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Show ' ; : '. ; - A J - " ' ' 'h .;;;:...,,,- i f - . v.,.' : '.-.- '' ' , . : . i. J - ! i - I , J . - . , " ''Ill . r , ; - , - r - . , ill', J; j ? ( , , Wh inh ha lived, wer been t&at which, otherwise, would nof be of and Buppofted as a distinct class has and develope to toe spirit of the Mormon interest to them. A few weks since, all calculate! to' bring out lorego officers have always a to the fullest' extent those latent qualirelisoo. Tbeeiaurcta urth tha nannU in .business the Ibex Company favored us with ban been taught fpOSition at Oasis, the duties Jteing those ties of m ind that.tp ade him the grand oQairs and la politics, it central figure of American history and to the people taa mis - me and toreceivinir forwarding nwuv nave ;Th Millard Pub. Co., Props. of life, and tUousands cluster the lesser lights j ore to the smelter and other general around which and seen it practiced with success." sons .and daughters. PAY-D..aPiTA- that, w 1th the work that is needed to be done at this of America's noble l ... wriii mi fcUBbCiiirriON rates: 1JIB ICdUCl sur$2.00 eT,(intinn of are j paying Whether we viewhimas asimple rear thp first sentencctbe above point, and for which they ,...( J in (Payable advaoce). Z.n-- tne liiaue lUliu a nueiuioaiciry. ict veyor, or.leading from ambush the bror: clipping is in hp nast tense. Ttie n troops of the. .argue-m'ent- s writer is nearly rignt;we ken "and the r 6IBSS Editor. nnd to "sassiety'r back away goes quirer Braddock,or with sublime courrefute the Blade's position and plead guilty to soiling oyer editorial to and almost super-huma- n ntered at the PostofSce of Oasis as by so doing refutes its own arguements handa with a square- - age, heroism ' .Henceforth "all kinds of Morchandiso his s matter. witu starving fotritude ore cars of sharing out. The editor pointed shove, cleaning instead of the Blade's. :! ' Valmis-t- v and- we are conscientiously trying to and freezirig army the .miseries of and dim in the lives the Eaquirer as f WEDNESDAY, FEB. 20, 1892. uast: he cannot, apparantly, pull earn our daily wages. After a, confess- - ley Forge, his triumhal position branch of the himself out of tho Fifties and into the ion of the henious crime of working Chief of the Executive : assisted will be sold down LOWER than ever before. t BLAD2 AOENT3 tfineties. He doesn't seem to realize with our hands as well as headland free government he had so; ably Jclovr ! a list of our agents, who will that political conditions have changed, which, instead of making us ''sick and tojestablish, or simply as a citizen de,ciy subscriptlens and receipt for and attempts to throw sophistic sand tired" has added six and a half pounds voted to agriculture at Mt. Vernon, the yraents: to our averdupoise Avithsn a few weeks, greatness and nobility of the man was in the eyes of his readere by intimatfor first, class Goods will be our prices iChrlntfan Anderson, Fillmore. ever we to will a in i Thow Mtnmott, Soipio. predominant. say few .words proceed ing that the Blade, in its opposition O. A. Datf, Iloiden. to hirrh ecclesiastical stumping, would reply to the lesser 'crime of stealing Washington loved the quietness of EJOtto. I Geo. natural scenes. To him' the voice of Crane, Kanosh. also prohibit the Apostles from entering ''Genesisand Geology," The Hinckley Co-o- p is a HOME ENTERPRISE and parmanantly reifreuurK. Junes iiauon, Bnrbanlt. in murmer M.or-a to : primehushed nature with is the of of The first the; relations part into business Edward Webb, charge that Vm. Chaatain, Ibapah. Tooelee C a above series of To the articles, "con-- val forests, whispered the presence of established. mon implied publishing people. Oak City. Lyman.Meadow. Joseph A. any temple Hyruia Adams. charge we answer no.' The more the sidered by many to be very good." To the Infinite. Grander than A. HIfIGKLE A, were the over- Apostles associate with the people in that charge