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Show , s,, . , , , 4 A - I's ' - ..,,,l',..41'41' ..,' ; f .. " --4 ,,---- L. ..M --- - la ' '' ' 1 9 ....;gre."' ,, isE. sun -- - ;::.wiz F -- -- - ; 00 9 .i 1. $ 'Y L',... A, f Lea-- , HISTORY has Lo teford f,,.ri of free f:',.zen51. in liou.nt eRg restliA in reduced Iticbrne, .creased q.nat , government cocottes in many at tli;'.icti t,t'cit:11 itre Grit necessarily es'ortorme iirogreKs. Al.houalt i.n infiititnial may make an ur,wi--wfarninz,,c ff.lo15,:thly, Investment or .1;t: when a does not affrq't Friary ;,;,zers f,offooI,chIF fer Wi.enever a gty.errtnr:nt ooes ..nythlrg (4 that itn indivdu,aI (Yr a cat do as, well or better, then :: ,.;;51 Pxreefied - ant the ara..eed, e r f .31e rer-r-- and et fhe river.S VI:1X the LhilI makes too strong an app,.al to the motions to 1,e ea1!- .Liplaced after !!. has been acceptPd for rentur-..sAccording to the Bible stor3- the fathAr A'as a "man of the house 1,f Levi' ,1 was a daughter of 1.,evi" ;TA rrlry, tlPr Vcn Pharaohs daughter.. the 1,rincess, oper.ed the ark and aw the child, ,..he said: Th'.i is one of the Ilebrews chi'.drert." It is 'rrattonal Tre rklieve that a marl who tad ",oeen reared the house of Pharaon should undertake the work of lead.nz the Semitic into the rl'ro,s out of the bondage GI their fathers. ;and IT rttte Ctier mairthren ffer e, to the democrati I a hard scrat: fl Jk,e t:p ;nr,,Ft le f tte l3Qt r free-mone- , ,f T tr:;-- ; , - . e 4 .. -- the anr.1 may hI C , wI 12",eapeo Chaplin lioundfrp, I. t i ! .f . , I - 4 -- That Ends Well! iell, C. lEdivin I 11111 Side Of The Sews ' ': appmra .1 "St (Copyright. 1338. King Features Synthcats Ine.) are now sung AAOST American work wrio Peol-dneer by workedthat is, in :he 'veging camps, railroad gangs, steam. farms and pits were born. This eat vhre a:, einger had a.,sumed. mistakenly it we,;A now appear. that lork :,ungs couldn't to rao.ories and conveyor belts and that, therefore, musio, WhiCrl r10- iondy eVin !hryugnt 1 Akstoc121.Ing Vtrt ,vork, kali becorr.Ing the national .1c;!k rhythmfor i4eppirigrout and never ror. work. 1Ve are ed wit.t an ehror. Here's sv.ing ikirg .4ed for a Aork on and quite V.ausibly, you 'run off a few of the e,s11 'r,ectic wrg recurds.()n the U. S. S. NOrthaMpIOn. as tne start loading 11C.pound boxes of atntain.i.tion. the shlp's orchestra. 3 on the worK deck. by order of corrrnander..ptpirg up a Nwing tune. The rhythm pares the work. .lessens fatigue, shades the danger of, acriden,.. with the prPcon mr:yerrient thus attained, and makes 1,etter team work ail arourid. s wrg couid 1117;SIC ; ,,4...,. , ' 41 ... -- va-0. ' 4 ' ; , : ' '' ' , , , , I hii-deb- t in--- e th-er- I :i1. Urm-(redi- The present tax law; tin nnt help the dlyidual debtor either. Ile has no ineentive to pay off debt, hecause tax raes are 50 much higher now than when defr was inrurred, say before 1211 In her words. a much mryre to pay debtor must earn ever off in 1139 do!larq !he &t es. he inrurred l33 dollars. The;e to whom the rneney Is owed often do not are to press cieet'ore,-yet. if settlements vere reacned. some money Instead of no money would be fc,rtheereiee and a large amount nt supposedly dead assets would turn into li..e The President has made ,t clear that he 13 in sympathy xvihthe helding rf the hearings in the House nf Representatives which start today. Ile has been represented as