Show Mentors Crack Whips at Camps Working Out at Utah Colleges Colleg s Larson Larson Larson Lar Lar- son Reports One hundred and twenty twenty three grid grid- ders from which Utah college mentors mentors men men men- tors hope to produce state and coal conference confer er enc ence champions went through the second second sec sec- ond day of ot practice Tuesday The Redskin camp now has 46 men working out the Cougars at Provo are re 40 strong while 37 are arc competing at the Aggie lair in Logan Several more are exp expected ct d at each school before be fore Sat Saturday Delmar Swede Larson who maydo may maydo maydo do considerable of Utah's punting and passing this fall appeared for his first workout Tuesday as did Ace Johnson former Cache player and Don Johnson a tackle from Idaho Falls Carl Moose has not reported to Coach Dick Romney yet being confined to his home with a ac c cold ld will likely hold down one of ot the end positions for the Farmers Floyd and Ralph Gutke 1933 backs and Kent Ryan Paul Blanton J Jack ck Dempsey and H. H H Hauck luck reported Tuesday They are re re all sophomores |