Show pape pare july times 6 1943 17 OMAHA YWCA OPENS HOSTEL MEET TONIGHT PLANS CHURCH FOR WOMEN RE LOCATORS OBON FETE As a hostel for relocating japanese american girls the and women YWCA in secretary is available as 23 cabins tel which consists of 25 was the stressed that it A YWCA it counselor is served with bus NODA street car connections with no charge for lodg- REVEAL and linens and bedding are also provided the ing only charge would be for s fol lovis follows breakfast 25 lunch 40 and lr 1 da 6 week at the hoslarge laree lodges and 2 camp I1 its omaha nebraska has opened omaha was learned today the edge of summer camp on IMA DA TROTH representatives of all the affiliated organiza- tions of the local buddhist church will meet tonight at rec hall 28 to plans orri for the formulate forthcoming obon festival vt today ih was ann 0 announced by yokichi no- rev Z the meetkrs rokichi 4 E announced this ing will start at 8 PM katsuji harano was chothe troth of their and L Sumi yeto howard sen superintendent of the son of Us ushitaro eitaro ima- buddhist sunday school re7 A cently serving under him da 11 dinner 60 noda and imada as vice superintendents miss noaa both hiss the YWCA secretary pointand following loving fornery froma alameda and are hiromi 1 ed out that the fol san mateo jobs for women are availrespectively sutemi m-r are working1 at la sal sewing nar disc hideko able in omaha achine operators in a garhas been appointed headment factory and SMITH GOODWIN barters secretary replacclerks ana N quarters meals daughter I itada tada fro civil with stenographers service ratings nurses aides a dietician domes bics tics hotel and laundry workers 1 1 all interested woman are requested to contact the local relocation of- fice for further informa- tion BARR bakk DISCUSSES 1 LOOKING AHEAD dr floyd fl oyd barr of the lake presbyterian church discussed the topic looking ahead in his address to topaz protestants wednesday night at rec 22 dr barr chairiuan of lakee church couthe salt lab salt ncil emphasized that less the people un- the ignore r rie vances their sins grievances hates there failures and hagest world discard of and would be no hope ture advancement 61 r bussei gir for fu- I1 s bi ne elect ca cabine election VISIT dr and paul goodwill of the can francisco presbytery san dr visited topaz on wednesday METHODIST HEAD japanese free dent of the methodist route to the east dr Metlo dist churches of amersmith executive secretary ica will be the principal of the presbytery in the speaker at the protestant san francisco bay region young pea aels morning worpeoples goodkin jin pastor of ship sunday at dh 32 and dr Go the park blvd presbytery K ikeda and family and chairman of the synod 16 2 Bbo wish to extend committee Comit tee on national misprati tude their sincere gratitude sions were guests bests of rev to the many friends for eiji Kawara orita dr smith a custodian their kindness and sympof japanese evacuee proper- athy during the familys many recent bereavement ty said that he had nany friends in the project 32 IT morning dining hall ball 52 rom 10 MI all aat school worship from ALI at 32 with dr a b dining hall 33 ab all classes from sana da burnett speaker and rev 3 sanada rec 8 with rev roe chairman sermon and T yoshida chair an fellow33 33 from reo 38 ship at rec 35 band chairman and at rec midweek biwith rev 2 sersera LUD DIrEST CHURCH SUNDAY sunday and chairman lairman H ble circle from 32 12 A with rev service from 52 II akagaki 1045 AM at rec 28 with ro speaker results of the rev 1I kyogoku speaker SEVENTH DAY newly organized sel girls sei junior bus- and association were released today by the topaz buddhist church the initial cabinet to for a period of 6 TO SPEAK AT WORSHIP b en dr burnett superintend en mon t clyde smith W ing iniss yoshiko kiyota I1 yasuji fujii 11 chairman CHURCH mass from rec 14 with father roe SUNDAY SUMAY at PM E suehi- T sabbath bible SATURDAY school from 8 X 14 with K AP ali at rec leader der lel sabbath ivor shio from at imaii stocks Sto elce sunday school meet AM with elder J S ima speaker 1inc nc from sneaker r om 2 PM yo homway mo SUNDAY aro VM NONDAY rosary praymonths includes yaeko kameet PM att rec 14 lecture vie bible mi pres er from aeiko kato speaker protestant CHURCH with george aso vice pres teruko kaneko PM 7 30 rom SUNDAY f holy communion sec kazu akinaga treas cottage bible TUESDAY sac iko kamiji ath mgr 30 atal 33 from rec 53 at roe 8 PM from rev sunday school maryko Shina pawa awa at with sit yell WEDNESDAY prayer ozawa arms school classes from PM AM at rocs from XA 27 5 2 and 22 leader lea iier docs ALI AU 1 k GOODWI FRI E N D S FRIENDS lr A |