Feirne of against tax revi;inn, and o ha--, the kfimirtration leaderF. But no' there is agreement all arniind that ornet.hIng he done. and the fhffitcnne; of op:rinn at,e. rebeen ironed out, Lnv culd leciiee duction in rates whieh menue is not to be anpated. The reiision, to he effective, however, MUST. assurnethat a temporary decline in one of revenue may mean a suloetantial inereaqe in another class-a- S, t (oneolienne. of the rerr,r;l of inerpidahle tax rates. and "deterrentzi11.. -- 1 ta to 1 b1.1510CFS. .1 1 -:- ---- -- - tte i1 94114:34T 1 Nk, 1 44 otsc . '40 .4.004 - t - I 1 1I I - lb. 1 ;we-- NA,..Ilk, Nt dorisiff 1 Pp Ota L itrar, - I (N titellsd)) (1) I . Nii)S ,---z AbNJ cy- 1 - 1 9 intint. oirr-Ifttit-ti vsysloollo140010, - 46P- - 1 i et" aziri- - , - NvM- - r give trength-ijntoT Mess 11 , 1 I - 7- - f I ,,,, - ' 1 1 - - 1 I -- - 77,4' SEE On VOUZL-DMELLEL- 1 , - (7tli - - - 1 , . . . . with- .., --- , . 1 , to refuse are Me-- 3 sad OR "' none -s- 2iL If the small cost and the won- I 11-1i, derful convenience, I don't know of anything that gives us mori red enjoyment in our home; Tor S3 a month we have all the hot water we need. There are 6 in our family." The above statement front a present user is typical of the satisfaction expressed by the thousands of persons in this tern' tory now enjoying Automatic Electric Hot Water service. You, too. can end your hot water problems once and for all with an Automatic Electric Water Hectter. Come in let's tcdk it over. kerne thIng. 11e tont- Peace,--P- s- i ''' work-Thythte- . peoltie;-the-Lortl-wi- , L (t)4 e ,used as a in will relieve -- --- . Z''' ,,'' , - , - ... - . , . I ...dilalm...0. ,. , . . - . ' , I He that Loves grudgm,gly shall be taught , better kr- adversity, - - 1.,, s He that gives to he the dark. To be slow to giiv tbout I ' Ntlanea. world's largest volcano rs the 111;!fy rock. wool usedfor insulation -- t k 12 . - ? reath and pass a record of 41,000.000 Pornetimt this the Arr..ertran Te!ept,lone SC elettraph Grmpan predxted last week. In Ins the U. S. with on;j7 of the earth4 r..,opulatiora. owned eitno5t half the Iota of ,,,9.2t; 00'4. phones. - riltire'tte . N. S. total- wiTI telephone ;P--41 -- the-hes- a pot in.M4' 'f 1hnt wtil keep !heir 4tr,ef vrerr,,,e4 dnd ,,nove the througn, even ilram5t !t at heart That n:ay ;asii he bthlk to the Senate, whIct. ''cu!ti give ;:. the (7t11P de grace more be run ,9iripTortt etec'eil : ri, ,,t weeld al hap- pier anti a. se. eeter- Ware. in wtilitt !ft lile plays a line role tn th.3 trouNed .,,,,, A iinelrITti-tepe-r- 'he ,.. 4 tiniy for ,ccatching mosquito bites or fignting cops. tAn you'll he surprised how this intisic fits into the I don't 'know whetterthe-sailorare using t but Deep Purpie" Fnould be one of of these. Part of the efficacy' crf Fv:Ing 13 zhe equiialent of understanding in literature. A ElFrred nr omitted-no- te somehow takes the ligtener into Pannership, and irtiPels him to TWrth a. Maw- do las stiziff; pecTraisc 11113r reaction. and that might mean a FtnIng I hcale-hon the hawser. If Yee.' will run t;ff a batch of modern sssqng scings the phon4grapit. I' have an idea you wiil 'agree that the (mei which have the rongest, and popular appeal are !hp,40, which. both in sentiment and music, liave not been wrenched too far out .of the picture of our traditional regional. piOneer memory and work songs. "Deep Purple" is elefinitely In that