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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI. UfAlL, S, CLASSIFIED STUBBORN FECIAL 15 10 By MYRA A. WINQATE , $16.7o Womens' Dresses, Silk Canton Crepe And Jersey $24.75 See them., Women And Girls Coats 10 per cent Off Saturday and all Next Week Mens And Boys Suits 10 per cent Off Saturday and all Next Week Groceries Bulk 15c 15c lb 50c $1.00 35c 10 Bars for 45c immmm m iia.iwva'ii 'Incorporana Savings On Needs for THANKSGIVING Let this store help you make Thanksgiving this Linens for the year an occasion for real enjoyment. dinner table, draperies, and linens for the guests' bedrooms, clothing, shoes and furnishings of all kinds are here awaiting your selection and all priced so as to afford you savings; worth while. We're prepared. Are you? BLANKETS, DOUBLE BLANKETS BLANKETS, COTTON j' Size 66 x 80 in Gray Tan and White Size 70 x 80 in Gray Tan and White Size 74 x 80 in Gray, Tan and White WOOL KNOP BLANKETS $2.49 $3.49 $3.98 Size 64 x 80 in Plaids. White, Gray and Tan . . $2.98 ALL WOOL BLANKETS $5.90 to $16.75 in Dainty Colors 98c $1.19 OUTING FLANNEL in fine Serviceable quality which will give you Satis-fa19c yd Light and Dark C RETOUNES Full regular widths. Wide Range of Colors and designs, for draperies and comforter coverings 23c to 33c yd. ct WOOL BATTS Comforter Size $1.98, $2.69 and $3.25 COTTON BATTS Comforter Size "No. The climax of a series of pranks. But a girl should be guided," said Ed sententlously. "I'm asking you to take my Judgment Accept her explanation, dear. You will see how much more smoothly things will go." "I did accept her explanation; but I think a girl should not have to exLike the rest of the world, I plain. judge by what I see." "Then, like the rest of the world, you will often be wrong," she returned emphatically. Back came Sue and Lyle with the lunch baskets and Beth could say no the river next day from Inspecting the season's drive of logs, Ed, stepping out from the screen of bushes to begin the descent to the road below, confronted Beth and Archer Burleigh coming up, Beth had laughed out a little startled, halting note. Archer, partly supporting her up the path, glanced up and said embarrassedly : "Why, hello, Ed!" Ed, with a colorless face, lifted his hat and plunged past them, unheeding Archer's hail. The set of his Jaw told Beth that the "Morgan stubborn streak" was In control, and she knew. as If the words had been passed between them, that she would henceforth wait In vain for the familiar ring at ber doorbell. The "Morgan stubborn streak" was well known In the village from ha time. a Beth, comparative newcomer, had beard of It Ed's mother had been wont to say; "Poor boy, he cant help it It's in herlted." If Beth suffered, none knew, It tt little quieter as the summer months passed, a gray hair or two In thy brown when the year was complete. Sue, mystified and sorrowful, saw tho signs of bitter conflict In Ed's won) face. Yet the year had lengthened Into two before the terror gripped him the fear that be might never be able to yield. Came a night when he admitted ha had known that Beth, loyal and true to the very heart, had not purposely defied his wish. There was an expla. nation. Knowing this, he was still powerless. If only he could get to Beth and tell ber he knew ! That night be reached the front door before he failed. Night by night he gained a few step. Ridiculous? habit of mind is Possibly. A life-lonnot easily broken. Weeks had passed when Beth heard the doorbell ring the familiar peal. Ed faced her, trembling and spent "Beth." he said without preamble, T always knew it was ail right You could not be wrong." "Do you want me to explain, Ed?" she asked gravely. "Not now, or ever. I always trusted you, but I had te beat the Morgan stubborn streak." A moment's pause, while Beth faced that dread specter, and defied It "You poor boy," she said, and drew him In with a mothering gesture. At the home gate Sue awaited him. There was a peace and a gentleness In his face that emboldened her 6 's ay: to $3.49 $1.98 oner she asked. g BLANKETS Sizes 64 x 80 to 74 x 80 CRIB BLANKETS tain, Ed and Beth happily talked the afternoon away, until Sue and small Lyle, tbeir bands full of wild flowers and bits of pink and purple quartz, came scrambling up the slope. Both bummed a strain of music, and broke off to say idly; "Who was the owner of the fine voice at church this morning?" "That was Archer Burleigh," returned Sue. "Archer was suspended at college two years ago, which forever condemns him In Edward's eye." "I've nothing against Burleigh, except that I shouldn't like to have my sister choose him for a friend," said Ed. The Jaw that Beth bad admired for Its firmness was stubbornly set "I have not I told you that I had a fall on the street yesterday and he walked home with me. You did not let me explain," protested Sue. "A girl should not put herself In a position demanding an explanation," persisted Ed doggedly. "Piffle I" retorted Sue. "Gome, Lyle, let's get the lunch baskets." Beth regarded Ed with troubled more. Coming along the "horseback" above 5 FOOTE Syndicate.) "Ed, was the college affair a bad Saturday Special . Nwa.par eyes. New crop Rasins Seeded or Seedless Best Grade Macaroni .... 3 for 25c. 9 lb bag Rolled Oats Package Oats and Wheat 3 for Regular 25c pkg Currants 2 for Luna Soap 1121, by MoClur ADS NOW IS Woman Wanted at the Hotel for part time work. You will miss a Forrest " rare musical treat O BATED on a ledge, overlooking If you fail to hear the Lyceum num t3 valley, stream and distant moun- ber Thursday night at the Venice Women's Dresses, Crepe Silk and Pioret Twill Special STREAK 89c and $1.23 "Archer is coming la te see yen tomorrow, Ed." "Archer has proved himself returned Ed quietly. "He will not find me difficult" 8ue pressed closer te his shoulder. "You never knew that Archie ssved time I my life. Ed. At was trying to roll a log with my feet as the rlvermi-- n do. Of course I lipped in among the logs and be cnme Just In time. I waa toe dripping wet to go through town, se he and the girls helped me np to that little ramp on the bank, then he ran te get Beth to bring me some dry clothes. Beth stumbled In the steep path and twisted her ankle so that she could hardly get there and home again." As simple as that I And suppose the explanation had come three hours earlier I For thinking of his own peril, there was scarcely place in his mind for Sue's, but bis heart fervently echoed the girl's exclamation: Thank the Lerd, erjthiBg Is all right now." Theatre, when the William Pilcher Concert Company will appear here. BLrlE House for rent cheap by H. H. Hoyt. Call Mr. L. J. Fowkee at Starr The William Pilcher Concert Company at the Venice Thursday night, Nov. 15th. Suits to order, guaranteed to please. Steam pressing and general tailoring. Booth and Dorius. Don't forget the date of the William Pilcher Concert Company at the Venice next Thursday night, Nov. 15 th. We can sell you a new electric P. washing machine with 4 H. motor ready to go for $42 Kendall Bros. LOST A large black sow pig, with black spot on, hip. Finder notify Mrs. J. W. McPherson. Remember the Milo Minstrel Show at the Venice Monday night. Geese for Ier's. saleAt Mrs. T. W. Mil- - A coat between the Juab Elevator Company and Judd Garage. Finder notify Robert LOST Mill and Grace Garage just reeclved a car load of Chevrloet cars, consisting of touring and Sedan models. Special prices on dishes at Bros. Good orchard for sale with See. Will L. Hoyt. water Don't fail to attend the Minstrel Show at the Venice day night. Milo prices on dished. The latest model Chevrolet is a beauty, call and examine it Grace Garage Co. FOR SALE 8 acres of land and. 6 shares of water, also three room A bargain. See A. J. house. Watch for the programs to be received by Radio at the Dancing Party. Watch for date. Nephi Mer. Co. " Where Good Merchandise Is Cheaper " Judge and Mrs. T. H. Burton, received a visit from the stork last night and the Judge says that another Boy Scout was added to the Nephi Ward. The members of the Entre-Nou- s Club were delightfully