OCR Text |
Show r , ,,a, THE: DESERET NEWS -- - State City pow:. ,' , ''' ,.- t," - 01' ' ' - '' - ' 0,- ; LI : '; ' i ' 4 I ,... , .. -,- ,..,', 's...:0' ; ''' ,,, s ;,.: - tr ' ,,.. r 0 12-- jjiof it ! ''"'""4....... sc. ,sci ip. - its, pOol Cyt'S of has lloospyrit Presidpnt, at, ,o WPA sPyrn npw Utah-rNpPnditurp pro)ectl Invotrinz St a tP DirPttor Dar. q17.0f.49. Greenwell wi aOyFcd to rt1 day. tho 1..atPst Mapping and summatizInz foreFt lata grannz : .,! V,. ,7 n .;::, 1,,thr.i. r, g 'he kit- i :,,,tc. 'of ....)4", a s ,..11,1 tr.,L.t. ,,' r) convention of the Realty .Aociation will lig held Aug, 2t; at Logao, was knno,,,Inceci today f oi ION o"tion a ',Fieeial Trin..trninz" flt-- ( (2i1E-uss !n07esintaltvc-"he for plar, Semi-annu- ..'n'r,- , ''!(7! ;",-.'-'- ' ;'.. A.,- 'h,"!.. ,'-- 1anfre:r1 Sal" .f rh. ' ..-,- ,',,, ,(-1 '' - ' .' '' ,,. (:', ,,t..- :- Portei !zr '''':;,: '.' V. iLl: .. - jt,,y They nl oil -- an.li 3. Sr ,,' 'f ,, 4,1,5 1' 'f',. V t,P Jail ,: 'o- - Final TIIE,L,le il,aiLte' ti, rr.e- 1.1 cyrviur-x-ti ' ;, r, !iltto;- - ,Nr,t,o'hv ,,,no lieertntitt,...(r h.:Tun-rm- . or p. Nettune. consul in Sait N,. N- or.,..041.4n Lake, ( vi,.,..e ..-- , ' - ''. t'il dr.pcs t S()lith to include Salt Lake on' ' sal - Plant at TwPnlY411-6and Seeond wi ll be UR their itinerary. )Jr. Mettone ex. held .in the Jordan ali Junior tomorrow night peeted to S outh School. 1040 V Pt Sixth by Western Air Express. St reet at S pm. Toursdai . ; Sts Residents and the , ALL ABOUT illustrcrekSd ing to ssait',.L. attend ' plant is vine beak., Salt Lake. A new eticion of an la& ,,aist been published by the worid e 'oldest tan 6 Mutat Curio-s- he syers s . treatment." a"ala"laxa-174'.'"-- - ' - am ra ,h,k On Jiine the : ,, tr thc- 1,1nr,-);n- V. dry'p not In. 11,4nd - !ir Todd. of-- - 71174 r,r,..F pm '0 othrr t 1..Aut. ninz Commanuer Salt Lake ...,,,o qw,,,A. Th,- an aerial r-- i-lert )er Ju. n 1 109th Conference t7) L. S trret-- - The Conference Repore' eon- tai.tinz proceedings of the IfOth Annual General Conference. held ltit Salt Lake ltail April. sued. from the mese todev, ac- secto etirtimg Joseph Anderson. retarr to the First Presidency and clerk of the conference... The report entrains all ad- dresses and business of the genre. al conference. It will be on Salf the Deseret Book ' poliee trAlsv 'were nvestig,at- eerie' Mg ,,he 1,,ntre rresinciing Sunday-.4,4,-.S.-- : itis- ' ,, ,,. -, ( hree 11 i. ... .1.011111110 ',. .04; . , ,. Father's Day is June 18 -- t r rr'rr IN41'r, ( :.3 4.1,!in:ir!r,:leq Hit -- l!ri;i, h,A VP i luring -- ,ral ;he ia,r. ai-- con ).L. !,t -- - t I 95e CE Mx 12 Border a12. 