Show uncle sam opens another national playground THIS PARK WI MAKE I 1 A 1 ait oren THREE T years ago congress passed A a law setting aside a tract of to 1 ats square miles in norths northwestern estern mon alan tans tana at 0 the th wildest wildcat country on this continent to be kept as a national park and playground and game preserve the park has now just been opened for the season and it will re man rna ln open for visitors until october 15 16 for eight months of the year it to la practically inaccessible as snow blocks the mountain passes there are as yet but few ew roada roads and tourists have to do most moat of their traveling on horseback over rude trails the great northern railroad skirts the southern border bonier of the park and it has bag put up a cbill of and camps tor for the accommodation of visitors the place Is a paradise for fishermen though wild game gual animals mals al abound lound all hunting buntins and carrying of airet la Is for bidden as la in yellowstone park and it will be a great rival of that attract tion as ag soon as it Is in well known glacier national park lr fr so BO named from the fact that within its borders there are upwards ot of sixty living glaciers these glaciers feed numer on streams stream a which go plunging through gorges of tho tb wildest grandeur there tire are nearly lakes the largest of which abic h la Is lake mcdonald cDonald SI covering over ten square miles and being over 3 feet above sea level mount cleveland Is the highest moun mountain 10 feet but there are scores of 0 other peaks of huge bug size many of which are very grotesque in shape one of the most curious Is a great cliff which has been dubbed I heavens leavens fold here the strata of rock for or matlon mation have bave been doubled and crush ed in a very stribling kling way and the height from rona the valley la Is over feet ett white goats are numerous tn in the region they have worn trails around ducs which rlee rise vertically from ill the valleys valley and they trend tread these theme pre art ous cue paths pathe with apparently no DO idea of fear ear travelers who like to try their mountain climbing abilities will have plenty of work before them here it will take years to explore tho whole region and every party that goes goer through reports interesting new dow ill dl cover co verlea fes |