Show correspondence CAPTAIN A 0 moots S COMPANY 15 miles west fort kearney may 1850 ED EDITOR ircia NE NEWS vs since leaving leavin laramie we have made fair mith mba bogress ro grebs gress and the cami ahas enjoyed the best of at the crossing of the fork we met the first californian Cali call forman emigration and since then we ive have passed trains almost hourly yesterday we met about 2000 head of cattle cattie and every company com an has s a large herd we have atso also passed sever bever several I 1 government trains freighted with corn for general harveya Har neya command we have seen no buffalow bucalos bufe buff alos aloa on the road and have killed but ver very y little game of any 1 kind ind from appearances the emi emigration emigran grat ion lon on the north side of the platte far flir exceeds that on the south we have not rot a acca yen any indians since we left the vicinity of fort laramie may blay 30 we wil have found the road today to day literally filled with emigrant trains so much so as to crowd us much of the time out of the track the rumor is 13 that the mormon emi emigration is tremendous are said to be fitting up at omaha city and as many more at other points GEO A SMITH by later advices advises capt smoot and company were at big blue on the ath june fed red ED BUFFALO april 26 1656 ERIE RIOTS renewed A despatch received from erle ena a mob destroyed yesterday the constitutional office in that city in consequent of that paper piper advocating tiia the railroad interests and bud tha 1 t they threatened to damage tho the property I 1 of the railroad company VIOLENT HAIL STOMA IN VIRGINIA olle one of the most vio v dolent on t hail storms that ever occurred in virginia vir i lila illa swept over ho the county of Lunenburg to A amelia eila elia court house yesterday in iii the woods and some other places it lay upon tile tiie ground to tho depth of four inches boma soma or of tho the hailstones being of iange size leaves vere wera stripped from tile tho trees treba and fences blown down but we have heard beard of no other damage richmond whig wing J |