. ,arc-n-al s.at soie gzs4.,: - ors (.r..-rr7,- 4 o' make can't act purely ,len'o.004 awl hen , 2 're f fp tra ;' ; !i president FrUom of Salo. Ii v000r.; to olentwoo oev arn..i. not 'toe in. , : o,o l'1-- on Torropor'ion iltoar- lor. I ,ientl,try Ritroam R. 1,,,,man 6( ti..,,e courk. rt! (NI' the Tvrive (o12.e.P4 1,7! rcriarki v.rt erne i'I'. I ooi000 Like c,!-,- yas arYtrea,..rer. a I.,!-.)- , i , i'.1,,fPii - . I : , , . ' ' Elder Richards .,. , Elder Lyman .. Tribute Pays . ''' OGDEN, May 21De1egatem at the annual convention of the Utah State I)ental AAgociation Saturday afternoon, selected Salt Lake City as the meeting place for IF444), and voted to make con- tract denti.try purely optional with local dental socleties. , ' l,r, M. '4'.?Nfisrrili of Provo was i installed as rrrestnent. storeesseimir E. R. Thatcrter of Ogden. K. i IA'r t I.Itrrill LI Salt. Lake C...tv Nas , , bi,,,titute Hear ". .,. , , t Will Be Honored . . , ...71,,,,,, e' . - , I |