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Show THE FUND JUGGLING Executive Alleged to Have Received Six $1000 Bills for Allowing School Appropriation to Stand Oklahoma City, Okla., Vnl Gard-ne- r, formerly a citizen of Tonkawa, Okla., appeared before the house investigating committee of the Okla. homa legislature Sunday and testified In corrobatlon of the changes In the fifth count of the impeachment bill Against Governor J. C. Walton, suspended executive, according to members of the committee. This count alleges that Governor Walton received $0000 from citizens of Tonkawa, In return for which he permitted the appropriation for the Tonkawa school to stand untrlmmed. Members of the investigating com. mittee said Gardner testified the money six $1000 bills was drawn from the Security National bank of Tonkawa and given to him In en en. He delivered the money to velope. A. ,B. Snodgrass, an employe of the Oklahoma state highway department Gardner added, the legislators said. The grand Jury, which is said to r, be Investigating actions of the resumed activities Monday. Possibility of a federal probe of the actions of Governor Walton loomed Sunday when It became known that a ffcral Investigator had asked the house committee for evidence regarding an alleged mismanagement of federal funds and for information with regard to the drive which Governor Walton is said to be making for funds with which to fight the Ku Klui Klan. Lives After 1000 Foot Fall Honolulu. After falling 1000 feet from the top of the Pali, a rocky cliff near here, over which thousands of Oahunns met death In the early his. tory of Hawaii as they fled from the Invading army of the king of Hawaii, John Andrews, a water tender stationed on the U. S. S. Seagull, was rescued on which his body lodged. Andrews' legs were broken and his skull fractured, but he may recover, physicians said. Pays Homage to Bonar Law London, Britain paid the farewell tribute to Andrew Bonar Law MonThe ashes of the prime minisday. ter, who sacrificed his life in the na. tion's service, were placed In a tomb In Westminister abbey, among the empire's kings and great men of The British emdead generations. pire and most of the world was reAlong the presented at the funeral. route of the procession tens of thousands of persons thronged the streets. Several Drown In Oregon Bay Several persons Portland, Ore., were reported drowned Monday when the launch Phoenix No. 10 capsized when attempting to cross the bar at the entrance of the Tillamook bay In The disaster was reported Oregon. to the Portland office of the Coast Guard service by Capt. Robert Farley station In command of the at P.arvlew, which is at the entrance to Tillamook bay. g Panola to Drop Movement London, M. Panolos and his fol no lowers are convinced there 1 chance for successful establishment of a republic in Greece at the present time and have decided definitely to shelve the question a dispatch from Athens "!! Monday. Bank Robber Suspect Taken P"- - with e here Monday and charged having robbed the Burbank State bank at Burbank, a short time before. Under the carpet of his car was found $2700, which officers said was taken from Evidence of "Spread Eaalina" Richard and Daniel on Log Wagon; Heads Crushed Off With Almost Childish Gratitude He Expresses Regret at Departure After Month's Happy Visit New York, David Lloyd George, war premier of Great Britain, Saturday was on his way home in a flower, filled suite on the Majestic, confident that his plea for the linking of the United States and the British empire for world peace had been well received on his extended tour of Canada and the United States. The stocky little Welshman sailed at midday with a final word on the The effectivecrisis. T SLEUTHS REVEAL reparations MOBS ness of cooperation, he repeated in the golfing phraseology at the Metro, N GERMAN CITIES of his latest address PLOT politan opera house last night, de. pended on whether America, "followed through" the proposal of Secretary AIX LA Hughes for an international commisFEDERAL MEN BELIEVE THEY SEPARATISTS STORM sion to settle the sums that the de. HAVE MEN WHO PASSED CHAPELLE; WATER MAINS feated allies could and should pay. FLOOD THE CITY SPURIOUS $20 BILLS France, he was confident, would heed the advice of the United States and Britain regarding, German reparFrightened by Newspaper1 Clippings, City Hall Is Beseiged and Mayor Is ations. Mob Uses Taken Prisoner; Men Now Under Arrest "France would have been a vassal Burned Large Stock Dynamite in Effort to but for your country and country Enter Hall of Paper mine," he said spiritedly. A crowd of several hundred was on the pier to bid Mr. Lloyd George fareBerlin, More than 100 separatists well after