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Show Mansis Kearns film to be cired Sect. 6 Ri'S liter o( HlstorR' Stale In 1837. Platt to the The film uses historic pboto-rrapor the Soulety's "t Ions to tlepM Salt Lake i it y as It appeared In (he early v rit'O s. Ideotaiie Interviews with forinr governors Herbert II. Mw and J Bra ken Lee, wlii ncct pled the mansion In the lHOs and JCSOs, give lv-t- e resting and amusing sldt lisiits on the homes use during the uvertxirs' orcupanry. David Jennings directed the Kl f.D prod'uikn which Is nar-tat-ed by Byron J. Opeushaw. MILLARD COUNTY li, 'torii al 'i tu'v , in hHdi-- was .ii.iln; niH;. lMinh ii S o liv ;:mI Hh am 'j.! inatMlii" ill S.-'- t I 3k-- Sti0di.er f- -l lts. ' HuHt !v Kearns- at .sain tne inti tii I trr. rff Hi, in i,c of Hit niaiiStd.i irv, n,t as tin ! fl til juvernor's fir 20 years a,.0 is now he Read quarters oi tie late Tb lil.slitr I' al Sorluty. Jennie Jutt Kearns tWib-dtllisted t r. te National rs-IUki- Miriam D, .Murphy. Historical sot lty staff writer, researched and wrote the script. Friends il HIED and the I'tah State a STATE FAIR , Mltnk Vi 1 11111111 (I N a I ) All H m Al I N VAMII IV A, IS 7p.m. Friday at the Museum of Natural History on the University of Utah t:ay T.Matheny of tampus Brigham Young University will siivak on the teaching of prehistory In the public schools. Kenneth B. Uastleton will frotn his collection of Indian rotk art. The Impact of legislation .rd antlqultlos programs on Utah will la- by Evan Del! loots of the But e in ul I and Manageme'it. 1 he Folklore ki lety of I tah Saturwill present the day ses kin at 9 a.tn. In the and County .halt take City AliUam A, Mlson, Building. HYU fulilurtat, will rouduritH meeting v til h features Christen Amy Bennett, Sheila Marin, and Flrl.ar J C. Poulsen as srakers on Botch Cassidy, Camp Floyd Rdk'ore, Mormon folk humor, at.d folk medicine. of Anaheim, I. tH address California, the onlrg Hr, SlHhitfSjMstfl n M J loir For - gents. The Repent a'tlor, fame in response to a position Unn by the Stale Board lor Volitional Education two weeksago, calling for the trans'er of t'.e tefhnlca! colleges solely chirte. Aicnrd'iiC al dU-c,is- sd SPLCTACULAK LNTlKTAINMENT rRI.L WITH GAIK ADMISSION t session . antltjut-tt- es show-slide- UTAH i Hfn-to- will conduct an two I tah the Removing Technical Colleges frotn the Utah System of Higher td'.'i-tlo- i. ''...would h a distinct step backward,' Recording to policy statement adcjited J'..y 23, by the State Board of Re- assisted The television premiere Is part of a two day schedule of rb activities planned fur the a! Society's annual mee- tlaical chapters of the big. so let y will meet at 6;30 p.tn. Friday, Se4. 6, at the Carriage house behind the Kearns Mansion to coordinate and plan future activities. Stae art haeolocLst David B. Mad-e- n Technical College Governance 1074 Boa. d of Education with productkm costs. hs col-l-,- PROGRESS FUltnore, Utah 84631 Friday , September 7, Brns to the Regents "I'tah most needs state system of statement, a utibled public hlgner education with maximum effbtency, eiot.itny of 'acuities and and courses. If the te, liiilcai ,o!!eesv.cre removed from the state system and transferred to the full trot, mai.agomepl and super sUkm ol 'Hi Slat Board lor ... aeiui r.ui, rat ton, "tkdUi.l; would the legtslatur receive two unrelated bodge! re,ji.-s- ts for apital facilities lmpi n.enti for higher edi rat ton a ,1 two separate operating budrets. but transferal tidy of credits ladween Hall's nine tolieges and universities, sundardt.k-ttn- n of accounting andioinyi.