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Show Domestic Diaty: Today's Treat Him Like A Grovon-Up- Many a your-- man and :woman generously contrits- e ' ute to-thfartilly's food, clothes and shelter. Infancy ia trte tune to effect control and management of the hild with a view toward cul- tivaurTg in- - him more send more and sa ha grows older, hotnng that rental control will safely haNe ,urroached 'the :vanishing point tsr Of' very well. - e : - be. Most voting t. at, ,ucn an age. lag buyet-i;berThot Se who ptcr.li it sitiomtly are and (woeful! extremely rioci people---iesen- ftens, : Itly, advice jo thebe motnera is to treat these older thddren offer inem no Ad. groun.ups. vscer as a 4ti4er cacept.whenit ., 'aler-ttr- listte.lutanthe..1anti;Yt - ; likely to et) wrong. IL my fellow parent, you face such a situation. try to Make the - trtOett of it. Put your hopes in the next baby or grantibaby. In tnat child esuailtan desirable co-o- cheerfully answer letters per- Renally. I would appreciate it if you would be so kind as to enclose a envelope With a three-ce- nt stamp on it Also you may have free lists of books on child-rearinperson- gay and mental ahealth by writstamped. self. ing roe, enclosing addressed envelope. , i Etiquette And Good Form as ' .4 set" , relative will be a nephew of wairrEN FOR mines This may sound strange SOME ONE ELSE Dear Mrs. Poet: I) it proper ' to you but it can be explained nozes by the fact that my (laughter is for me to wnte thank-yoetorlang many miles away from for my employer? His wife died borne and i,he and the groom are I am recently and he thinks that uriable to come home for their to thank the one to write people wedding. them for-- flowers and other kind- Arta eV You may give Your nesse!. Since 1 am his business . tlaughter away. certainly. When secretary and in no way connect the time comes you ed wpm the family, I think this merely nod - from dowhere your head. is somewhat outside of my prov- Or stand. mean that to take I you be would you glad Ince you want to walk up the aisle rare of these notes for him but 1 with her tn the procession. thts am woo the peopie Witi. think is very unuatial, hut it can be nos- t curious for an outstder to alh!e When there are no brides-t- o I sweet them. thank donif ' be criticized. ntA,s and the mother wears a dress all in one color---almo- st like Answer: Most people are very that of a Quakeren as not to de lenient at such a tune and no one Of emfrbm tract the loveliness the be likely to criticize your bracieS (tothes. Instead of this I plover if you write his notes. it would much rather suggest that is quite- customary for some one very neer to the person in deep is your nephew walk in with her that you merely gave your mourning to take care of this de- -- and consent to the marriage from taal. and after ail. amank per, closes is your sonal secretary place In the front pew. certainly Ars Post regrets that she can pr associated with his concerns. no longer answer letters. She You of cour, plain that Mr. a pruned shp in "Nlodel Employer is 111 hut wants you to- t Las NOless" winch' she ill he glad to tell them how deeply he sppreciif with your request you ö ated for how much he wa will enclose a three-ren- t stamPed, toned ltvi their kindness tor ens etoriT Address I mean, the note- semapthyl. Mrs Post. are ,1 The Deserrt must take a oersonal message eeni tneleasert by he Bell Syndicate of thanks tr,m mu. Do ..,011 see, kic "NO FLOWERS" marrle4- Dear Mrs. Poet: Once in "ler:gr'121! that this imPriant daY whine the farrilly of the riereatted s reenstas alwal-a hannY osemory. win request that no flowers bp becalm everything went NM Well! to Arid vet ITITl Send for Emily Poets new hook. l'"11;7ettLd them. Is y people Iftt The Eficluele of Weddings," it proper to send flowers even enclosing Ift cents. Addreen Emily though the family prints this Post. cart The Deseret Neww, request? 