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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. THURSDAY. JANUARY 27, PAGE EIGHT M"PMI niti ""iiijiiiii iiim inm , miiiiHwnwiiiiiimiiiiw nnMiiiiiiinmiMiiimiHMw ii .hi ,L 1538 - LESS DURING THE WINTER SEASON - PLACE YOUR ORDER THAT NEW HARNESS AND SAVE MONEY BRING YOUR WORK IN EARLY - REPAIRING IS Manufacturers of TREMONTON HARNESS & ACCESSORIES CO. PHONE 48 HIGH GRADE HAIINe rHIUIMltlM4IIMMIIMIIHIIHIWUmi FIFTY YEARS OF SERVICE HERE 1 MM OCAIL H I 8 4C ' Phone Marjorie Hansen, Corroipondent 52.a-- AND V i" ft (Rv T Ferris Allen spent Qcfr tirU'n Times wa. . gan, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. ' and Mrs. O. L. Brough and Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Watland spent family. Wednesday in Salt Lake City on Mr. and Mrs. Orson Miner, of Fair View, and Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum HanMr. and Mrs. Henry P. CaWer, of; sen were guests at the home or Mr. Silt Lake Citv. spent Tuesday an and Mrs. Dan Briggs Tuesday in Tremonton on business. ' ing at a waffle supper. .J, - y-- 1 s t liHll I J "i sf,-- 1 R FIRE! FIUE! X 1 r icljA Fire is your business r :v. .;- x ": il FIRST COME! FIRST SERVED! CLOTH YARD fllimMHIIHHJHMIMIMmMtfHMlMnUnMHUHMIIHlUIIIIHUIUtMlllllHIHMIlHflMllllltlllilMIIIIflHIIIIilllilMMl STICK ON - PAIR aiitmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiinil WASH MIESSES One Group d)5 Regular 980 - Now One Group Silo Regular $1.98 - Now NUUHHHHtlHIMHHJMUUIIMIIUniMMtllttMIIHIHIIMMItllMUttMMIMIMMMIIIHIMItMMMIIIIIIIHimflltlllllllllll Silk Dress Sale WHILE THEY LAST! ANY SILK DRESS IN THE HOUSE Values to $8.90 - None Reserved Sizes 14 to 50 - Choice of the lot C liimiMIIHMIHflMliMMMnUIMtlUIMHINIMIIHUMIIMIMMMIIIIHIUMIIIIIIMmtlllHIIMIIMIHIMHIIIIIIMIIIIIIM Genuine Pequot Sheets 81 x99 81 x 108 $1.39 $1.49 PILLOW CASES, now . . 35c 1 in. SHEETING, yd. . 39c NOW .. NOW , ri!H'tHIMPnilJttmN((MIM(HHimMHIIHIHttHHIIItlHtHmmIHMHHIMHimimHimHHHtHMMHMIMMlM Broadcloth and Percales One Lot - Values to 20( yd. NOW - per yd BmMMH.iiiMIIllMMI!lliliHMllMlltMllllllllllMtlilIHJ(lHlMl)1i14HlllllMHKIIirMIMIIIlllllll LOGAN Three men, their lives so closely associated with an institution the Utah State Agricultural college during its 50 years of existance that they have become a part of the school arid the school has become a part of their lives, bear verbal record of the college's evolution from the embryonic " "acorn" state to its mature proportions during the past half century. Peacefully enjoying what has been, to them, their respective missions in life while thousands celebrate the school's golden anniversary, R. O. Larsen, head custodion of the buildings; John T. Caine, auditor; and Charles Batt, superintendent of the central heating plant, have watched the campus Expand from one building, the south wing of the present administration building, to 26. These men have watched thousands of men and women of almost every age and nationality enter the doors of the school as students, and they have seen 3,300 leave as graduates dur-in- g the years in which the enrollment has increased from 138 to 3,050. These three have supervised the preparation of class schedules, overseen the building of the first roads on the campus, conducted the EXTRA HEAVY - EXTRA LARGE SOFT AND ADSORBENT . PASTEL SHADES All of our regular 35 Towels NOW - 4 Garland, gave birth to a baby Wednesday, at the Pearce Hospital in Brigham. The baby lived only a few hours. Owen Cook, who is attending the University of Utah, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Cook. ORPHEUM THEATRE TREMONTON, . UTAH Friday and Saturday January 28th and 29th JOE E. BROAVN in "FIT FOR A KING" JOHN WAYNE in (ItMniHHIMMinHnMtiPllnllMIUIMIIMMMMtmiHIIMinMlltUmMtlMMtltMIMIHItHIMIIIimimitHllllltllHHIIlH Sun. Chiffon Hose PURE SILK With or without black heels - pair . - Mon. Tuos. - Wed. Jan. 30, 31 - Feb. 1, 2 JEANETTE MacDONALD ALLAN JONES in Gephart Stores Co. "Buy for Cash and Pay Less" school. A son, Professor George B. ' Caine, ia a member of the dairy faculty at the present time. Mr. Batt, who was born in England in 1861, came to American in 1888 and entered the service of the college in 1889 as gardner in charge of the greenhouse. So intimately has he been associated with the grounds that he can recite the most minute and interesting details connected with the construction of the various buildings and the arrangement of the campus landscape. Born in Denmark in 1967, Mr. Larsen came to America 20 years later and became associated with the college as an agronomist when the doors first opened to students in 1890. Later he served as a dairyman for the school. He and Mr. Batt planted the major portion of the trees and shrubs now found on the campus. Numerous species of trees known to North America as well as 14 exotic species are found here. The work of these two men has been indispensible in converting the grounds on which the college is located into what has been acclaimed by visitors from near and far as a campus unparalleled in scenic beauty. i t bankrupt. Another writer tells how Jrt building four more battleships, t and better equipped than any j world. Still another writes that Japan conquers China they will; over here and unless the U battleships and a navy to equal oi any ouier country they migtei