-te- tr language, tommon rules residence repilrvtnei4 a, tuition and salary poilalso wool I all lat divided.' "The Hate Board tf supports a stre' ;:t! ened, si glc, u lifted system of eeonomt' al, effp lent, post- - se ondaryp Mlc ediiratloi. and opjaiseathef caReg-mt- tkin of two 7,0 .1 tts to the siiidents and taxpayers." Statement says. vome have supported the of the technical transfer ol!egs, lcause the technical prenl.Jents must reixirl to two mayors. To this argt-u.eThe Boards statement re-- j, thdt all nice state college pis and universities preset tly report to two loard.v their Hist puttoc.il coniicila for dady adirlnstration and the State B- ard of Regents for Statewide budge ai d urrb ulum duplication revie lolb-g- e ni. - technical colleges Bom ihe Strte Board fur Yoca'.lona! Ldwittor. serving as their governing boaed. "The Al two prosals Vo, and for attoi.al itrograus at theuvl-et,-- S are re.iewed by the State It also Board. Vt.a'lct.al i..ent ,i'it uuitroi of tie 'wo te- 1. Pat' nlleges. tlie other h.o d, Inc two a ,' Is ate sire igtPetied by par' I if at tug with the Mate a . ,e oHges ai.J niiP hi t,. v,rkt'f. , ..I rriruPm s in l.ualtb ,oii- -' Ser- -, ,:h b eerltf, )ixlnesj and at ton that permit orderly ttanslur ot re, tils a .,1 ei"lt-a!k- s I !t,: at Ion o state funds, r capita! Unpruven et ts aud umer the co- -i eratlor.s, i !i.t lug anther tty of theMate it, a. I of Rgi't J," the stattv- -: ,u ,t says. the Dirtc.g the discussion Regents puttie i to their record n alo'it two percent more of the appropriated revenues thatthey did before the creation of the Board of Regents. Most of Ms increase (1.6 percent) has been channeled to t.iatwo Technical Colleges, " Curham said. to snow they had given wholehearted support to the state's vmailonat program and to the technical rollegek. According to G. Homer Durof and the Education, Higher Repents' Chief executive of-- fl r, in each of Us respotv-sinllt- ty areas, the Board made decisions and took posUlous wnUh have a ham, Utah Commissioner strengthened (.t.srlugj v,. vocational-technic- at Utan Our Motto; You al Pan-gutt- Get a LOT while youre Young get a lot for your money when you do business with us. colleges lex the tts first five Boir i! itugu.kj apnroved 40 new ledtnlcal programs for the satae's collece and unlvorsules, s full CO percent of all new programs appro ed duritig that same period,' Durham said. Apartment Building, let the rent money make the good location. Priced to sell tor $31,000 4 room cottage In Meadow. $5500 takes It. payments 1 - Newly remodeled 3 bedroom home In Kano ah. New carpets new paneling. Large lot with Irrigation water for garden. $14,000. 12 down and owner will finance balance. t 120 acres of foothill recreation or pasture land. Seasonal stream runs through property. Just t miles from new freeway. Low down payment, owner will finance balance. $18,000. Durham also pointed to recent work by I eon R. Me Car- s."late Commissioner, rey sriul HELEN ROGEFSAO rompanled her son David, wife Margaret and three children on a tour of the Southern Utah They went to Zlons, Canyons, ch Bryce, stayed overnight in and came home vtaCove MRS. Fort. nvariplai. u In Teiriflf t which mak.ix posslhel statewide Pract-- l. ne m i; a" N,.rsbig iralnlng to the Reglsteted Nurse pro- 12 lots to Fillmore, water power available ;ut over one mile ideal for over night campground. Must from freeway be sold In ot package. $17,500 cash off-ra- gram (two yovr) 'without sich credit unl iuj system traK-'e- ' arrangement are twit Impossible," If McCairey aall. Co.ivli.e.d with the Board's arts.a'i.ed pallcy toempliasUe there vo, atlonal-technteshift noticeable a been has li the aUv.aUtnof appropriated r .vn ms amongSyr.e