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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JANUARY OCDEN OFFICE TO AID WORK ERS WHO HAVE LOST SOCIAL. SECURITY ACCOUNT CARDS Highlights Bear River School Journalism Department) PACE FIVE 27, 1933 Social News t and industrial workers The Tremonton and Garland Knit-- j who have lost their social security ac ting Club met at the home of Miss liear River High count number cards mav now obtain Hoilen Betenson at Garland last; from Social Security Board Thursday evening with Bobbie Innie Thorn- Riverside scouts, scouters and the duplicates Field Offir-p- ct which there are 17 in and Hoilen Betenson as Fa v HaU, Lane scouts' fathers made a tour of the the States of Arizona, Colorado, Idaho members present twenty-tw- o Utah State Agricultural College, Sat- Montana, Utah and yommg, it was The were served a delightful luncheon. urday. learned today. Here the scouts saw a few of the Mrs. E. H. White entertained the This service to workers who have looms they hone to study in. when lest opera. and Garland Literary Club Tremonton established been cards has their thev BTt to rnlfp-- The riennrtmnts to a last Thursday evening. home said her at obtain them ShaH.". employment, visited are radio, shop, auto mechanics J. help rarden cf the Nathela Griffen of Garland gave the Mrs. Golden manager, Hunsaker, ana agncuituie. They also visited Board's r , . t nlUoOgden Field Office, Bureau of a review of the popular broadway .,) is now USOn lfe-oh II J!" e on the barns where all the colleee's Insurance. dupliplay of last season "The Women" blooded stock is kept and heard in- cates of account cardsFormerly issued In con- Special guests were Mrs. Reed Can Sale teresting drtails ahnut the animals nection with the Federal 23 e innon. Mrs. L. J. Cummings, Mrs. Ros- eoniary eight leading t of the departments either surance each In and program could be obtained coe Heppler, Mrs. Landvatter operaZoah( daughter of the a proiessor or an assistant showed Boys and Mens Mrs. Con Steffen and Mrs. D. B. from Washington. only Cleo Nye; v is :,, around and made interesting them Dlayea counGreen. and wu Workers in Ogden nearby r" 5,. confident. Amy rommenta on that stndv. ,,h j stiiif thinp-- ties of Rieh flaehe Box Elder. We her old One of the most inter O The Sandall reunion was held at ber, Morgan and Summit, Utah and CLEARANCE PRICE Ted Harding and to me was the radio division,Q where topsef HintA Ocuntv. Wvominsr mav now ob the home of Mr and Mrs. Wavne San e Junm American we learned about wave length and tain e Thirty-threidentifidall Thursday evening. duplicates, upon proper '3i:y Melvin Manning and kilocycles. The college nursery was cation at the Ogden Field Office, at members of the family were present. Shah almost like the cS on; Perunah, the Jacktropics with banana 414 Kiesel Building, Mr. Hunsaker Kerresnments were served. Samuel Johnson trees, gold fish, cocanut trees, tropi- said. 7 ONLY of color from Texas; cal ferns, tropical wood parasites and ALL WOOL "Reports from all parts of the counSomecrabs. an Arab a plant that was a cross between a emCITY BEAR "that he indicate," explained, try lemon and a grape fruit. . riant Hawkins. ployers are given preference to job t By Mrs. C. W. Brailsf ord set in Persia, in the applicants having account number Ted, Billy and Sam Sizes 8 cards. This may be due to the fact ' J to Persia to operate the in entertained Petersen Mrs Rast that if a worker fails to obtain an 'e0 Ted falls in love $2.98 h birthday of account number the employer must, honor of the Mrs. U. P. Lohlah. Rasmusgen with By their at 'SZi BWy Rast Petersen, her husband, PRICE CLEARANCE under Federal Treasury regulations, Sam to his chscom-5S- g home Wednesday evening. Cards were worker. this number a for for in apply her he belonged to The Green and Gold ball staged by The employer is required to include played and lunch was served