Show AN ACT granting unto john stoker william sri ith joltn jolin W ii iless and ablah abiah war asworth ds worth the tile north end fad of weber valley talley for a iferd ground and other purposes sec 1 be it enacted by the governor and lagina tive assembly of the terri tern ury ory vf f utah that H that portion vt of weber valley in the territory of utah bounded on the tile south bouth by tho lh north line of ibs lbs th grant cram given to thomas J thurston jedidah Jed luah iUah AI 11 grant and george W thuraton rhu Thu yston riton en the neit eit ty by the tha summit of the mountains mount aina alua skirting said paid s iid kid valley on th the e wesl west on the north hr by the summit of I 1 the he mountains b on riding gald cald valley un eik the north and on the east by the tle of at the mountains mount alm aim said laid valley en on the east be an ailt t the ame same Is 1 hereby unto john juhn an smith john W iless liess ad ablah ablan for be herd ground aud and other burp iseih sc acci 2 the fald eald john stoker smith ihn jhn W iless and ablah shall shail havethe karethe ha rethe eddu sive give cozil rol roi of bald hald grants grant during auriti the pleasure of tle the legislative assembly AN aan ACT grantins unto thomas J thurston jedediah 31 grant and george IV Thurs thura tont the abe south gouth i end of weber talley valley for a lierd herd ground grorud and other purposes sec 1 be it enacted by the governo governor GB vernor vennor r and I 1 Asse assembly of the territory of utah that all that pt rhon of weber weder in the territory of utah on the north bya by a line cowmen clUg at as the summit of the moun tAllis skirting said eald valley on the tb west wet and running duo due eget tiet eat crossing crus cros ain aln weber river one mus mii lelow below the junction of east kanyon creek with ul river laver and t terminating ermiria ting at the summit of the mount aisa alsa a bounding said valley on the east thence henc benc along the cf of the lb mountains south southwest south west west westa and north to the pi place co of beZ beginnings innings be and the same spine Is hereby granted unto thomas J Th thurston unton Jf jedediah deUlah al grant and gerge we thurstan Thur Thurs stun tuny tuni for lor a herd ground and other purpose purposes sec 2 the said thorna thomas J thurston Thur ston af M grant and ge gerfe gerge gerne gerre rne rge W Th thurston unton shall bhail have the use and control of said giant together with all the products and benefits arising arian th gefrom durins during thre thru pleasant plea piea sars sart et of the legislative A |