Show UTAH STATE NEWS leray 27 years old was killed while repairing A line of the do power company in norett loenn his bt wife witnessing the tb acci deat A florat floral compoy of farmington la Is erecting largo large conserva conservatories tories and hot eusea louses when completed it Is 1 said they will bei b the be largest lar laret gt west ot of don den ver if F daniels Duo lola night mill foreman forema not oc the consolidated marcur gold mine was killed at mercur when his cloth lux las caught in a rapidly revolving shaft bentt line afternoon and night sessions of the commercial congress will be hold held at halter august 28 the second day of 0 the congress congre 6 an a part pan or at the tb see america first I 1 program in celebration of their first crop thi the former ormer dwellers of nt philadelphia and now new york who make up the jew tall h farm colony near gunnison Oun san pete county keld a harvest festival at the project sunday terence rooney kooney a daring steeple jack with a reputation for hiving having performed the duties of his hi dangerous calling on some lome of the it buildings la in the world has been engaged to gild the cross crosa I 1 on art st marys marya cathedral la in salt lake lak e attain la n the carbon darbon county muddle muddie came to a climax thursday Tha raday when ire ave taxpayers tai parera sworn swore out warrants for or the arrest of G 5 joics county clerk aud and it II W snyder bunty county tu nty treasurer the former for or a felony and the latter for embezzlement whitney 1 D ensign the 12 year old son ion of 0 wallop bishop D I 1 11 II ot of the ale first ward ogden was fatally by being run over by a gravel wagon the boyeas boy was riding on oa the inn wagon and fell ell under the wheels a rear wheel passing over hla hie chest ollie burns colored 34 years year ot at age whorls who was taken to a hospital and operated upon utter after being shot in the abdomen tit in a quarrel with two women la in salt lake ou on the night of august 10 is dead annie amato mitchell Ml white worn wom an all la 10 charged with the shooting according to the state treasurer the balance on hand june 30 wits wax 24 CO which added to the receipts recel pta for july amounted to totaled the disburse meats amounted to yu TU balance on oil liand hand on oa july 30 waa twenty million zall llon cons cans la is the estimate mado made by william craig ot of tho the salt bait lake valley canning company on tho the amount of 0 tomik tea leq that wilt will bo be packed by ogden canners this season ile he declares that this seand will produce the great greatest e all it tomatoes in the history or 0 lb the I 1 ot of salt lake w 0 was a member of tho the committee which notified Co governor vernor woodruw woodrow aon of 0 his hi nomination its as democratic candidate tor for president ot elf the united states Is the only woman who has haa vr ever served nerved oa a committee ot of this kind preparations are being made for labor labar day celebration monday september 2 by the ogden trades and labor assembly A parade will be hold in tho the morning when a full representation of 0 organized sed workers will be ba shown sports and outdoor amuse ments menta will take place in ili the afternoon at a recent meeting ot at the county commission the tax levy for or county was waa set at six sit mills last year it was seven seren J IL A special road tax ot of tire mills wu waa levied on all d districts Itri ct through which the state fate big highway abway pastes passes william it bridge aged 34 attempted to dailve the jordan river at salt lake and was waa drown his team also albo being drowned bridge drove off the tord ord into deep water and was carried down the stream by the current ollie burns burna 36 years yearn of 0 age a nee noro gro waiter employed at th the salt luke lake commercial club was shot in the ab domer li onier in a quarrel which seems to have been between him and two women A woman has been held on an suspicion of having done the shooting mrs lona lena negley mormon from rom Co colonga loala dublan Is suffering buffering from prostration at a hospital in salt luke lake having been sent there from kl el paso oy by Ills bop 0 P I 1 miller IL ller lor for treatment ifer her two laughters daughters aged 6 and 4 years accompanied tier her to tho the ciar sevier county to Is to be displayed dla played at its ito best at the bl b irrigation congress tu bo be held la III salt lake city during the tha utter latter part ot at september she la Is to hive have a noat float in the macul fluent parade and this float Is to represent the countes coun tys resources and industries dus tries coming C to eureka in response to tb telegrams sent nt to her home in seattle seattie wash mrs prank frank r daniea ames id Q the saddest blow that can come to a mothr matheri mot herI 1 he news that her daughter suicide to end a lire life of 0 waywardness mrs 1 NV H N White cattou ot of it a prominent local attorney ani an I mrs A A F ia palm suffered severe cut culi ond end brailes braises aber tho the horse they were driving became ped at a steam roller at provo and tolling lipped over the tha bussy buggy throwing throw int them t to 0 th tha 1 pavement enli PRO balsdon Ba ladon a brick milson mason ut 11 years ot of are age fell to hla his death train irom the third story of a new mew building ba agn which he be was wa working in salt lake A winlow window frame braco brace cave way and the young man tell ell to the ground breaking his big nock neck letters lettea received at national irrigation vin gress headquarters in salt lake ake from dr DA B R mcqueen gray for elga of fondre hat hi representation to the twentieth session of the congress con grea from tort fort oan dien countries Is t to bil be catger than at sity pray oi loto |