to 14 M Men and Gleaner Girls was a both the worker's name and his ac- guests. the S9,4V has other plans for his real success. The hall was decorated count number in periodic reports of Wednesday evening the Primary L,? T future, and brings about in their colors and the dance was con the worker s wages wnicn ne iues officei3 met at the home of Mr. and une sidered the best one held in Elwood with the Treasury. There are more Mrs. Regnold Burt, where a parcel plications that a long time. Miss Alice Petersen than 28,000 workers with account shower was given in honor of their for how- was the Queen, she was crowned by numbers in this District. daughter, Ruth Burt, who leaves soon ends an L. D. S. mission. The evening Hansen. Four little flower girls is a romance, and eventually Bishop "We have been instructed to obtain for end. should atromances Her in playing "Bunco" and was entered. as she flowers strew good the home address and the name and other spent orchestra will accompany the tendants were Gertrude Hansen and address games. A tray progressive reof of the employer persons to twenty guests. escort was Morwas served luncheon and her Larsen Orpha smgera w inforin addition to ris questing duplicate cards. This Mr. and Mrs. Lee Davis, of Perry, Thompson. The little girls gave a mation is required so that, if it is songs for the opera ballet dance before the Grand March. Sunday and Monday visiting found necessary, the Board can com- spent to sing several num- Davis? parents, Mr. and Mrs. with Mrs. John Bronsen and municate and Mr. or his with the wage earner on Rose Rasmussen. Mrs. Nels their celebrated at stake quarterly conference daughter, family Mr. Hunsaker concluded. Mr. and Mrs. Burnice Hunsaker of 16th birthday Sunday, at the home employer," February 6th. Elwood and Mrs. Emma Ohman spent of Andy Earl in Tremonton, grandthe weekend in Idaho Falls, where father of Rose, whose biithday came 4" HONOR ROLLS Mr. Earl was 68. same on the they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gus day. LISTED Mrs. Ohman and Mrs. jOR TERM Rose had a real surprise in store for Turngreen. Mrs. Geo. A. Beal By cousins. a are suffered has who office, Tunrgreen recorder's her grandfather, -- 4 p,ports from the Mrs. LaVon Dallin entertained her and is unable riuchdo not include seminary marks,e stroke some time ago a Mrs. C. H. Hales was hostess to Penochle club at her home Saturday Pure SSlkt tthat only five students receiv-Tfiv- to leave his home, she wrote to nice time Penochle them asked term, KLO and to third play letter the Ladies Self Culture Club at her afternoon at which "As" during the "Silver Hair home Friday, January 21. President was played with Fern Arbon winning ttese students are Anna Mane Mr. Earl's favorite song An Mr. Karl was Mrs. F. L. Nye was in charge of the high prize and Elreta Andersen cut of Mine." ed Lane Palmer, Stanley Daddy neurer, to meeting. Business pertaining to the prize, after which lunch was served was he and when listening lnn Margrarett Potter Floy surprised Priests. com i the rndin on Monday when they club was discussed and the following in 1 Smart Merlin Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. his of Olive told dramand on First letter a the Adrus mented Hansen, BobWe Innes, given: Safety program is who of Penrose, Colors stroke and the birthday surprise and atization was given by a nomber of Wilford Miller, aristopherson, Mary Tanaka, Shirley! was operWellihis favorite song. He was school children under the direction of teaching school in this city, Barbara then sang Dora Fuller, atland, f aad Don Fishburn received four verv Viannv over this event and nearly Miss Margaret Bell, piano solo by ated on Monday evening, January 17 ChcnlaT 1n& stockings wish ng All wish a at hospital. City children Brigham and and an children Ann grand fitted heels and toes, mercer- interesting Hales, all of his Nancy As. were present instructive