pieillte. Which suggests-th- e that the eleah perhaps triIe.c.)bleryation issieskuerp end fin-al as we think it it. ReIrL prorm4ell (,,n iirr:r The Human Sorre work rzr. .JK iktr; BMNG u..zetul in ttie World rrpAny,l,eir.,x, fel to, common. orclIrtare 4 7'7;4! kind one Meet; everir The rt,7.;:,.. people In the world are the hurile,iwerp!e, whoi4e kirA setrdl and getterma artti make vit feel llaPPier foi,frir fr,,?tirztx,tr,al,ek nor 14es, Any irV. i),T 1 , ,ktc vi now-bein- to- r -. strizsc- prmriI4-1;Ckit-- Inove !o put tno4e 3 , year ly ridtrg C1- t , eiti.:tey-Si-ave- o! cm 0 ' It ,illw J b. on down .the han.to the,Vo!ga l)oatman. Young FwirgAters turn 1,.p t.heir noces at WA zortga, and no re-do!g-i- t hrçjed with the news that qletr iit.ersted 1.nag tunes. stipposed g dJce on!y cicuble-jointeantics, are put to, work. ,uddgn. ,urge svivx rr,:zht r4 A t cfrt itepub!kans Rot IFi:I - tf-,- e aryl Dr,rtl-r- -- , sars there-Fa though, !.a-,e- Jieiiig tiseful -- - i , prect(t:,n3 are That it t!), a :arze rnarri,y. faer ' The lor,ger i T,;a4 .o.e 1 , i d your- '4tr1tr-tr- Pro -,- , Take the rnatter of frozen debt. The small business Irian Who is not quite break, ing even and wants to le be to continue in ilt1SitIPES by cutitng down and interest may reach an agreement on past debt with a wholesaler or sorrektielply house which ,'PrttS to see Lim stay In busnerse. But .a debt becomo s. taxable 'The- rergiIrtr a rrt heece and ta.reft to flehtnr. the (ome iAllich the buline,s man has to pay a tax. rntist dehr So. :n order to gct t tzelf 3,'5 a5 a he a tax ptud, and slate (lean deterrent to :he :ear inz of Also. if 1.1201 are net cleared up. tbe oppor'.tunit fy-16-ge,t-Mirt tray be cur: tatied. Hanks do not hke to lord short term money to companies vith overhanging :erg term debt that Is past due. subject been tackled so late in the session, which is, of course, the best indication of how opinion's here and outside of Washington to- theha ve- - differed-e- s tirgener lief. The impression of coMplete revision of the tax laws should not be derived from the fact that hearings are under way. The prin- cipal purpose is- 14 TOITIOVO- what have 14'44r1 called "deterrents' to business and perhaps to provide some incentives. It is not, therefore, a matter of what rates shall be applied, used to rrise but of what methods shall-btaxes and doubtless also what particular classes of rates may be discouraging busine,ss progress or investment of funds. The whole subject is a technical one and there are dozens of different provisions of the existing law Nthih are matter s of dispute as to their equity and fairness. But Secretary and Undersecretary John Hanes have been studying 4 he whole problem of tax revision as it. relates to business for many months. They have been getting the viewpoint Of business teen and tax experts and have drafted several new pro', isions which are deigsned to make the tax laws less bur. densome, Many of the suggested changes do not affect revenue at all. but would merely revise those provisions which keep corporations from reorganizirtg because taxes are prohibitive. Many a company is i.11owed with assets frozen and-w- ith no new mployment created just because of technical difficulties of meeting tax. rules. Take, for Instance. railroads, which just 71Z-r-. 