also we plead guilty so far reared bv human hands, their every-dalives, outside of politi-- 1 as we know the "consideration" of our spreading branches of the ancient trees. CHURCHMEN IN POLITICS." cal stumping, the better for all con- readers. It was under their canopy made green To the "sassiety" writer and the one under the , warmth of summer, or the cerned. Under the above caption theUtah "The idea that they (the Apostles) who knows'posiTiviSLT" that"Genesis great, naked branches bereft of their endeavers to combat the Blade's should be paid for theii services" etc., and Geology" runs "word for word" with shining foliagp by winter's frosts and tmmem IffTTTf SBnKSS position that Apostles and otheroffhigh the is not germane to the subject. "The the contents of Hugh Miller's work; or winds, that Washington poured forth ' dignitaries shouM keep 1 1 church omcers naye always been one any other work for that matter, we the fulluess of his heart in words of Uump, politically. The Enquirer's .' That if? what the say trot out your "deadly paralells" and touching eloquence to Him that alone was written in an amicable with the people." Blade desires should continue. "But we will give yor five dollars apiece for was able to strike from the limbs of Inood. and as euch is entitled to a ;"V" V;.f;?r:'-.how can a partisan Apostle" be one every "word for word" you may be able America's sods and daughters the answer. an hereditary tyranny. The Blade's objection toApostles tak- with the people v hen half are Repub to produce. The writer never had the fetters forged by relicans and the. other half Democrats. pleasure of persuing that eminent View his character as we may, and ing the slump is dual. We have one The political Apostle can enly "be Scotchman's wroks. We have read Quo from every conceivable standpoint, peatedly pointed out the fact, and the great f.vhif.h I ho. Enauirer studiously aoias, one," politically, with those that are tations from Hugh Miller's "Old Red Washington stands among ones of . political history as the tallest I that In a religious sense the Apostles members of his party. The period which Sandstone" whichdwells ontheDevonion as rue believed to be inspired. The Mor- the EnCiuireroises as a crutch for its period or "age of fishes," but there was and grandest of them all, and, mon people ni'iot twici each year in bad logic, was a time when both Apos not a word or line in those quotations Renah says of the SaviouJ, "show to ireneral conference, and four additional tles and lesser churchmen all belonged that referred to the subject of "Genesis man whence he came, and whither he 1 limes each year in Stake quarterly con- to one party thePeop!es,and it was an and Geology" so far at loast, as it has should tend," and that man's destiny ferences, asgrofrating once every two easy matter for the Apostles "to be one been written. In nursinir the sabiecr. is not alone for this life. Such natures we will have something to say of the as that of Washington bridge the gulf tnonth.s and each holding aloft his or with the. people," politically. Now for the editor of the Millard Devonion rocks, upon which Hugh and point the way th at lies between her right hand as a token of solemnity to rise up at this late date Miller nor any other writer, has a pat and leads upvv ard rom the condition County "Jind sincerity before the Almighty, vote and tellBlade the people of Utah that their 10 sustain the Apostles as "Prophets church omcers must be a distinct class ent or copyright. iThe Great God of of barbarism to the heights of infinite '7 not mingle with the people in poli nature has left tne language of all the progression where dwells the One in Seers andReveiators.;' The Blade's con- and tics, for fear of a coufusion of church and tention is, that if a man really is a state, is an exhibition of audacity more rocks as a common heritage to all those whom the "Father of his Country" possessed such unbo unded confidence. that care to