Show july topaz times w 1943 17 aw 4W by pa yya A 5 C hayden planetarium one sun v zi 5 aa rt ALA conversation considering that a great r i deal of the deputation of tocomes from sun loving sa according to mr T asa- paz cones eda lecturer in american francisco it is surprising geography bas those are pla- that more addicts do not has thess miss in the health giving rays of ces one beaming sol whenn visiting new york riverside drive after the trek to the beach for sun dusk from the top tod deck 0of basking was a ritual now the noa bus in order to sec goo search for cool shade is a necos ces sity washington bridge a tiara cessity to date vie have soon only of lights across the hud- tomoye moye to k to f fa h ht SS A III ON 45 I1 V ifal eipl i i son at central park with its ly sea of man made stars the lush cart brigade of wild aromas through orchard street delancy and the bowery rockefeller ell center and radio city and tea time at the outdoor garden metropolitan museum of art and the american muwall streets milea mile a seum of natural history of serenity tempo and calm the minute ticker tape churchyard to the tableau thrilling trinity froin atop the empire state that is new york from coney island the number one playground of the naa screaming tion fairyland and old new york atmosphere columbia university biggest culture factory and crocker in- greenwich village near the ath avenue americas L stitute civilizations battle against cancer poLitan opmetropolitan dollar balcony stalls at the Hotro era house mocha tinted masses at the savoy in harlem hushed majesty of the music hall when ho bather and he was on- going through the motions vas too fully clothed for hc was he pro to be protection idea wo vie of a genuine sun addict take it that this endeavor was the persons concession to ha- bit and since we cant seem to get our thoughts off the wewe vie must ather one on our boss one afternoon tell you this he came into the office as chipper as a day in january in the short space of a few minutes he wilted completely for the simple rea- son that someone inadvertently vouched couched the information that the temperature was soaring boarin9 in the one lights dim and music from the orchestra up out of the collar nickel rides in the subway and on tho passing armor 1Manhat skyisland ferries manhattans sly scraper cs scra skylines peI sky lines house floats tans CATS BLACK GATS our block boasts of a half mho appears at black cat who skylin times evacuees es will the most disconcert of A many not ever go- ile saunters Hs unexpectedly result in ln ION ing back to the pacific cross ones feet in the deadaor ho he coast has already resulted in daydreaming day dreaming of a quiet afternoon it towa lily calmly on who naps victims armchair wander lusts are planning for that day cair in blissof folden opportunity when someday they will tra- el while the owner vel for those we ful ignorance takes a shower vie recommend the following books this the Cin galese prince by brooks atkinson on chi- or bath unfortunately na sumatra so africa jarian philippines not afraid character is feline felino bor cat java and ball nei celebes sava bali how to travel with- of water so deluging thetowel out being rich by william strong so youre going only servos to put the to travel by clara Laughl ia ney laughlin ln europe on a shoe- out of commission life is your or dull string by fredric E and the world is oyster or how to travel smartly by helen eva yates NATURE LOVERS worlds we doom to other seems like the few who received that cricket which hops on our grown anthi instruction on married pillow of a peaceful night and nurse grace ura kitagaki sends us falling in frantic from life thab tha b to the floor or that from hasto rockford recent visitor it lyvere most fortunate such groups minute spider which unrolls wc dont ought to be organized for young peo- solf so quietly that we him until he is practicalple as well as the young marri eds spot hin nose on our noso and sponsored by interfaith inter faith PTA ly 7 etc above mentioned session orientation no one any loeper goes into ye editor in the editorial ranged by yo over the sunsets the raptures ovier office of the a 1 I chirp of cricket or the crow always have of a rooster so we must hive s natives stage native of reached the informal L |