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Show THE The TIMEb-NiSVV- 1SEPH1, UTAJL s. Times-New- s j rubliHhed every Friday by The Time New Publishing Company DENNIS WOOD Editor Insured A. B. GIBSON LOCAL NEWS j oY T 0NE tl LINEN FABRIC J. L. Ricks of the Nelson and Ricks Company was in Nephi Wed- Manager to nesday making arrangements Jl.OO open a branch station here for the One Tear 11.00 handling of eggs and cream. Mr. Six Moatos Ricks rented the building formerly occupied by the Adams Meat Market A DISGHACK. on South Main Street where they will It there Is one thing that should handle this business. Mr. J. N. C. be stamped out in thhr community Pexton will be their agent here. it Is the penchant among a number The Senior Sea Gull Girls of the of the young men and boys of this South Ward Primary were delightof wilful prodestruction for the city at a Hallowe'en perty. This paper has called atten- fully entertained tion to this in the past and again party at the home of Eva Linton last wishes to stress this point. On Hal- Wednesday evening. Hallowe'en dewere cleverly arranged lowe'en night for instance, the gravel corations the rooms. Delicious rethroughout to the machine belonging cleaning freshments were Berved to the follpaving contractors was damaged to the extent of $100, we are reliably owing: Special guest, Miss Esie Blanche informed, and work on the road de Maughn, Ruth Beagley, Worthington, Ethel Jarrett, Leona layed for a half day in consequence Thesa kind of pranks are past a Adams, Alice Cowan, Erma Golden, Golden, Mada Ingram, Edna joke and a disgrace to any city to Gladys have such wilful destruction of pro- Burton, Olive Warner, Eva Linton, Eloise Pace. perty take place here. If the persons can who were the cause of this pos sibly be found they should be given Milo's All White Minstrels the full limit the law allows. Subacrlption Ratee Happiness Right now you are at the productive age . the time when you should lay aside something each payday to insure comfort and happiness for you and your loved ones in later years. of life -- -- We will gladly help you get an account started and aid it to grow by paying 4 per cent interest on' your yearly balance. Notary Public Office at County Court House LUNT PHARMACY Vj (THEJSTEW Blue Colors only, at the exceptionally low price of 39C FOR BOTH The regular retail price of this stationery is sixty-fiv- e cents. UK-LUX- bo-iyl- LICENSED ABSTRACTER And EXAMINER OP TITLES Utah Nepbi Y-TO- KUKEKA, THE M1MNU CAMP SIGNS YOU CAN BELIEVE IY If your breath is bad and you have spells of swimming in the head, poor appetite, constipation and a general feeling, it is a sign your liver is torpid. The one really dependable remfor all disorders in the liver, stomach edy and is Herbine. It acts powerfully on the liver, strengthens digestion, purifies the bowels and restores a fine feeling of energy, vim and cheerfulness. Price 60c. Sold by ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR CO. Our neighbor on the west side of the county, the City of Eureka, metropolis of the great Tintic JMining District, celebrated the completion of the paving project through their city Friday evening. Citizens of that wide awake and progressive mining town, without doubt one of the best regulated and most up to date for its size in the west are jubliant over the completion of this work made possible by the action of the present county commissioners W. G. Orme, John Bunnell and Dr. Steele Bailey who appropriated about $40,000.00 and a like sum for this city in order that much needed improvements could be made in the two largest cities of the county." Eureka is to be congratulated on her condition in general, it is a mining town of modern and well built stores up to the minute in every particular. A city of good substantial homes, and last but not least, a citizenship that will compare with any town in Utah of like size and industrial activity. There has never been nothing temporary about the growth of Eureka, her progress has always been of an enduring nature and character, making for stability and