740.711i'..t.f.,1 !Ijri'.anl iJ11I1irUL; Itil Tinted .1,,,.f.n '''Ilf- - ft' Sai'r ,., I Ocr,r!gr, T"rg GIVE YOUR re- ftrAnweles. t'e '''. (r'''''WPI - Proofs Shown il three :'I 7 7.E...... This Tear give Father something so appropriate ...so personal it wittntalte hit,' eyes shine! in :,alt hP ti.ATEf!, ft' t)usewile treed To Wile Up S3.30 - .t. 6;44 the mate - lsattel:a 4,:i; pritedat frame, specially of proofs Silection tatutng Mrs Mirioloon ,old Patrolmen II. C. Bray ano A. H. Thorpe that :, the man walked :silo the tiou4e ami asKeti her if she were alone. i, ,..14: ho . 4 - woe, centiattsi,,,vm,ilse.a,thriu.ie,... i VP he slemarvieO I her monet, replied I tin x MO Imiumwommommisa- Must be Made 0 Pri not nave 1 ()fitters also were f4.2TetUTUr f At min who last night snatcheo the nurse of Mrs. 36.3 CanVori !toad. while Rtors, Mrs. Riggs was waTifing at West Temple and South Temple Streets. Carters Little Liver Pills tonartit from 715 to 915 ii a irtaAs conducted he Mr'. Harriot R. Sterling at Ole Art Center, 52 South State Street by V 111 5 Sittissge just 10 for Father's Doy. Studios , primal M. LAMM" Elia aaora., as amt loud Amens. father. Mr. LEis a faaaral gq tia rue af Algarve', Jackson is iv sivetw Await,. grfrataisc't 'Mao of toonese SALT LAKE CITY OGDEN MAI Weammegiss WA, it lova Kew lit I itavaaily - REVIEW TONIGHT Thauterav. 'with a fully of -of Vanity rate will "c7'f"ir A ---- -.- If Ullitere-Ltusti- n her purses a Young 4 Mini- $r195 Miinr.frn . t.5 rale ug,t-..i.entie. :as: M. Mt,trilsion nas .ic,11P anti fhteeti ltsr to give nun two purses tort.1.1. HI-t-e didzAisii4441-- - Oil Painted exquisite Gile him an Nletal in Gold ature Portrait Po!Ke ,,iav !.ougrt a t c ri,.,Mf. rl Mts. no invat-s' .. any. hut he Insisted on seeing The ' ,,.. kbar5 v. R. !rar,.-,prAr- L, ,. , .. Entry of Arnynean t.142 WRIT redie pata has betil pernuttfrlAn Chtna, Abort 'Aare atis stat be. --hag prohibited- .- e i' 'i C10:41. ranold Mciiiffev. R. 1,44!, l'h ','A:, h4,tItt,i. t , e,. - j.,: I 11011 ,:rtrg thp rIme he parenO nf - ..itretet- .07 : . rrwi.v. lrorn .. , '"'''('-,l'al'- , v i, tti fit n ' Mr. Kolbe twas treated at the for a Sail Lake GrbPrat licr-Pl'I-al puncture wound in his back and a )acterated kft wh,L. , , He told hospithal attendants that-thinturt, "rt-- tnItirtieet a thEht um ntill s knife diming betiot-ettSeemnft arid State Main' ., May: over Arr. tfrarA. 33t,ry DerfIC6tra Ward Wornen. lbe YWCA at Stuny Cla4a MemiPv. pm. !Ira th Pirrifielet Santrciav night, 1,treee. a res if2r Millen Man Knife(' In , Renort r Pliblislie(1. ., spk err- - rrt- h IF!!,t !eri l'-i- i. Dr. Leland If. nf htstory'and pr!!!!tual efP he rnIversity of rt!art, on "War (Inlet. r,f :trrr. at an open meeting of the FIfth v f,iyurdav rnornmg. t4 rtie- - ilving.gretip reti,in S1 Lake !Oliar, e trrrit,r, nia 11P-- ! 