n Institutions. The technical and cotr-m- ti lty coHagas are receiving One lot on East Canyon Road 1 14 ar. $3200 acres foothill land overlooking the City of FUlmore$3S,000 Terms to qusltfted buyer. dlf-fh- uk. 3C0 tUYING CX Do you Rave proierty for sale? RELAX And let us do the: Advertising Promoting Screening Showing Negotiating Selllne I Escrow Arranging for you al, - SEllING toututmioftwinu-- i UtiOKEt? Strout Realty Fillmore, Utah 84631 Fh. 743-68- 75 ioni;tlMve ht.!er edu.atlun systems as rout; ary to the tM liiterests of llah Dryer $199.95 oil t.U lnrh,em gather b MtorP re'r Washer $244.95 rrd h flvlJwork In I tah with Jm !.lch t d,'vl !jde'it s e.trpM- t r - IV summer. hea.ers lor F.ls'ory 1 Hie alter'k-o- and fcbdoric pres-r-vaU- ioi sessions are ManforJ J. ajliv,, "OpfottunHle lav Hlstorwi in t. for the Hah"; Mxrw. Uwe Adkb.s, Jr., "The Fort and Sal; I ake rati-roDouglas ; Cldy Bice "Fprl'tr by ad 1 HlstorRal Survey"; I atter-oa- D. CLAYTON FAIRBOURN For lali Supremo Fourt nidified Honest Fiiir l raid lor b, I. R. y Ai'.amh'l-erts- , saint a Churh Architecture In Uaf Don Hicham, "TF Adajstve R.vtorattou of IV Abraham Hatch Borne, Feter CUy." ire evening Hmpiet speaker, 1U. Saint ?y. til exan be the iole of hist or I at niuseums and the iced for rrofesstoMUsm. Mr. Swb.ney U direct, r cf the S' roc Margaret ttnojpury Muu.t New York. Mlnon C. A tear, a, president ,f the Heard of State HDbry, will ii.dv.,t U,e SocRdy's a'-a I awards reremor.y to end the Saturday evening sesikm. IlmHrkwa m, ,Big t$ lb. Capacity Wether with Famoui Filter Flo- - Wash Action Automatic Oryar feature Permansnt Pren Poly Knit with Extra Cart a MU'ul rr A.vsi g .ind toi gb 18 !tn 0 to FiMvi, (abnes. up lLicvouc F ,! t f ; e"cr:,.cli traps r . r , 'I r UP,., Cycles provide special condition for " and knitted fabrics; Automatic Sensor Control monitors temperatures, terminates cycle when clothes are dry; cycle signal; separate start button. Gas Model DDG7280P with automatic electric ignition system available at sbghty higher cost. ' r, Rvc ,v.i n u '11 ".pc,kti.fe vu "no-tron- rjj cr oi c.'rt,rj!.rs. v,jr water hif i Piri j"!1 Bc.. . ,.! win rlcr'( fC',D'! boar ' e KIHBAUS S 45 North Main FILLMORE wnn 1 1YAI of C3II LIARD COUNTY m for becaus- e- business man. of Bryant will represent us, the citizens Millard County, to the very best of his ability. Bryant is a lifetime resident of Millard He is no stranger to law enforcement. We know we can TRUST him, he has proven himself as an honest and succesful He is the sort of man we want to handle the law enforcement problems in our area. County, he knows US, the residents of Millard County, our problems, our traits, our needs. Bryant is his own boss, he will answer to no man. Bryant is a property owner in our county, he has established his home here, his He wants to see Millard County stay a good clean place to bring up our children and to live out the rest of our lives. family is here, they arc all active in civic, school and church activities. Mr. tr.d Mr. Blaine Cropland Mr. and Mr. Carl Bennett Major and Mr. G. Well Kcnne Air. and Mr. Lee K. Croland Mr. and Mr. Sidne A. Hunter Mr. and Mr. Marvin Hunter Robert and Kae EUeo Joyce Scottorn Mar Day Croaltnd Henry tod Dan Horace and Edna Day John Coqper Har Ella and Warrea Croalaad Culbert Rofctaoa laRe and Burton Gilei Nr Id an Brannon Cherry and Myrtle Beauregard Denny nod Norma Gary Sievent Mike Bronton litre Moot and Barbara Saydar LABS CM Mr. and Mr. Earl Johnaon Mr. and Mr. Get Johnson Mr. nnd Mr. Mark Siephentoa Mr. and Mrs. Ben Crooland Mr. and Mr. Ret Croatand C. Trank Baker Jim PouUtn Ned V. Tetplc jn Riding jhirlcy Pclcraon 7 |