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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1928 PAGE SIX FINANCIAL STATEMENT (Continued From Page Four) New Roads Liability Insurance Assessing and Collecting I axes Willard Flood Control 17.50 Special Investigation Total Disbursements, Sheriff's $ 10,288.92 Department CLERK AND AUDITOR'S DEPARTMENT . COUNTY ROAD FUND Tax Redemptions 1937 Tax Forest Reserve Fees Refund of Duplicate Payments Rental of Road Equipment $ 18,327.24 30,000.00 376.09 47.60 749.80 ... ..... - $ 3,358,.45 Total Disbursements, Assessor's Dept. Total Receipts Dependent Mothers Fund 3,358.45 PUBLIC WELFARE DEPARTMENT $ 43,966.00 4,516.00 Total Receipts and Transfers Public Welfare Department EXHIBITS AND ADVERTISING FUND Tax Redemptions 1937 ax $ l $ 433.75 Total Receipts, Highway Improvement Fund ... POOR AND INDIGENT FUND 1937 Tax ? 10,000.00 Total Receipts, Poor and Indigent Fund 10,000.00 Total Receipts, Transfers, and Cash ance from Previous year, All Funds Bal- CASH DISBURSEMENTS FOR TIffi YEAR 1937 GENERAL FUND JUSTICE'S COURT City Court Expnse Justice's Fees and Court Expense Constable's Fees Juror and Witness Fees $ Z.ZZ. Attorney's Expense Telephone and Telegraph Litigation $299,597.94 Rent Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment ...... $ $ Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment Record Books District Court Fees Juror and Witness, Criminal Juror and Witness, Civil Jury Expense Law Library , . 1,296.10 519.45 142.90 95.88 400.00 236.00 598.00 62.91 213.00 Total Disbursements, District Court STATUTORY Surety Bonds .Telephone and Telegraph . Insurance Premiums Insane Matters iTransient Herd Refunds .. Bee Inspection Publication of Notices Special Appropriations .... Remodeling County Court House County Park Miscellaneous Appropriations .. Brigham Public Library Garland Public Library Tremonton Public Library Box Elder Stake Old Folks Bear River Stake OM Folks Daughters of Utah Pioneeers Box Elder County Pioneer History .. Utah State Fair Ogden Livestock Show Agricultural Inspection .... Salary of Stenographer Weed Spraying, Wages Weed Chemicals Orchard Spraying Wages Orchard Spraying Materials Spniyer Repairs . Gas and Oil for Sprayers Peat Control Office Supplies Plowing and Cultivating Whltetop Equipment Telephone Special Audit LiabHty Insurance and Publication Prrjration Cf Financial Statement National Reemployment, Rehabilitation and Soil Conservation Offices .. Election Supplies Rental of Halls and Boothe Expense . Tax Refunds , Total Disbursements Statutory and General AND GENERAL 185.50 36429 497.52 45.98 485.78 120.00 2,122.10 5,244.31 Jail Supplies Jail Light and Fuel Prisoner's Expense: Clothing, Medicine, etc. . Prisoners Ffung moios and Finger Prints Ejrpnse of Sheriffs Residence 6,424.92 250.00 2 43 A 's vv ?: 2i2 r? -- . J" ininft l'481'o. , 324.23 144.80 678.09 43.63 249.00 6.00 'Jit ' 99,,,. 40.59 H.80 171.00 , FI ND $ 762 g. u 269 09 A 51m EXHIBITS AND ADVERTISING FUND County Fair Peach Days Garland Wheat Days Dairy Herd at Utah State Fair County Booth at State Capital Diary Day Assessing and Collecting Taxes 2,514.10 $ 1)000 00 i.tmm 150 on 93 25 4q'fin 149 35 16g'91 Total Disbursements, Exhibits and Adv. Fund , DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE 334.50 32 728 00 $ Needy Blind Dependent Children .. $ j Old Age Assistance 1 974 on 15,051.00 Total Disbursements, Dept. of Public Welfare ' ? Total Disbursements and Transfers, All Funds Cash Balance on Hand Des. 31, 1937 Cash On Hand By Funds: General Fund . ... County Roads Fund Pauper Fund Highway Imp. Fund Exhibits and Adv. Fund Poor and Indigent Fund mm ?V $ 34,812.14 37 350 57 , 7 696 21 101472 2 642 64 10,000.00 - DETAIL OF CAPITAL ASSETS - DECEMBER 31, Public Buildings and Sites .... $113 450 00 Other Real Estate 785.00 County Road Equipment 34 579 00 Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment, All Departments 13,713.64 Sundry Assets . 