Show T TELEGRAM FICTION JUDITH LANE By J Jeanne earine Bowman SYNOPSIS Judith Dale who just has moved into her new home hom with Norman her husband has promised her old employer em- em em employer m. m the thc engineer Tom BevIns that should he die she will carry carryout carryout carryout out his plans to the letter for for his his dam and reclamation project at Rio Diablo The task is complicated by bythe bythe bythe the fact that Normans Norman's law Jaw partner is underhandedly fighting lighting Bevins and Bevins Bevins' daughter Mathile is trying to win Norman Then Tom BevIns dies I CHAPTER 13 Struggle tr l Begins Lige with an ari eye to dramatic ef- ef feet made the announcement a proc proc- Judith a gay Columbine was vas in the act of at twirling in Slim Sanfords Sanford's arms anns to show sho Norman and I Poppy Neville their new next door neighbor how a swale step stale should I be c executed Judith paused and stood breathless V M 0 etT i 1 1 r rs s- s c d' d f t b. b a r k-r l r I II r t N ai tt 11 4 f i v al t ht 1 1 1 as the servant swung back the drapes held up a yellow palmed hand I and said said Mass Mass Bevins is daid He dropped daid 10 minutes ago Miss say Mass Norman Is to come to hur hurt soon's he kin git there Braced against Sanfords Sanford's support support- lag Ing ng Judith wondered which pain was the he sharper the fierce throb of jealousy jealousy jeal jeal- at Mathile's command or the shock of her beloved old friends friend's death Norman waited only long enough to o change clothes then with a hurried kiss to the now drooping Columbine rushed for his car The guests left all 11 but the Sanfords Clia CHa taking Judith Ju Ju- to her room seemed on the verge of saying som something thing several times only to stop light a fresh ciga ciga- ret et and dash it out in n the nearest ash ashtray Ill call my office olice she said at length and went downstairs Judith stared into the mirror Me Me- she removed paint and powder with fresh tissue folded each piece ilece carefully and tossed them into their heir basket Big Tom Dead Dead she thought vaguely hes dead Big Tom she said I should feel fed something aloud loud to the white-faced white girl Sirl in the mirror I really should but I dont don't just sort of numb and queer queer She slipped sUpped out of her costume then wen went to her wardrobe and reached for a robe made careful selection She chose one of p achl ach glow so Norman when he returned wouldn't notice how pale she he looked peach glow with soft sort eiderdown about the wide sleeves and hem Big Tom 1 is dead and Im I'm dressIng dress dress- Ing ng up A queer noise intruded Itself into her calm She went to the window opened It There were lights in the servants servants' quarters and through the window pane she could see Delphy seated apron thrown over her head rocking back and forth and moaning What a relief relict it must be to release up pent-up feelings like that Judy Clia was at the door a aray tray ray in her hand Slims been taking tak tak- In ing ng liberties I 1 felt the need of oC a cocktail cock cock- tail ail so he shook up one for each of f us u. Thanks Judith accepted the drink sank into a chintz frocked frocked chair hair and sipped thoughtfully Of 01 course ourse Delphy had known Big Tom Torn Tomor for or years She had too She must run un down to the office and see him hadn't been there for a month But Buthe she he couldn't Big Tom wouldn't be there here He lie Died Instantly I 1 called coIled the office ventured Clia would you care to hear what what t happened Yes yes of f course replied Judith udith She should put more warmth In n her voice Clia knew how dear Big Tom had been to her Shed She'd think her completely heartless x It seems Mathile and Mrs Bevies Bevins were giving a dinner party this eve eve- ning Bevins Bevies came in said he was too oo tired to sit in and would go on up to bed bcd They objected because it would leave cave 13 at the table He sat sot in Afterward Afterward Aft Aft- erward he started to his hi room again but he was needed to fill in at a abridge abridge bridge table He filled in He played until 10 o'clock com corn of feeling queer dizzy While he le was dummy he excused himself saying he Wa was going coing for tor a drink He got as far ar as the door Tears Tears' of pity burned Judiths Judith's ey eyes Clia CHa saw the closed d eyelids Her terse dramatic style of relating the scene had worked He died instantly she concluded A great choking sob tore up through Judiths Judith's throat and burst Feminine Act Ad The sobs went on until Clia CHa thoroughly thoroughly thor thoro frightened called to her brother broth broth- er Telephone er the Bevins and get Norman back here where he belongs be be- longs No Judith stood up crying checked instantly he went to her herthe herthe herthe the moment she called I wont won't have him and then she crumpled into a ah h heap ap of peach peach glow glow and eiderdown Voices were talking in a a gray graydawn graydawn graydawn dawn mens men's voices Judith heard them She listened But young man one was vas saying if Jf those fool Bevies Bevins women had given Tom half the care this young wife wire of yours gave him hed he'd be alive now oh oh here she comes feeling better Mrs Dale Judith opened her eyes Dr Kelly was waS' bending over over her on one side Norman was close his arms supporting support ing jag her Clia and Slim were standing before the window Sorry I didn't mean silly and feminine to faint she apologized incoherently After the doctor and the Sanfords had lad left Judith and Norman went to the he den where a a crackling hearth fire dispelled some of or the grayness of the early morning Judith still in the circle of Normans Norman's Normans Norman's Normans Norman's Nor Nor- mans man's arm was surprised when her husband spoke in a quick surprised tone one of voice Do you happen to know where where Big Tom kept his will wm Millionaire 1 Stenographer your office take care of it Originally but he canceled his old one after that Diablo trip According to o the papers he died Intestate And that means Mrs Tors Bevins will Inherit every every- thIng hing She surmised td she would last night and asked Lampere to act as administrator Judith started This was exactly what Big Tom had feared With Lampere Lam Lam- pere in control of the money and the company he would exploit the land Imd landor for or his own benefit However know know- ing ng his physical condition as he did would Big Tom have overlooked anything anything any any- thing as important as u a will She doubted it Mass Noman said Lige When Norman turned from his Ills desk his handsome features wore a peculiarly strained look What is It Judith cried alarmed I find I 1 am married to a millionaire million aire aue stenographer Copyright 1934 by Jeanne Bowman Judith hears of her inheritance tomorrow |