'Answer: No flowers" means 'that noflowers are expected from Oil Softens not and that it one, any Leather In shoes- - traveling thought .ohteetthg tr people do tatts. furniture. Per., tray be kept not send any. But this (toes tot son le-- rubbing briskly-- with res- in:event those nho may have car tor mi. ed very much for the deceased or For Prl einerial member of the When m,elting chocolate just ; tar.- - tri waxed pone s. in the too 14)"2" fP4,ngStr senrrauf of ile ,sotible hotter, This will siomEn GIVE DAUGHTER - save Litesuir,gt , AWAY? 'make- - a glossy, icing din a Deer Mrs. Post: May east cry V knife or- snatula in hot water daughter away at a Vel-- small s ' 1 4 Leather at veddir41- Mabushind be present sand the only other Eirt - 7 take. the - , e"' - Ai I ,, c; i, , .,i - 1 4 - -- '.:. - , ' 1,,yi ,!. 1., ' tt - II ,4, ,,,,,, 14,4;":, ,,, . ' '''r i tr".$ t' y X- ' 1 1 I . 1 1 - atFif , wt , ';' ' ,,, 4 t 4 4 .. - , - ..., , ,4? .1, . Air.dat Redingote Is Smart Nesti Listen I f i3 a grand It improvement soft. but neat as wax. Nu can have rolls, a combination of undulation and rolb or a back $Will with flat ringlets at the sirs. There must be a careful re- garri for the shaping of the head The long poll has had a long run for its tnoney. Time FO.M e thing was done about it. Don't V01.1 hear the enipclipping noise? it, t4 the Yount' of hears being tkied feminine heads qtrt the land. : is . t , by Fashion League) rfoleas-e-d t ; eH al th I' or tye . me '; Soil - ' . . - . , . I I ! n ' - it?nd . piLrusitly,--sharry-plete- - pump. coe open-te- ;5 new a ttat enclear u1 1 opening ti flãU that ones Mg toe .work through. It at all bItt i; a nee,' feature to !Ms ;.. can't there pump , ; to all wo- men who hie purrrps. hut have always found them impossible to wear comfortably,The new pump.. la rounded ;4 the collar. anti tile eoge Lakcs a alight ouf..- turn. f) that cutting la Moree-,,Tr- . the pump ;rnpossihle. ;5 huilt that the air.n ;s- Lifted a !ttle 'higher than c,romar allowing for plenty of !r,e pee. vtd st:rpc.rt. and very smart, ,pr.7,le lines. All ,hoes confra.slt with ,pring ,tyles :n their t.tra- et' llne and Treatment, g :rook They have a , . i : I -- 4 -- rtty them,. And 0 . I - I at all. .;irrnind the ankles and verv flattering. of rourse. there ar'f' 5orne ex. themes. like the very high bootee made of spun glass mesh. whitn makes nrivoqtr faihion rielit, hut has little practical ' r futed f ert A t., I 1 s - 1 t , . 1 J 1 i - 1 i i . ' 1 4 1 - - , I i' i 1 , ' Dutr h., vart)uslv ( alien Turkish and It mar sound hazaar. hot, the rnatority Und dostrahle arp hocause they allow that r.stra :tort for tho toes that hasp ,veen wIggling free- for so long. There are metre tneci.sum walktng heels r. than WP had in the spring. and heels of odd shapes in hnth the , he;zhit and the dress heel heel is The nne of those. It slants at hark 4 Paia, Dutnh-Cuba- I 7 . 6mart-lookinz- . war i i for' e uT3 i I . valoe. l r ".,.."-----s 'I4 t More About To, Nnother thinz to he said about are closed. !hev on the round- fitini'PlY , 1 ( A; ' . , 4 4 i(v,k s !ecauie fhe are made ,tarow gaiter-torn- s (1. coa,,F0.1c12e6 ',eeri e. or fabric. and either huttoned or laced on the side. They are not Mgr. s,bati actIzally I PI glove-fittin- 0,,,,u! lfke , i 1 .!i . , , ' - - i f 35. , :, ! 1 t , 1 ! !:- - t t ,. , I I f . , , 4 Au...4 . Answer: Yott can- take- off The th, fentiencsi al zbe frurt .,,,,,11 t,e a nd frnnt to show the feet and this netts- whitewash with liberal sponging - Tar."tarTI-TOO-rtr'y In moccn" tirelm fasnyJn tlIgn with warm water. Go over the , tAras, wslich rave been accepted ' wall Iwo or threw times. adueeze More Colors so well for surraner..are expert- out the'sponge. anti go over the Annther thing v'e are prornisett well gram to picfc up the softH eri to be worn again this fall. is att increased use of two cok4-enect wnttewash After tioanIng i A few shoes wan wedge heels and drYIng It nue be necessary :i vita an) hal'e a lenowing with i ILI street as torstumets, such toSTIZSCITIr ttre watt- with- tD t mart --women.