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Show Thursday, May 21. 1931 THK TIME&NEWS. NEPIII. UTAH PACE SIX Along the Concrete FROCK FOR LITTLE ONE WILL PLEASE HER, AND MOTHER 777T tee-n- Our Pet Peeve Sally Sez TTTx m PATTERN MBS (or Ihelr fortnjM old and thin. "lot" an dead and karied VVhtn thtir ahip coma aailinc In. Bat why bother aboal ahipa LETS PATRONIZE BOMB INDUSTRY WW I. waiting frv Many men Jtni THE FEATHERHEADS " , 1 "3 9695 GARDEN! 1 . 7 Br Oooraa " ' WE THIMSSJ Got MS TO HAVE W Vou V OH OUR CARPER YoU I one this Year? KmevJ You'd I How to Avoid Garden Worry VE w d"oiMe To plant eventually understand YoU THINK" LIKE THEREFORE vHY WHEN Trie CjARdcn ONLY TURNS OUT HO Bfe iHfc 5-IKMAL FAILURE; SPINACH? IM aOT IT t SPINACH? NOTHING BUT THIS PON'T SPIMACH VJE SHOULt I START PLAMM'M't JKv 5CS Year. VJRLL DOKl'T I SPINAC- H- FEEU HAPP- Y- I I'LL y To HAT THIS WEEK'S PRIZE STORY If w woald all bar IntennMntala auda rood it would help ta anrieb aar awn coantrr. W. woald al cet better cada at a lower coat. Bur Internwuntaia ods and be aura of the beat. Intermoantaln rood" are the beat. To prove it Jast make ana tent. Bar home rood and yon will be. tiiad joa took the tip from me. Mra. Matthew Holt, Clearfield. Utah. AmmiJ WONT HAVE A small girl will look very sweet la tbls little dress. The yoke Is scalloped la front and plain In back. There are little bows which tie the sleeves very smartly, and a cunning collar. Her mother can make the dress, omitting the lower part of tha sleeves and the collar, as the small sketch shows. Use the patter to make several different dresses; for example, It's cute made of a cotton print, and equally dainty In one of the pastel shades In plain silk or linen, or dimity. Pattern 9695 may be ordered only In sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. Size 4 refabric and quires 2 yards h yard contrasting. Complete, diagrammed sew chart 1a eluded. Send FIFTEEN CENTS In coins or stamps (coins preferred) for this pattern. Be sure to write plainly your NAME, ADDRESS, the STXLE NUMBER and SIZE. Send your order to Sewing Circle Pattern Department, 232 W. Eighteenth St., New York, N. T. m J Braati f al Modern New BEAVER BAH HOTEL on tha Arizona Strip, Half War to Loe Anrelea Hichwar No. l i Miles Beyond Bt. Ccorre HOTEL. CABINS AND CAFE Reasonable Katca Prohibition Repealed in Arizona FINNEY OF THE FORCE ' AR.B VE.Z. HURP.T ... 1 JPADLV? 7 1 ' z fcfiM YET sl5 ST A - Y&X - j The Right Doctor SHALL Ol CALL UP SOME.BUPDY BE PPR Vt? fSTHANO' UP? THERE i V BE A DOCTOR'S COFFICE OVER At 400 Utah Oil Refining ? MARPiEP? I'M NOT NO j HERE MARRiep This IS THE WORST I WAS EVER Fl iltp Vbbh BE A run'. 31 ST - I'M. ACCAlDlI r1! I AFlHEt? IS HAVIrJ'A AUTO ACCIPiMT For SEE Noli him I'M A VETERIMARY Service Stations in Utah and Idaho TME MAW I WEBDDot' WAS A J AC rC ASS FOR -TRYiMS To RUM THAT CAR, rTi;T - 1 r-- Utah SUR5E"OM High School of Bsauty Culture St, Salt Lake City Pnfissioi Know m Diriioi Toa can now learn a profession that will make yon independent for the rest of yoar days. IIS per month only for the complete coarse of six months. Phone or writo for oar catalojrae. So. Main 121 Tti Inoti Mil