entertained by Mrs. Arthur V. Pyper Wednesday afternoon. The time was spent in sewing after which a dainty lucheon was served to the following: Mrs. Orton Durham, Mrs. Joe Willis, Mrs. MOTHERS W. H. Warner, Mrs. Paul E. Booth, Watch for symptoms of worms in vour Miss Athelia Booth Miss Nell Golden, children. These parasites are the great Mrs. J. W. Olpin, Miss Irene Olpin, destroyers of child life. If you nave and the hostess Mrs. A. V. Pyper. reason to think your child has worms, act quickly. Give the little one a dose or two of White's Cream Vermifuge. Worms cannot exist where this time-trie- d and Marcelling done at my home. successful remedy is used. It drives out At reasonabe prices. Arvilla Lunt the worms and restores the rosy hue of pealth to baby cheeks. Price 85c. Sold by Much Good In Laughter. LUNT PHARMACY CO. Always laugh when you can. It la cheap medicine. Thackeray said: "A Two slightly used Phonographs at good laugh is sunshine In the house." about haif price at Robert Lomax'g Merriment Is the sunny side of exMusic Store. We are also agents for istence. Laughter Is a constructive the Edison, Sonora and Brunswick force which buoys up your spirits and Phonograhps and Records. helps you to achieve results. - Plenty of Hubbard and Squash at R. T. Beagley's. Banana SHOE REPAIR SERVICE I can make your old shoes look like new. Reasonable prices. C, O. Lomax one door south of Nephi Drug. For Immediate Sale A few pure bred White Leghorn Roosters at $2.50 each E. M. Greenwood. See the first number of the Lyceum Course at the Venice Theatre, next Thursday night, Nov. 15th. The attraction will be the famous William Pilcher Concert Company. NOTICK Robert Winn, chairman, of the library board will receive applications at once for the position of librarian at the city library. ACT QUICKLY Do the time. right thing at the right Act quickly In time of danger. In time of Kidney danger, Doan's Kidney Pills are most effective. evidence of their Plenty of worth. Mrs. Geo. C. Phillips, Third East Seventh South St., Nephi, says: l years ago my back gave me considerable trouble. Sharp, twinging pains seized me while about my housework. There was a heavy, dull ache through my kidneys and I became so dizzy that black spots blurred my sight. I also bad headaches and my kidneys were weak and acted too freely. I used a box of Doan's Kidney Pills and they helped me. It was surprising how quickly my kidneys became normal and all the other symptoms left" Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney I'ills-t- he same that Mrs. Phillips bad. Font er-- II burn Co., ,Mfrs Buffalo, N. Y. N-p- hi "Se-vera- s Mon- WANTED: Men to sell Rawleigh Quality Products direct to consumers in Grand or Juab County. Pleasant, permanent, profitable business. Little Capital needed. Make practically every family a steady satisfies customer. Workers make large income. Give age, occupation, references. W. T. Rawleigh Co., Dept. 1943, Freeport, 111. See our special Kendall Bros. Buy your Winter Blankets now and be ready to keep warm whem Winter Nights break upon you. Our stock of warm, beautifully colored Bankets-inow complete plaids, checks and plain, in a wid range of colors. These blankets are our regular winter stock, but we w?nt to sell them now to make room for our Christmas Mdse. So we. are offering our entire stock at almost wholesale prices. Perfect Blankets from our New Winter Stock all brand new, no "holdovers." There's just the Blanket you want if you shop today. Buy your Blankets now; tomorrow the assortment may not be complete, for they are going like hot cakes. Run in today and make your selections at the su It is now time that you were thinking about your winter suit. We have a large variety to choose from, in fancy Worsted' Cassimere and Serges, prices ranging from $20 to $40 Overcoats Have you seen the new Overcoats? They are medium weights, in light and dark patterns, belted with large patch pockets, just the thing for a warm stylish overcoat. $22.50 to $35 Come in and try them on. OUTFITTERS FOR MEN The To ggery |