Show chinese are happy over the new issue of bills chinatown eagerly awaits the appearance of the new paper money of the chinese republic chop suey euey restaurant eurg eurs dealers in im celestial teas and spices alce anti an biec a brac and the tha vendors who line lime lower pennsylvania avenue are alt all tit on the quit vivo of 0 anticipation bankers Dan herB particularly those who he have bava accounts acco unta with and with americans now traveling or living I 1 in n china re also algo interested in the new money which to la now being in N new ew york and which la is expected to make maho an appearance 6 shortly in chinese circles in this countey 40 loial local Chila Ch manien amen any that a grat compliment has bas been bean paid to the i states stales by the celestial lie tn la that the standard of value of the tha new nev money Is the american dollar one side lue of 0 tho the notes will bo be I 1 printed in chinese the other in eug english it will be extremely emy easy to exchange american money for chinese and vice versa i 1 ab ribe money Is the first issue of pa per by br the new chinese republic and Is maider made primarily to retire the money i of f toe the old empire which also was wan I 1 I 1 0 1 I 1 ar printed in the united states and bore the portrait of 0 the chinese diplomat ll LI hun hung chang upon the new bills will be found tile the portrait not of LI flung hun chang abang but of the philosopher who Is held second only to confucius in the estimation of the chinese the MIN are in denominations of 1 35 5 ao 50 afo and china of all nations na tlona was the first to ties paper money an early as a the as beconi end century paper money was waa used by the chinese but in the fifteenth century the tha chins chinese se minister of al if 11 nanco abolished it and not act until the latter part of the nineteenth century was it resumed la in the ibo american bank note company received an orter order from the chinese government to rint an aa laau issue of paper money |