- One' of the- - shoe dna green together. MtE. us a vers sun- - , "4 sandpape.r. Cratka shou!d as 11!1-- .11eivers-,4owe1SMYW: ralltiCrt'd 1111F est pay:tuna plaster to he 7 pie ,aueda,snoa with hratt at a bantivareer , 7 nt the would TP3-tannara,, and tea, arrl I I.mecums for use the la- ! flat sole wrth double patent rat a naro for two4orie bel. La tia walls You t leather tka the contrary, when rba cots. wedge heel., This is on can 'use a cold water paint whtcra order for Lady Eaton of a prom-turne j in two tonery, the slice is washable when dry. It tomes in the retail ftekl In,ent should he in oho color oniy. family in the form of a paste. to be Canada in for Salt howeser. will teaShoes tturtned web water. ' water-131sUsed Bow I titre HARD WATER DRIP Many such as rdtent kdther used mitt suede 44t111.011: The drip of The ,implicity ot fhe stA, Lt hard ralf-Por suede combined water has formed. rottet',enatas probably put mph.- belt toot, etather. Fabme ; with- a fq11Wh on Lows, for many nt Me ing on; inv wash basins What Will !made it! and suede are also trimmed with are tadoceo A,oes In laat Answer: You can take that of , the wont of the,,,itohip, or as a- ' hrol'14ike "VIPs of patent teeth. with k,en,,a)apee or fine steel sloe trimming. and there 'are ; Pt meetm.,,,,, COSIWITIg a Varna. or fOrnfoirriek ..,s'e dw..""L'll clittire Itte shcfs pow, htistn.t.? verY whse ',fame. gloss . n..'17. nein by bucklea. Pumps al.'s tea- - ! line anti giving the effsct of' a which can not -0 renewed. rhnrter shoe ie ,.7.' effects. tore 'Ina, is. the- I ' very light andat the Shoe may be cut on a low,Itnali , Tht ?mere! Picture "0 far is i slaty."' line on one side only, or it may ,l a- very PrialkWastirie one. and it ' Ii tanks now as have a trunricarig. We are go--the ogleration being enortnotnly I There is a fasnion angle - to il Int To earealthough shoes again. ea,,,rde,.1. ler lla Lesintes'-------- Italian army In Ethiopia. moor mould be ,. re i l Men" i the shoe peop--'IeQuto nos and ; Women will '. Sures 'et"cre ImPowthie- 'Y ou N eed Lotion, Cream have a opportunity this ne;jreth11 uPad was gillailn"1 fall and winterr to show off To protect prophylaxis. Every soldier racers' If shoes Ihaa Atte! have had their Hands for i ed three tablets a day of cruintne . w ill a time. This be nattir. i i Ftql)hlite- each tablet' tomaimmg TO ktoni- barttle- - in reedition i al reaction to a thange in gee-- t three grains. ont requires a Winn and a mat- etrle trend. bound to amt., t far, cream. 73iscitrit tk.0 - - ei,- -- tp iI eraiWI'. ed It is expect. that the ; As fer the enee whether this quinine tctiphylaxii t by nezee.emitt. evenme for Wene method is effective. This experi- i MITIPie;. i you io- hare a metal file. ewe.- - proves that tt is. 1. will find the bouffant dress si, hp,,,,,Erve him 0,,,hee wood t the- This- ggneeilem te-timprpct ,.,,,,,,.m- onir to those ot ivy readers who etrateht, drept& in dress tar-i- v from hemmer or holm. are go- t g its ptate. Some et the froeks rfmenvr, vbsorbent calm. He to visit tropical icountnes. , - we 44 4 ' r i i .., . cdf-sic- , I i one-sid- - 1 I anti-larva- I I ! P 1 , , - hetoe The I M . fe-- smarte-i- ,;-;- i - I The that we - i I - , - - : I ; , , - 4 , r . . , ) : , - ' 4 ; , - 11 . ' ,L perfeettv-;,ettx--tbas- --- tetle , i - are-M- , ,..,' - :r cross-strap- few TillrillteS, knit you btIOUld ref...I:D.-biro- bloom---althot- lie.loreds. lkt - -- CLENDENING.. M. D. - t tut-ou- 1VHITMAN PAINT 1 pfIlI - s. s Attilwelm rolv,ple If You Tabfets Happen To Be Victim Of Mosquito IlY LOGAN , - , , rill ropical Countries ake Alontryulnine Sulphate , -- - Ai' and-wh- race-ha- a :, 4 ,ot, urn-lug- arnpie riming with clear water. and allow the wall to dry riefore repainting. FINISH FOR WALL Questiom I have two upstairs bearcsoins With smooth plaster wails that were whitewashed sevI eral times. want to put something else on the wails, but ilow can I get them Clean? What .can I use for a finish flow can I cyacks xn the plaster? - it