7he,ie-,,,ong- I 'R7711;7 ace ' I Aiditeialtiq, red-iro- yryt.1-a- why go on? You krow hio ,flf. We Piw2ys f.houghthe Niaa crazy. o:,; ,,91 i',''': i Drmticratic Straieg real.Ty that the hearings , 7r 4') ,. , alyt ' a..uncertainty and- - placed---tieinitely- - beket- ethe Congress as a task for completif,iri before' 'adjournment Rarely has stieh an important t - .' , i way of Trager.1 e 3,----- r.... V. that ;7t would make no tereet that will Who (1 ;.. ......i, 4,V C i, Ahtam.4 ---, , , IvJur krid turned !nto a :rig) lett ateaO: ',Vho grored the Ai Art: who would tharige record. ,;:;14 :77,f 7vtar' d' C 4, oast, ..... ,, I front 4 el,en rrher rar fo ttit r . , Ail WhO r;ght A' al volirc - - yt Lobor itct Hearing's heat.r.e-- . ,A , :. ie Aso!rvi,r.4 1.:atly crazy. Fociria)n told. Now we know what waA the reatterwlth :hat lei;ow: 'N'r.o tore .,,,;;t. of 1.me. areund one car and r..v.k into te rr.ilis 'fa time jiai orn:r.g It.e oppo5re way; Vat) da.thed np to !:!e Eght ;It !pti TrIt!Pff Pri.Lr-ri- r and ort !'he -. (.- ,, ASH May public opinion than won a substantial victory for itself itrawakening Congress to the necessity of doing Pomething at this sessiori about the rerision of the tax laws. The start of public hearings Means that tax revision has been taken out of the realm , .br, e Knew It ri A4 ,,, I kp human monstrcsitirs. l'erhaps J4,.t i- t.....1tiK erni4,-s,sizin- fe-- Continued. Thope amended have charred wa deliberae riurno- going. thus foretp,rg The impeachment - -- .., , , x A, -'- ny. 4! 'A .., . ,,,- . In and throtigh the tradition (ft, horhe rule cireurmwrit,ed ordy ),y demdn,tralily y tiete-arand Iesirahle Petit-raAmerica an 1,esst protect her eit;zens ;,,gait a t the ;,ght rainant bureavera(y. !hls 413y ',then rougt:t worth poni2erirg Federal appropriations are fatt that the .iimtPrIcart peop:e m.it 'Dke a :T. ore detertr,-.r.etand !n:3 a gsf.ernment !te peop,.e. by and !,'r 'lie peopit.' - I AIN11. ,,,....- cf. Ai, Efe. wh-o:- the art thoe trative procedure aril ,,, , I,., heights--(;erma- iv to ..., , ,,.. 2:,,Ii,i:,- , .2Vok1-1,- ,, ,...,,, .. now need to have removed every possible Impediment to their return to the market for purchases of heavy equipment If a railroad endeavors to buy in its securities on borne re-organization plan and if the Fecur.i.ies are selling at say 20. when the par value Is 100, the present law makes it necessary for a company to turn in as taxable income the difference between the present sale price and the original parvalue. Complications of this sort face other businesses, too. By DAVID LAWRENCE --- 041"1" fentral-:zecontrn! has roun'rieq lAeen lamed to the greatest liaY. Russiaare the verr (knee !hat r , ., ;,,,..- ... fr--,' . s ahroaft situation w,r1,1,te- - ,,... sr. i--- )kea , I increasingly apparent that becoing ,s - ...,,, .04) i, maintenance of tate rights and local Roverelzr,,y Is a asicaty important phi e of the demove ?oward preservation of Ainert-a- n mocracy. At no other po.nt can thk rrnintry" PI fp !kPlv 0,t1ive toward the fontintia , !ion c,f free Sjv, fight-1- '''' Public Urges Tax Reform -- 4 - 7s4, ,, '- N the beginning. l'hleipl'iias ma's der ease defied creduiity nary readers of the amazing sirrumstances ileVed,. the whole business v,ail sorne sort of a weird phantasy. Twenty-ftJupersons were under arresL an urzlisclosed numter ttr,der suspicion. more than 44 izeest rmirdered expectations that ',he ',.st ;night . Ions pass 100i end rare extending Into four neighboring states. The e story