decipher their meaning. Prophet Seer and Eevelator, he must than oi good sense." The writer has never at any time Does not "this late date" also involve ;hold spiritual communion with the nata tho fact that conditions have changed claimed originality for the scientific Supreme Being, and it follows as PLAIN TALK. law of unavoidable thought from that early date in which the En portions of "Genesis and Geelogy." ural and that a man who is inspired in his re- quirer editors love lies dreaming? ' To the interpretation of the word The Blade's plain talk last week on the evils of too much dancing i n connection And the Enquirer man thinks it ligion must necessarily be inspired in his. politics. It stands to reason if the audacious, does he, in the Blade to ex ality and also iD the Blade's method vvitn lax social restraints, nas tlone no Pure Wines. Whiskies, and Good Father speaks to a man inavisioD press its honestcconvictions. That ex- - of treating the subject, . and defy the end of good. The people are aroused to . or whispers it thraugh tne man s spirit- - pression alone furnishes ample proof "Sassiety" writer and his "positively" action and will take vigorous measures to Brandies ual nature that a certain religion is that the Enquirer editor is aback num- - inclined informaut, to prove to the introduce reforms. -- AT THE He her; he can't shake oil his old phanta- contrary. The field of knowledge is f Divine as against all others. conBlade The that regrets deeply woaia poms out w inai wme iu- - i mal dream oi absolutism and the cen- - open to every one, and if eve:y ditions made such plain talk necessary, plred servant the right political path,- tralization of power. He would; have one' who utters or pens an idea and that a few feel i V unkindly towards the I f If tho people accept his inspired relig- the press, muzzled and himself the self- - were to stop and give the names i ; was true, and as line of the long list of authors to whom writer. But every lun thy will, If consistent, accept his appointed censor. Audacity or;not, the Blade will keep the world is indebted for the thought, such we have not a word to retract. There Inspired politics. That is, the people cannot by any possibility .seperate the up its fight for what it conceives to be his work would certainty nAke up in are certain Btages in nearly all diseases ALSO PURE ALCOHOL. J inspirational idea in their minds. right, and all we ask of the Enquirer is curiosity what it would lack in interest. where heroic treatment is necessary, and f If an Apostle take tne stump ior nis to refute our arguments, if it thinks it However, there are a few who would that W. A, KEYSOR, Prsp'r. stage has been reached here in Des- of a will be can. .. it not If cannot be there troubled back make large portiou better the eret by tracing any UTAH. tarty, DESERET, SiU 'audience ot the opposite polifical "stagger" at refutation than that we genoalogy of an idea, and the Fillmore We are graUfied.to know that the peo1faith. Itis a well known fact, that have quoted, it will be. just as well for scribbler is one of them. Gh A. GARDNER, ' are with the Blade and will stay with LOCAL TIME CARD In order to encourage the Progress pie eich political partisan is," as a rule, cer-- it to close its ancient eyes and relapse in for the battle it reforms. In effect.DeclJ 16. 1894. e tain that he is right. It is'a raatter of into its slumber, and beside of dude, who covertly sneers at the idea Train arrive and depairt at various statloni ill daily as follows : intelligence with him and oh' which he which old Rip Van Winkle was of manual labor, we will name There are threats of personal chastise NEPIII, UTAH. Southbound. fZZ3 l Stations. a partial list of eminent men to ment being sent to the writer. That may Northbound.. fs more than, usually sensitive. If the J troubled with insomnia. Leave Leave Arr. Arr. be we on whom in the polconnection with done, but it will not still the Blade's Watches and iewelry promntly re 3.10 ni 2.00 am Ogrdeb .... 