uiemstuves ui an emDarrasiDj tion. What do you know about: S EVEU.YBA1T GETTING ADJUSTED If life went smoothly TOUT and r not have to meet with any I bumps, checks, kicks, cuts, j tions, slights, sneers, censures,: cisms, accusations, denunciator we had no opposition and metr.': people with whom it was hart t along if we had our omnia everyone bowed before us if lfc er brought us any bodily pain- -i never led us to any spiritual pat regret, and sorrow, any hunfe any repentance if there werene: fering as a result of faulty am'sl and bad choices that would We should be left with the taction and immaturity and met of our nature; there would be i gress: and the place where tie no progress is hell WinfredK-lie: NEW LOW COMPETITIVE WITH THE LARGEST SHOPPING CENTERS BROMO SELTZER - ge. Ingram's Shaving Cream, tube ....... SAL HEPATICA - medium Ipana TOOTH PASTE Pepsodent TOOTH PASTE, lge KLEENEX - 200 sheets 49 I?EECE SAVE WITH US! SATURDAY ONLY 29 Fresh Strawberry 49 SUNDAE 39 33tf 13 2(3 Enos Effervescent SALT Regular Size Hinds Honey and Almond Mennen'a LATHER SHAVE Plain - Regular 3."vc Only ... LYSOL DISINFECTANT Medium Size Lady Esther Four Purpose FACE CREAM . $1.38 size William's SHAVING CREAM 50c Size CREAM - 50c Size ... KOTEX . 12's - Regular Prophylactic or Super Thursday, Friday, Saturday February 3rd, 4th, 5th TOOTH BRUSH Graduate Pharmacists to Items listed above are only a few of We carry postage stamp Serve You At All TimcJ the hundreds of d items. for your convenience foV)0 n "THE JURY'S SECRET" 3 MESQUITEERS in "PURPLE VIGILANTES"' I INSCRIPTIONS ' DRUGS I i s: low-price- "THE FIREFLY" UH riculture and in the progress of the work in installing the central heating system which provides heat for every building on campus, and the planting of shrubbery and trees on the grounds. They have served together under every' president of the college and every board of trustees since the institution wa3 founded in 1888. .. Professor Caine, a native of Salt Lake City, will observe his eighty-thir- d birthday on the same day that the fiftieth anniversary of the institution will be observed, March 8. When the first board of trustees was organized with Governor Caleb W. West as president, Professor Caine was named secretary. When the school was opened for instruction in the fall of 1890, he was named the first instructor of English, a position which he held for 35 years. Since then he has held the positions of registrar, member of the committee on attendance, and auditor. Not only was he associated with the first board pf trustees and the first faculty, but he was one of the first students of the college and a member of the first graduating class in 1894. This pioneer educator still shows an active interest in advancement in the field of ag t "ADVENTURE'S END" for well-know- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Archibald, Mr. Miss Helen Allen, of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Quinten Allen spent LAW vs. LAW Thursday in Salt Lake City on busi and Mrs. Larenzo Archibald, Mrs. L. spent the weekend with her parents M. Garmer, Mrs. Lola Gelbert, of Og in Tremonton. ness. We read in the paper where s den, spent Tuesday at the home of mer resident of Tremonton, Her Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holley, of Bell. now with the Utah liquor s Mr. and Mrs. Robert Calder and Mr. and Mrs. Ward Shuman. American Fork, spent Sunday visiting commission, in line of duty in Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen were SunThe Bible TTtaVi rra&a in a froplis with tit 4 day dinner guests at the home of home of Mrs.class had a party at the friends in Tremonton. Mr. and Mrs. Eric stenqum. Alter Edgar Winchester. ReHe and an associate now has W freshments were served and games the dinner the party attended the were The Boy Scout troup of the M. E. on both sides. It is going played. Twenty three were pres- church went on a hike to Cold open house at Pat Lundberg's. to watch the case ands Water ent. canyon Tuesday. comes out. law the Mrs. Owen Davis, of Brigham City, formerly Hilda Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Miller of East 23 Turkish Towels WHERE WILL IT end; n As a philosophi say "All I know is what I the newspapers," but it more I read the less I knowkeit, instances, for example: One writer says that if hw carry on the undeclared war toe j.ui oia inunuis longer they Batt (insert, left to righl), have given fifty years of sen ice at the Utah State Agricultural College. II. O. Larsen, John T. Cain, and Charles "oak-tree- HALE? SOLES and body's business. If you think , that destroys someone e'se's doesn't hurt you, you weient-'-'- ' mistaken in your life For a'" pay the bill for lire and ail oft' the benefits when fire m r. Are we in a position to These Specials Are Now On Sale at Gepharts! EL t .pnzS. looking!! He should receive pnze for this number but u dering under what classify ' would come or if the rules test would include- such a Z I mav nave mere. If 1 1116 laDfMmH."- - a vpar hv tion for the best ay No Exchanges riiriDt.j IIOVCUCU last, j No Lay A ways - ber by the editor. He not receiving rmt r,t business. I . l Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larson, of Salt on Lake Lake Salt in afternoon City, and Ivy Clayton, of MorSaturday Mr. and Mrs. THERE WWW VJF f FOHMTaim cfrVICE Ay y |