talk on traffic laws was for Mr. Miller a speedy recovery. and ; Those who received three As are ixed reinforced soles. Tn hmnr of their grandson. MWin on Sunday. patrolman Edwin given by Helen Winzeler, Rose Yagi, Helen leaves who of Garland, The M Men basketball team piayeu Baird. The club constitution was reao J. Holmgren Gordon Bigler, Camille Bourne, for the L. D. S. Tremonton Second Ward at the high by Secretary Mrs. Art Linford and early in February LaSae Bourne, Norma Crozier, PhyllMr. and Mrs. mission field, Australian in a very was signed by the members. A social is Cullimore, Clair Dunn, Virgima school Wednesday evening entertained at a P. John 42 reHolmgren to Man-sn45 was Delicious score was The then hour enjoyed. Iriekson, Lynn Larson, Melvin good game. dinner Wednesday evening at freshments were served to 34 mem- family home. Lucille Jensen, Thola Jensen, in favor of Tremonton. Pink roses and white their Lake City, bers and 6 guests. Afton Evan Iverson, Norma Hansen, Harry Schilling, of Salt the table where centered candles Rasof left Peter of Los Charles Munns, Angeles, was last weekend guest Sales, Fay Hadfield, Mariner Munk, for thirty-si- x were covers placed Fridav for his home after spending Dorothy Munk, Naomi Nielson, Cleo mussen. Tvrioe r.nhv Rasmussen spent the a week with relatives and friends Kye, Pearl Peterson, Mary Peterson, v..-Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Arbon motored 1 1Buth Secrist, Elma Romer, Dewey weekend home from Salt Lake City. here. attended where to they Friday, Ogden " "' Mr- anrl Mrs. Flovd Carter, of Park Mr. and Mrs. Owen Rasmussen iow and Elma Sutherland. the funeral services held for Mrs. Jos. at a dinner on Monday in Valley, were guests last Wednesday W. Cottom, an aunt of Mr. Arbon. of Mrs. F. L. Nye. Mrs. arir is a honor of their wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Victor N. Hansen and enE. sister-in-laFridal of Charles Munns. Walter VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE Mrs. and Mr. spent the weekend in Salt Lake family Mr. and Mrs. W., H. Pingree, of CLASS BEGINS tertained Sunday in henor of Mr. and Gene Simpson, of Ogden, spent Mrs. u,. u,mim Ten sen of Loean. Mr. Salt Lake City, were guests on Sun last week visiting wun ner paiem-aOne week after the beginning oi, Mr. Fridal were mission- day at the home ot ner parents, jwi. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Hailing in this class, Jensen and (he new vocational guidance in Noway many and Mrs. Geoige O. Nye. companions tr. Sheffield states that the work ary was the speakMr. and Mrs. J. D. Gunderson and city. Mr. Jensen years ago. it coming along very- successfully, er at the genealogical meeting Sun- family visited with relatives in Salt enrolled and children, and Mr. and Mrs. D. K. there are about twenty-fiv- e his discourse was great- Lake City Sunday. Haffield iow and more are talking about day evening, and T. E. Mrs. Jones, and Mr. and Mrs. C. weekend Betensen, musical and Df by a full house. A were enjoyed ly Lake City, of Salt Salt were all M. Gaddie S joining. number from Deweyville and Walter Mr. and Mrs. J. guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Capener.. I The purpose of this class is to help nuartette was also very Lake City visitors Friday. UVUltvi y.-.n',,n,,h Mr. and Mrs. a. k. itudents choose .their occupation after Mr. and Mrs. J. M. uaacne, anu eood and helped to make the program Mrs. James Trinniman at with relatives in Ogden Saturday. at and Mr leaving school. Bronsen William one. an outstanding Mrs. A. R. Capener entertained .uw.v LUUIOC tended funeral services held for Elias birth-o- f of Logan also attended the program. to individual dinner Sunday in honor of the Some on I with Lehi work Monday. project Mrs. Marion Murdoch Jones in and husband. her Bishop on visited the unit of credit, denendins: Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Porter