his month's visit to the new Chicago, A confession alleged by secret service operatives to have been stormed the city hall in Aix La Cha-pel- world The police, who twice had made by Edward C. Bronson, one of Friday cutting the water mains foiled of Irish republicans in the four men arrested here Thursday, and flooding the inner part of the this attempts city to insult the former states, deof has strengthened belief the man to his face, escorted him In consaid. tectives that they have reached the city, dispatches siderable number from his hotel to demanded The hajl city employes source of $50,0000 worth of counterincino untoward feit $20 bills, circulated . during the that all bells and whistles in the city the Majestic and dent occurred. be to to sounded call the populance month in St. Louis, past Chicago, New York, Milwaukee, Omaha, Den-ve- r their aid, but they finally succumbed. Texan Severely Handled Swedish Prince Takes Bride and other cities. Separatists carried off the mayor Dallas, Tex., A band of unmasked London, Before the ancient altar men severely flogged Joe Westbrook, The men under arrest are: Ralph and some other officials, it was reof the intimate little chapel royal In 23 years old, Thursday night, after C. Oldham, said to be a former park ported. St James' palace, where many a king kidnapping Westbrook and Lon John policeman; Bob Witt, alias B. E. EdAix La Chapelle, Fifteen hundred and queen have been married since Lewis Two men from 23. also wards, son, advertising solicitor; leaped who arrived from Coblenz, the days of Henry VIII, Crown Prince balr separatists behind a door on the second floor of Kettler, said to be a former Crefeld an Duisburg Thursday beGustave Adolpli of Sweden took as None of Westbrook's rooming place and over- goods dealer, and Bronson. the town hall, which they sursieged his second bride Saturday afternoon, notes was rounded powered Westbrook and Johnson, ac- the alleged counterfeit early Friday. A force of Lady Louise Mountbatten, niece of men on arrested. found when to the Mrs. Pauline Fox, rooming cording and commufiremen, security the reigning sovereigns of Britain. house landlady, and rushed them into Engravers of the plates and those nists defended the police building, hurling There was none of the splendor or an automobile where other men who did the printing are being sought. bombs containing sulphuric acid at grandeur about the ceremony such as were waiting Out In Trinity river Search for the makers of the coun the separatists. the weddings of royality in vast Westbottoms the two captives were separ- terfeit notes began last June, accord The separatists used dynamite, desminister Abbey have known. It was He ing to treasury department opera ated, according to Westbrook. several doors of the town as simple as could be, considering said he believed Johnson was not tives, who said three kinds of spur. troying hall. the high estate of the bridegroom and flogged. Johnson's whereabouts were ious $20 notes of the federal reserve A lively fusillade was kept up. The the bride and the presence of so many A207, numbers unknown. Issue bearing serial situation seemed to be growing mora royal witnesses ambassadors and titA208 and B209, appeared at that time favorable to the separatists led aristocrats. Fewer than 300 per. Collision in Chicago, Milwaukee, Rock Island Many Hurt In Spectacular sons were able to find seats within Los Angeles, Cal., Two persons and Mollne. the narrow confines of the chapel. Goodyear Buya Rep. Patents were near death Wednesday and At the time of the Dempsey-Flrp- o twenty-tw- o Akron, O., Purchase of the Gerothers suffering from In- fight, the spurious notes became Fleet In Big Spectacle juries as a result nt a collision here common in New York, then again in man Zeppelin patent rights by the Los Angeles, The greatest and Tuesday night between a fast police Chicago and shortly afterward the Goodyear Tire and Rubber company car and a fire truck speeding through trail of the distributors moved west and plans for manufacture of giant most spectacular peace time naval en. the heart of the down town district to Colorado, operatives said. dirigibles In this country were an. gagements ever "fought" will be stag, Officials of ed early next year off Panama and in nounced here Thursday. Both cars were answering the same the Goodyear company said they the Carrihhean sea, according to naval fire alarm. They crashed at a street Iowa Governor Resumes Office Practically Intersection, catapulted into the air Des Moines, Iowa, Governor Kirk. would present details of the plan pins announced here. marine fighting "The aim the whole effective and hurtled into a throng of window endalL who relinquished his office