6.30 pm 10.40 anv Apostlic sumper'Mreads 4.20 pm JU0 am Ar t Sal j Lv 5.20 pm t.SO umi are voice, We have no favors to ask but paired. Mail orders solicited. millions of other itical corns of his opponents they be readers, am uy j Jjjajc Ar O.IW pm SMILE." WE' 8.10 am come indignant, their intelligence has deeply indebted forimformation. They many to bestow where they are deserved. Sandy . . ,4.43 pm ... Eurrika, It was with no small degree ofamuse- - are: Professors James D.Dana, Denton, One of the unpleasant features in all been iniul ted, and there will coxne over .. Fairrield .. THE 8.42 am..Lehi Jiinct.. 4.12 pm le1n an: unusual amount of disgust, ment that "brother Gibbs" read the Winchell, Le Coute and other Ameri efforts at reform is. that the tenderest 0 V 8.50 am Amer'ri Fork 4.03 8.55 am Pleas'tfOrove 3.56 pm clipping from the Fillmore "sassiety" can geologists. In sociology, Herbert pm'rhey do not believe the Apostle-poli- ti of the heart must necessarily be 6.15am Prdvo.... 3.37pmcian is inspired in his politics, and as sheet, otherwise known as the Millard Spencer' (author of synthetic philoso- feelings Gauge f.34 am Spanilh Fork 3.T8 pni The other day a lady came to 9.S2 am . Pay son . . 3.01 pm jthey cannot separate the idea of entire Progress (?) and;' which is published be phy,) Draper. Henry George, Guizot probed. 10.55am ..;.Nphi. .. office Blade son the her who .; is low. 2.00pm ,. RAILWAYl regarding and the long list of magazine writers 11.85 am Ar j mspiration.along with the certaintythat mm Lvl.20 11.55 am Lv1(Jfab fArl. 00 pm The Blade has never before accused on the same and kindred subjects. the Apostle is away off as to his politics, pm wayward and being led into the ways of 1.35 pm 11.25 am ' Leanittgton the matof 3.25 th sheet its as to come a j doubt . Aposhere will In conclusion, (we will say to the hoodlumi8m by the allurements that were "sassiety'1 THROUGH pm ..i'..04sis.. .. 9.G5 am stealing 4.10 pm GleaJrLake 9.10 am We ter. a from the few who Fillmore A un as scribbler dishes to ast weeH clippicg published 6.00 am Ar Sil- - Lv 7U5 pm lie's inspiration religion. severely condemned by the Ar 6.00 pm loses of "inspired " politics will make Logan Nation wherein that paper cuff ed weakly "sassiety" notes, that ho lies, Blade. As she spoke of her son's way 10 00 pm LvHrdf ,fam ... . Frisco . . 4.30 am f Arrive Leave any ordinary partisian ; ot the opposite the "sassiety" sheet's ears for stealing maliciously and intentionally lies, ward course, and the evil Influences of Trains souhef run dail excxm S t Jua) from the sick and Nation's with of bodily when "Genes columns,. he DATS' the writer faith, political disgusted charges Two through jt rains daily from Salt f he religio-politicThe clipping is as follows, head line is and Geolvgy". with having ever' de- saloon life, she sobbed like a child, and combination. Hi ' to all points? East. lAke one that witness the could f such intense and all; rived one idea from a book he never disgust wdl be intensified by the of Pullman falace Sleepers rm SaiV Choice Distinct Three Through Routes, Lake to Chicago wftMout change. A SICK AND TIBED 4 EDITOR. ' r saw. Although the assertion that itis emotion, wilhout feeling in his heart that thought that the J Apostle-politicla- n . Improved Tourist AKD THX i leepers. 3 a on t$he strength of This shoveliner ore out of box cars in "work for wood" like Hugh Miller's certain elements in this community ilOST rJAGHIFlSEHT Free Reclining Chair cars. . RAILROAD SCEKERt Elegant day coaches. us being a "Prophet Seer and Revela- - connection with his editorial (?) work treatment of the same subject, is cer- should be stamped upon, and- nerved to The only line runman doesn't dininsr Car with who is the agree; The shortest operktiuar auu iuc iJCki iioiau iaiit:ut ibia r ki i afcdj f astpst lino t aerric. tll peint tainly a compliment to the writer. Td assist in doing it, would