ASK TOUR DRUGGIST FOB APEX HAIR OIL AN INTERMOUNTAIN SMOOTH STRATEGY "In the course of time you must have made many enemies." "I have made but few enemies," answered Senator Sorghum. "Occasionally, of course, I have provoked active expressions of antagonism which I was sure I could argue down. But I never deliberately make an enemy except when I feel that I need him In my business." BOBBY THATCHER--An Egg With His Tea.... Wiser T1 OFBSSOKT PBTTIBO"KS AWOKE Perhaps rr would beIMS Tr- - FIMlSH SCRAPINO fa THE PAWN AMU NEF3VOUSL BECAK TO TAKE STOCK OF THE SITUATION 1 VITrt By GEORGE STORM DOOR1. SHALL CONCEAL THIS I "THE GICT AMD PAIMT OFF BEFORE ORDERIKC MV TOAST AKD CREATED BY HIS BRAS4 SEIZURE OF THE D1HOSAUR. TOOTH OH TUB DEr4TISTS Is TEA SEKT, UP" i UI4IUH C J I I KHOCK AT A I 1 I IK1 I AAV SATCHEL AND PUT OK A BOLD BQVL LEAVE TUpr HOT WATER S ER, YOU MAY StKVUK AM Euu 150,000 feet Used & New Sizes 12". ", 1" VVHH I I I I I I Pipe Structural Steel and Plates Monsey Iron & Metal Co. Silt laki City. Ota! 700 Sooth 3nj West JUG OUTSIDE, AM PRODUCT -l s T- Ay TEA! FRANCISCO FRONT Fren Dumb Blond f She was one of those dumb blonds. When her bass asked her why she had her money distributed among so many banks, she replied: "Why, I get more Interest on It If I have several accounts." Chicago much-talked-r- KAIL OjJti lid Uki Salt City FAREt PULLMAN a MILE m "T, I Btmme tio MEALS News. Bedtime) Neighbor I've come to take my wife home. Hostess Mr. Jones, why didn't you come sooner? Deseronto Post S'MATTER POP He Wished To See The Incuhator In Action By Giva Thanks Blooey Ten times as many people could yodel as do. Floocy Isn't that lucky? C. M. PAYNE LOKKS, . , .$19.87 ANGELES (via San Pranciico) These are examples of our low one way fares to California, good in coaches and reclining chair cars on our fastest train. Fares good In Pullman cars are very low, too. 1LOS . For Further Information See yoar local Railroad agent or write D. R. Owen, 41 So. Main (tJQ Aft TlJ.IJll 7Intermoantaln Clarice Is Soon, Cured "KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES" What you CortT stiotce ? why . y DCMi, wow. peizpecTLy Sill-:- : voo should GcertT Crows i MUST LeMiW TO SMOvce wev 3iDe cisAR.eTTe IT'tf 51MPL HoU(i li t fini Lt7J"V nrr -- Havs you eDOie? 5MLU EM ALU Iovea th" House - 7 W,. Tl'.fl NO, you aimt cea4 ca- - U r I THIWK youB. teAp wiFe IS TAKING A couPLe op DRAW Here, St, Salt Lake City, per wetl1 win tha best lit PM ,or article on "Why yon should use made Goods" Similar to above. Send your story in pros, or Terse to Intermoantaln Products Col umn, P. O. Box 1555 Salt Lake City. If juur siory nppeare uiis column yoa wil eetre check for - $3.00 AL, GOT Just bctwcqj OUp.SeLV General Agent I ( it tooKs as if ecoie w 10 i"OK5 : -- Week No. J421 ih l QuiTTlKiJ y W.N.Ualt Lake City iJ rook! FRESH HATCHED CHICKS FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERT While they laat. White Leghorns. SS per hundred; most heavy varieties. 59 per hundred; turkey poults, 30e each 20.oa wk. ed White Leghorn pulleu for immediate ar later delivery. RAMSHAW HATCHERIES Sa7 Compliance Certificate No. 5 It So. Slate, (L 1. C, Ut,, Ph. Mar. 474 |