Show EDU EDUCATION CATroN cation vs money MOKEY the fal fol following lowin g anecdote the peoples or organ oran an refers undoubtedly to hon jacob collamer collaer now in the united States Senate and alid formerly postmaster general 1 I remember says the late postmaster general of the united states the first time I 1 visited te d burlington vt as judge of the su supreme P rime court I 1 had left it many years before 4 a poor boy at the time I 1 left there were two fhi fbi families of special note for their standing and wealth each of them had oon von about my own aoe age age I 1 was very poor andt andi hse boys were very rich during the lone long on years of hard labor and andril joli 1011 which aich passed before more my return I 1 had almost forgotten them they had long iong on ago forgotten me approaching the courthouse court house for the first time in company with several gentlemen gen demen of the bench and bar I noticed in the the court courthouse house yard a large pile of old furniture about to besold at auction the scenes of early boyhood with which I 1 was surrounded prompted me to ask whose it was I 1 was told it belonged t to mr air J air nir mr J I 1 remember a family OF of thant that name very wealthy Ve althy there is a son too can it be he llev i I 1 was told that it ivas eveh evell so iri ili he was the son of one df dt the families already alluded to he hadi had inherited nhe cited more than I 1 had earned and all ail and now his own family was reduced to real want and his furniture was that day to be e sold for mt debt I 1 went int into the court house suddenly yet almost glad that I 1 had been born poor I 1 was soon absorbed in the business before me one of the first cases called balled origin sted aleain in a low drunken quarrel guarrel between mr 11 and mr nira A mf mr II 11 thought thou glit r that isa fam fara aliar name can it be in short 1 I f tot toi fotini oili inI 1 1 a this was the son of the other wea A t irr 0 f ferretto erred to I 1 was overwhelmed ment and thanks thanksgiving giring I 1 change in oi 01 r rei rel relative atNo add apil i n giving gavill I 1 was ivas riot not bom ln 0 to o n cherita without ut toll toil ik I 1 t those f athers fathers provide het bet t for their chii u leave them with t the e Ille lest LoSt uca uda the purest morals and the least money amonoy |