f on Plan To Visit In ;. i -- or anv other paint that )s not to he removed. Follow by - - i" of women, and are in- wresting both from the rand-- ' point of style comfort and sup- port for the foot. First ot ail tnere are very few toes or en open heels. they- do appear. they are not both open to the hame shoe. The important change Is la the closed toe that has an ti,,eit look. The smartest interpretauon of this idea was shown in a shoe with a trail- heel and a toe closed over the end of the shoe. rIft ZIT on TO that started section open inside the line of the nail. The open section ,t,.eemett to give freeto this part- of the foot. dom arid a15o had a foreshortening effect that is good for large fret Some of the styles featuring tras t other orientop. .r72,1 opening 7n he thoe. wh!le othprg corrititted the open,top section with New Pump Smart riernanrs ssoodwt-iri- t r ; - here An.wer: A'ai;s and ceiling of a a kit,then neeeme covered of rrease Th's may not t,e zt Is there, ar,d ,1 it is not temoved before paint. mg. the palm win not .iqeit. This may !I.e. the reason wnv your paint has peeled The paint 3 evidently loose, and 1,01.1 ,nould be able c, crape it otf with a broad putty knife. A solulion of 3 pounds of washing soda to the gaik-l- ot waterwiltscdtami n the paint after rrnainin The zreattst t,r:ourge the world has ever knonvm is: malaria. It has played a greater part in history than Napoleon. Alexander, , , , By- hazel D. Movie.... Frederick the Great, Robert E. Lee and'Hitier all put together. In thi, rntt.41 ,,:taes malatia -,. , altnOtt,, rf,k0.1 the winninz vl It in Et,nnnia It ga VP thpm more . I he West who Those pumpers In planting trig in the carder,. do take ad. ..an tiia ,,,oorse.,,a1 A, lesit the -- ,,,,,,,,,,, it will be finer. larger. .0 dow it and the hit) the lite of the fact that jr is the one ikrentual an d Ill no mat, sk,!aia. e tiroufic yewer .! iiert i w up 'the ,i'41"F 0,,,t i In the, southern 7,on e of activi-orgoub? In reaiveir Poor soil aistas produced Iry plants grown in the , ,...5:s1PPI Ft.iarrtiva' -If vpu have a hat. dry ,,T1, here i s ; JIM, yt3,11 plate last bloom. out.they In If ty f in longer planted tetrldit:CMSh"WthP714r1Prrtiabln'tY more fastidious plants,' whv ' have struggleda-itt- i !Vigil,. spots. 1 here will lw little.or no Mourn. i by dozens weh what waS Van' ''''s11' called ntst try growing MS in this biffictilt sprir, if Nou front nip: everything the diseaserbeing ahe ritalarial$ re to trick rriemher -'will dig the sod well. remort-a- ll stones. and Work-levcst ;inci 1" sh"Ps" to when tqamttnie-traw3IntelY reneral among tile ht.trt o mai.horriarwbere. l swamP in a little bone meal as a fertilizer areplant a les: REne1 r th. in'erralt"11 t L,".1.-'...Iother Plants grosi that are kept constantly well Iltehnua Sorc4111'PoPcirtmit- - With you WPM atAtivtrl clescripirt oi an Italian army of apprortmately rfretese.e.tbere7,.,,,,ters,4.fr,0,1,,,,rea,,,nberneed,goessdra4n salts. i' ageand do better in tined situations. so set the I what they :nitibbin7ht-rtadllrthalf a thillionineill tberh-wer- vIris also are effective, when planted along a roots a little higher than those of .ourrtninding I chapters in "Martin Chuzzlewit" 1.241 cases of primary malaria massed effect when in bloom driveway.andthetr and plants. Add sod- before Wanting lo form a alightly. which describe. his attempt to admitted to the hospital Is fine And if they are given a good wtering settle in the regtoSL raised mound. nu, inspres good ,diainage and 11a(inlissishillas"wiarsses With evere two weeks during the heat of the (MITI any d anger of rottir g ' rhs'sones In all 'keepi Mis. 23 that of from 'the deaths , region pernicious tort" the &haste will remain in good condition for most because of too much moisture. :i kiss:opt, Aits9oull --41iver ohio. including blatirwatee fever. year. If they are allowed to din' out trve , t ?f the ttu-While irts will grow and blOom withOut ra- - malaria tho What Dam. has practically preventive mete- )eares hroan at the tips and will need shear, , ter. they produce larger and finer bloom if co. twee. tbe best Aureg taken! Of given ' d'''art'earrti- - It ..