1)87746 17.48 26.25 1937 ." $ 3 672 99 Total Capital Assets, 31, 1937 A 125.00 . '"" W Total Disbursements and Transfers from Dependent Mothers Fund COUNTY EXTENSION DEPARTMENT Salary, Stenographer 515.67 Office and Demonstration 165.94 Field and Office EquipmentSupplies .... 174.13 Telephone and Teleeranh 108.33 .'.".T" County 1 Agent's Expense A oat fVh nr. ixgciiw a expense .......... 536.48 Home Demonstration Agent's Expense" 555.57 Leaders' and Adult Leaders' Expense 167.17 Salary, Extra Stenographer"! 205.91 1,251.56 , 5 Assessing and Collecting Taxes Transferred to General Fund Transferred to Public Welfare Department 45.73 8.40 31.71 241.80 120.00 170.85 Total Disbursements, Building and Grounds Dept 900.62 1.419.37 $164,405.10 CERTDJTCATE 4-- H 124.96 50.00 Total Disbursements, Co. Extension Dept 47.8O 25.00 100.00 500.00 450.00 330.00 2.207.00 5,451.13 STATE OF UTAH ft 11,464.69 , lSEttZ?' I 43 76 j 25.53 EXHIBITS 69.59 50 12 Total Disbursements, Juvenile Court Dept 422 04 1,055.59 Total Disbursements 12 00 COUNTY ROAD FUND 282.68 MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT 'ark Valley 23.98 3.85 " Rosette Standrod " N $ 21.9S6.83 5,323.70 4.00 313.76 974.15 126.00 49.95 1,222.13 123.10 110.59 237.75 116.11 1.250.50 43.57 371.11 Snowville Tracy Willard District No, District No, " District No. 3 District No. 4 District No. 5 District No. 6 District No. 7 ""1. Bridges " County TrucR Exoensa Equipment Maintenance of Equipment .................... . . Mnvir.ua ...wuo trvy..j V.UULTU1 ..... iicnj Office Maintenance ." Snow Clearance Maintenance of Brighamr&"rd Maintenance of Tremonton Yard" Supervisor's Salary ZZZZ". FUND " ..." Ettes iL,iuer fiie-- Ralph Lee Merrell Lumber & Hdw. Dorothy Madsen Society "va - Co o'o Harrison Miller g'50 Morning Milk Co Press "" ' Boyle Furniture Co. Box Elder News Bicycle Group Bee Leon Jensen IRQ OI 1 ' 50 nnn'nn Earl Moyes Wayne Norr Arnold Nelspn 60.00 Nu Art Memorial j UJU 5. , "Y Beaux Arts R'Timro . . j r.i.,u wiuu 1,197.87 97.42 207.00 150.18 89.20 148.40 250.00 100.00 261.83 1,049.26 X'2H"5 598.02 810.04 953.49 551.21 544.41 1,568.23 Audits: al Box Elder Countv Fair Box Eller Stake Relief 296.03 NIELSEN, 5.00 Russel Johnson Oscar Lee 1.00 Labor Day Committee 5.40 Lincoln-CentrSchools $ Owen L. Brougrh Box Elder Journal J. P. Barnard J. M. Booth 75,808.54 400.00 286.80 263.03 195.22 & ADV. Anderson Produce Box Elder Co. General Fund 709.77 of County Clerk and Earl Bott General Fund Clear Creek Grouse Creek, Including Yost 'and " Kelton Z"" Mantua C HENRY Levi Anderson Alonzo Anderson - r. u:t tted i- 222 10 JUVENILE COURT DEPARTMENT Salary of Juvenile Officer 492.00 Supplies 1.50 Traveling Expnse of JuvenileOfflcer 177.86 Meals and Lodeine- of Juvpniw 26.50 Transportation of Juveniles .... ."."'." 11.91 dement - .. . , ta&AL) 3,538.03 .... u tan as or uecemoer 31, 1937. as api wuiitjr, the records of said nnnnfv in tv. L.. aimj m me uuuniy went SSid County r- sTn Total Disbursements Commissioner's Department 855.89 c.. vi th.l uuui, Auditor of Box ;Kidpr rvttinf - COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' DEPARTMENT Salaries - OTftnnv ""' Commissioner Abbot's" Expanse" Commissioner Dewey's Expense ZZZZZ 300 00 Commissioner Adams' Expnse Commissioner Nielsen's Expense"."'."" ) COUNTY OF BOX ELDER ) nn 841.99 Salarier, Regular ZZ. Salaries, Special Office Maintenance i Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment Sheriff! Expense ZZ Deputies Expense Auto Operation and Maintenance ... Jail Repairs ."" ' iaunary Reconditioning '" Total Disbursements, Pauper Fund DEPENDENT MOTHERS BUILDING AND GROUNDS DEPARTMENT Salaries, Regular 1,920.00 Equipment 85.70 Repairs 69.30 Fuel 242.08 Lights 704.59 Watet ZZZZZ 169.51 Supplies 339.58 Hauling Ashes, Rubbish, etc 48.30 Flowers, plants, seeds Ptr? 50.20 2,268.14 5 12 . Total Disbursements, Health and Quarantine Department $ SIDZRUFFS DEPARTMENT ' Rent Total Disbursements, Surveyor's Department 336.40 HEALTH AND QUARANTINE DEPARTMENT Registrars 334 5Q $ DISTRICT COURT Office Maintenance 1.315.43 1,013.02 319.82 ; 63.00 