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Show I AGE EIGHT THE Mona Happenings ALLEN'S CASH lb Vacuum 1 Saturday is Poppy Day Buy your It will be your ticket to the entertainment to be given In the h8h rchool '.auditorium on Monday ni(ht. May 28. Don't miss this entertainment of comedy and J. B. Coffee M. Poppy. Packed 30c BETTER BARGAINS TO music. TH.L FXPKRIENCES IS HOLLYWOOD All Cirls of Nenhl who or Infpr ested in taking work during me summer months are requested to meet in the hlph whnnl hiillrifno with their leaders Monday at 4 P. M. The ae limit for the work Is - ana over. Corn Flakes SUGAR Webb Webster, comedian and stunt $4.94 man knows more uhout the insied 100 Lb. Large Package, 10c dope on Hollywood after a few yeart of concentrated experiences than most neople find out in a lifeMme. He will be on the sta'.'e at the Ven- Ice Theatre on Saturday at both; matlnte and evening performances to tell some of thorn how he crashed Hollywood and got into the studios. "The stunts In pictures are a most interesting: but almost un- known quantity to the averige puh-- i lie." says Mr. Webster. "The falls, the dangerous leaps, etc., that you see every day on the screen are accomplished bv a frroup of trained men In Hollywood who go from one studio to another do!n nothing but these stunts. For Instance, one j BANANAS Ripe and Firm lb 5c K. C BAKING POWDER 19c 25c Size PAR, Large Size 29c PORK & BEANS Quart cans, 2 for 21c BEEF POT ROAST "lb i- Muffets He POWDERED SUGAR 2 Pounds 17c SCHILLINGS 1 Pound Can COFFEE 29c SALTED PEANUTS 2 Fresh and Tender, 8c pound. New Potatoes Fresh in today, self: and of course, everv one knows a thoroughly trained athlete Doug Fairbanks is. "I made a speciality of comedy falls and bumt. Peonle like to laugh and enjoy themselves pnd although these falls are difficult, they are most in demand. It Is necessary to keep in excellent condition to be able to do them, and I will show the peoDle of Nephi the stunts and falls that I do and the routine work I have to keep up to be able to do them." The women of Nephi will be especially interested in seeing Vir- Pounds 25c Sausage Fresh 3 ginia May, who worked with the biggest women stars in Hollywood It's Pork Sausage 25c lbs Ribs or Briskets, 7c lb. f Chucks, Round Bone, lb. Nephi's Best Bread is the f reshiest in town because it's made right here in Nephi by Nephi people, from Ne- pni nour. t It's 100 per cent for Boneless, Rolled 12c lb. Rules of Health For Every Child Dr. John L. Rice, Commissioner of Health of New York cUy, recently stated in six sentences what every child should do for health: Drink a quart of milk rery day Eat fresh fruits and veget- June 6th, there will a government tax on sugar. Factories have On be after school Play in the unli!ne Sleep at least 10 hours Visit m physician once and dentist twice a year All parents should memorize these rules and see tliat they are observed, says Dr. Rice. X. L. BAKERY and Conf. HORSES or COWS MILLS NEWS ftR SSCAGGS ARE USED WHERE-EVE- R ELECTRICAL SERVICE MUST NOT FAIL! STEAM SHIP LINES STATIONS "A RADIO HOSPITAL OPERATING ROOMS WHY NOT AN EXIDE IN YOUR CAR TO INSURE DEPENDABLE SERVICE? DIRECT FROM HOLLYWOOD & Elmer Special Attraction Laugh Comedy Acrobatics Bring The Children SATURDAY MAY Matinee 3 GMLVEB MAPLE 26 P. M. and Evening Show SERVICE I Surety of Purity" Webster-Ma- y RAIL ROADS TELEPHONE COMPANIES I Mr. and Mrs. Roy McPherson Sunday with relatives in Ne phi. Mr. and Mrs. Embro Bendixtion !tent Saturday visiting with relatives at Levan. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hanson and children snent the latter Dart of the week at Nenhl, where Mr. Hanson received medical treatment. Mr and Mrs. Floyd McPherson nd daughter Bonnie visited with relatives at Nephi Saturday. Mr. and Mr.s Clayton Williams ind Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams of Leamington were visitors Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Williams. The Mills Primary association was reorganized Sunday morning with the officers as follows: president, Charlotte Hanson; councelors, Delia Williams and Cazulla McPherson. A number of Nephi Relief Society Stake board members and sisters visited the meeting Tuesday afternoon. The following program was given: duet, Sabro Shazakl and Bonnie McPherson; duet. Hazel and Beth Belaston: trio, Cleo, Leo and Onlta Bendixion. The following ladies w?r present: Florence Chase, Anna Allred, Ethel Irons. Mrs. W. 3. Cole, Chloe Bailey, Itah Parkes, and