Show I DRY hAIR hAIR- nearly always looV looka which U Ii not at tt sU aU U 1 If you Use lUCKY LUCK TIGER Hair Dressing Costs very little liwe Get noc a bottle today today not not I ors use couple time weekly I cad will marvel at the beauty uty TORE STORE COAL NOW MIXTURE iTURE LUMP COBB COBBLE E NU NUT T Delivered BEE HIVE GOAL Co West So fly ny U PAN z fa BELL TAILORS i South Main lain S St. St Salt Lake City 1 2479 WASHINGTON AVE OGDEN i I I I. I WANT SOMETHING I I IN A HURRY These 1 Wanted Ads Found What They Wanted I i 1 v 11 f f x v M I J DUVERS' DUVERS BUYERS BUYERS' WANTS 46 I t U MISCELLANEOUS US WANTED I onal 2 f r J I b n a It a. a Mon Men SECURED SADDLE THRU AD I I been Stock saddle wanted At M reas rens price Long Loni 1 II ii d ro not tree and narrow teat aeU Hy M. 4 i a aI He e I 7 y HAD BAD A Y 2 ADDING A q A IT JUa Ia M t t 1 s t LitZ MACH OFFERS CA Want used rued machine Mutt Must be in d l 1 corps rood good condition Box M 48 jua 1 1 AD FOUND TRUNK 5 CALLS t Wanted Wardrobe trunk Must be cheap G al- al anti and good d condition Hy Ry N fl e SECURED ALL W WOOD OD NEEDED I Pp Want about ab Ut 6 cords corda of Imme Ir t rt t tt tt Z C. C M. M I. I Meat Dept N V w. w t T my candidacy 2nd term tant to action of t Your support ed R. R Ct g v 1 4 t t WaP rM i t J j. j 1 t DAILY ADS Line Uno p LA UI Was fl SUNDAY ADS lIDS Line null I U Ask Mk for Sot Want Ads Ads' I. I J Last Years Year's Coat 1 but would ii you know it We Ve are featuring this week week LADIES' LADIES weekS 0 TRIMMED FUR COATS C LADIES' LADIES COATS or SUITS Special j Pain Dark Wool Woo 6 0 I Service 1 MENS MEN'S SUITS or TOPCOATS 1 Ladies Ladies' Plain Dark Dresses 75 REGULAR SERVICE Work Vork received on our regular service i is the highest quality obtainable at any price 10 DISCOUNT On all an work brought in and called for at our J three attractive offices E. E Broadway Broadway 1987 1987 So East East E. E So Temple I C int M r j-r i. i Cleaning Dyeing Ca Co HYLAND BYLAND fl fi p t. t l I P 4 1 Ek J A I C. S' S k t V r 1 EVERY TYPE OF JOB makes its drain on oil energy So its it's important to know that Camels do release your stored up ener energy y causing that sunk I feeling to disappear Enjoy this delightful energizing effect as frequently frequently fre fre- as you want Camels Camel's costlier tobaccos never disturb the nerves TT fr fri v 7 i i v JW W iT si syr s i yr f t l t k if W e i a k v t MA c J you 1 y M Mv k x t w I v I J i ilOW V lOW C I For pried ice HE Ford V. V V 8 would would be a great buy even even last years year's Ford which made such a great record rd and Pt FO B. B I THE at a much higher price Its It's the only V 8 for economy And Ford V 8 parts cost from 23 at their 19 34 lows I I selling for or less than 2500 Ford alone has to 54 4 less than parts P for any other car arc arca rD i-rD C COS' COS I I been able to put a V. V V 8 8 engine in a low price car In addition on that distant day your Ford FordI I oW UPu n r The Thc first cost of a Ford V 8 is decidedly V 8 earns carns its honorable retirement you'll find d. d 1 LI the most Ca low But that saving is only the b beginning gi ning that it has a high trade trade-in value The record is For is bUilt Ford V. V V 8 js valves never need grinding Carbon Car Car- Carof of years proves it he A that For jord d h 15 CV ever Cr 1 bon removal is virtually eliminated The new newFord to run tURN I iLU A UE It Ford V 8 consumes Consume less gasoline and oil than AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS J. J RIG car retain after H ye an r the record great hows that F ord of FORD F 0 R D 0 V 8 V B 8 1 l t cars their Low Time Pa Your Dealer Plan 4 Available AJ YORD rORD RADIO PROGRAM WITh WAIlINGS WAKING'S VERY EVERY SU SUNDAY DAY NETWORK TWO p 4 I v J |