be adamantine east. i ) Known that three years ago there" were j if we are to judge from his latest literary our readers we humbly begyour pardon and a depraved, moral coward. We appeal S Vytz, Agent, OaBip. D. E. Burley, Genfl Apt. sxaral thousand voters in Utah that the Blade has ever a Ior scrub would Drticm8 men to to tQat the Passgr. Dept., the from in Two start young Fast the regard indulged feelings Express Trains Daily City Ticket ome, 201 Main st,-- Salt Lake Upon the disbandment of the old peo- is nnrcatcnea by any other newspaper nreier sucn a cnarere. claiming ne bad of their mothers who, as the L. Lomax, Oen'ijPassgT. aud Ticket Ajrt- lady in puoasnea in me 'lerntory. vve rarely PVidAn., nnrl thnn not pro .E. PecMiifson, Gen'l Mngr,rOmtth ; KA.Cn 'WAT BSTWAOIf ple's party, were undecided as to which conaesgena 1 " are broken hearted " sucn rot m our to reaa S. H. Hi Clark, said, questiod hide of the political fence thoy would columns,' but as theany Blade is 'spoiling duce it. And we would not have deOliver W. Mink, OGDEN, SALT LAKE AND DENVER. In connection with the above, the Blade E. Ellery Anderson,' fill. It is well known how the Terri fora fight," over something it knows voted even a line of denial were all John W. Doane, we Jsiclc nrom will nomine into it on aoout, to the saloon in say Frederick R. Coudert, tory stood two year ago and how it inence for once. our readers personally acquainted with has a few words LEGAfiT Receiver RECUK1NG CHAIR CARS! We dd not desire stands to day. However much others To begin with, the Blade cannbt point tha writer. A paper that will publish fluence over the boys an we nave out eaitorai tnat clipped from of Oil mrg0 hiay differ with us as to our conclusions, any paper without giving proper credit. that'it has 2,000 subscribers when one to do any injustice to any one nor do we ive are just as certain as we can be of But to sweep a little closer before. your of the stock-holdein the Progress wish. to injure a legitimate business. But Direct CcnnecUor.t tae6s In Union Depots, Uibbs you have ben the one assured aaything. that the remarkable change own door, brother to it", we writer and will that prove plant prepared 'recently sayj a publishing' ' Benes of articles on ''Gene Has wrought by the" impossibility o. sis ....! the repeated protests of par TEE HOST TEOItOUQELT EQTIIPPEn R1TT.WAY Geology that are considered by many the bona fide subscribers numbered be- that against okfeis, UTAjr. If2 eral thousand "doubtf uls" to seper- - 10 ue &00 and 400, is too tween , v. veryi gooa. r contemptable to have been permitted minors oeea Das I"""'-to yisit ents, Continguoul consiaerame i siwbts D, 0, I0Dar., A. E. WELBT, I,7L $3'R'EtTt Railway Station, f a falsifier to be noticed except for the iieineiaea oi inspiration in reiicion saloon ever almost since he the Htr. iel. L T. k T. A. it arfe' 8nt. Good day f :md politics. We also pointed out in own reaaers as to wnetner or not the ar same reason that people are justified in jiRates reasonable, ticles in question were really the product hftve first opened. Repeated promises !he article to which the Enquirer at- of that snaps atthe your own brain. We submit the fol kicking a poodlc-do-. g been given that it would be stopped. to d is that reply,' a Of tempts nearly every lowing facts, obtained from person who J heels passers-byhflected Mormon becomes a skeptic an d Those promises on the part of the saloon leave the do own their public'to 00-O- P thinking the law of cause and con in regard to the matter About the time following out keeper havd been repeatedly broken, a i born, or, shortly after, Hugh THE sequence, Eiumpmg" nas a yoa were FATHER OF HIS COUNTRY- - and young men ana older men a ; wrote a DOOK on iuiuer, tandencv to make skeptics of many .of that very ocuKnman DEALERS IN- subiect. The book was nub- have been well-nig- h lured to de- 'be will Next the in lished Friday ihe Mbrmon people. anniversary England, and is