0- mr.!mht-r-i: mrd iaot a;:ir41 inrAal --Creer. prmor for -- 411 ,onon hahy. The no - t I to,(A,'""' ''.. . ' r(iN M. erld nr ' . l; trargert with. rl.y1.11,,rt of the feqeral Dyer act, w,,F in the c,,,;nry hrul awiroting vrand jun- - Dr.. To Speak On 1939's War Ciónds Airp,rt ,t1P 'n,'''''gT'"'"""'"se"'''''':''" p1,0. .r;,rilit, nt. Twn.r.vn5 7.1t,r; - ..'. T S.:CV,27 -- Mr. Char lef. ,is,,..., Mtilvf-,tfl- ' ' Kos tVeeineeelav, 'Mr 5. Werm,0.. ,.. sum, florn of , ; - , (li,. f for 11, ,;ANTIlr RAJIV ' ;. kw truver. Port T)PSPret !I i Wtiman Returnet In Over Act 'Case in IT, In ,he Ward room. A frern 111') , Ttp!r n'r.' Al4 sprrh!.(1 rarr p.m,. ;ind .pprer lary,n f :, Sh,,rt Storl.: saturft,,,:-' .,,i n .r, ..,,f p m, 1),.t.i-friTrat,,,Woffi, ,r1 litiirirng r;rnn- in Shf-Jr'4!'y ,'fRi. he. Itichliel4.(;r(i,ets 4;00(1 Will Fliers an a 4:.:14 , Peahr hahv rie South Arnera ;1'.,7 :he Mr. 4.;rrn1n.. r71,1 ',it 'hp Paramount: tylrin- a i4re: bra-rv- i, n naryht V Eh? r. - - - nitrrritt. 1; j CA,11:11A 71e H. - Lake. p FORGET! d(Uy.fli the rY r 7EST olesstion. ht! week ;n he !:rr nold Earthrret,artv r,ANT)11) Eolualkm ',rtlerruicri nth e al part 1,1; ilt-- -- MUSTN'T her aln,earer IInr erns TVAMT Free ittitilt 1,1 :tss ..,( lit(Itile Deti(le(1 1,re, 'hp rhal.- dor, n e;,,r d - .rt 'eVvatel lnholn-Drzla- r,utt,Pt, v.ill 1,0 ..fIrrft (101;10-tt- i jti New realdations entist. Ment or six sears iftslapd of four se.-does not oi lie rronveing in- terest. Commrinder .Fergu.on said, ,. - 7:neater rft when redo Baslo - i. (Am, (1,,, .0. .1)4,, 4.,: J , tz, 1e it, Ft Old D C, chief enti.arf, of the reernitme ,ction of the 4. S. N2Vv S ittere3u of N1',.1Z3-- a, it, - rt. ,,,on June Tf., , " Th.r ne RAP ;t of hi...duties rare June 5gtorn. . olan,Hsr i.,0,.vu,,,n 4441,4 Salt" Lake tor several tra-s- . . how- - gatherine. - t zo ret:tw.,,L,fri,r:Totncier ors sewage 'disposal planned by South p.m. n'.3Vi T)tnnz'lls it Nii, i'v(i'UltIng ',MA P rrr rn,e,,,,171, ,,,t ' if,,,dor a Follow,. elk m suth commpa othner,,.1 ,. a4d of Mr,, arLd Mrs. Henry conzachl L. hoodorhas, nommiross, .SO Hammon Avis l'etalwa', and liver trouble& 11..13o:int' "4. the) nue, 'woe ereated yesterday at &lull? clt iCti.ctIntt 46'en a nunar cc" t, the Salt ,Lake Gfintrat llttitmat ghews "Ild4Ibmlf.. etadlfor a possible brain concussion. it Memirabl editions mai reinn- - .110 He was taken to the hospital ; mild treatment at ,,..,6 Minort after a fall ' from a bed a!: b.1.1 Mirtio. by which rem thcat &0.000 roan: home, ! arid wOntint horre been rol7nd'Icti d'4r.IPLI. ItTit'Ll) REMOVE DIEM? 1 th. cm, f2 y.,,,,, ,,,,,,d Dcsidents 4 Holladay Botili, ;4 or the op, of it.i,,,,,At o, hmol.&.,m,,,aa, vrird and Hillside Dnve todar I ,... ,,,,, ...,,.31,,,,reus.",.::: reotrested the County Commis-- 1; metried' :013,4'''''',;01 r., trxm to ",:..