soon to the government. force of the United States will he repshoppers and theatre-goer- s pinning ten weeks ago because of ill health, of the Goodyear company Is to essome beneath the wreckage, hurling resumed the executive's duties Thurs- tablish In this country an industry resented In the three months of maothers to the pavement. Broadway day. When the governor left for a for the construction of such airships neuvers designed to test revolutionwas crowded with machines and pe trip to Hawaii, It was said it was as may be called for by the governary developments In strategy and Imdestrians at the time; plements of naval welfare since the doubtful If he could return to his ment or responsible private Intermanaclose of the world war. Plans tor duties, but he declared that he felt ests," P, W. Litchfield, general and vice president said. this vast game have been in preparaSun's Troops Defeated equal to the task. No formalities ac ger tion for weeks In conferences hers Shanghai, It Is reported from Can companied the transfer of the office. and at other points on the Pacific Two Burned In Section House ton that Sun Yat Sen's troops were defeated near Waishow. Four gunSteamer Crew Attached Laramie, Wyo., Mrs. J. A. Herrera coast boats supporting him declared their babv were burnVancouver, B. C, Two men were and her 7 months-ol- d Brltaina Face Deportation neutrality and left ' One loyal gun arrested here Wednesday night fol ed to death when a Union Pacifb British subjects Washington, boat remains at Canton. In the United State lowing an attack on four members of railroad section house at Tipton, Wyo. Saturday the steamship Empress of Japan, ac burned to the ground Thursday. J. on the Leviathan, numbering 13f8, In California Fire Many Homeless child probably can not be admitted to the cording to police. One of the steam A. Herrera and a Maricopa, Cal., One hundred per- er's crew suffered a knife wound in were seriously burned but are expect, United States and may have to be de. sons are homeless or without lodgings his thigh, authorities said. They de. ed to recover, according to Informaported as Immigrants Inadmissible un. as the result of fire which swept the clared the men under arrest are strlk tion received here. The fire started der the quoto immigration law. The The other men. when the mother's dress caught fire. business district and a portion of the Ing longshoremen. hoard was notified of the shipping residence section of Oils city Monday bers of the crew escaped uninjured. The family was trapped in the house. fact Saturday tiy Commissioner Oen-erThe loss was estimated at night. of Immigration Husband. Au$200,000. Many Hurt as Train Derails thorities at Kills Island will be notiCounterfeiting Plates Found Orlando, W. Va., More than seven, fied of the situation, hut the ImmiA Japanese rancher, Honolulu, Moscow Gives Severe Sentences passengers were Injured, four clearing land near the home of M. grants will be allowed to land and Moscow, Klghteen persons waw seriously when Baltimore & Ohio found three complete undergo examination, and the final sentenced to death Thursday and train No. 52, running from Clarks. Jokota Friday for use In manudecision at to their admissibility will counterfeiting plates near sentences twenty-thre- e was derailed Rlchwood. to given prison burg not be made until reports from all $10, $20, and $.0 bills. lo-ko-ta facturing crowdas a result of the trial of sixty-eighere Thursday. Two coaches, was convicted Monday on a the Immigration stations have been Individuals charged with bribery and ed with passengers. Jumped the tracks In connection assembled. On the first examination The prisoners were em. and rolled about forty feet Into a field charge of conspiracy corruption. with an alleged lnternntlonnl counterof however, figures Saturday, technical naval of the came a to stop, upside ployes depart, where they plot snd sentenced to 15 years found that the British quota, ment snd contractors alleged to be In down. The injured were brought to feiting In prison. which Is slightly over ll.ooo per year, collusion with them. a hotel here. was practically exhausted. Charged With Raising Money Orders Hiram Johnson Expected to Run C. A S. P. Train Hits Open Switch Train Robbery 8uapects Held San Francisco, Parblo Sarmlento Washington, Senator Hiram John I as Animas, Colo., Four men were Sioux City, la.. Chicago, St Paul, son probably will announce his candi Minneapolis ft Omaha passenger train Is being held here Friday by postal in. arrested Saturday by Sheriff Richard dacy for the Republican presidential which left Sioux City at 12:45 Wed- spectators who doclare he Is wanted Thaxton and are being held pending Domination within the next