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Show lllt Utah Foundation reports on taxes Highwoy costs still climbing cost of building roads i. ,tah Is continuing to skyrocket upward, according to recent cost figures released by the Utah Highway Department. The Department's second quarter cost Index of six key highway construction Items Is up 22.8 perew above the firs' quarter Index for the year. Since the base years of 1966 to 1968, '.he Index has Increased 132 percent, with ever half of the (68 occurring within the last six months. State Highway Engineer C.V. Anderson says the effects of Inflation are being felt not only in the state's highway construo- -t bn and maintenance programs, but also In the street and road programs of cities and counties cities and programs of count les. lie said the spiraling Increase In costs ould delay the 'onv-pledate .f Utah's freeway n.ulder bly, unless system federal highway appropriations are Increased. e have hd to reject senna! bids for construction contra ts recently, four In the last two weeks, heciuse the were excessive. costs It wasnl the- fault of the contra-tors, because they can't get a firm pi Ice on asphalt - from their suppliers for use next summer," he said. Anderson said Inflation Is also creating problems with the departments maintenance and betterment projects. The department Is allowed to spend up to $23,000 for such projects, without going through an Involved bidding process, It used to be that we could do quite a bit of work for It wont buy $23,000, but much,'' he commented. Abreakdown of the six Uems In the department's cost Index shows the roadway excavation Index up 23 percent, the bitumen Index up 22 percent, and the bituminous surface mix index down two percent. The Index for relnforctng steel was up 29 percent, the Structural Steel met tn.1 w up two perrent, and the Index for structural concrete mix was up 15 percent over first quarter ,w figures. officials say the cost figure for bitumen and bituminous surface mix do not reflect the true cost picture for those Items, because they were compiled from the surfacing costs of thret projects which will be completed Highw ay within one year. They point out (hat two projects which will take longer than a year to federal outlays In Millard Thera are no unmanageable $6,915,000 County there are only lazy cases, during the 1973 fiscal year. Federal Judge Miles judges," was This 'ad reported by Lord said after settling one of Utan Foundation, the private most seemingly unmanthe research organisation In an class-actio- n subs In ageable of the Impact of analysis legal history. on the Utah Government Several major drug Ecoiiomy. had been accused of FeJeral outlays tncludo all allegedly overcharging conFedora) spending for salaries sumers for commonly pre(civilian and military), retirescribed tetracycline based antment and other employee liene-fU- s, $1,093,000,000. ibiotics. The drugs were used Foundation analysts emph-slFederal purchase and most frequently by consumers that livthe busiIndividual and to aid contracts, grantsto treat flu, ear Infection, acne, ness which me firms taxes state and leal units, and other paid fibrosis as well as other cystic to Instituprograms may not necessarily federal payments common at'mems. be same ones the The tions it nd Individuals. benefiting have estimated that millExperts kms of the Federal from Federal expenditure total Is activity. Americans used the drugs difare there to $892 for every man, Moreover, widely equal time of during the 1954-19- 66 woman, and child residing In fering viewpoints regarding the the alleged overcharges. some the of Federal Millard County, and Is the desirability After 43 of the 50 states filing equivalent of 3l.9f of the total programs. Furthermore, difsuit had settled, the state ferent InhabitIncome of all spending priorities might personal attorneys general of California, have been established If tha ants of the county. Hawaii, Kansas, Oregon, Utah decisions had bean total Federal expenditure By comparison, and Washington and the drug made locally and financed from outlay throughout the state last to state, local or compiles took the case to the amounted year private funds VA District Court of Federal rather than Federal