--,--remove...the unsightly awe int4""tri bpDk Ne tt'''' 7-'-,,garbage dump at the entrance to : WM Tel In Plata .,,,,,r-te- r. 00111"."'"I Hillside Drive. The petition wee frets A44rees 7h.,.rtroo 11 Mthor Clink. referred to Commissioner Jones Lariat -- 13 Mullin. head of the roans .. quently caw. V- nft'ulaekme aret,et7 IlasTlii,iitifilii Fall Off Ben Injures , atil,,,,,..11, 'lean lit soy, 8 Months iciiitninon enenctiming in flte of riles cmd other rectalI .. ' on of a rewiige QorSr!-til- ti ;2'11 ft ,t1 ' . rt'r the PtIrPt'a's - AV,s44--- mas-- BOOK EXPLAIN S:,,";edwZ.t. - THIS' . At (Thlr-- - llas illeet t'..111e(1, .. public meeting canon .li Yet:- r,i,) cern,. Rich- Whrian, ,. Ford arid 9nnal4 Mrr.K. The n;;:torical rnir of S'crthpri ttatay turn artnOUnCe- by Comm r. n d. r lto l ..Ft R .. , rorgason, ;coring rean ..f the , were--im---- - gr,,e Tn mad,!. on 'n "You ,e,rir ,rnm Calt he zrard rhAtrwor pnhe :f ;hat toirs ;fell 'r he eAze. tt'e crandrhamotnn VIAIP 1!; N,;1 ntlroor rAftt, tAi,,fet h. 0 of of Reciansahior., Ihe progress helcg he Furvey !he S, Fpfmr-1.- s- - brie--are- I. i)1d1.171n, ('for' v pll, un- tab 't present s 70,r,,T-- Izale Eddie iC drath veh Mr'hp rp.te M'cnrrr ilther ,o1 ,,,,e 'fate iV mr-n- t 7,ewa,re Plant ii...- royal touring, the Northwest and the ated , was among prominent' Norwegian jhi,--, area retnesentatites semblen at firelena. Mont.. today tO greet Crown Prince Olac and Crown l'rincess Martha of or , Tr mpt -- . Ann 'hirrA' U..;re iatio P iI.. h!fl lo ,tuity - rret)ares Illisv Period Elder Joel Richards. Elder Niiso!as G Smith of The Salt 7: ',!; .N.rn , r. 'The nrw the ,1!troirr-- , airy ft.J, ituti;rtg of .0.;!! 't,e Thltrrt;ii l. "0 ,t;t1P er12.111f,,t, Chan :n rand grand hatred trom i enAmwon T:::::er,11 Attelditions li'WIN7 Will also ihkes of this ;', 1,,,. ,,T rrano f T. for Slaitzerlanti. 1'nvate re,e4n Ti.e trft,re. howevfr.. has no r !w:itual background- mlic.arv Alheil J. s!.or,orv. .ndu,tng Cho- of the Edells--f ,av that This will be th v. 14 to ittst kInz pIcture '43,11)- hp pomp!! In a 2etter tereverl tr,V Manager Norm Sproul of ;he rtart Thealer J:41,1 hredroli. terdar pthlitio Problems ;sihre irr, whl,h . than " nr tit', f.op0r in ere arr,tf:d. :a,,,,13Lc., The voLillyi 2,,ILEaV.all,j14,N,. lk tre- - orii-- - - rtt-- r t Wr eiC as t'c--r r, ft l'yy,er, 7cncri-ia ters ',hat, tlanntd they ,-- 1 ,uperintentle,nt of the De.eret ,Ther. car at GI aini, Junction, Colo., awl Stinflay Sr hoo! I'mon, and 1) (3111ce J 1Vati,. of the Cambritire soorose it to Cisco trout ',,hicr, they tould take parts to rebuild ciety, tecounten the their OWn car which hall tirokt-:t1r, Kent',, lite a,. a r.Inger, min- Oklanov.n on a trip from s,trel ,,,,nd tnincle teat-her- . next -- U (i.r--n wasalered IA- - , The California. noma to Greet ..PrinceAL lielena :n t 31:, :,,,ace. Ward ,..pauji,' 1,1, 'yev4,nth ,., . !csult ho mottem will he the Swicg .SeKletv kp a7. the FArest 9 Avenue. at sr5t4 p.m .7tirtt !Itle-- a have heeh mad. rol,!TUrt'. Wr)Ch WRg of Sw;tzerlarid. paterak a tree ;rip te, owl, The Utah Theater is judg- he prohlents of the ITprer Colorado River 13l3S1r1 't; IU riire pre-s.rrtteto ny R. .1. 