had all of the evidences of a stcange farritt woven by an Imaginatlve mlnd. But it is not fiction, but tr,r.h,;nd ;t recalls in its fiendishness and iiigen7:.ty the notable performances of !hist florg,;s medieval Rome, Locusta (,,f, ancient Ite.me. Tofano Pf old Napies ar,,i the Nlaro.,se ,le Brinvi niers of tte ter,".,;:y France. , v and as since confessed 10 taking t,art. J.. :2 t !her murders and knowingA rine ;nci-ewoman stopped her tria. ,:crearn tj guilt. Three rnore F.earied ic,;..,y and ,c,ert r others were arraigned sons and frienos were sa, rified The s t - ,5. i7......,:t Menace Of Federalism 1 simULT7N.NEOUS the Senate Ir,r,r1 no Areas et agr'remr.! the Wagner Latp.n Att thing. st7arpened voik r ' .. ' .".740,011r. , 140,11.61,WW 'rt. s llodern Boroias rrn art.f.t. -- ; -.- 0 -- A -- - , 44kc,,. ,., Mt , - , Nat ' if rt Is Death reaped a - , .. , ,,,.... ,' ,---,..0.iiri.,,,,,- EDITOMAIL, PAGE.'' i , , ... (mi AtIEWS at , t - 4.... 4:714114a:: ,f 'he The i,eautful picture' - . - 9 .'14V,.. - .he ,torv. r.a: iv In t):f - ' , . er business.. The unniiitri.Luad proL:s., did produce much revere for .he aion that of late years there have l.speli Its. either distribu:ed or It Is said that the Pre4,ident tRi..eves ..,a.e ot", will be hest tor the k ore gress adjournaction Is plar,red on the fomprom4e tax revision proposal. subm!tted 7,lorgenthau with Mr. Roo,24?ve.r..,z and Sorotor Pat Harrison' s tacit 2ppnrral. 77;0 (oit) 4)00 tclii-- f ;41- Hearings on the Inopliation bill 2re twting Fpeected ski!n the vie to action before ,;;',- - I. wt.t.n funds become exhau4toff, Infileations !hat Only Pnough money to (;Irry tr,e months will be provided l'rogresa was made in the sk.1:.;,1e. week on the railmici lion, anti with the extx.ptieJia i1 Lner: tetora breaking 81,215.000f) agrtrt.:.-rr- ,i bill,' all of the major sup;,!,,,- - ).:"4 enacted. - , , , ,m ; , reported that Pre.oiect 11.ioseve,t .1 tO have Congress tepeal 'he.1 trihuted profits tax, and to make rrinor t amendments to other tax laws as :hey - , r ,. ' - ! - It It , - , , exiled Jewish p4ychoonalyst, has written a new look e) prove that in- whIrn he- attemptsthe inpired writer kind lawgIver. v.as not a Jew btit an Eg,xptian. Freuffs'arg'2ment ts that when Moses ba IV the raonothet.oie dect;re lie 1,rel'..trin of Egyr4 fa;ling e(ame the reader of the enslaved !2,err.:tict Irttes, ied them ;nto the desert riwi.rd vcr;..;,..ied land .and to venerate as a i.g.on he had horn Egypt-ian.BelieNcrs in the 131!e, I.owev'r. ff,r "ponds and 1.Coen thing that a group or an indiv:roi fon fin better. then a nation bea,mes :ef,s Tre and its eiti2ens the ruled instrad r,f taxes , s . ' . 3 a- ' ' 1939 - DESELIET the SIGMI:Nr) rom ;4f4i,-...,L- ,:rrono7-er-- 1,,1.--Tn- L(A10E 7,-- ip, Of Misses Priest! Freti(l's 0-fu- 7t-- e , crrir s th-a- 1 , 29 We Stand For The Constitution Of The United States sWith:eIts Three Depaitments Of Government As Therein Set Forth, Each Own Field One Fully Independent In-It- Tax Reforni Under Way to vie to tbefew- -: funds which make ed improvements, c,r hui:d up a strong will do rho Put no matter what . , , . 44 "; , of a , - !ItIONDI AY' MAY . ' r.. 1 I 4.,,. ,,7,1,, . : . . , . 4, , ,, , .4". ' .100.1121.11101.1111. 4.101..";0110 s,,,.. 1140.?! . , 'n . 11EVS. SALT - , JuJilliluor I.' ' .,,,,,,..'",4.,,,.."Abl.'----- - L!,:.:40' ili . , , ., . .. . . D1' THE' , t . . . ,, - . ' . |