$4111 hangs n,.1. some water during the heat of out when !ItsWittld and proptrviactie measure is to pre- . Sine tour rho-- inieatiltil varieie for plant- - !' we hare li ttle rainfll A god soakg once or for moat ortii lnit'OT.C.-a verit' the I thosqutites Frnee out big in association with other- plants in your gar- tiefee each month .will prove well wortia the MAW t daniterotis mosauito comes dos nothmg give-- a better opportunity- for trouhle. l STIT1, TICOURIANOME noir at night rood mosquito lovely flower plantings. rhoost otitatandmrWhen in bloom arid while the budj are de- But it still troubles eretotierors: t nftting aver the hed is enough .. . t wa-- - 471 Nowt tivtó the' flarikeOf-errn,A" "'" ." .3 teAreoses " misery rrrotts, "ritmo''' ear- - .!M al" :perennials ! tering& A therourn tioep trrtrattne wih do won.- ; lee and make. )tgelf felt, me:Teton impotertyttx hare en 111,(11111.e,- tiers the been season and pro. lAust prolonymir bloorning nut trouble rewline the with if tire roottnuotssi, 411 wdl grow I during larger flowers- '7that the Italian arnnee had wits on the TIKAV Ad- - the azeaici sry ,. 041? 11 When making' 'unt.00ker! ;c;).1,.: leirdm fubstitute fruit luicres for 1ho ereard ordinatity used with powdered eidrar, Crushed ra;le berries an spot-- a bsalitiflo irrsting tious flavor. . Mrs. Edna Woolman Chase. Editor of Vogue Nlagazine made :t t.hat pne,pretty desperate- - about it. whole trair.z dreRz,irre thf; ler get group trf.slroe delieners. and m2ritifttd-2- , GLilif Hifi ever assembled, Mrs trliarre told 'hem. l Wan;P;. :4ota to i.top tthil promotion of oven-toe- , open ba(k ,noe treet wear. Todav....nrullisons of wriMen are ;lopping acrrni streers with their toes and he out and wirnnut ;my- - kind of support fcr their feet," Both Mrs. Snow and Mrs. Ctase vere Nehernent their urgings for more FEnstble shoes. and, both mane a strong gualitv ychirn Is the ain't of pant of keeping up the Ftaridard the Guild. - Quer,uon: The piaster eiLrz in 'our was papered :everal and ttli!n Pa Inten rwkce- !Irr,P Now the paint is tornmz (41 ,a Teat piff't.... We, tAike It ran we hi; off and repaint.. 60 It? V."hy 017,1 peeling rone-har- - It BY ROGER H If yOu want I he newest and smartest summer ensemble to hit the high spots of fashion, look at the new linen redingotes lined with pure silk prints like the dresses with which they ;ire worn. One stunning version, sketched top. has a Moused back, and bracelet Apple turned up a i.ouple of inches to show the print lining. The dress of the same print is a pale blue.anti ,Abite pattern. and the linen coat IS in a natural cocoa shade of brown that iis very easy on the skin; dress of pure silk print ohich atvompanies she ensemlik coat sketched below it. This dress is in a dusty shade of citron and ohne. has inverted pleats all around. and a leather belt to match the k soft, imported linen redingote in a new shade. This sole has four pockets and a slim, flattering tin". Either ensemble suggests a basic wardrobe for summer, for the coats. even though lined, have pall. Unough prints with plain pastel dresses. The, bracelet and boutonniere sketched up in the corner are wiade of real pumpkin seeds, ishkh are proving first choke in the popular seed jewelry for strmmet . opcz-liee- a : Aids For Ailing House , , tt inl : 1T. V '''''INI4,o.womogy"1"1""111''''' ''' ' ' t 41) J1 : ) N'''. ...,,,,,...,; ,,,, ' '' L44'4( . , 4,444 ' : Plant Iris In Relatively. Poor, I . 7 L11 ''S.6111s4, - , rt if ,,' ;,' ' , e't - i I,rir ,t - 4 ,,. 