'rtoton of Dena re ,ortsulticig 'hP t of rDrrliv O.r t., 7H11 hrN , int(ina, r 11.,U7';'!V ,,- T1;,-;4- . ,i f5rc!i,'n t.,:l .inz 11,741 ot - 1.1khr ira,-,- )1r. :o !hie of ill a !.;P'..r ,,n1 !l, open ,Op!olr.alic f 1,EFT-ro- Nevr t7 ttp,- fl hov, r, t',tt Sat!. r.t - rcre,f 4 . e o; the ,.n 'Neonetrlic.- teritt! he evarded. otrerer Irn eqte-.- SIDE nat'Y Kent ; . (pen.i.e. tnitving As ir,,,,, tc,,,,,,,i v a? ',', 'cr;', v clikt,ov, t11.a11es Ktr.t. Jrizer ,,r.ti 'rumple ,koii,,i. ,,,r'.1, r- .a,l, "eek ",,,,,, tr;w1 at Feticia., II:1r -- er kwp rma .trittut,srd leaf :t ,ttr h Illetn()rv Hon()re(1 I hme !,f, nif , Avent:,tt, !,e ;hat 7;4 M :t-- t - ..f tornmodationr: hca,er he ls,ve 1,rnught art' the ot;tionk for r. at !PCT. ton, Blihop Ole The grArel cflatrp:Art na,T1'43 WilineSinly Pt the democratic. -- :Ir. aicvtveo cacals :ht. iatrar. tnt-- 3;t3') 'SAC - A nenrrt r liAltit;1 it;Olf) A,r1 ef ile 1,r t;. Bateman ef t t; alintrv prutilm ;n r" 11i1r111):1 t of fIrrnt,pr, i)!:t eL,r: i1"11' 1"11 )1rii 7: h; :re , OAI.; .,!.f ;c1 :,r, 'hr..", if ,ettitnett.lat?.nt, K.-e- t;f :1:e !r, ?...rrnInunr rm 4. ,r.b., W,tn. ,iff 1,t1'1.11.:,1 tt-- M,,thrr Water r. 'er r1 t Itz 5, ,i'irr.i.ntitie ,lr, ;:- 'A ; ;rat Some of Ire tritni :n !tit area turie It ia heitome until to cultivate. heticved beifiii.t.tie t he Increase 41 in content iziet.;cm is Ile sill Crt if 0711 content of the 0..at zqtfftt.-tder-talong I ent.r..th Aner,can o Tnc ;tlet:r ilicncs. .1 !;F.' ficitthicir Dam sill r,lvii- of -A irrf .' A - NI Farmers r,0 , ri - ;dor ar---- S,ftritytire' and moun- Islr, onritea 'The grand hatnp;tn te,il t4 ;he lirteets s Or and from lloliaorsd ,:f.1 t:he .nth zurt Theaor nhe .n Ho:Iv...1.ra'. A ,dtai ef ,Af IVP,' ere 4. - A 1114s; nAtr.;-,r- ,,... It roa crueert Mte Swiss Movie To Be Shown Here ;,odress rm the ,..e viti pno.ta.,4 (ture. eetttnro ryn preior t In cry ;;nrrtin young Iiruee embryo. :tle hatr ;ha; !re of Coa-- 1 . ., ,r1cE1iLg - et e ......, co'-nt.- ,,, art, , A aL11,11 . - tSEE-6 Rot,tit. :or ! t it .tt.t t! Lop, )1t,' -, ,,,,..1- ole of ,tie r,f atc "!-ilvi- hz r:;-- Ing of -- lie: got :he coca chordi of a Carueo and 1! wIllwhen h;:e, frrtri prove t,1; lung power ;inv. &ay. Fact ,!t1 mra. he proNci hre vocal power :n the Mil (toesn: Utah Sta,e Ergirteer T. vs. Sumner ptici urn 7! I f i,i F ,. r"riu,. Two 31ell He ItiOn (,haries Kent Dyer Act ChltrLres Ev il i,y i lIK.,aal,.,n,., !"