Mrs. John Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McPherson, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McPherson are at Nephi where they have been called on account of the death of their mother, Mrs. Seth McPherson. We Buy Colorado Wool Animal Hides, Pelts Company lihonc Enteprise 30 By-Produ- cts wnt 6th. EXIDE BATTERIES Co. son-in-la- w reduced the price before the tax goes into effect, so we suggest that you buy while the price is unusually low. For our customers who haven't the cash to purchase at this time, Give us your order and we will reserve you a 100 lb bag until June Rest Nephi Flat-Rib- s, Sugar ables Nephi Merc. CLASSIFIED Flat Ribs LTirccIhier! RUG . Pot Roasts 12c GUAKANT - Boiling Beef of mask dances. However, both Virginia and Webb believe In making people laxigh! And thafs why they brought Elmer Veal Who's Elmer? Well you've never seen anything like him because I he's never been out of Hollywood before. He'll be on the stage at the Venice, Saturday May 26, both matinee and evening. The matinee is at 3 P. M. 5 YEA Levan Happenings For Meat loaf 3 lbs 25c as a sculptor, modeling their faces c lb. Ground Beef she had a most interesting and Solid Pack TOMATOES unusual time there. She is also a No. 2 l!2 size can 10c dancer and will present a group We buy local Beef, Pork, Lamb and 4c 'ABCO ob-"vi- p" Utah Peas what 12 I- Large Size, 10c Each 10c vincingly: another may do motorcycle stunts and these men are to the picture business. It stands to reason that no producBOILING BEEF er is g'ng to take the risk of havan accident with his star in the Ribs and Briskets, lb 6c ing middle of a picture although man? of the stars Insist on doing their own work. Buster Kenton was art DRIED PRUNES pcromnllshed acrobat before he enpictures and ronvqiipntlv wn. 2 pounds 19c tered able to do most of his falls him- PORK CHOPS Loin pound 29c. Cantaloupes may t- ni rt. Par make a speciality of doing a certain kind of leap. Another may have worked for years to be able to fall off of a horse con- man In the interest of more equitable forms of taxation, and in the better reguatlion of public utilities. State Representative Warwick C. Lamoreaux and Dr. Heber J. Bears, officers of the Consumers League of Utah, stormed In Nenhl Wwliwi. day. They are making arrangements wun prominent local people to hold a mass meeting to which the public Will be invited to hear the taxation and regulation progrm Mr. Lamoreaux and Dr Bears are e n route to Iron. Beaver Rvir and Sanrjete eountloa of the Consumers TmniA . - n k established. The two men are rrnrln tnr series of meetings throughout the southern Dart of the organizations in the state, such as larmers, laborers, consumers, are getting toeether for th etc, nose of coordinating thoi toward a legisaltlve program, con- ceiveo. io oenent the masses of the State. The Nenhl rmuHnu M iu k i t held in the next few announced. Mtes LaVeve Petty arrived home ihsi Saturday from Vtrnal. Utah. wh"re she has been employed during the past winter as a teacher in th Uinta hl"h school. Miss Petty left Sunday for Los Aneeles where he met her sister. Miss Wanda Petty and they are spending a week vacationing on the coast, returning DEMOCRATIC LADIES by way of San Francisco. Miss Wan-Pett- v has ben teaching at the ATTEND MEETING AT EUREKA Mesa. Arizona, high school during the past year. Democratic ladles Of .TlinK r?oimtw NOTICE TO riTY WATER met ini.t i.n . in a verv . ' deiichtfni USERS curena on Saturday afternoon, when members of the Nephi ladles DemThere are a number of citizens ocratic Club were the guests of the n our community who are not Tintic Club. Mrs. A. T. Bigler. pres9 X 12 , $7.75 the regulations in the use ident of the Tintic Club, welcomed of city water. There will be water the visitors who were later Intro9 X 10 "''fictent for our needs if people duced by Mrs. John, Richardson, $5.75 will be loyal to the rules and reg- president of the Nephi organizatulations that have been sent out ion. A short program was rendered, THESE RUGS ARE UNCONDITIONALLY to ev?ry family in the city. This is after which delicious refreshments to serve notice that the City Coun- were served. GUARANTEED TO GIVE FIVE YEARS OF cil will not tolerate any violation Among those attending from Neof the regulations, and water users phi were the following: Mrs. Chas SERVICE WHEN LAID ON A SMOOTH who persist in these practices will A. Hall. Mrs. Lynn Jackson. Mrs. H deorived of the use of the water. T. W Vickers, Mrs. Robert Chap-pel- l, FLOOR! Citizens must realize that we are Mrs. June Kendall, Mrs. P. n