Show TOLL GATE SITE MARKER READY Ogden Canyon Dedication Is Set Pony Express Shaft Under Way Plans for dedication of or one historical his historical marker and for erection of ol ola a th r pon pony express station marker were announced Wednesday by John D. D Giles GlIes executive secretary of the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks association A marker on the site of the first toll gate on the road to Ogden canyon canyon can can- yon will be unveiled at the mouth of or orthe the canyon Sunday at 5 p. p m. m George Albert Smith president of the association asso elation will be master of ceremonies The marker was erected by Boy Scouts of the Ogden L. L D. D S. S Seventh ward One of the most important of ot the thelong thelong thelong long line of pony express stations through Utah will be marked by bya a monument near the point of the mountain on U. U S. S highway No 01 between Salt Lake City and Provo Stone for the marker being erected erected erect erect- ed by the adult priesthood of the East Jordan L. L D. D S. S stake will willbe willbe willbe be taken from the old care caretakers caretaker's kers building The plaque will willbe wilbe be furnished furnished furnished fur fur- by the trails and landmarks landmark association This marker according to Mr Giles will probably be unveiled unveil d about October 13 |