(!. .. :...I. - ,s- - :f' ',X, I. 1rt Rcra Bafttnan a iOirtcral ''';''''"t. '''''''W' '''''- 1170,..1 fo: t r r ro. 'IPPi ,fll opera tenor A Mcrni,,-,:r3- n tte-- , king and he grar7o-t- Pr;,,,r;-"gin- Today's Baby Contest Winner Has Vocal Power man ft. Wiiflace of itte ''.1.ssT's,at;(,r1 1::?ri k h i.t.- h!.Pte, 11(al )11 the halt 4vAitir,g Crt , rr , !1t fl , !VI,' ,,:1,...,(3, ';'-';- ' t,,, rt 't.t.ttt.ittat!,,, i',12;114,er :f.t 11.arrh ri WPrner man .f 'F. who ril(c4spfl 7ive "cierrmituc. ;:ifff cting 1...ke Irt: t,t,t c sobear ,rt !Ivor ,.'Gro -.1.,,,- wr-- ' 7(1,7101 itrt,tv 7rPtr7., ,,, N,)rwav ()1),,,erver ti ttt,t.,.nz ,,,t wcifioc ,,tf,rk ,t,t, k,Ie(tits Lea,,rtle , :t.8 SVarDet(3,rrent Old Folks'ro Be ao paramount, News' ptd.,,C " Guests Thursday nN t orrIroPf: 1,- )ririt of !he iigoen - ''''l !,.7 , tto.,-,,- . :,:, s,.. ''' ,...: ' ,.:;..',,, " ',t -- h ai,M,11,,rocherbt::uldantdriftw.eTilbehapna: ,V16!(,.ss 0 . ., S - , t'algary, where the Churchn are chapel, Bishop Wirth-!ihundrNI several ;ostler.' t'nurt-t- t members assembled t0 n the for th 'parade king and queen, whic h. paksed in front bay a ., of ;,n,1 h.,. b ., --- ar-- co t :, ,,.;,.. Ire ' ....,. (.",:r.t.,-i"1,-..- . ,,.!'r,1 , "'' .....,- i :t par-- .t,c.r1 :',' a ., Sev,e-- r - ...J.- offerwmcgrsic. pmlastth ,At 1,0 f,7 ,,I.Cli;,-,ylav ,, ,.,,,,,,,s i..,.. AA, ".' ' ',I ,,,,,.' ;,, !.. tl Rit fir ,on- and He jomed with the Abrortic Priests tric.ri of the Lethbridge Stake in observance of the restoration ;in Saturday, May 20. b,frnzret,:, CONTEST. . kr BABY ,,. 1 c fle- t rrr-sen- 1!,,ngre any ',1;10 z",1 CANDID CA.tfE1?4 . , be Wf't av I unOrI flont II XCI.:.111VC Elcal hP L.,41 I ,,, - Tooziv , t'ri4'f' ,! , tr'''' Al!rttl to fxect.t ve po,,iton, In op,: ating department. In June Itott:I he started ttt cart-e-r as a clerk in the rar department. in Salt Lake. a frm 1.1m,. at, trzympertt ilr rreett tanc.n itispcf..zor tor .irlario (zat, A rri .torian ,ovr;lor,, Utah State, r ,r.','!-..'- . -- bishop-SAND- Y !t.5 It Will to ,,f '1,-- :;-:- -. ) FOIl .1.03 Ai- lbsin Povfs tit ,rr,.. ',,,rrf, ,!: ,., i',.,: - - SEARCH 1 Yoe inv 2..1, yr.... I .,.:.. ,r,,,.! -, Et" e 61 gcn ,411,1 ,Ili ,I., : :.;:l.',t, ,', 'he r12"1,ti. '1 '.1,i ' '...h.,-:r,f:'!:,t,,,.; I ,;e .,r,,, :9.,,,,..: '",-''.- ' , t ,... V,e 11- - ,r,-- V nttr ,. if. ..',,t, niL: ,.!t:i. 're? of tit(' ,,I: - ''' '! ,,' ' n. -. ,',1!-'--, j,-- '' '"-- 7i.4 .ri zh.,,,:. .!..&,., to, '"ort-- , ,,,I.:,;tit':!,-- ,t t.lil',!.f-r4,7:t.!1- ai Latamte arr., tr.,.nt,.. ,r:tt 'Ark r - rc7-''- - n ',he ,n..,,:. iit Jt..,tv , (,...',,-,':,,,- 'i' .,h,, : ..,- - .,., to: .,,,,,f',, ..:,1 .,I- Realtors Bill Parley Aug. 26 Wht-,- --,- 6ntcrffl e - ".V.14-4,:- , I ,: threrrenersive a ITlaV tiunk. (16Ne the 'iscst 'Elder Calls Lauds Sevier . . t ;,r,6 mJ.e I. r?rnrart-r- - '7- r c , tr:P 1 f,lw....