22.40 Total Disbursements, Attorney's Dept. 5 SURVEYOR'S DEPARTMENT Salary, County Surveyor 300.00 $ Paper and Ink 23.60 Equipment 12.80 1,045.50 8.10 10.00 232.50 Total Disbursements, Justices Court $ 5,192.56 Books - Transportation of Transients Board and Lodging of Indigents Miscellaneous Items Salary and Expense of Public . Health Nurses Assessing and Collecting Taxes Public Welfare Office Office Maintenance Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment Mileage, Disbursing Officer Telephone and Telegraph Rental of Quarters Miscellaneous Services Works Progress Administration Office Incidentals ...... Telephone 47.51 Total Disbursements, Treasurer's Dept. $ ATTORNEY'S DEPARTMENT Salaries, Attorney and Stenographer .... $ 1,800.00 Office Maintenance 95.61 433.75 1,686.17 3,195.47 2,675.54 3,315.48 380.02 502.13 545.09 or Nurse. 4,080.00 284.90 167.33 112.00 487.92 12.90 Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment ...... Books and Binders Treasurer's Expense ? - Co. Physicians' and Nurse's Salary Food, Clothing, Medicine, etc Hospitalization Burial Expense Attendance by other than Co. Physician 7,568.43 $ COXSTBrCTlOX PAUPER FUND .. 5,717.67 Salaries, Special . Office Maintenance 1 $40,45095 SPEttAL Total Disbursements Co. Road Fund TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT s 3.691.25 Salaries, Regular $ j Special Construction Total Disbursements, Recorder's Dept. Total Receipts, Exhibits and Advertising Fund HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT FUND i Total Disbursements, County Road 3,645.00 1,444.90 1,475.35 S59.09 198.80 58.00 387.29 Salaries, Regular Salaries, Special Office Maintenance Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment Books and Binders Recorder's Expense 48.482.00 Maps and Plats, Material &00.44 4,121.21 2,000.00 Assessing and Collecting Taxes RECORDER'S DEPARTMENT 1,717.67 4,000.00 Receipts for Traffic Fines District No. District No. 2 District No. 3 District No. 5 District No. 6 Etna to Lucin 6,732.40 Salaries, Regular Salaries, Special Salarier, Field Assessors Office Maintenance 12,758.05 Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment books ana Binders . : Assessor's Expense Total Receipts, Pauper Fund .. DEPENDENT MOTHERS FUND Receipts from State Auditor Transferred from Dependent Mothers Fund , ASSESSOR'S DEPARTMENT 19.00 $ COUNTY ROAD 433 80 504.28 215.55 5.52 53.07 ...... Total Disbursements, County Road Maintenance 5,520.18 Total Disbursements, Clerk's and Auditor's Dept. 6,409.85 6,000.00 254.20 75.00 Tax Redemptions $ '. Total Receipts, County Road Fund.. PAUPER FUND Tax Redemptions 1937 Tax Refund of Indigent Payments Refund of money paid on Hospitalization Refund of Money for Postage Stamps for P. W. Office Salaries, Regular Salaries, Special Office Maintenance Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment Books and Binders 49,500.73 Clerk's Expense 754.78 ' Proc'esV W,'. J Co Co"" pSers tsros nn ruweu M. V. Rohwer 7.50 Resralia Mf e. Co A Kcnnol ZZ Brigham Triplets jiauae Baker Brigham Auto " Leland Carlsen '" Class of '38 Civic Improvement Club .."."". . j. yy. jnamoers Con. Wagon & Mach. Co. " Daily Reminder . "'" Edward Fridal Freshman Class McLaren Funk Mrs. Dale HarHtno- mnn Charles Reeves 5 00 Railway Express Agency 4 g7 Doyle Rasmussen O. G. Stewart - 'nn R. Scholer tZ 15.00 5.00 3.60 9.79 1.50 5.00 50 3.00 - Salt Lake Tribune E. M. Sackett Salt Lake Stamp Co Edna Schow William Sheffield A. V. Smoot Ut-IdCent. R. R. Co Valley Tag & Envelope Co., Lamar Valentine Veterans of Foreign Wars a. -- Henry Hoist u ei7.il uiis&Ker Grover Harper John House Jesse W. Hoopes Packer Hatch Home Economicn Albert Hansen 3,622.83 4,573.70 8,015.42 252.83 2,229.49 47.83 56.04 1,575.00 rin' BernUS Hunnnlr I wm. Horaley & Sons win. is, norsley ..... '"" 4.00 6.00 1.50 .50 3.00 3.00 7.02 5.00 105.37 43.60 Jay Wright Lewis S. Wight Western Union Western Printing Willard Yates Co GENERAL FUND American Linen Co Dewey Ashcroft AUsteel Office Sup. Co George Abbott John Adams |