week, ae. nesday morning. Is reported to have in Taeoroa, Portland, Seattle, New word from California authorities who cording to a statement Issued Satur- been wrecked at St. James, Minn. A York, Baltimore and St Iouli, on are seeking the men who held and day by Ralph Beaver Strassburger, number of passengers and the engin charges of having passed postal orrobbed a Southern Pacific passenger When train nesr the California-Orego- n borPennsylvania millionaire, who was eer are reported to have been hurt. ders raised from $1 to $100. Johnson's chief financial backer In An open switch Is said to have been taken Into custody be was purchasder October 11. ing two $1 money orders. the cause. the 1020 primary campslgn Carter Reachea Cairo McAdoo Arranges Psrleys Rioters Kill Huerta Supporter Long Sleep Baffles Doctors Calm, Egypt, Howard Carter baa A sorles of cnnfei. arrived here from Luxor for a Washington, Mexico City. The Hnerta and Cal-le- s Denver. Colo., Ralph Teller, 40, of stay of Demoncratlc with ences leader", several days, during which be will in of clashed chamber son Chief the of factions Justice Colo., Arvadn, James M. Teller of the Colorado sup deputies and Deputy getlna, a sup. which may result In announcement of uprvle the unpacking Of several for candidate the his of treasure cases presidential taken from the In was killed of the Huerta, reme court. Is recovering from porter nomination soon, was Initiated hers Totenkhstnen tomb. The objects will mysterious Illness at hi home, where rioting. Friday by William G. McA, former he exhibited In the Cairo mnseam. he has been In an almost continuous of the treasury who ar- Returning to Luxor next week, Mr. Appointed secretary Haaegawa slumber for the last three weeks, ac McAdoo Thursday Carter pin as to reopen Ida tomb and rived Thursday. of The statement a Captain Toklo, appointment made to Tuesday cording conferences with Carter begin the season's work. It Is na. of arranged the K. Denver father. Japan Imperial Hasegawa physician night by hi of former the trees, derstood that two treasure chambers em Glasa. secretary are baffled by the case, but agree that ese navy attache to the Japanese former and seels, as yet untouched, wilt be closed and Mouse, announced ury, at due Washington vis to poison baasy his condition is partly not cleared until next season. f taat secretary tke treasury. bers Thursday. from Infected teeth. the bank. Ax Murder Adds Another Victim Birmingham Birmingham, Ala., police redoubled their efforts Monday to solve the city's latest ax assault committed Sunday night in a down. town alley when Jan Jackson, a . T. Cm. young negro1 woman, end The woman died way were victims. Cod. a few hours after the attack. wnv la not einected to live. The death of the woman brought the number of alley murders to seven wtlie fifteen deaths have been r corded as result oi ax astamia. H "MONEY" Anglo-Americ- le . ar-rivi- ty-fi- ht Jwtt I X CONFIDENT THAT HIS PLEA FOR COOPERATION IN WORLD PEACE IS WELL RECEIVED of News Notes From All Parts of : UTAH I . DEEP MYSTERY IN MOOREHOUSE tPARRISH AFFAIR IS FURTHER COMPLICATED ht Scots to Vote on Prohibition London, Thirty to forty Scottish towns go to the jhjIIs this week to decide the. prohibition Issue for their The campaign has been localities. Intense,.' , Th drys hope to reverse the decision given in 1920 when only and Kll. Kirkintilloch two- - towns The Syth abolished liquor licenses. wets In these places, forced to take last three long Journeys during the years to quench their thirsts. Lave been making desperate efforts to bring their fellow townsmen back to their traditional freedom in the matter of beverages. Los Angeles, Iee Cordes of (Nil., was arrested by a LLOYD GEORGE BIDS FAREWELL New Orleans, Mystery surrounding the Moorehouse parish kidnapping cases was deepened Wednesday by a story published in the Times Pica- yune, in which Dr. Charles W. Duval, pathologist, who conducted autopsies on the two mutilated bodies taken from Lake La Fourche last December and identified as those of Watt Daniel and T. F. Richard, who were' kidnapped by a hooded band on August 24, 1!)22, on the Bastrop-Me- r Rouge highway, was declared to have told the newspapers Tuesday night thut the bodies could not have been in the water more than forty-eigeight hours if that long. Dr. Duval's statement, the news paper stated, had been corroborated by Dr. John A. Lanford, pathologist at Tulane university, who assisted Dr. Duval in performing the autopsies. The newspaper quoted both patholo gists as saying that, in their opinion the bodies were those of the kidnap, ped men. Governor Parker of Louisiana re- peatedly has stated that the More house parish Ku Klux Klan was responsible for the kidnapping and al leged murder of Daniel and Richard, while members of the Morehouse Klan organizations have charged that the bodies found in the lake were not those of the two Mer Rouge men, but that they were "planted" there shortly before discovery in order to fasten the crime upon the Klan. gov-erno- . NEPIII, UTAH BODIES PLANTED POSSIBILITY OF FEDERAL IN. VESTIGATION OF OKLAHOMA ROAD FUNDS ' S, The Melancholy Days Have Come KLAN DECLARES AMONG CHARGES TIMES-NEW- ! Ogden, Ezra Peterson, proprietor of the store at North Ogden reported to Sheriff R. D. Pincock that the store had been robbed of a quantity of merchandise. Midvale, Joseph Elein Nlelson. 