Show july tuly topaz times pape pa Pa f e 3 t DENTAL 0 E N rA visitors Z P AT ANTE Vt or of next sch sd lle le 177 SCOUT CAMPERS JESTS 7 NEXT WEES WEEK5 SCHEDULE SET the tho 1 r doy scout troops vacationing this week at carza ana or party 16 leadin hosts vere to of lea din residents telope rObers including project direcappointive staff me bers weeks eks cental decani nations and thursday F evening it was ernat charles tor vias report s the in chool for school children e james E lamb by d janes ed today today project ivas released T amo CES of Simp the simpson INSECT A CONTROL soa janes by dr the visiting group inofficer chief Lipl edical of ficor STARTS spected cam the cara vita bh facilivii the tests beina PROGRAM mada ties bein made attempts are being laundryi had dinner with the conducted in the launda campers and participated respective to alleviate the mosquito carpers rooms 01 ofP ille t ho respect heio has enace which created in the night jan jamboree boree the dental pro crali blocks th keigo the resiscout inouye imort aiono discomfort 23 disco block monday bloc follows follo can diaccording co and carp accordi ril to the commissioner oday 35 tuesday Tue 23 wednesday 26 dents missioner ion section jas in charge of sanitation sect rector vas thursday 27 friday 28 or 2 reception of eleci on tho the aid the tho by drs it was indicated anes ch power P t chinos the scouts will return ton taka- tric harry taira and tori sorayin is bein done in here saturday I ext vie weeks eks hashi that more than sep- cann 0antin ii tinz will be spon and showers examined latrines exan ined been had children tic tanks are being oiled forrd by the local T CA to to ta da date n to prevent further r bosq ui cori uni cat ions b i Y ts topaz a cabreeding brooding arid and to Ante elone calp rid anselone Ant lopo distance of ad s H 0 T 0 SHOE hoei FPHOTO 39 59 miles are united to 3 RE OPENED A wallet FOUND at the SHOPS REOPENED times a neck via a truck alry and the revealed lamb ens ion of the the photography lanb concession bingo cone de pa tarients trucks going by the way july 4 carnival claim at shoe repairing depa clail gea bi ons ae ar trient located at 2 12 CD and rec of US highway 6 deliver mi 16 PS vill re- food mail and denoral at rec 51 deseo on open sup LOST for business on lion supplies chell lies each sunday tuestortoise shell was an- day and thursday A car not in day july 19 it ned spectacles ays always available in case in block 14 vicinity nounced by the co op today is ali case emera ency of an emergency if found please return to an important eating of 13 8 F ko taro kotaro IESI co-ral FILM FEATURES of1 rhine- the student aid rand fund cora alao bar pin oi 11 be held sunday stones sot in silver re- cittee ill MYSTERY PLOT nning turn to same address addres5 at rec 25 9 S herlock lock hoenea shux holme solves gapi 4 agapi af pf r of a hue and the VIS R E TA F F RE VISITT R I 1I he h ound murde ous in the A newly vege- their pens con- chill packed feature the growth of the vee k was will bo shown next vat dippini rat ted structed table crops since our jast last THE OF IHS cam pointed out to us by ITmcic ME trip to the project farm on july ast tIES as re aily gol 1st y ns cities col Eath bone richard seen basil rathbone been as upQ rodo rods along the drivins further north greune endy barrie and bendy Gre carle men gialds of onions cabb crews were cabbages kopea of aCes machi nes and are the star performers in ind tomatoes tiar haying machines tin coining attraction vegetacrop of recently piled the coming all truck stacks showings are scheduled bles appeared hardier as alfalfa hay could be seen monday through compared wear by to the rather nearby iue stopped at at rec 32 11 r set shi- thursday from 8 PI d and on lo plants the pleasant looking lif lees enily cottage chere friday and saturday froli family of two weeks i ecks aeo groups kano fa of workers who 9 PU wo Shi kapo worker s were not mary shikeno rie net ivere hoeing prepares or meals the and irrig the irrigating or f atine goo go 15 nen men who nork the th s various fields georgo rork in the hay EXPRESS OFFICE vi i 1 U 1 1 a te ja L 11 1 4 fy C PORraS fa 1 if 1 agricultural and card for MAKES IEs TRANSFER centers cattle on our trip back to the guide office the express aide pointed out the exeed wo rend d which railroad ve handles sew 75 another for volunteer center personal onal freight fro ight viockera workers viorkera vach each day to assist field of potatoes which press and pera wareof the division who was our fields the caro yere jere just beginning to in the care of the crops t the hog plant which sprout it zwa visited for the first by a this tine time wee were many young urle time high fully aware of the earnest- l sn scho 1101 bo s schol chorea chore gro gron ds aronds wih tair sso0 rep surl 0 v ere seen around numerous aulner ous litters lit our aure vere teed in feadin agricultural do ness of the the r reduction of food lor or the divisions appeal for nore s aws workers to assist in the paorl 0 ir 11 paz residents 1 himoto sr E 1 l 0 o tionda onda has been house to 0 ffice pool o fice carl L from moved the motor accordine to rogers of equipment main- tenance te nance or is adthe new locati location gara oc build ara to vie the jacent directly is in 0 west riest of block 1 |