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Show ' ; pi fr a ,f 1 ii, ' wj tiaii ' n ri.i i iit 0' itm . Extreme firs Itah State Forester S)obolm announred today that put Into the (Ire restriction effect June 30, 1974, Is beU - . doiger looked at amended to Include all lands In Cache, Rich and Summit Counties, effective Saturday Au 31, at 12:01 a.m. This action extends the fire restriction to Imlude all lanos, re-- jTrWgJirWiW4laul I.. - gardless of ownership, In Utah except lands wtthlntheDlnosaur National Monument, Canyon lands National Park and Glen Recreation Canyon National Area. An overwhelming choice of the Convention Delegates If personal problems prevent my serving, let the County Commission decide. EDISOII ROBERT I'aid Pol. Ad by Howard Edison The campaign Is in response to a recent settlement of a ahtMrust case by the U.S.DU-trc- lt and the State Forester. Mr. coSjoblom said the Joint operative effort between the three Federal agencies and State Forestry has been helpful In keeping fires to a minimum during an extremely hazardous fire season. He commended the public for complying with the Several maior drug comlegedly oven harip d panies consumers for commonly antibiotics. As a re suit of the settlement, mo tnan $25 million will be refunded to consumers in California, Oregon, Washington, Kansas, A Forest Service following the I S Inert artltdt imdtttl In adult civilian FFSPONSIBIUIUS Old rnougfc to tins r a trader rrgtrd for the rldrrij fee the need ef south. EVPUIENCE In many fields Her nnly Laurel for pest seniors Far Ike candidate ske U 10 able le direct Set full titration ef Ike aflkt ef COlNlt COMMISSION! pre-scrll- ed labor I of Hawaii, pointed Chuck Ruhr and Asso- ciates Advertising to treats 'public 6er v h commercials and advertisements to perform the task. The campaign was dulilied Operation Money Back. Iie a use the campaign is pub-- Area number of lambs possible. lamb prices are higher In the spring so early lambs will return more money than the late ones. For general lamb product urn on the farm In this area, it may However, Veterans here veQ: Row many YMnam-er- a terans has the Veterans Administration placedon college campuses to expedite edn at kina, asabdanre ib.ks to veterans Hh and to otherwise assist veterans affair. A: Almost 9 percent of I yvt "vet reps working to the "Van on Campus" program are Viet nam era veterans. 0: llow many nurses arecar lug veterans at for the nation -- ike duties R teneanaenennnnnnnanaeeeeonnoenenennaeeenenaanaeeeee ge U75. - Charge of the Uuh Crop and I Ivealock fve;rtb bervite urges all ranchvrs hore "Be a qie.eiionnalre t romp!"!? H as atvursleiy as poH and eturn It promptly to blsoifi He emjhasl.-exthall matlon provided by rancher will be kept conflJt'itUI sM used only m eottbpaiki.i wbh other rojxirt. at DAY SERVED STELLA one of her special dinners for family members visiting In f Ulmore Aug. 25. On hand to enjoy the delicious food were Orlondo and Lots Huntsman, Nelda Mitchell snd Belva. The Huntsmans were enroute to to visit her family before returlng to Lansdowne, Pennsylvania for a few months. Their daughter lives near their home there. They plan to go back to California for the winter where they will be near their son, Nelda re re, AND MRS. BRENT and Turner daughter spent a few days with his parents, Mary snd Mel Turner. While he wasonan asstgment at Edwards AFB his wife and daughter visited with LaMar and Dixie Melville and boys, before they came on to Fillmore. SSGT. i & Acf COM? - fee-- Cf,KaA - The agency's corps bA: t reased 4.9 percei, or 1,015, during 1973. A total of 21, 816 u4 provide quality medical at fo 171 hos- -t OiHtfa: VjVh Hals and 2f'6 outpatients cl In- s. - $,- Loan tone or grtvemarker is available for any deceased veteran who received another than dishonorable discharge from military service, but Is A zJc ts, ml available to members of the veteran s family, according to the Veterans Administration. jr (Mrs. PahUnind Mrs. Janewske, mel iL.'lr new slcter Id law, Mrs t.n tcutlu. 14, 1974 SEPTEMBER hos- pitals' i Back 'home now, she had a worv- -i erful trip on lb bus. While In Pomona, Mr. and 75 rAc 7At Veterans Administration nurse n's In hreedtiig tare for veterans Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dahlln, enjoyed the visit, fo Mrs. Dah-ltsb-teElls Janewske, Calgf.ry, Alberta. While she ' was here, the Dahllns took her and Pomona Calif. I to Rlveiutde Oh yes, there was s stop over in 1 as Vrgas, which was new to Mrs. .Trjnewske. She really had a good time. turned to her home in Calif, following her visit in Fillmore. PARADISE CANYON TRAIL RIDE your answer s Does the Veteran Administration, whi h advu ales hlr-l-- ig veterans pra (!- - wt..t tt preaches" A: It most certainly duet. More than (2 pem'.t of the nation s S7 t(W0 fulltime male employees are wterans mure than 20'; veterans. of them Vletnam-er- a W. Canada This will have your lambs torn In February and most of them should be ready for market In May cr June, You should haw sheds available for the lambing period to give protection against the cold. Ewes will reproduce bettei If fed well during the matb season. Move ewes on to fresh green pasture which has been saved for this purpose. If your ewes are gaining weight at mating time, you'll find they have a lol more twins.'' apply where full not provbled. This month nearly 203 Utah rancher s, snd 1,697 In 13 otner Western Mates, U( participate In the first phase of major sheep survey Industry conducted by the IV?. Department of Agriculture. 