were present. Besides City, Idaho were weekend time students spend on their project. cf at families. the home of his sister in Ogden thirty guestsana Hunsaker the of v guests children grana uumi the A. I. on Saturday. broth- A change was made in the M. Mrs. Capener's were ent Mrs. Art Felsted and Mrs. neroeit released as first IBAND WILL CELEBRATE Leslie Anderson was iinven Kisnon anu mia. xv Hansen. Garnet Stayner were Salt Lake City visitors ht Mr. and Mrs. Daniel OPENING OF BUILDING A. M Garn, Abel was sustained as first and Floyd Monday. and . Mrs. Nathaniel Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, oi iogan, Garn, , . lv, v.. oiofor Mrs. That a celebration will mark the Christensen as second counsel or meiamg nfaim t Garland. of Mrs. E. J. Holmgren, also Garn parents tt East . completion of the new swimming M. W. Hansen. T fononpr a mimher of other relatives visited i. ?ool and band room, was announced The Senior class of tne ai.success. Mrs. Annie Goates of Lchi, mother on Sunday. home at the real a was TTHriQir Holmgren t.. is a guest yesterday by C. C. Watkins, band Mr. and Mrs. Leo uoates, oi aa.ii. of Mrs. H. D. Woffinden, week. this director, who states that parents and Games were enjoyed. Quite a number home t ovo ritv were Sundav euests at at the Woffinden patrons will be invited for an evening of adults were present. Refreshments Goates Mr. home. the H. D. Woffinden pf entertainment. were served to 38 memoeia Is Mrs. Woffinden's brotner. i Although plans are not yet definite, Classes. Mr. and Mrs. N. Homer Hansen c?iQt,r Mr. Watkins states tne entertoi ntuei Holman. Mrs. that the bo Relief the visited ainment will include a band conceit, take board, with probably some swimming and cietty on Tuesday. .dancing. tt w Rait TAke on a business Ctrl wtiiut r u Jn will be invited to The participate. A. Heslop and anMrs. Georgevisited Wiu be sponsored by the Band with Mr Weher. iirot vuiuers IJ1UD. hUiot,. Mrs. Jessie I. It io la i new iiul expecieu uiii uio ..building will be completed before the Heslop also accompanied them. They also called on an. nesiuy. ,""uuie oi next month. 4 Commei-cia- l ; s S ffiffS i f . - I Old-Ag- Starts Friday, January old-ag- STNeh, "ier; free-lanc- CLEARANCE Sen? Winter Weight TWO-PIEC- E RIVER 1 - AH. Wool 32-Oun- Melton $1,00 ea. .'SK at 10 a. m. Jackets PRICE $2,75 SWEATERS s JnSan IT Mens 29 union suits SUITS 2-- ELWOOD S Formerly fiftv-eieht- 81.75 WERE 79c made unions of ribbed cotton, lightly fleeced! J Si 5 ONLY MENS JfSScfi Top Coats Formerly $11.90 GARLAND REPRICED TO CLEAR AT S5.00 dear, eip-h- t la 2 ONLY LADIES r Winter Coats Must Go at 35.00 W-i-Wf- great-grandcnildr- Ta-aak- a, hi-w- for Big saving men! Sturdily : . . 1 1 g, - - j- - - ' i w . &m, : - "1 mi ( f Su-a- 1 A 1 m . 1 : . sw"':r '"I f" Treat fl ' HAVE YOU TRIED tr-- . pro-gr&- , mm iA Leader Ads Get Results , " : Yoiss1 IHIofitie ' TO SOME NEW Dp i "Tele-Vision- " at a distance seeing is the latest wonder of science. N H . banking at a distance by mail has been an everyday commonplace with our customers "Tele-Bankin- FLOOEt COVERINGS If you know quality and can recognize for years. genuine bargains when you see them, then our furnishings will appeal to your sense of thrift .... YOU VISIT OUR STORE AND GYJ I MM I J CE? tV I 111 We Welcome All New Business Compare Price and Values V Fir banking service. Bank the benefits for further details. by Mail. Ask us of WE RECOMMEND . . . rs I VVff 1 j Jv7 mnasaally low Priced! HA .....nt, new Mylfs in fine wooWns, collars! Weeks i, !;! with luxurious fur i old weather ahead so buy todayi 1 2 lu K, but not every style in every slid " " j , i i fT i 4ll1llln'' ' mxii hi 1 ! ) mmm I, I mH 4' ii" ii all winter coats! Youll i i HUH ' ; ; Bear River STATE BANK TvisasoN ! ; Have you tried it? You don't have to be near us, or to come near us, to get all ; TREMONTON, UTAH miniffl t'tiui O T . i : 4 'J 1 j i |