-PA v to.'z 1,,tdrnte ;,.'. ,14,4,1i1,7CTIZIPri'. c.,irs. A:. 1,7 q;,.(i-P- "afe lioarfi; ',ite,164ni .,,, grto.ihate A :r, proPmen,.. re ,,,,,g r'I'll"!.' ih L i;u11,..1 0. r tJPf ,t, ".f. II. Piumhot. na- pon:itrnction of grand ,tand Wasatch County !air '..zroundi liehPr City. watpr jmorovpmpnt at C,1,nvc,,r Attending ', : f; Will:zm Wpt,pr Coun7yc-:.1,..44-2C,..metcrv .;6.1),-,- r.,,,,-t- r ite 1;,,f1 c,tv. p,,,,,,d,, !,,,,, ,,,,,,i,. r.orn 4, ,r1,-('!,,.00.,-- Lahc, :w.e and p,itinated thnat ;t m ' 1 t planKroup cart i altilz:1!)ER (teitgratPs. W44A, 10. Cot f on (10;trrariTi. getter front of 'I,e Prirk 4 Le : 1.: , .!: TrP IC az 4',.7. TV. Mr. Ime r-,.,,! ",:.:or. Po "."P ', fie for (at, tor:, 7 !o Illi :t.,Irernent ;r At,,;', p,t of project;i of ol , - trnt. t).for 1hP fxoendeure 049 on ontructton and trnprovSecocoidr4. trent of. piiiine Coun!v ond in ,Ize )5 2 prov,f t to erPct t Ept,ta;rri friin a Fr.h,o! OThcc co,Os r!- T;;;10.71. t, rt cere,- At t 44, - tP ,Iirei call,,,..,"-s- Wal k ,a11,-- cstimated i': :tic , h:et man:Irfr ;ht.(' r," al 13!0),5(1, or-- Lee. re:Ited iknTet C. i ' ffnfOy'S ' :,' to ytitio inr,u.o. v , ; questions . nest ,cek Pt vc!( a CoI. Cal mornes al. 110 n , tic roritrover-Fv- 19.;r4. , i t;esc, c no-r- of met.h.4k W. Lj 1.1.4;fi ,cf -- V.- . heit4 4,f ' Having attended meetings in the three Canadian Stakes. joined the Aaronic Priesthood celebration in Lethbridge and united with the Chureh members in Calgary to meet the king and queen of England, Bishop joseph L. NA'irthlin of the presiding Tic returned today from a 'sueceAsful Inv," lie addressed special meetTaYlor ings In lite Lethbridge, and Alberta Stakes on stake (trees Srientifir Handling .. University Pistol Team A. W. Lee, 62, President Receives National Honors -Okehs 7 Utah Retired Rail :he 1:11;verly Memhkr, team, tod ay and !rophy for vAnmng :he national Peld if,,Nt WPA Projects Clerk, Expires The awaids were hreelvet hv (harnyinIty for Leut. Bank, :c.iring tommandant, at - . . ;,,.-0i..- , , rbh. 1. S. i lit j 11.;71;i:m ;rcti Re:0w( fol. )r7 ,,,, ,,,,,,7 1;tah's champion nfirre (ft lo right. 1VcilinutOn T. (?tv !tom. - it id ..tn'ithr7 , '''.'" . Mrs. Leo G. long-rang- e , , ' Bateman of Salt Lake City, is the winner of i :'''',, Bate-- man, son of Mr. and ', ' -, 1, barrds, arc the atculaIe n titr- Cnit '' -- From It Canada .7. Visit ed Brnce A, Problems involved in the man. prehensive development of the be Colorado River Basin will view, discussed from a point next week when the committee of fourteen, representing the Colorado River Basin States and the .Colorado Drainage Basin Res Committee of the NatiOnal sources Committee, meets