40 ' The . a a- - that relief s on the nay. Rei.ef for all women who have had to waik on a coupe of suits strapped to the foot, which they bought in lieu of a smart, comfortable shoe. l aantal us habe worn the opentoe. While many a.V.1 found it appropriate and comfortable for dress wear. we have all 'complained at one time or another of the lack of Ere nsible shoes for Walkmg. The matter was completely aired before the recent the"Shoe Fashion Guild of America on the occasion meetmg-o- f their exhibition of fall creations, when the editors Cif two lead'ing fastacm magazines. Vogue and Harpers Bazaar. spoke a group at luncheon. Said Carmel Snow of Harpers Bazaar. We Or if toes are are going out of: toeless and heelless hoes' open at all. it will have to be a very Fmall ripening," she wntinuit, can be told foot-wear- ' crowd them into con t Idon't Like humans, they cnoit they suffer from over- ' crowding. Better,- far better.. a few choice blooms artistically ar ranged than masses of cneap flowersthat .cannot last long, Florist aUgtititetil uirti items with - sharp knee. using a diagonal stroke. The idea Li to Upen up as large an area as abstr.-- b Kis &mire the water. Some folks swear hy the of iiroperties aspirin tablets dropped into the flower water, othere by penny coins. But experts achilse mat the flowers he V.' placed in receptacles (lent room for all-- arid water. if :he items are and interlocked, the flowers wiil :When the blossoms show choke. mgni c.f wilting, cut their stems a4in. ifsing the professional di- agonal stroke. Ifien phinge the stems into coid water, but take are hot to eet tne blooms You will find that they wiii regath much of tncir glowing lyeatity. This treatment has the same feet as has massage för a tired would seem that the lady. So rules of health for flowers are sirIli-kr to those w hich we very huMan tteinrs observeplenty tA uater. plenty IA air. a fl sence of drafts. safuguarding for overcrowding. izh now and then a special treatment to bring the subject back to par again. , , . ,' eNsimilooltao,..- of' It At those t - t,' F BY KAY DANIELS . - ! ! P,OSS A- -- - 00 -- 1,7. --1- , Ily ELEANOR Advance Models Follow Style Trends, But Entirely Cover Milady's Feet , ', 1 ,':-.- Flowers Don't Like Drafts Of Hot .. Radiators Living thaws are grateful for care and attention So do right by your flowermg plants and blossoms and they will repay . you with fragrant beauty. When you receive flowers,d0 not hesitate to ask the florist ior pointers on their care. if the flowers are unknown to you. Anyway, it. is pretty Sale to Say that flowers don't like to be in drafts or etoe to hot radiators. They have to have a certain amount of moisture to breathe property, Both foliage plants and bloom- trig plants should be watered wne wnen they are dry. It is best to do your watering In the naylime SO Mat 41;y &no24W that gets. on the blooms alio foltare wit sraporate ctotc..kre; Blooming tistam appreeiate the while !wage plants thrive tiet :n '11;M. 'airy piece& nor blooms Neither foliage ''2 shoulu be oeiltarately wairrect Cactus and plants- ef a froptcal ITATTI7e itlf...- tatrty There is no mvsteryaeout the Wileu sir- t eare of cut flowers- A : L..7:71 ...c . i dip fe t' - t,,,. ,,,,,'', - hmendiarrriresst-rsrtritt-ta-dro- - I ' ricate of the furmy Topknot that mama wore when ',vas 16 and ts.isted her pigtail material into a I ump on the of her head. top 11 "" ; 1 pcsa---- -- Coiffure s ,siem to be having their ups and clowns. Whether one tthould Play hairtiresses high qf OW IS the favorite subject when the dear hearts get to- new - . luncheon. remember: - '''' , Hairdresses Are 'Favorite Subject As Women Assetnble h mg t ) -- - r..,, minutes. whet 1 1 :, ' ,, $ .0!) . one-ha- lf t ! 1 4'1'104. ' a Cine - M i:: ' quickly-prepare- tVnI )I ? 0" (r-4- - : . Cream Shrimp Soup is Ideal for such a menu. It Is made with one cup canned shrimp. four cups milk. one slice mon. eight soda three tahlespesons butter, trackers, salt, pep. per and paprika. one teaspoon NVorcestershire aance and one tablespoon minced parsley. Flake Scold milk with onion. shrimp. Remove onion and add shrimp and crumbled crackers and bent gently fot five minutes.. Add butter, salt pepper, paprika. sauce and parsley. Serve hoe Six portions. Tropical Treats can't toe matched for a and Peet aria crush grand dessert twn- bananas ar,d mix with cup chopped nutmeats. Spread mixture .laeta.