1'SDAS hut 1st leal Report big aervbo will conduct the three utvejs to dv.er mb the structure of the Industry, costs snd returns to ranchers, and predator losses. The three-staIn early survey will wind-u- p ternational Broadcasting Company In California has volunteered time and talent to create and produce Spanish versions of the Operation Money Back commercials for the thousands of Spanish speaking Americans in California, "The response has been exDavid lebedoff, traordinary, U.S. District Court appointed aminlstrator said. It's obvious the advertising community senses (he Importance of this program. As we have been saying, Theres more than money at stake,' Die of operatbin efb. ttveuess lt O: These measures are Utng taken In order to make the most efficient use of available funds but stilt provide recreation opportunities (or the public. - The Forest Service asks that visitors carry out their own gar lege as well as five Hems of trash left by others less considerate then themselves. For Information concerning apectflc campgrounds, contact U.e local na.vrDUliktOfiM.w. donated by the media. Tha attempt to gain cooperation from the local media tuts been handled by volunteer advertising and broadcast organizations In the six states. The ad and broadcast clubs also huled with research In the early stages of Operation Monty Backs development. In addition, the Spanish In- Early lambs return more money to start he livestok biUiost end. Efforts are being made to scatter the closures In such a manner as not to close entire areas. Information as to the nearest campground that Isopen will te posted at each closed area. In addition, a number of services, such as trash plrkup aod (fr Liking water will le curtailed. The fee system will nut services are lie service In nature, advertising time on radio and television and space In newspapers and for outdoor hoards has been, Money Back wilt have an influ-en- i. on consul, er rights for years to come." I eledoff said. Nyle J. Mathews answers the question when to treed ewes this summer to produce gooJ early Umhs as follows. As you know, most sheep are seasonal breeders. They do not mate well In the hot summer months. Breeding In the fall generally gives the maw-lu- m closed Day week- parts Bacause almost 16 mllltn people are estimated to ha. used the drugs during the time of the alleged overcharges, the of Informing the mass job audience has required extensive communication efforts. The UJS. District Court ap- Maior skotD iidustrv survey wm enough te hove respect and eonsldrrailon BE SI RE 10 tOTfc SEPTEMBER tout. number of National Forest amigrounds are to ilixtrM public. Utah, and The order porhlblts setting open fires, except In facilities provided at campgroungs and picnic areas, or permanently Improved places of habitation, or where otherwise authorized by an official of the Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, National Park Ser-tc- e, or State fire warden. Sinoklig Ls prohibited, except at places of habitation, improved recreation sites, In an ii( (used motor vehicle, or on or In a launched waterbourne conveyance, or when on a in paved road, or while wading a stream or at a point where at least an II Inch diameter been scraped to has sjx.t mineral soil and such spot la used for depositing ashes and for extinguishing smoking materials and matches. with the onset cl cooler weather there Is even greater danger from campfires and warming fires during the Labor seal)ay weekend and hunting sons," Mr. Sjblom. curtails services p.mv; llewllb t Happy voted to refunding money to the Amendment to the fire restriction order Is being signed by officials of the National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S, Forest Service US i Min Generally, the advertising profession ls devoted to persuading the public to spend money. Recently, though, the ad community In six states has rallied behind a campaign de- Compca y from Fillmore Happenings Operatloi mosey back resirbtton order. Justice of the Peace t Am.gVifci.'hw titriiitr V MILLARD COUNTY PROGRESS Fillmore, Utah (4631 it 4 IT- H Unwil'Hitf S-c- w4-S7S.Uc- CA. . ufATcrr s&rrA' DONT DIVIDE YOUR VOTE AND LOSE FOUR Candidates are Running for County Attorney on THREE Different Tickets In Earlier years all FOUR WERE REPUBLICANS ountain ushrooms ONLY ONE will win in NOVEMBER Department of Employment Security now recruiting employees for the following It could be by a Minority Supported Candidate positions Tray Processing Machine Composite Machine Operator Fork Lift Operator Tractor Operator Mushroom Pickers Water and Disease Control Carton Assemble and Transport Applicants Apply: September 11 1 to 5 and 6 to 8:30- - County Courthouse Extension Office September 12- -0 to 12 Fillmore, same place and 1 to 4 County Offices, Delta, Utah. Mountain Mushrooms An Equal Opportunity Employer Utah Department of Employment Security Secretary' Bookkeeper IF YOU EI.DON A. ELIAS ON MILLARD COL STY ATTORNEY DIVIDE YOUR VOTE YOU LOSE ELDON A. ELIASON, COUNTY ATTORNEY OF ALL VOTES AT THE RECEIVED G7 REPUBLICAN CONVENTION as a Successful, He Deserves Your VOTE He is Experienced COUNTY ATTORNEY. Officers - County and Respected by Fellow City - on Both Parties. A MEMBER OF STATE ASSOCIATION OF PROSECUTORS UNDER THE NEW SINGLE PROSECUTION SYSTEM (COUNTY h DISTRICT ATTORNEY) Paid Political Ad by Eldon A, Ellason |