at the Las .Angeles!, State Building. Calif June 7. "Since the building of the Boulder Dam. s'aid Dr. Baldwin NI. Woods. chairman of the Colorado Drainage Basin Committee, on his amval tcsiay from Berkeley. Calif.. "engineers are learning a 10 New problems relating to salt content. and deposition of silt through undercutting of ri ditches have arisen To perplex en-- I gineers. These are over and above 1' the economic problems to the division of we-ce!ating , charges ihr pos,er and the .,,A4.anning of flood control 'prop,. '1'; . p 'Wirth 113 r: Kent . liti:Jila ....i, .. , - 34 I -- -- - it Real Lady-Kille- 4 : -- ,,go A !'-'0,,4'-' t. i : !Carley Rates As 1 1 i litelfTfit I. 'At, ' : -, 10.4 Looling dolt it $ f P"' ''-- 1 ,, I - I 1939 1 ',Jet , , """'"" 1 I $ , , , .c-- :11, --',1- 1' l 7 ,t, ' ',.!!'"L : i:A'''''''" l , , - !'s L i t )1 l'-- ,A,- i i -- v''011a,.'.. 1: t, ,r; ' -- ' ' 3 m-4 ::.; ) Two men were in the Salt Lake General Hospital under pochase which lice guard today as the result of an ended in the wrecking of a stolen car. The pair were Lawrence MaurTemple Street. IL was taken from of 3142 Tenth East Street, er. in front of 956 East Thirteenth t,rid Andrew Hansen. 2. of 40 South Street ,hortiv after midwere who Ninth East Street, ' night ..esterday, hurled from the car in the trash Da bed Aviay on a dirt read :ft0 !ards south of Beck's llot Springs. Mr. Rogers reported he !Law The crash which left the men the car parked di front of 4:37 West Third South Street at 4'..;1) unconscious at the side of the a.m., but as he Ftarted toward road culminated a the machine. the dnver Faw turn chase by police. The pair sufferand ed internal injuriesc cuts and the igolen car moved away. lie pursue.d Me machine in h bruises. Their condition today was reported "fair." police, car through the tdigines district-anthe east side resider,: Cut and Bruised , of F. Rolland nal districts,Notified by rani. Noffsinger, :r34 East Seco tiNd South street. other police cars took up Al.-WitS with the meri, vIs cut Officer II. Der,!,tt atid bruised.. Ile, Vii,II1ea4,44Spe, from the Citv .1,tat today when uoErnitrri ;() ,top The ear near 12.a,1 Ktret.- Suottl- and Seventh tier proved!teraritte,rhd not enter, 1i,1 ,Irrfr he machine until atter it had ftr mact he 1)f.,rt reporwri Tr.aLtlic armed. lt final:y v. hen ;t kr, said the car was sto-erturned from K. J. Staker of .5N Sfy.;:n NVost 'zreckeer. 4: ,, ,A 29 -- p t. fa-:11t- , A., 7 . MAY !Colorado ,770c-1:... , Meet i Set 'On Coast 1 1 , - r- - 4 Chase Puts Two 80 In Hospital Under Guard - MONDAY CITY Champion ROTC Rifle Team El's' I ' LAKE SALT II nese llsoalell 2111 se....i ormi L. X. &bey 011011 P. K. Sunothry. 11 'is 1, nom to .tialicrn k, SST Diet Hoerr SIS - A. M. SO mid 1604.111 41. I I ' |