permanence among the cities of the state. We take off our hats to Eureka, the of the West, Mining Camp believing that her future is as sure as the everlasting hills which surround her, containing the precious metals which have made this camp and Tin-ti- c in general famous throughout the country. Milo's "All White" Minstrels after a successful season in tne Northwest will appear at the Venice Theatre, Monday, November 12th, at popular prices. Milo is supported by Eddie Ellis, who is a blackface comedian with a bass voice seldom heard in a minstrel show and a company of eight clever artists. With plenty of singing, a lot of good music and dancing and story telling, Milo and his minstrel show are making their eighth annual trip. Minstrels always consist of singing. dancing ana story telling, but it Is seldom that we hear so much good music and see the beautiful costumes that this attraction has. Featuring an orchestra of seven pieces and a band of eight, and review of minstrelsy and musicaj comedy, combining singing and dancing, pep and te We Are Here To Serve Nephi Drug Co. WE LEAD KF3 DISHES ; 'HE hat been emphatic in its approval of the Sedan. In all pars oi the country fca new Ford Four-Doo- r aryliah appearance and inviting interior have brought the car into great demand. Now, at its reduced price, it presents a more compelling value than ever. Although better looking, roomier, easier riding, it la mated at lorry dollar leaa. motoring public J Id V ml entertainment. PIECES 42 Attacked by Lion. A British railway engineer, nr tried Fane, engaged on the construction of the new Uasin-Glshline, was returning to the construction camp when he walked into a lair of a lioness with two cuhs. Before he could Are the lioness leaped on him and severely mauled him. Then the beast fled. A New Line of Decorated CHINA Special Saturday and all next week, to make room for our Xmas Goods which are arriving, We are offer10 ing ' . - "WTi.'"jtWiMT.iw J Jl If Nephi, h'l'W' ' CARS TRUCKS TRACTORS lAl uvu at m I mi Hi l J . WnWAn af Utah a I Windy Who Build. Well" J- ''a HMstfsl.t President Coolldge has a habit of getting up and out for a ride or a walk 0 o'clock In the morning, and tha news photoifrapherg don't Ilka It. Hera la a bunch of the camera men waiting for tha President at tha Whlta Bouaa door In the early morning. H. Dunn DENTIST 603 to nni.n wkix Pelt Building Opposite Post Office Salt Lake City Platework, y Practice Inclusive of Gum DiMUMwa HAS SO KQUAL The Largeftt And Pureat Natarnl Depoaif of Opysnn la tha World. 'If -- Charles Nephi Plaster m ill r - Sclmitiflc d MS(lsW'V, I JAat f i JUDD'S GARAGE Utah Charter 1 "Tie These cart tan be obtained through the For Weekly Purchate PUm. NKPHI PLA8TRR AND COMPANY MFC1. GOODVEAR SHOE REPAIRING SYSTEM TJtah Nephl, Rent Material Vaed Prompt Hall Order 3 A Chrtatamaea. Prop Set-Tte- s . ONE NIGHT ONLY THEATRE, 0 per cent off on all Heating Stoves Oak and Universal illltl ! KENDALL BROS f $685. oo f . o. b. Detroit NEPHI 42 Pieces u s T. PIECES 42 Nephi. This comfortable, and dependable Ford aelling at tha low price oilers an agreeable solution to your closed car problems. COMING-VENI- CE DISHES See our windows for special prices on 42 piece dinner Sets Plain White. White with Gold Band. eccentric violinist and Olive Ellis in classic dance and funny stories will prove to you that this show is real Camera Men Don't Like This Stunt i OTHERS FOLLOW be refinement. A little jazz, a lot of class and a laugh every minute. Some of the individual features are: Olive Milo who plays cornet and piano at the same time. Maxine, saxphone soloist and De-Lu- " 1 r Coming To Town First National Bank WILL L. HOYT Subject to stock on hand' we are offering-foyour consideration, one pound II LINEN FABRIC, Royal Size, and twenty-fiv- e envelopes to match, Pink and MONDAY, NOVEMBER rn EMI UVU (ALL WHITE) uvu ii n FEATURING BLACK FACE COMEDIANS, SINGERS AND DANCERS JAZZ BAND AND ORCHESTRA PRICES: I Don't forget the date. A TWO HOURS PERFORMANCE NO MOVING PICTURES Children 25c, Adults 55c. Doors Open 7:30. Curtain Raises 8:15 |