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Show Hi&s LOOKING BACKWARD fSSSJr " Items of interest taken from the -JSliAwc;L. FUv- ot tbD MUford ews 01 " l,iiitj--- Fifteen years ago. this week Funeral services had been held in the L. D. S. chapel for Leonard Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson o f Milford. Thompson had been employed as a carpenter in Los Angeles and while at work had fallen 30 feet upon an iron beam, causing a fractured skull from which he died. Mrs. O. K. Smith had received the glad tidings that she had 'been the winner in a contest, sponsored by the Maxwell House Coffee, comipany. The prize was a new model Ford. The Willaid Nichols home had i been under quarantine on account of the illness of the youngest son, who had been quite ill with dyphtheria. The town was installing new water pipes on Main street. These Were to be cast iron aJid to take the place of the old galvanized iron water line. The contract for paving Main street had been let to James and Bate' of Springville and the firm had submitted a bill of $20,0300. In the matter of installing ornamental orna-mental street lights, the Tellurite Power company was the only proposal pro-posal submitted, with three plans to be chosen from. Tile plan selected select-ed called for a l'J-foot standard of Gothic design and the bid was S2,.M2.V0. liock Corral was tho scene of a very enjoyable outing when the following young people motored there for a picnic: Mr. and Mrs. Dan Coleman. ITtitiiy Murdock, Vie Smith, I'hyllis Levi, Myrtle O.Nlxune, Charles Cler.n, Warren Femley, Harold IVui-y and Lay Mills. ' Mrs. T. W. Cam;.U-:i had entertained enter-tained with a M:.:.::lh and .dumber .dum-ber party, alxi a 'ielieius waffle brv-ikfa.'.t. Th.,e pre-ent werv Bessie Killam, Yl.- Smith, Dorothy Muniock and Phy!!;. !-vi. The Jolly Sf.tch.T- wtc entertained enter-tained at Har.;-.ng U'x'k by Mrs. Scott Tanner. ' I u b nn-mr-rs pre-u-nt w.-re M--..in'.es W. K. Femley, Aii'."r:i- Johnm, Jnn-.e I-ing. Fr--l Levi. A. ('. N'.eki-r, VV. E. Miller. K'' T.ir.r.er. Dave Tanner, S'eve S'.'.mt and Krl Levi. GueM wer,- Mr. Jack Wc-ton Wc-ton and Mr. Harve lledirei- Mr. F. V.. I:o!.:r. .r. had entertained enter-tained at bridge at her home at Rocky I-'onl. Tho-o pres.-nt werr Mrs. F. V.'. (;,, pill. Mr. C. C. Sloan, Mr. .7. M. William.. Mr. Erma (Jilli-. Mrs. Iian.1,1 H.-n-drickvyn, Mrs. '.i.!er U'ctr, Mrs. V. A. Hour, tit, Min (ilaily Cos.pill and Mr. Warn r. NieUon and Mr. L'. A. t'etiiy of lieaver. V |