63, of Salt Lake was killed while laying water pipe near Sandy city limits. Ogden, Edmund Daniels, i 3247 Stephens avenue lost part of his ear in an explosion of alcohol at the candy factory. Robert La Rue, 21. waa Provo, sentenced to three months in the' Utah county jail when he pleaded guilty to a charge of robbery of the Santaquln postoffice by Judge Tillman D. Johnson. Shupe-William- s Mrs. Bass, 19years of Murray. age, of Taylorsville was killed In an automobile accident at Thirty-thir- d South and Redwood road. 4 Eight building permits-totalinissued during $25,000, were the month of October by City Building Inspector C. T. Barrett. This is more than twice the amount in value represented by the permits issued last month. Bingham, The fines and forfeitures-fothe district outside of the Incorporated town of Bingham for the ' month of October amounted to $1499.. Most of this was the result of prose, cutions for gambling. Salt Lake City, Michael Manning,. 25, and John O'Brien. 24, serving time In the county jail for petty larceny escaped while acting as trusties. Logan, g 5, narProvo, Brigham Lelchty, rowly escaped death by electrocution at the plant of the Columbia Steel struck by a corporation when he falling live wire. Roosevelt, Wells Pope, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pope is recovering from a flesh wound In the leg received while hunting deer in a canyon near Big lakes. Ogden, Seven serving sentences la the city jail for minor offenses, were pardoned by the city commission, acting upon the recommendation of Chief of Police Curtis L. Allison. Vernal, Three shifts are working on the west portal of the Moffat tun. nel driving nearly 13 feet daily. Work Is being pushed on the east portal where drilling is through solid rock. Provo, Utah county sugar factories have to date produced more than The Spanish 100,000 bags of sugar. Fork factory has produced 70,000 bags, the Lehi factory 20.9G4, and the Pay-sfactory 17,110. Park City Five boys of this city who were discovered attempting to enter the Wells, Driscoll & Buck store, have been turned over to the Juvenile court officials. Logan, The county commission has extended the time for payment of taxes from Nov. 30 until Dec. 20 at noon. This action was taken after a great many taxpayers had petitioned the board to take some action as pay ments for produce are unusually late this season. Logan, Logan city took over as Its own office building last week when Mayor J. A. Crockett signed the papers for the purchase of the building from Christian Fonnesbeck. Salt Lake City, John J. Kavanagh. died at a Salt Lake hospital of Injuries received In an automobile ac cident near Lehi. He was hurt ins on ternally. Bingham, Juan Acosta Is alleged to have attacked Vecitor Yalacar both of Bingham, with a knife and severely stabbed him in the neck and chest. Provo, The Texas Oil company of Utah has been grantel a permit for the construction of a $.".000 warehouse which will be built In this city. Price, In a head on collision be. tween an automobile avl a 'motor, cycle, Deputy Sheriffs Leonard and Pike and W. B. Christensen narrow ly escaped death, and McClatn Taylor, L. P. Chldester and William Powell f Wattls suffered severe bruises. Tayson, Reynold Burnett, 35 years of age, an employee of the Salt Lake & Utah Railroad company, died from Mood poisoning caused from a scratch on Ms finger. OrvHle Carter, arrestefl Provo, several days ago for exceeding the speed limit, was fined $25 by Judge B, Tucker of the city court, Frank Burns held In tie Ogden, county Jail since August awaiting trial on the charge of burglary escaped Institution according tf from the Bhertff U. D, Pincock. v i Works and Ideas. He la the greatest ertlst who bas embodied In the sum of Ms works the greatest number of the greatest Ideas. Surely. The trouble with a card club la that It la always holding meetings when you'd rather do something else. Methuselah Smart, "Mebbe Solomon waa do wisest man," aald Uncle Eben, "but Metbo-eela- h was smart enough to take d bee care of bis taltl.'1 I N |