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Show THE COHKLINO FACTION. A dispatch from New York represents repre-sents an almost universal expression of opinion against ConkliDg'a management man-agement of the Rochester convention: It is doubtful if any man in the history of American politics ever before fell so much in the estimation of the great body of his political admirers as has Senator Conkling. They auppesod him aa exalted ex-alted in strength and dignity of character charac-ter as ho is strong in mental power and grasp, few suspected mm capaoie oi any of that egotism and vanity which mistake personal grievances for matters of public concern. The evidence is so clear that tho convention was perfectly subservient to Cenkling and did only his will, and that ho had deliberately planned ita whole action in advance, that hi3 late supporters, outside tho offioo holciera and placo huntora. declare hia conduct to nave been a deliberate betrayal of his party, to hia own political ruin and the great injury of the party, especially as Curtis had uttarod no word provocative of passion, and there was no pretense of personal. - grievance at the president's bands, except that ho appointed Evarts to hiis cabinet, which Conkling did not like for personal reasons. Conkling is evideutly not yet a "dead duck," however, and is likely to give his enemies a lively fight. There are a great many Bourbon republicans in the state who will stick to hia fortunes on a point oi principle as well asot personal friendship, friend-ship, and as Hayea' progress takes him daily further from the confidence of the party that elected him, it is not unreasonable to suppose that the gulf between the two factions will continually contin-ually widen. While there ia little doubt that Hayes' southern policy! will wia with the people, it leaves the republican party without a plank to, stand on, aad until some new issues are evolved upon which the opposition opposi-tion to the democracy oan unite, a division of the republican party is almost inevitable. It would not be surprising if Conkling should lead the radicals of the nation in the next preaidential election against Hayea, or some other conservative republican. republi-can. The Conkling faotion will bo found a very difficult one to bulldoze. |