revenues. $1,513,000,000 and were equal Judge Miles Lord. The to $1,326 per capita. Altogether, a total of 1,186 na Because literally tensof Foundation notes that this was separate spending programs of were lal potent people administered by 55 different the equl.alc.it of 34' of the plaintiffs, completing the Setstate's total personal Income. Federal agencies wert oper atwas mt a simple task. tlement test year. Outlay were make Ik hen state and loral spending Convinced that the public In Utah through 481 of these must receive their rightful complete, were bid with the programs which were adminshare of the settlement, Judge contractor eligible lor a istered by 33 of the Federal Lord appointed David Lebedoff, should the payment, contingent agencbs. a Minneapolis attorney with a price of bttumlnoua asphalt take wealth of experience with Anti- a sudden jump. totaled jnan-factur- ze mll-llo- f" tin-- n-- . -- Junior Ridina Club Judge Lord prescribes Cure for drug settlement ts Included, total outlay by all governmental units In Utah are equivalent to nearly 49v of the total personal Income received by Individuals In the state. Federal outlays made In Utah were not without substantial cost to residents of the state. According to the study, Utahs share of the taxes required to fund to.al Federal outlays in 1973 fiscal amounted to -- twt Socbi security hald horse show Fillmore Junior Riding Club Faming esilmar up it w? our social se.nrtly n.'.'tc special admin- had a H horse show Aug 24. istrator for tho settlement and Most of the members received d, tUj m getting yur hi aurthorUoJ .r y hiring of either ribbons nr trophies. This youri-- a re, sot ' not have been accomcould marketing and nommunlraUin lUtu 1. r.t , and our specialists to rre.de a program plished without your dona tons of up t- - luu,. estimate, to Inform the publb . and support. 197toil eype.-to- l :rut We hope next year we will The Courts research experts on xmr addr.-'- . and.liou nu n -determined the format for the have as much success a lier. GUe the estimate to v- nr claims form. No documented we have had this year. offtoe .it I.O, fnsM't, I'. V'O, Below I a list of people proof of purchase will be Uth 84601. who donated to the club. on total les Scheduled purchases required ,ttts nr than $150 because of the Ruth's Beauty Shop, Paradise 8v. J'7 from mrli ; ..n, number of years since pur- Inn, First Security Bank, Delyle ' at the Millard Cvuaty C chases were made. The re- Carling, Stevens Inc,, Clnlr and Fillmore, Utah, Quirt- -' search discovered that the form Ray Stephenson, Kellys, reterrly calendar notices ar posted would have (o be easy to read, pen, Ins., Millard Hiding Club. la most public buildings in your American Oil, Baser Drug, rttmple to complete, and are showing the d..c and W Ingots Drive In, Javeesa. Agter three retimes of fits vlhtt. A.G. Duanes visions, the forms are being Rhodes Bros., Fro C't , '.r, twetf Cliffs distributed In mass mailings to pioneer Market, bears Catalog strand. Iuervm Machine, all citizens of the six states. Store, Paynes Repair, KlwlAll As reporter the claim forms were Co., Millard Implome.it Co., Klin A Jur.et Rhodes being created, and advertising agency created public service n in and commeradvertisements cial to Inform the public. The program was labeled "Operation Money Back." Time and space for the campaign will lie Tu fMhiy, i donated by the publishing and broadcast media. SMO riMfS "You have to come back at t Stt.d.ev - 2 OO fl OO; n Thurtdty - ft Oftpm same the companies with Utft Credit StfiUy 2 Lugu) Mown - Ttidrtv - tt OO.vfn Frdy - H.OOpm technique and technology they K H ft Jim 2 used to get there In the first trust' tew, as 4-- .ot. . b Sai'Mc; U-- e place," Judge Ixrd said. Fo The success of Operation Money Back mayhelp determine the future of similar set lenient future of simitar the Involving class action subs. A G'OWiU Ytrti'h 49 n oi lo UlA $m omI ' Oh l h, F f.A L Puoui $h If 1 ru h"', AM 9 $t 90 oil pi.iv, K t i p M Pt.cV u; Eiuk'lwt n ch:V;V 0 te t Mil URD COUNTY ITUXIRESS FUlmors, ltah84C31 Friday, Septemher 7, 1974 fix . . pcilomrwr in . 