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Show Page 6 DIXIE SUN February 12, 1988 ADVERTISMENTS CLASSIFIED Dude Ranch From The Break Pack MF NOW HIRING Develop your personal skills and earn $5,000 to $10,000 this summer. We train you to be the best. Travel, guaranteed income, company benefits: Insurance, savings program, IRA, Social Security. Give us a call if you want to be part of a winning team. Call Erik Farley collect interview. for an Summer & Career Opportunities (Will Tram) Excellent pay plus world travel. Hawaii, Bahamas, etc CALL NOW: Caribbean, Heart-- 6 Jackson Hole, Wyoming, position available 1988 summer. June 1 Sept. 1 Away CRUISE SHIPS Ext.553J If you would like to submit a classified or a personal Ad, please contact Brad Larsen at The Wedge Apts. No. B1. The cost is $.10 a word. Maintenance, Wranglers, Waitresses, Cabin girls, Kitchen. Call for.application Wanted to buy or rent an evening gownformal size 56. call Kandy 673-481- to 5 pm 1 M-- F Nanny wanted Philadelphia Warm friendli family looking for a nanny for 1 year, starting 588. old baby. No One smoking. Drivers license and references required. Call Personals Sugar and spice, girls are real nice. But once youve had the Wack Pack youll never go back a year's living expenses months. tf Shelly When second-vea- r a All of which means freedom e from wor dunng school A chance to earn higher grades A head start for marnage ora mission New ski equipment A stereo, et cetera And while the compensation is darn good, so is the working enwronment employees eraged You'll associate with people who share vour standards And vou'll recei e free training from some of the country's top businessmen At a seminar held in Park Citv Cmon Earn what voure worth th's summer Even tfvou'renot sure about it, it won t hurt to call and get more information What do vou have to lose Except a couple thousand dollars Freedom from e work And some skills valuable Dial I get back a Matilda Bay and a h party Love Muff Glad to meet England boy Library. Would like to get it Know you well. MIK iy iide im ini nd rins Editor -- in -- Clue Kimberly PeUtsc .titi Brad Larsen Advertising Manager Sports Editor Troy efir the Wood he: International News Editor Tracie Hensen iota Entertainment Editor Stef ant Campus Neivs Editor r Last summer, Eagle Marketing Corporation employees averaged over $5000 (or months work A tidy sum Notastidv, however, as the $10,000 that A To my friend, Deedre Thanks for always being Love Tracie favor waiting for me. 1 You, too, can earn in 3V2 summer Dear Amy R. Have a happy Valentines in S.L.C. and save a kiss me Your buddy Brad natt Photographers Half-ton- e. SJuiugoatc Jackl Trace ua JUer . Datpierta )ask Marty farr Specialist dip de d Roqers Advisor rei today. The DTXTE SUM is published every tivo weeks by the students of Dixie College. The opv-- olle expressed in the SUN do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint oj the staff or advisor or should be submitted to Ed Rogers m the ground floor of the Student Building behind KJIDC Radio. The D1XE SUN staff reserves the right to edit letters, or n. print a letter submitted to the Editor . Ail letters must be signed to be printed in the news Lettersto-the-Edit- 53S- V v 60s Revival Brings Back Past U ' o . .. Enyi il ' an 'tit ami hit ' of s f t- - Ml ni't d'h rn in, Ih, it h,i- - to Hit mu mu Uiintlu lhr,ni'll s, h,vl ,u ih'it liiiiiitt,'" ,hi,i - tor in, Liirrc Whlullc liutil I have gamed an experience in sales and communication and dealing with people while working with Eagle. lit, tiling I ,, oli'ni Lil, - th, ,K ', h,h vMihit It moth Ilhoi l'ith u it avik l II, r II, 'kill' The lights were dimmed as the candles burned on each table bringing the feeling of a vu into the Dixie College Sunroom. February 5, entertainers at de-j- the 60s folk music coffee house revival, sponsored by the Club, recalled the past with songs from Bob Dylan, the Beetles and various other recording stars of the 60s. When the nation was in an uproar and many were standing to protest and state opinions, coffee houses were built. With so much chaos in America, the young needed somewhere they Last summer with Eagle was the most rewarding summer experience I've ever had, both personally as well as financially Shon Fullmer Y i - I hank m. 'iimni, r ' to uy, mu ut, an, or, In nt m a Iim nlim,', ,h, (v. ini, a ,ai ami 'till ha. money to m., ami m, ,'! Hut isdi tram hi, m it, ial i, ,,vi,l' ,t oaim.l ItuiN, if It 'li ' oi,l ,m th, mum, ., ,, um,t iU,Ki, ' tol aN, I,. oik a, m, m,l nit, ;oni through O' u II j ju, j uiy. ,( lull, nl ti wmi , houlu lm'im",,r,, Otari,' Harry Date: Time: could Li .J&tk In,", i', ,,, o.i, i oritntnmtu For 1988 what seemed to be, no appa bifii David Hirschi L: ) I ' ( L- Tracie Hensen SUN Staff Writer atlitiul, ot! Im 'im,i v'. 'r,n, ol only ' tojhopl, nn hht limlhihm h I ,i' an Job Interviews Friday, Feb. 12, and Sat., Feb. 5:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. PldCP' Registration Foyer ol student center 2nd floor In mi'lou, i, ,i mini ,ii,l it 13 m,, I,, il, u,i i, hit, - a 3600 N th University Provo, Utah 84604 the mouth of Prino Canton) 225-900- 0 Come Fly with the Eagle! retreat when their troubles were too much to handle alone. Many came to the coffee houses to relax and listen to the entertainers and some brought songs and poems of peace EAGLE MARKETING ipa up and freedom for everyone to hear. The 60s was a time of change. With America at war in Vietnam, the youth felt many soldiers were being killed for reason. The 60s brought the liberty organizations. Pe stood to protest aga discrimination of any or race, gender, or sexual b. It seemed America nothing to offer the young president was assasinated the presidents brother ir 1968 campaigns was shot killed. The youth reachec leadership and felt betray their elders. Teenagers and young i turned to drugs for coir rebellion and hope. It '' time of pain, tragedy and of dreams for the nation The coffee house revive Friday night brought ban memory of that The atmospher-quietas people chatted room filled with music o spotlight shown bright entertainers as they sang songs of freedom, hop1 liberty. , |