the midst of the worst drouth Christ ison, Mrs. T. I Burridge P that Nephi has ever had to con- Mrs. Unity Chappell, Mrs Con Chap-pel- l, PUBCO FLOOR COVERING; 95c, $1.19 and tend witih. A word to the wise Mrs. Lynn Olpin, Mrs. J. H. should be sufficient Vickers, Mrs. Joel Taylor, Miss Pearl By Order Nephi City Council Nielson. Miss Bertha McPherson, $1.29 per yard. Miss Maida Foote, Mr3. James Vickers, Mrs. Mabel Christison, Mrs. Clyde Haynes, Mrs. M. M. OGara. Dodge's RUG SHAMPOO, 98c One package Mrs. Earlus Hawkins, Mrs. John Richardson, Miss LaMarr Hawkins cleans two 9 X 12 rugs. Easy to apply with a and Miss Aline Ellison. S Mrs. Alex Peterson, Mrs. John A. soft brush in 30 minutes. Grant and Mrs. Hu!h Taylor were Alumni Association Dance hostesses at a shower given in honor of Miss Evelyn Jones, a bride elect. and Banquet Friday The rooms were beautifully decorated with white and pink peonies. Luncheon was served at one According to the officers of the long table to a large number of Nephi high school Alumni associatthe annual banquet and dance Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Clark and ion, which are to evensmall sons of Provo and Mr. and ing are to be be held Fridayboth in outstanding, Mrs. Panrk Roberts and daughter their and entertaining ANDERSON FUNfe'RAL of Delta were Sunday guests at the featuresprogram in the and numbe rof home of Mrs. Nicholine Powell. HOME who are A large attending. LaMar Diby, who has been em- people number of tickets have been sold" Fl ?icirnt. Satisfactory Service ployed for' some time at Boulder for the banquet, and the dance PLAIN SEWING AND WASHINGS Dam. is visiting at the home of his 's Blackett Herman Mrs. Call DONE outto be one of the promising Phone 168 Nephi parents, Mr. and Mrs. A C. Dalby. standing events of the spring Mr. and Mrs. Anna Winters an- season.. social of ics for that next freezPlenty nounce the birth of a son, born on er of home made ice cream. C. L. May 23rd. Gibson. LUMP COAL Mr. and Mrs. Horace Durrant It's clean and clear. Good for iced and children Betty and Bobby returned to their home in Salt Lake Delivered at Nephi for $7.00 per drinks. It's our Ice. C. L. Gibson. Eagle coal from Clear Creek City after spending a few days at ton Call Ned Ostler at 2I0W. FOTATOES FOR SALE AT the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. District H. E. McPherson's Malmgren. Mrs. Malmgren return- LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED ed to Salt Lake City with them to AND REPAIRED We call for and LOST Leather folder containreceive medical treatment. Ivan Golden, Phone 32, ing bunch of keys Return to The Mr. and Mrs Christian Winter deliver Times-New- s office, Reward and Mr. and Mrs. William Shep- Shop and 50W home. herd spent Thursday in Salina visiting with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Niels Lundsteeen snent the week-en- d in Satl Lake DON'T BURY 'EM WE WANT 'EM City at the home of her nd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd DEAD OR WORTHLESS Chnstensen. C. C. Christensen, Lorenzo Man "elson. L S. Jackman, and Owen Taylor spent a few days this week in Salt Lake City on business. Whole Wheat Biscuits 10c pkg. Large Package, 1934 Representatives Here Of State Consumers League Mrs. Dells Slack, Mis Ilah Brown Miss Ann Drader and George D Lowe left today (Thursday) for canrornia and Arizona, after visit tng for ten days with Mrs. D. K. Brown. Best Buys Thursday. May 24, NEPHI, UTAH Local News Friday's And Saturday's Mrs. Leah Jordan entertained the members of the O. N. O. Reading Club at her home on Thursday evening. The time was Bperit In making flowers and In playing card were served games. Refreshments to the following members and spec-- ; ial guests: Mrs. Lona Warner, Mrs. "Valna Hifckey. Mrs. Almina Kay, Mrs. Ion Ellsworth, Mrs. Alts Swasey. Mrs. Minie King, Miss Amy Ptterson and Miss Ruth Warner. STORE TIMES-NEW- S. CARD OF THANKS To all who in any way assisted during the illness, and following the death of our sister. Mary Park, we wi.ih to extend our thanks and appreciation. Especially for floral offerings and for cars furnished at the funeral. Brothers and sisters of Mary Park The NEWHOUSE HOTEL A Distinctive Residence air. J. H. Water, President An Abode . . . renowmd Throughout the West Salt Lake s Most Hospitable Hotel Incites You Rates Single, S3 to $4 Double $3.50 to $4.50 400 Rooms 400 Baths Hotel Newhouse W. . SUTTON OeceraJ Manager CHAUNcxr w. west Mlitani Manager annJ 50E? NOtCEO We suggest WALKOVERS ! - The Toggery |