00 scavenger contribution Cn ri . , "T r, G' S itAit PMON6 MAIkTO HOLIDAY ON tof r'etfiMorcTiV' OK' 100 South Wvt Tsbi Sli Lek C"v. Utah R4 '91 few Individuals whs insist on having the prlvllcdge f lotting dag abuse A Impose on hlr r IcM par tnusu tlamcad. IMOfUl W tfc VM1 Ud w'l iuaf V and neighbors who use the park perhaps they should stop a moment and consider a couple of pobrfa of general concern. You are making a significant contribution to the general mess found dally In our City and Stale Iterk due to litter being about by your , strewn To say acavengerlng hound. the least tt.li d"s not add to the congeniality of those In charge and those who Insist on the Imposition. Ue should not even mention the small to large pile that people must ether step In, stumble over or detour around because that would be Due to the fact that vulgar. we ..'ten fbd a gentleman's plea 1 not too effective, the following la called to the Information attention of offenders. ( If you are on of those whose dog no never pesters any .one problem.) City Ordinance! Oogowiers shtll provide a collar and att icb the licence lag.. Dogs without licence lags shall be Impounded." Title 63, Chapter 11, Utah Code, Sec 16: Except where a written permit has been authorised and Issued wfc'i the approval o! director, no perwm shall permit a domestic animal unless or pet In a developed said animal Is on a leash not not to exceed 6 feet In length. Domestic pets may be prohibited from park areas when designated by posting. "No person shall leave s animal or pet domestic unattended." 3 "I ' (It v the rights fo others, ticularly theri friends j r Mftiqirti .m rj,' rU ADDBF6S For the Information of those p ;n NAME A flMet4(k p 1 J.tNlGH ' I ' t! V lb o' "! j,. (,)' (.'..It Daryl McCarty unti iw4 . . . under the nf ( ul lie frrtr thst the bw the d of thr cfung (Mrmmrnl. Rqurrrnuinr. nd hr would ' lilt i., I. out rtcnif'Cael wav tii rltn f t'uh III l fbruf, K" - When it can create abrain for a smelter. The heart of the massive $175 million revamping of Kennecoits Utah Smelter is a new continuous reactor furnace. But the "brain for the project e is a computerized variable emission-contro- l system. tin fail-saf- This valley-wid- e system will measure, predict and provide data for action to insure that federal and state ambient air standards are met... by day... by hour ...or the system wiV slow, or bring to a haft, all smelter output. The project is underway -s- cheduled for Mf', VU. lot Gonr'vovow, a.o, i.i.tk visions of curr-- nt government beef grading standards are neoded sccordlng to w. Lloyd Johnson. Aurora, Sevier County Utsh, Hretlderg of the Utah Cattlemen's AorUtkn. tl.s beef "Tl purpose lo restandards tre griding flect consumer desires and differences In beef values." Mr. To di this Job Johnson said. standcurrent the adequate!), ards need updating." He supported strongly changes In grading standards recently I prosid 'H. Be as comfortable as the year 1 m: If t:e cattle ind.utr Is to keen u! with iha.ges going In consumer demaud and proand mthod. reduction Wbrking together on this tremendous task, Kennecott people have created the solution. I bM hut. changes completion by July 31, 1977. Utah Copper Division frr is long. Beef grading Meeting air quality standards is our goal. fke people nf t'tst) It nr a nprro UHiV h . 1. euoi. , weed, tugnuam nf ihr rl ang. , (I,ji drrMffv UlnVji tv at I m Uaih nt lo I n! 'I, ftr, , ai I Ui!! keif o', "f. f"g t.ttman: .1 v.pmr Je(i- -r j p"pr"eef "propir In (' 'ltr Mrgtfly I'M tim,"lM Bm 1,1,1 '"it, lint by the Amert anNalkma Cattlemen's Association, If accepted by the Department of Agrb utture, he laid, the proposals would encourage produiOun of beef containing leal excess fat. They should also reduce the amount of Im reasU jly expensive feed grain used to finish cattle for market. The ANCA recommendations tor trading changes were recently submitted to USDA IN late July follow big eighteen months of Intensive study. 1V ww mh Saw lark ,8 N"iJ e,n , .wr 1 MNfdK to aa nnwwfe aew'.v, heto wand tout wwotf an J SPCCIAL OFFER MkJ M'lNtill li IXM" p"lr tn wmewei Call tho ( eini hveq eeveurtmeei Votv and nnnmtmaifo Whdf 4hng taint hww hue 7to w low enuufh k ran tetke JkM nl wlni hrt mmm forj .Estimate; on Tout Comfort Coiulitiooirvg by IMG GAS, OIL end ELECTRIC FRAMPTON HEATING AIR CONOITIORI5G Fillmore 743 6692 & t: n fa i |