- Fen two chocolate wafers. Serve with or without cream Six portions of dessert prepared in five THANK-YO- k4z17;-!- ' ' , finely-crumble- d 4 , - I .4. V'itt lipN, . chees-e- then mash and 'a little mustard. Add caraway seeds to taste. ratteetLikltit-aServe .- lock and decorated with hits of hay leaf. rake a nourishing csf By Emily Post .1 t ' '',,Is, ( Cheese Itamekirts, easilytookt and. very, ,,,asty,:inake splen: snatis Take four 'Ti eggs. wnip aell and acid a large. Put tileteepoon grated cheese the inixturt4 irci44 smal- l- well. ramekin; anti place in top of oven for 10 minutes before required. The eggs rise bats a souffle. and the dish Tr y- - iiiir i ' SOIL -. - - , ' I Meat Loaf Every one has a favorite meat fhLi 'ne, contributed by one our readers. is a prize winner. It is made with a pound each of chopped beef and chop-Pe- i veal and eight ounces each of fresh pork and sausage meat. Mix this with one egg. cup of bread crumbs, can nf condensed tomato cop and salt arid pepper ,o taste. Strips of bacon at the bottom e,f the pan will add an extra flavor. The loaf should be baked until brown. s and cream soups are icayitc popn thrn a cream rout), a vegetabIe salad er a mixed green salad and a sweet in art Iltfre0,- controls phere of love sympathy. understanding. comradeship and ' bfr,- . . :r.,,.. ' ....," I ' '''alOt , If you want to make a nice cheese spread cir roll it in balls for a salad. first grate the d , ; 1 1 l'V Soup la a !, dish for' those tet,castoris when a meal is desired that is vaatis, dif- erent from the usual fare. Wash i a large stalk 44 celery, cut into pieces and put Into a saucepan with one quart milk. two ounces Mane:tied and milled almond& the grated rind of one-ha- lf on and seaaoning to taste. Stew gently until the celery ts quite - This late, vertr-ettrt- .i 17 For Pointers .111 1 Women Demand Toes, Heels In Their Shoes For Fall Ask Florist an'd Celery :socatiel,bes--A.alAn-a4-koor- t vain to Centro!: :then ineffectual at control tends to disrupt the family peace, rendertzg both, the Mild and his parents very the tnIld more unhappy---an- then. he 21hould to firy.eive certain rights of the rest. of -- the family and shoulder certain obligations and responsibilities for the general family welfare to compen. Sale for his board and keep or use of the family car. Concern,. Ins these matters. let t he par. ents work out with Iran certain reasonable; definitte understand-ings. umrrEo ALLOWANCI; If the child is unemployed. hiS allowance firdAlki he defulitely limiteci and dependent on his ne course. Of cooperation. should share in the household is he chores. In case earning. he should Ustlany pay a def inite amount for hoard and room. However. he should handle his own pay envelope. If he chooses to give most of it to the family. " approach maturity arid and stray so so little far thorn what them parents ex- atterript-i- all Ise expected :1 NoT CONTIIOLLE11 Untmlunatel-Y,- inany cialdten 1,een largely uncontrolled As th.ey ears. in them Carly parerrts--will " the -- - - F..,- ' - tender stirring frequently.. Just before serving. stir 3n the yolk of an egg. Cook for a minute Or two anti serve inunediately. hdf tnt, If. however, : ,' .,, a- Almortd 29 1193 Je01"Ss,""n1 ,F LYNK BARItY t By GARRY C. MYERS. Ph.D. Now and then a mother writes me about a son or daughter over 20 as if this child were .three or four. She wants to know what punishment or reward will eorreet verthin ypes ryf mi,konduct In ,, ' ' : "hash- of Today we present recipes. some of which we hope may please You, Writer, But Command Respect - e.. Cheese Ramekins Easy To Cook, And Tasty , Advises . MAY - Varied Dishes Mother Who Wants To Punish Boy Of 20 Told To Reconize His Years MONDAY Of Fashions, Psychology--, Health, Femininities Views Expert Gives Psychology 4 , NEWS SALT LAKE CTY THE DrZERET 1- t 1 4 Jour : - e ir-4- 1,143e4-14- 4 l. inetone,--onit-oht- . |