nearly out of but your articles run word for of the birth of the 'Father of his Coun structltra by the wiles of the card The foregoing is the Blade's oft1 stat prints ' word almost, with the contents of that This condition of wiia tne exceptions of a few omis try." Along the stream of time there are and pool tables. td position. Ana instead of answering dooe, i. ions you nave made in order to "cut her thousands of intellectual mon uments thihgs has progressed until it has become the propostions above set forth the En short." Is it possible that von hav n a positive curse and a crying evil. The of that book in Wj5 AltE NOW SETTLED IK OUR riliASAX" quirer croes back into the liftie3 and copy possession and that mark the passing of tht centuries nave actually engagedyour In and o of the brain steal the the wer human to have the it progress family people stop Why fays: . v ing business yourself. And carry a full Line to and , use it? We has Blade taken liberty that enlightenment; Among Millard dodt "The Bay they Coanty Uur reason for publishing all those grand examples of the great- - the parents are more to blame than their principal thlTni? needed by our inon. itself the task to prove that it is 5'. :; . I. church for the to is wrong foregoing prominent the riotify of Hltogether saloon-keeperpeople ' ut;&3 ui mt numan intellect, inere are boys or the If the latter ?nen to participate. in politics. In Utah Millard that the Fillmore sheet is still none that tower above "The Father of will not observe the law without coercion, f hat idea is altogether inconsistent with h his Country" in all those qualities of force them to do it. , But jbcs lone as the the past social condition of the people, breathing. We invite our Prjends from a Distance to cbijtlmie believed the that ida always fear For several that rhepioneers of the mmd and heart that characterize the fathers of wayward sons permit it with hundred Ibelr Calls, ami afu of churchmen isolation the ff leading from ths temporal affairs in life, because Blade readers who are performing hon noblest and best among the children of out a vigorous protest the evils coni' B call auention tri .hT hannened . to be ministers, of the e&tj manly, physical labor either at men. plained of will continue. .C.lanfa fine The in was wrong principle. Our are readers gospel, mistaken think if ere out of box or some they cars", The date of his birth, his experience ministers of the Mormon people, their "shoveling Jen s ana tioy the Blade enjoys this- kind of A fight wniMifcr,I'BTa'be,0,Ttbe of stakes manual and will shocked be other a as at work, iri apostles, presidents bishops, the wilderness, his We have surveyor J to business hesitated the trench with fJiVU have mingled la repeatedly of editor their the thought tp communion with nature in her grand on the stooping ' and the that the iu Idea, we are past, but in tt and it eople subiect, sbottld f.;9.patd for their serviirf sueii menial employment, we will state est and most solemn moods, and the istay Threats will avail natbing? we . . i- . tHe I l ' 1 Q T - !'.' panic-stricke- ill-fate- WN prmciple' pf n Business. d aif'tfe. long-handle- d, srl-la- H NC LEY - i j NON-COMPETITIV- E i . 1 j y En-luir- - ; . er wUl find a NEW STOC K:bf.f STA PLE GOODS ar-vic- le res-lectf- ul in the ON E at HINCKLEY. ' " f Goods at BED BOOK figure. I v I Highest prices paid for praixu . Just Hecieved " ... : . m jstaMishe 1 - ? . v-r4- Jso CCIDENT . Saloon, - iff ! - B- - Watch Maker- old-tim- , ' I . v Standard - - rain f ally aa folio x . fouthbound. rav' . 1 ;,X THE. 745 8.10 . : 8.42 : -- 8.B5 ; t.15 o vote-winn- urns , 1 .va 5 ? - -t f -- i ,. tsttt s ! ( if ... I n A . 1 u rr- - i - ; rs r ' - - t. - I r - a " MIL. INST'. i -- ' dENERAL MERCHkwBIE, ! t Mm 1 i. , nivf' i : Humerous Patrons, s. i " 4,1 ri.ii I I OH- , - i - nn-RAi- - suiouimi , V- : :;;lT,:SteplienseiivB jy iT mm HOLDBN , A - . ... t : er - mil 9.34, f . ; 8.f0 if . Lei oo Ii ir. 5 Pi ' |